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Ravaged River: Men of Mercy, Book 6: A Military Romance Series

Page 16

by Cross, Lindsay

  “So you’re studying terrorism to learn how to beat it?” A tiny spark of hope ignited in her heart. Could she have been right about Malik and the professor after all?

  “When we got out of Syria and I started learning about history, I discovered more and more similarities between the Nazi movement and modern-day terrorist organizations. They use social media as their method of propaganda now, but the threat they pose is the same as it’s ever been. Death.”

  Malik walked around the table and squatted down next to Hayden. “What are you doing?” she asked, alarmed.

  “I think something is happening here in Mercy. Maybe even at the university. I’ve been monitoring the major terrorist organizations’ social networks for years and there has been a big increase in activity in the past two weeks. You need to be careful, watch the people around you.”

  Malik continued, “I hate to tell you this, but I think the terrorists figured out the Professor was tracking them and had him killed.”

  Hayden sunk down, her need to flee disappearing completely. Malik wasn’t a terrorist—far from it. He was tracking them. Maybe he could help the team find the real killers. “Malik, I need you to tell me everything you know.”


  “I don’t like this. Nothing about this guy pops on the radar but the visa. Something feels off.” Hunter stood next to the open back door of a pearl-white Lexus.

  Hoyt assessed his team leader with dead eyes as he made his silent approach. The only thing he could feel right now was his thirst for vengeance. He knew he’d probably done the right thing. Hayden could have a better life without him. Marry Chance and have little golden-haired children with her bright blue eyes.

  And he could continue to kill terrorists.

  “Nothing to guess,” he snapped. “The visas both link to Latham. He’s guilty.”

  As Hunter looked up at Hoyt, his black eyes turned darker than obsidian and erupted with rage. Two wide steps brought him right up to Hoyt.

  “Where the fuck is Hayden?”

  Hoyt would normally get right back in his grill, but this ‘no emotion’ was working for him, so he held back. “She refused to come with me, so I locked her in a concrete room. Here, she wants you to go get her.” Hoyt dangled the keys, not surprised when Hunter snatched them.

  “You had one job-”

  Hoyt held up a hand, cutting him off. “You try to get her to move against her will.”

  Ranger stepped out of the black Jeep parked perpendicularly behind the Lexus, his blond hair too similar in shade to Hayden’s. “Slow down, Hunter. He’s right. Besides, she’s probably safer inside, especially locked in a room, than she would be out here.”

  Jared appeared over the top of the white sedan. “Too many high avenues of approach. Multiple spots for a sniper to position. We’re exposed out here.”

  “I’m not leaving until we get something solid on this guy,” Hunter said.

  “We don’t even know if he’s really a suspect,” Ranger said.

  That got Hoyt’s attention. He’d just watched the squirrelly bastard nearly lose it in that classroom. “There’s definitely something up with him.”

  “Ethan’s been working with Mr. K on the intel,” Ranger countered. “The only connection he’s found is the uncle. That’s enough for suspicion, but not an arrest warrant. So unless you get the guy to walk up to us and hand over a signed confession…” Ranger shrugged, like letting the bad guys roam free was no big deal.

  “Then you want to let him walk? You’ve seen the same shit I have. You know what these guys are capable of.” Hoyt took a deep breath and reigned himself in. “Do we need to revisit our mission in Chechnya last year?”

  Ranger paled a little. Good. Even Hoyt had thrown up after that one. Too many dead bodies. Too many kids. “They don’t care who gets in the way. You okay with taking that chance in Mercy? If this guy’s involved, we need to know. Period.”

  Most of the team had crowded into a tight circle between the Jeep and the Lexus, taking up all the remaining free space on the row. A motorcycle gunned it into the lane, but he slammed on the brakes when he spotted the group.

  The guy took off his blacked-out helmet and cast the team a pissed-off stare, “You’re blocking my path.”

  “Dude, is he really giving us shit right now?” Ranger said.

  “Yeah, I think he is.” Hoyt made a move in the guy’s direction, ready to teach him some manners.

  Jared slung out an arm and blocked his path. “I got it.”

  His big brother was still looking out for him, but instead of getting pissed, Hoyt let it go. He’d like nothing more than to put some fear into the motorcyclist, but from the way the guy was staring up at Jared, his brother had already accomplished that mission.

  Jared crossed his arms, causing his shoulders to swell from extra-large to XX-L. He had the air of a bruiser looking for a fight.

  Without saying anything else, the guy shoved his helmet down and eased out of the parking lot.

  “Nice,” Ranger said.

  Hoyt nodded, but this was no time for a distraction. They needed movement. “So you get a bead on Malik’s address?”

  “Yeah, Aaron and Riser are there now. They’re combing it, but gonna be a minute. Apparently the guy is rich or something and his place is freaking huge,” Hunter said.

  “I checked his office and his lab, got nothing.”

  “Holy shit, look.” Jared pointed over Hoyt’s shoulder.

  Malik Hussein emerged from the front doors, scanned the parking lot, and headed in their direction. “What the hell?”

  Hunter tapped his shoulder from behind. “Hoyt, get a bead on him. Don’t know what he’s packing.”

  Not caring who saw his gun this time, Hoyt pulled out his Beretta and leveled it on the suspect. The guy’s briefcase was small, but not too small to rule out an IED.

  Hunter edged past him, squeezing against the side of the car.

  “Top, fall back,” Hoyt growled.

  “I’m protected between the cars. If he’s coming to talk, I don’t want to scare him off.”

  “And if he’s coming to blow us up?”

  “Then I guess I’ll duck down.”

  Malik passed through the second row of cars. One more row to go before he reached them. He got to the edge of the opening, where he’d have to cross an open stretch of asphalt to reach them, and stopped. He sat his briefcase down and lifted his hands.

  Hunter barked out, “Slow. Keep your hands where I can see them.”

  Malik slowed his movements and lifted his hands out to his sides. The few students walking through the parking lot were too far away to notice anything out of the ordinary. “I just want to talk.”

  “Lift up your shirt.” Hunter said.

  Malik lowered one hand, un-tucked his rumpled button-up and lifted it to reveal smooth skin.

  “Now turn around.”

  No strapped on bomb visible. When the guy finished completing a full circle, he dropped his shirt and stretched his arms back out. “Hayden sent me out here.”

  Hoyt didn’t even try to contain the growl that erupted from his mouth. “Where is she?”

  “In the lab, feeding the mice.”

  “What did you do to her?”

  “Please, give me chance to explain. I swear I did nothing to harm Hayden. I never would.”

  A smart man would have turned and ran, but Malik stood his ground. Hoyt could see him trembling from where he stood.

  “Dial it back, let him speak.” Hunter lifted a hand, waving Malik over. “Come closer, but leave the briefcase.”

  Malik’s eyes flicked from Hoyt to his gun. Hoyt didn’t lower it one bit.

  Hunter took another step forward, exposing his body in front of the nose of the car. “He’s not gonna lower the weapon. Not until I tell him to.”

  Malik’s throat bobbed up and then down. He started to slowly cross the open space. When he got close enough, Hunter grabbed the guy’s arm and yanked him between the vehicl
es. “Arms up.”

  Hunter did a rough and dirty pat down, cleared him for weapons, and then gave Hoyt an all-clear nod. Hoyt lowered his pistol, but didn’t holster it.

  Hunter shoved Malik into the back seat of his own car and crowded in next to him. Classic intimidation move. Hoyt and Jared fell back, blocking the door.

  Hoyt glanced into the car to get a better look at Malik. His skin was pale, and he looked like he might pass out or puke. “Look, she didn’t tell me who you are or what you do. I know how this works. I don’t want to know. But I think I can help.”

  “How is it you can help us?” Hunter’s deep voice drifted out of the car.

  “I-ah-I’ve been keeping track of some fairly well hidden networks over the past couple of years.”

  “What kind of networks.”

  “The same kind you’re looking for. The ones run by ISA.”

  Holy shit. “Did he just say ISA?”

  Ranger’s gaze cut to Hoyt. “Yep.”

  The Lexus rocked and Hunter commanded in a low growl, “You better start talking. My patience ran out ten minutes ago.”

  Hoyt cleared his throat, “First, I am not involved with ISA or any terrorist organization. I want to help you take them down.”

  “Tell me your story and I’ll decide if your involved or not.”

  “Over the past couple of weeks, there’s been a lot of chatter on some of their smaller social network channels. I stumbled onto these channels a couple of years ago doing research. With my background and connections, it wasn’t too hard to get on the thread without raising suspicion. I’ve stayed in the background, collecting data. A marked spike in activity occurred ten days ago and it hasn’t let up.”

  “Go on.”

  “The problem is they’ve switched to a different code pattern and I haven’t been able to decipher it yet. All I know is that they’re talking. A lot. And the activity seems to be centered somewhere around here.”

  Hoyt checked his watch. “Hey Top, wanna continue this conversation back at headquarters?”

  Hoyt got a tingle on the back of his neck, like all the little hairs were standing on end. The same feeling he’d had in Afghanistan when a sniper crosshairs had been aimed his way. In fifteen minutes the classes currently in session would end and the parking lot would fill. There’d be no hiding the guns or the fact they’d cornered Malik in his car.

  “Yeah. I’ll ride in the back of the Lexus. Ranger can drive us.”

  Hoyt caught a movement on the stairs, and turned to see the sun glint off Hayden’s hair. “Shit.”

  The world around him turned to slow motion. Hoyt’s heart rate dropped to a controlled sixty beats per minute. The wind picked up, blowing southwest about five miles per hour. A flag on top of the building unfurled and snapped in the breeze.

  Hoyt took off, pounding across the pavement at full speed, his blood heaving through his body like a well-oiled machine. Fifty feet. Hayden started walking his direction, staring at him like he’d lost his ever-loving mind.

  “Get down!”

  Hayden took another step down the concrete stairs. Adrenaline pumped through him, pushing his legs harder. Faster. Closing the distance between them a little more every second. A flash of sunlight off a side mirror on the last row of cars temporarily blinded him.

  Hoyt kept going, blinking to clear his vision. And then he felt the air shift, felt the change. He knew it the second the sniper sighted them. Hoyt pumped his arms, using every ounce of strength to propel his body forward. Ten feet. She stepped off the last step, out of the building’s shadow.

  Five feet.


  Four feet. He scanned the buildings around them and caught a barrel poking over the edge of the rooftop to his right. Hayden’s other side.

  Hoyt’s muscles coiled and he jumped for her.

  He heard the low whiz of a bullet slicing through the air followed by a muted pop. He saw the look of surprise on her face. Then Hayden flew to the left. Her head whacked the sidewalk, and she didn’t get back up.

  Hoyt landed on top of her with a roar of fury, bracketing her head between his hands, completely covering every inch of her body with his.

  Not her. Not Hayden.

  “Hoyt! Did you catch him?” Jared said.

  “Three o’clock. On top of the building.”

  Jared got to them first. He stood between Hoyt and the shooter, his shadow long and narrow over the pavement. “I don’t see him. Fuck.”

  “Get her out of here. She’s too exposed.” Ranger came running, pistol out and ready, and took up residence on Hoyt’s left.

  “Shit. I don’t see any movement. Nothing.” Jared bit out.

  Hoyt lifted his head. He’d trapped Hayden on her side, her hair completely covering her face. He brushed it back, his hand shaking like a damn greenhorn caught in his first firefight. Her face was pale, her lips pale. Too pale against the stain of dark red blood spreading across the pavement beneath her. Her shoulder, they got her in her shoulder.

  His blood pressure bottomed out. “Ah, Christ. Hayden. Hayden, can you hear me?”

  Her head lolled uselessly with his movement.

  “I think we’re clear,” Jared said.

  Ranger ripped his phone out, “911. We have an active shooter on campus. One student down. Requesting an ambulance and back up.”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  “Hayden, honey…” Hoyt got to his knees and crushed her to his chest. Her warm blood slowly coated his arm and shirt. He just held her and rocked, one hand on the back of her neck and the other at her lower back. Her legs stretched out on the pavement beside him.

  This was a pain like he’d never felt, not even while he was being tortured. Her blood kept draining. More of it was covering his jeans. His hands. “Hold on baby, I’ve got you.”

  She was so perfect. Everything about her radiated goodness. Her rich golden hair gleamed in the sun even as he watched her life blood drain from her body. Hoyt moaned and pulled her closer. He’d been so caught up his own stupid struggles, he’d failed to protect her.

  “Jesus, Hoyt. Put her down, let me look at her.” Hunter was there, reaching for her.

  Hoyt reacted like a gun shot. “Don’t touch her.”

  “Hey, man, we need to stop the blood. Put pressure on the wound.” But Hunter didn’t push him.

  “Not safe here.”

  Ranger motioned toward the teacher’s parking area. “Here, move her to this handicap space.”

  Hoyt rose to his feet with Hayden in his arms, her long hair, streaked with fresh blood, trailing over his arm.

  Hunter and Ranger fell in on either side of him, their faces pale. “Oh my God.”

  Hoyt took the last couple of steps and gently laid her down on the pavement, cradling her head. Then he looked down at his own shirt, covered in her blood, and went cold.

  “Here.” Hunter ripped off his army green shirt and thrust it at Hoyt.

  He took it and applied pressure to her shoulder, trying to slow the bleeding. Hoyt focused on the shallow rise and fall of her chest. As long as he could see it moving, he could breathe. He could function.

  Hunter crouched in front of him, watching Hayden as intently as Hoyt was. Jared and Ranger kept guard around them. Hoyt glanced up to see Malik wavering a few feet away, wringing his fingers together.

  He was vaguely aware of sirens approaching from a distance, but nothing else mattered now. He’d lied to her, told her he didn’t want her. That he was only there for the team.

  Grief bowed him forward until his head touched her chest. He loved her. She was the most important part of him, his essence. His heart and his soul. He’d known it since the moment they met.

  And over the past months, he’d done nothing but tear her down and push her away. He didn’t understand it, and he knew he never would. He was a white trash hillbilly who would never be worthy of her. And now he would never have the chance to try, all because he’d been so fucked up and stuck in his own head.
  Unbearable pain held his chest hostage. He’d done this. Might as well have pulled the trigger himself. And when Hoyt finally looked up and met Hunter’s rage-filled gaze, he knew it for fact.


  At midnight, Hoyt strode down the florescent-lit hospital hallway, his boots clunking on the disinfected tiles. White walls, white floors, white uniforms—everything about the hospital screamed clean and safe. Even the smell, a combination of bleach and antiseptic, was meant to make people feel protected.

  But not Hoyt. The beeping monitors grated on his already shattered nerves, reminding him of his own brush with death. Dipping in and out of unconsciousness, swimming in a vicious sea of pain, looking in the mirror for the first time after…

  “Can I help…” A petite nurse in pale pink scrubs glanced up from her post, letting her words trail off when she got a good look at him. Her spray-tanned skin turned as white as the parchment walls around her and she stumbled back a step.

  Some distant part of him, one he couldn’t quite hear, told him to chill. Attempt to smile and put her at ease. All he could manage was a growl. “Hayden James.”

  She pointed down the hall, her hand trembling a little. “The waiting room is that way.” Hoyt took off down the hall, eating up the distance, each step taking him closer to Hayden.

  He’d been hunting the sniper for the past eight hours straight, but he hadn’t found one clue. Not even a flash mark from the barrel on the roof of that building, which meant he was dealing with a pro.

  Malik was at headquarters, being questioned by Grey and Merc, and hopefully providing new intel.

  Hoyt had been all over Mercy, following every single possible lead he could dig up. He’d even made a stop at the gas station where the first suspect had worked. Nothing. The guy he found there was straight up scared, but he knew as much as Hoyt did.

  And Hoyt had the sinking sensation he’d barked up the wrong terrorist tree. After calling and checking in with the hospital every hour, he’d finally given in to the undeniable urge to come to her. To be here, in the same building as Hayden.


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