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Come Closer: A Romantic Suspense (The Viera Triplets Book 2)

Page 10

by Nicole Casey

  Yvette whooped and clapped her hands.

  “Nothing like an in-house domestic to get the week rolling,” she joked, rising. “And as fun, as they sound, they’ll still never get a judge to sign off on it. There’s a reason that these laws are in place.”

  Vern did not look convinced and for the first time, I began to envelop some of his stress.

  Ryerson Sterling knows everyone. He’d have no problem finding a judge to sign off on this if he wanted. He probably has half a dozen judges sitting at the club right now with a pen poised.

  But the repercussions of allowing both parties to be represented by the same firm were daunting.

  “You two are making me giggle,” Yvette announced, heading toward the doorway. “There is no way this is going to happen.”

  “From your mouth to God’s ear, Yvette,” Vern said, and she shrugged indifferently.

  “I’ll leave you alone to worry about nothing together,” she declared, shooting us a brief smile.

  “Yvette,” Vern called after her and she turned back.


  “If this comes to fruition and the Sterlings both end up at Kilpatrick-Campbell you’re going to be representing Ryerson Sterling.”

  The half-smile froze on Yvette’s attractive face as if she suddenly realized why we wore the expressions we did.

  “Yeah,” Vern grumbled, also noting her change in disposition. “That’s what I thought.”

  He sauntered out of my office without another word, leaving Yvette and I to stare at one another.

  “Well,” she said lightly after a moment of silence. “It will be just like the good old days at mock trial.”

  I managed a grin but something in my turbulent gut told me that this was not going to end like a mock trial at all.



  I wasn’t concerned about the Sterlings. I knew that the couple was too angry to think straight in the wake of their impending divorce but once their heads cleared, they would realize how ridiculous having attorneys from the same firm would be.

  It never ceases to amaze me how intensely childish adults can act involving matters of the heart, I thought as I left the office that afternoon. They are willing to bite off their own noses to spite their faces.

  It wasn’t quite five o’clock as I stepped through the revolving doors of Kilpatrick-Campbell and onto Simmons Street.

  I could not remember the last time I had left the office so early, but I had a much-needed hair appointment, one which I had been putting off for at least two weeks.

  It was only a matter of time before I received an earful from one of the senior partners about my too long mane of hair.

  And I should get something done with these eyebrows too, I thought, catching a glimpse of myself in a reflective store window.

  There were just not enough hours in a day.

  How was I supposed to keep myself presentable, meet clients, get to court, hold mediations, fill out paperwork, maintain my house and sleep all in a twenty-four-hour period? Something always had to give and most of the time, it was sleep.

  In this case, my hair too.

  Sometimes I longed for my sisters’ finer tresses and I wondered how, as triplets, we ended up with so many differences.

  Even with Maya’s dark hair, she didn’t have the constant battle to contain her smooth waves like I did with my curls, something I secretly envied about her.

  Of course, Vyolet has nothing to worry about with that fine blonde head of hair. It figures that the genetics god would give them the easier to maintain looks and stick me with one more thing to do.

  That was my life, it seemed, an incessant struggle to control everything from spinning off its axis.

  I wasn’t complaining; it was the path I had chosen for myself.

  Being a lawyer ensured that my days were filled with productivity and despite the sometimes depressing nature of divorce law, I genuinely felt as if I was making a difference in people’s lives.

  So often divorce is seen as a sickening end but to me, it could be a wonderful beginning, a new start.

  I failed to understand why so many people saw the deterioration of their marriage as a bad thing.

  Easy for you to say, I thought as I found the lot with my car. You’ve never been married with the opportunity to divorce. Thank God.

  I didn’t remind myself of that one time I had come too close to tying the knot.

  I clicked the fob on my Mini Cooper and jumped in, a gentle autumn breeze tickling my cheek as I did.

  It was a forty-five-minute drive back to my home in Oriental, but I always enjoyed the trip. Being in the car was one of the few times I had to myself completely, free of work or responsibility and I treasured the time I had to lose myself in the soulful voice of Amy Winehouse or Adele for the duration of my commute.

  “You should be a singer,” Maya told me once on a road trip somewhere. “You can hold a tune better than anyone I know.”

  “Maybe I can pitch it to Kilpatrick,” I joked. “The singing attorney. I’m sure the clients will love that.”

  “I’m sure the partners will welcome any sound to drown out the client’s sobbing,” Maya chirped.

  It was one of those compliments that stayed with me, though. Maybe it was because I knew Maya wasn’t simply flattering me. There were few people more forthcoming than my sister, after all.

  But I think it went deeper than that, touching me on a level which made me think that maybe there was more to me than just briefs and depositions.

  I twisted the volume button on the stereo and caught Interstate 17 toward home, half admiring the brilliance of colors on the dying trees.

  Soon I was in the quaint town which I resided, heading into the tiny main center toward Envy Salon.

  There were nicer places in New Bern and closer to work, but habit dictated that Charlotte do my hair as she had since the dawn of time it seemed.

  I hated to admit that I was such a creature of habit but there was no denying it; I liked things done a certain way – mine.

  Charlotte hurried to greet me as I walked in, her smile wide as she brightened the modest entryway.

  “Am I late?” I asked, mostly out of habit. I knew I wasn’t.

  “Of course not,” she laughed. “Early as always. Come in. What are we doing today?”

  I followed her to a chair and sat as she draped me, pulling the chignon from my hair.

  “The usual,” I replied. “Only a couple inches off, a few layers, auburn lowlights.”

  Charlotte chuckled.

  “I don’t know why I asked,” she remarked ruefully, and I felt myself get slightly defensive.

  “If it works, why knock it?” I asked, and she nodded in agreement.

  “I concur,” she replied, brushing out my unruly curls with her fingers. “You are a classic beauty, however. You can pull off any look you want. I envy the Viera bone structure.”

  I snorted.

  “Do we have a bone structure?”

  “Vyolet was here day before last and she chopped off all her hair. Have you seen her?”

  My eyes widened in surprise. I could not envision my fair, blonde sister with short hair.

  “Really?” I asked. “She’s always had long hair. I wonder what inspired her to cut it.”

  Charlotte chuckled loudly.

  “I would say that married life inspired her to cut it. She’s got her hands full now, you know. Two kids and that sexy husband.”

  I admit I hadn’t given it much thought.

  Guilt flooded me suddenly as I tried to recall the last time I had gone home for Sunday dinner.

  It occurred to me that neither Maya nor Vyolet had bothered to ask if I was coming in a long while.

  I guess being paired off makes them forget about the little people now, I thought, and I was taken aback by the spark of bitterness the realization brought with it.

  I had no right to feel neglected.

  How many times had I brushed off the fa
mily because of work? They certainly didn’t need to continue chasing me but even so, I could not shake the sense of disappointment I felt.

  Just because they have significant others doesn’t mean that they should forget about me. Especially since they have a fifty-fifty chance of working out.

  I was mortified at my cynical thought.

  Even if it was a statistical fact.

  Your sisters’ unions are going to be fine. They will beat the odds and be happy, I chided myself, relieved that no one could read my mind.

  “And I saw Maya last week,” Charlotte continued, apparently not noticing the sour expression on my face. “She is positively glowing. Whatever she’s doing is working for her.”

  “She’s doing Slade,” I replied evenly, and Charlotte hooted.

  “Well I suppose I would be glowing too if I had a man like that,” the hairdresser replied. “How about you, Yve? You got any handsome hunk warmin’ your bed at night?”

  I snorted almost derisively.

  “I’ve got lots of briefs in my bed. Unfortunately, they aren’t the kind you’re thinking of.”

  “You’ll find your Prince Charming,” Charlotte assured me as if I looked forlorn about being single.

  I spared her the diatribe I usually reserved for the overly presumptuous because I knew she meant well but it didn’t stop a surge of annoyance from coasting through me.

  I could never figure out why people always attributed single life to loneliness. My days were filled with activity from dawn until midnight. Even if I wanted to feel lonely, I wouldn’t have a chance.

  I am perfectly happy being a career woman. Relationships are just not for me.

  After she washed my hair and we were seated back at the vanity, Charlotte still chirping in my ear as if she had been starved of conversation all day, my cell began to ring.

  I glanced at Charlotte apologetically, but she waved indifferently.

  “Go on ahead, honey. I know, honey, duty calls,” she said, and I snatched the Blackberry off the vanity.

  My brow furrowed slightly as I recognized Draven’s personal cell number.

  He’s not calling from the office. What could he possibly want? I wondered and in spite of myself, I felt a strange flutter in my chest.

  Our college relationship had belonged to different people, young, idealistic and unwise kids who believed in the commercial concept of love and forever.

  But every so often, I would be hit with the memory of Draven and I, sitting on the quad, laughing at something inane and it would stay with me for a long while.

  There was forever a picture of him ingrained in my psyche, one which was so vivid, it I could almost reach out and touch his tanned face with my fingers.

  In it, his grey eyes were sparkling with amusement over something I had said as a single, rogue black spiral teased his forehead from the top of his widow’s peak.

  His long, even white teeth gleamed in the sunshine and he sat back against the lush grass of the courtyard, his lean but toned frame long and relaxed.

  I loved the way his face lit up, accentuating his round cheeks as if all the life of the universe existed in him.

  I had never really laughed with anyone as much as I did with Draven.

  Landing in the same law firm had been somewhat of a shock but occasionally, I indulged in the idea that my ex had followed me to North Carolina, hoping to reconcile.

  That notion was quickly quashed when he arrived at Kilpatrick-Campbell with a fiancée in tow.

  Still, we maintained our friendship and it didn’t take me long to figure out that we were better as chums than we were lovers.

  We know too much about human suffering to go down that road again, I thought when he broke up with his fiancée within two weeks of joining the firm.

  Although I never said anything, I could have seen that coming.

  “Yvette Viera,” I answered, even though I knew who it was.

  Maybe he’s going to ask me to meet him for a drink, I thought, and a shiver of anticipation slipped through me.

  I was embarrassed for myself.

  Clearly, I had not had sex for a long while.

  “You picked a hell of a day to skip out early,” he greeted me. “I was tearing around the third floor looking for you until Abby finally told me you left for the day.”

  “I had an appointment,” I replied. “What happened?”

  “Are you sitting down?”

  “Yes,” I answered slowly. “Do I need to be?”

  Draven let out a huge sigh and my anticipation turned to apprehension.

  “The Sterlings signed off on the conflict of interest waiver,” he told me flatly and I felt my breath catch in my chest.

  “What the hell is wrong with those people?” I asked. “Moreover, what the hell is wrong with Vern for allowing it to go this far? How much more money does he need to net this quarter?”

  “I hear your arguments and I voiced them myself…to Vern of course. I have to meet with Angeline Sterling in the morning.”

  “Well, a judge will never go for it!” I insisted but as I said it, I felt a cold sweat break out on my forehead.

  I would be a fool not to know that what Ryerson Sterling wanted, Ryerson Sterling was going to get.

  How many judges did that man have in his breast pocket alone?

  “Yve, you know that he’ll have no problem – “

  “I know!” I interrupted, irritated that I had even made such a naïve statement aloud. “I’m just trying to process this catastrophe.”

  “If it’s any consolation,” Draven mumbled. “I sprouted an ulcer today.”

  I smiled despite my newfound worry, but my mirth was cut short by a new, disturbing thought.

  If we ended up on opposite ends of a mediation table, we wouldn’t be able to socialize, however innocently.

  It would be misconstrued as improper because even though we were bound by confidentiality, it could be seen as collusion…couldn’t it?

  That night might be the last opportunity I had to see Draven without these paranoid thoughts creeping into my head.

  Those damn fools! They’re making a mess already and we haven’t even gotten into the hair pulling and name calling.

  “Want to grab a drink?” I asked abruptly.

  Draven had to be feeling the same way I did. We might even be able to comfort each other in our time of distress before it was too late.

  “I can’t tonight,” he sighed. “I have a date.”

  The words sent a steel rod through my spine and I turned to stone under Charlotte’s still working hands.

  Or maybe I was completely off base, and he didn’t care at all that we might not have personal contact again for months or more.

  “Of course you do,” I replied lightly. “Another time.”

  “You bet.”

  The phone call disconnected in my ear and I caught Charlotte’s eye as she watched me expectantly for an update.

  “Well?” she cooed, her brown eyes wide. “What happened? It sounded juicy!”

  I shook my head and lowered my gaze.

  “Nothing happened,” I replied. “I changed my mind though.”

  She peered at me pensively.

  “About what?”

  “My hair. I want you to chop it all off. I’m going for a new look this time.”



  Chloe opened the door, her blue eyes sparkling as she stared at me.

  “I have a surprise for you,” she purred, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the foyer of her tiny apartment.

  I managed a smile even though my mind was not in her words.

  “Oh yeah?” I said. “That sounds promising.”

  She grinned at me and yanked me further inside, her full hips rocking side to side.

  She reminded me of Joan from “Mad Men” with that wide, undulated waistline and dark red hair.

  Did I think of myself as some high powered executive chasing around women like her?

I hoped not.

  She walked into the bedroom and I saw the flickering candles immediately.

  Under normal circumstances, I would have been delighted by her uncreative seduction, but I was far too distracted that evening to notice even the sprinkling of rose petals spread over her comforter and the flirty smile on her lips.

  “Oh my,” I said with forced amazement. “What is all this?”

  “You just work so hard,” she purred. “I want to relish the little time we have together before I don’t see you again for three weeks.”

  I chewed on the insides of my cheeks.

  Chloe was under the impression that my busy work schedule kept me from seeing her more often, despite my attempts to be as forthcoming as possible with her about my stance on our casual relationship.

  It wasn’t her, per se. I simply had no interest in anything serious with anyone, let alone a girl who believed that plutonium was a made-up element, used to foil Superman.

  Still, I refused to feel guilty that she only heard what she wanted to hear and continued to provide my healthy male loins with gratuitous sex.

  And after the day I’d had, I was eager to take it.

  Slowly, Chloe began to unbutton the front of her dress and I licked my lips in anticipation.

  “What about dinner?” I asked, and her light eyes widened in surprise.

  “This is better than dinner,” she promised as the silky material fell away from her ripe, voluptuous body.

  She was exquisite, like a Ruben’s statue with full, luscious breasts and a flat stomach.

  Adorning a black and white lace teddy, she sashayed toward me, gently pushing my body against the wall as her mouth grazed my cheek.

  A hand moved up toward my tie and she loosened it, casting it aside with her fallen dress.

  My palms cupped her round cheeks, drawing her closer to me and when our lips met, her tongue jutted out to meet mine.

  She continued to study my face with big, questioning eyes but I closed my lids and savored the sensation of her skillful movements, trailing down my throat as her fingers worked my shirt.

  My palms glided up the smooth pale skin of her back as her head worked across my abs, her breaths growing hotter.


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