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Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

Page 5

by Robert Iannone

  Now Egg’s goose bumps got goose bumps.

  “Sorry, can’t help you.”

  “And the Thought Weaver you call Spirit – where can I find her?”

  “Out there somewhere in her ship,” and Egg pointed vaguely at the window.

  Violetta ignored the obvious lies and evasions. “Do you recognize this?” she asked as she glanced at the display that had previously shown Peekaboo Prime.

  Egg’s mouth dropped open and her face turned white . . . but she said nothing.

  “It is the Myst Tree at Sighing Whorl . . . a representative of the alien race called the Old Ones by the people of this world.”

  No response.

  “The Tree possesses enormous power.”

  No response.

  “And who might that be? Is that the Prince and Sylvia coming to visit?”

  Egg looked at the image and saw her sister and friend walk up to the Tree . . . and her heart sank. But she said nothing.

  “I am forced to wonder what they have to discuss. I certainly hope they are not conspiring against me. That would be treason and punishable by . . . well, by whatever punishment I choose to administer.”

  Egg’s knees felt so weak she was afraid she might fall down.

  “I do hope you and I can be friends, little one . . . and, by extension, all of your sisters. We will talk again later. In the interim, I encourage you to discuss our meeting with all your friends on Aerianna. Now, you have our permission to leave.”

  Egg wanted to show this woman that she wasn’t afraid. After all, she was Flying Girl and the leader of the Hameggattic Sisterhood.

  But she was.

  Very afraid.


  Egg returned to the rooms that Meggy had assigned to them and waited. The Princess was still with Grammy and Ezra on their tour and Sylvia had yet to return from Sighing Whorl.

  She had already replayed in her mind the conversation with the Empress a half dozen times. And a half dozen times she had reached the conclusion that Aerianna, the Sisterhood and Flying Girl were in deep, deep trouble.

  Just as importantly, Serenity was in trouble . . . make that in danger. Egg didn’t know how she knew . . . but she did. Violetta and Astral Sing had more than a falling out. Serenity’s mother probably decided that the Empress was getting way too big for her britches and tried to stop her.

  Now the very tall hobgoblin wanted to get her revenge.

  Strangely enough, Egg felt like she owed the girl a big debt of gratitude. Nothing Serenity did actually hurt anyone. On the other hand, her actions gave Tee’ka a whole new life . . . and the chance to become a Hameggattic Sister. How could Egg ever repay that? To add to the debt, Serenity had made the trip to Laff’Alott really interesting . . . though that was obviously not her intent. To top it off, she volunteered to help Spirit win back her planet.

  If she added all the positives and took away all the negatives, Egg figured that Serenity deserved two things. First, and foremost, she needed to be kept safe from the Empress Violetta Veeva Velveeta.

  And . . . Serenity should be allowed to become a Hameggattic Sister.

  But she didn’t know if the girl and the others were still on Zynn-Zaz’zia. Even if they were, how would she make contact with them without the Empress finding out?

  “Come on, brain . . . think,” she said to herself.

  And it did . . . and she smiled.


  Egg walked into her bedroom, opened a window and simply flew out.

  After hovering over the beautiful floating city for a few seconds to get her bearings, she dove straight down and into, then under, the ocean below. Making her way along an underwater ridge, it didn’t take long to reach the serpent city of Nau’tika since she could fly just as well through the water as through the air.

  She entered Nau’tika and immediately made her way to find Soo. But the serpent wasn’t in her living quarters. So she headed for her boyfriend’s lab, which also housed the entrance to the space portal.

  When she reached the lab, the door was guarded by two Sentinels. “Hi, guys,” and she made to go in.

  The guards crossed their lances stopping her from continuing. “Hey, it’s me . . . Egg of Earth.”

  “No one may enter without her Highness’ permission.”

  “Not even me?”

  “Sorry, Egg. Orders.”

  “Can you tell me if Soo’nami is in there?”

  The Sentinel glanced around to see if anyone might overhear. “She is.”

  “Will you tell her I’m here? I assume she’s allowed to leave if she wants?”

  “One second, please,” and the Sentinel entered the lab. A moment later, he came out leading Soo.

  “Egg-o, what’s going on? Why are you here? Why are you on Aerianna? Why aren’t you on Earth?”

  “Three why’s and a what . . . not your usual witty self,” teased her friend. Egg’s philosophy was pretty simple - when things are going from bad to worse, it’s always a good idea to take any opportunity to smile.

  “I’m laughably loopy with love.”

  “Much better. I take it things are going well with Ven’trrr? You still have that goofy grin on your face.”

  “Yeah. You were right . . . the more he sees me; the more he realizes he can’t live without me. Thanks. Never knew you were such an expert on love and boys.”

  “Tell that to Syl, would you. She thinks she’s knows more than me. Anyway, do you have some time to talk?”

  “Actually, not much time. Me and my guy are headed to Zynn-Zaz’zia. After we leave, the big cheese is shutting down the portal.”


  “Don’t know.”

  “So why are you going to Zynn-Zaz’zia?”

  “K’ssss wants to see her brother about some scientific gobbledygook.”

  “Do you know if the others are still there?”

  “I got the impression they were. Why?”

  “Listen, this is really important” and she told the serpent about her meeting with the Empress. “So, make sure Spirit gets herself and Serenity out of there. Oh, and one more thing . . . I’m making her a Sister.”

  “What? Why?”

  “For all of her shenanigans, she ended up doing something amazing – giving Tee her life. And don’t forget she volunteered to go to Paradox. I think she’ll make a great sister.”

  “If you do, I guess I do.”

  “But tell her that it won’t be official until we all get to vote on it.”

  Soo smiled. “Thanks for that. Even though I’m going to vote yes because you think it’s right; I’m just happy that I do get to vote.”

  “Don’t be silly, of course you all get to vote. It’s just that things are really crazy now and I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’d be really sad if . . . well, if the big cheese did something nasty to Serenity before she could become a Sister. That would be terrible.”

  “Egg-o, you are too much. Okay, I really gotta go.”

  “Not before I give you a hug, you big, beautiful . . . um?”


  “NO, not beast. Um . . . oh, rats, I got nothing.”

  “I’m not leaving until you finish.”

  “Alright, wait a minute. Oh, oh . . . you big, beautiful bride-to-be.”

  “Nailed it.”


  Egg returned to her bedroom the way she left . . . through the window. As she landed, she heard voices in the common room and went to greet her friends.

  “Hi, dear,” greeted her grandmother. “How was your visit with the Empress?”

  “I’ll tell you in minute. Where’s Meggy?”

  Sylvia said, “She just left.”

  “Syl, go get her please.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Everything. Hurry.”

  The girl left as fast as she could. Grammy looked at Ezra then back to her granddaughter. “Is there trouble?”

  “Oh, yeah. Let’s wait for Meggy.” Then somethin
g dawned on her. “Grammy, we could be here for a while. What’s going to happen when we don’t show up at home? Especially after school starts.”

  “Oh, dear.”

  “Egg, are we being held prisoner?” asked Ezra.

  “Until the Empress gets what she wants, yeah I think so.”

  “What does she want?”

  “Like I said before, Aerianna, the end of the Sisterhood and my flying suit would be a really good guess.”

  “What are you going to do, dear?”

  “I hate bullies.” Not an exact answer to the question . . . more like a hint of what might happen.

  The door opened and Syl and the Princess walked in. “Egg, is something wrong?”

  She told them of her meeting with Violetta.

  “Are you suggesting she will pursue charges of treason against Sylvia and my brother?”

  “I’m guessing that she’s going to use everything at her disposal to convince us of the . . . of the ‘rightness’ of her requests. Her words, not mine.”

  “What do you suggest we do?”

  “Egg,” interrupted Sylvia.


  “Before you answer . . . let me tell you what the Tree had to say.”

  “Oh, yeah. What was it?”

  “First, he said no to using Sighing Whorl. When I asked him why he said ‘old age’ but didn’t explain.” Next, she told them of the love/hate part in her own words. Then she quoted the Tree verbatim on the second part. “Remember that knowledge is power. Eliminate the former and you eliminate the later.”

  “Any idea what he was talking about?”

  “No. Sorry.”

  “I think I do,” said Ezra.

  Chapter 5 – Another Sister


  “Hey, Sis.”

  “Hello, Brother. Hi, Soo.”

  “Hi. Where’s your better half?”

  “Zazzi is out in deep water with the little ones teaching them how to hide from predators.”

  “What predators?”

  “We don’t actually have any . . . but learning how to protect oneself is always an important skill.”

  “Let me guess,” said Ven’trrr, “you built a robotic squid-a-saurus.” They were the only truly dangerous predators that serpents encountered on Aerianna.

  “As a matter of fact, we did. It was safer than bringing a real one from home.”

  “Geez, ya think?”

  Ven’trrr asked impatiently, “What was so important that I had to drop everything and travel to Zynn-Zaz’zia? By the way, the Empress closed the portal . . . we were the last to use it.”

  “Did she give a reason?”

  “Not to me.”

  “Aren’t you two afraid you’ll be stranded here with yours truly?” teased K’ssss.

  Before Ven’trrr could respond, Soo just couldn’t help herself and blurted, “It’s a great place to honeymoon.”

  Brother and sister stared at the girl who realized too late that her comment was probably a little premature. She desperately tried to think of anything to make an embarrassing situation less so. All she could come up with was “just saying.”

  K’ssss came to her friend’s rescue. “What an excellent idea.”


  “This Zynn-Zaz’zia needs something to trade with Aerianna. They have no technology or goods that they produce. However, they do have a mostly unspoiled world that could be turned into a destination for newly married Aeriannians. Soo, you’re brilliant.” But the compliment was spoiled a tad when the overweight serpent gave the other girl a knowing wink.

  Ven’trrr was losing interest in the conversation and began to look around as his mind wandered. That gave Soo the opportunity to mouth the words ‘thank you’ to K’ssss. Then she added out loud, “I guess hanging around your brother has raised my IQ.”

  Her boyfriend – like many, many males before him – didn’t understand what had just happened. So he responded, as a good scientist should. “Actually, there is no empirical evidence to prove or disapprove that association with someone of superior intellect will have any effect on that person’s companion.”

  Soo looked at K’ssss, rolled her eyes then said to the love of her life, “Shut up, you dragon-brained, dumb-as-coral, ding-bat.”

  The young man looked surprised. “What did I say?”

  Before Soo could tell him, K’ssss offered, “You and I, Brother, need to have a little talk.”

  Still not getting it, Ven’trrr said (rather huffily), “Well, that’s why I’m here.”

  “Good grief,” moaned Soo.

  “Enough, you two. I’ve got things to do. K’ssss, what’s going on?”

  “A new approach to quantum sub-space instabilities and neutrino flux in an artificial singularity.”

  Poor Soo, it really was just gobbledygook to her and she shook her head sadly. Ven’trrr on the other hand was intensely interested in related subjects. “That you already told me. What about it? Are you proposing an altered approached to the graviton paradox?” he asked hopefully.

  “I’ve actually set aside my study of the field temporarily as our youngsters are entering a particularly important phase in their development. However, a friend is deeply involved and she requested a meeting with us to discuss it.”

  “Have you reviewed her work?”

  “Some of it . . . and it’s brilliant.”

  Ven’trrr could hardly contain his excitement. “Well, where is she? Who is she? Not one of the sisters, I presume.”

  “That’s a bit insulting.”

  “Oh, please. Other than you, who else would have interest in the field?”

  “True. Her name is Serenity and she is an . . . associate of the Sisterhood.”

  “Not for long,” interjected Soo.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I talked to Egg just before we came here.”

  “She’s back on Aerianna?”

  “Yeah . . . and we got trouble.” Soo went on to explain everything Egg had told her including making Serenity a provisional sister.

  “Well, that isn’t good,” observed Ven’trrr referring to the Empress.

  “Your ability to cut through to the heart of a problem is very impressive.” Even serpent brothers and sisters kind of acted like humans . . . trying their best to irritate one another.

  “Anyway, where is Serenity?”

  “On her ship. Shall I summon her?”

  “Yeah. Get all of them down here.”


  Spirit, BreeZee, Tee’ka, Bl’azzz and Serenity in the Egg avatar materialized in Zazzi’s cavern.

  No surprise that Ven’trrr’s first reaction was, “What’s Egg doing here? I thought she was on Aerianna.”

  “That is an avatar created by Serenity. She’s using it for the time being.”


  “She was in a horrific accident and is now confined to a wheelchair. Using the avatar for such a visit is easier for her.”

  “Very impressive.”

  “Don’t get too depressed, brother.”

  “Depressed . . . about what?”

  “She has an extraordinary mind . . . quite superior to ours.”


  “Yes.” To her guests, K’ssss said, “Welcome, again. For those who have not met him, this poor excuse for a scientist is my older brother Ven’trrr. Brother, the young woman there is Tee’ka and this Egg-lookalike is Serenity.”

  “Honored, ladies.”

  “Ven’trrr, I’m very excited to discuss some theories with you.”

  “As am I, Serenity. Perhaps if the others will excuse us, we can begin immediately.”

  “Actually, brother . . . it is you that needs to excuse himself. The sisters have important business to discuss. You heard what Soo told us.”

  “But . . .”

  “No buts. You two can talk later if we can arrange it. For now, head out to deep water and help Zazzi with the children.”

  Ven’trrr wanted to
argue but he was outnumbered – one lonely male scientist against seven Hameggattic Sisters. No contest. “As you wish. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  “Thank you.”

  BreeZee, as acting leader, waited for Ven’trrr to dive under the water and disappear. “What’s going on, K’ssss?”

  “Aerianna is in trouble . . . as are Egg and others. Soo, tell them.”

  And the serpent did . . . but stopped before she got to the part about Serenity joining the sisterhood.

  “It’s pretty obvious why Violetta is asking about my whereabouts. Having someone who can see the threads of the future would be more than useful.”

  “We won’t let that happen.” Then Bree asked the other girl, “Serenity, what occurred between your mother and the Empress? Do you think she really wants to be your friend?”

  The girl barked a humorless laugh. “She wants revenge.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  “Excuse me, Serenity. I’m sorry to interrupt.”

  “No problem, K’ssss.”

  “Would you mind terribly if I asked you to join us as yourself. There’s ample room on the bank just there for you and your . . . support system.”

  “It’s called a wheelchair and it’s okay to say the word. My being bound to it doesn’t diminish my self-worth. May I ask why?”

  “I wish to know you . . . as you are.”

  “Very well” and the light next to the Egg avatar shimmered and in an instant, the real Serenity appeared.

  K’ssss smiled warmly. “It is very nice to meet you – face to face.”

  “Likewise.” Then she added a “thank you.” Again, an unexpected kindness from a Hameggattic Sister – the poor girl was beginning to be emotionally overwhelmed by this rag-tag band of women.

  “I should have suggested that.”

  “Why, Bree?” asked Spirit.

  “Egg left me in charge . . . I should have been more considerate of our friend.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself.” Everyone turned to look at Serenity. It was the last thing any of them would have expected her to say. Maybe there was hope for her yet.

  “Thanks. Please, tell us about your mom and the Empress.”

  She told them the story of Violetta – how the girl rose from nothing to supreme leader in only seven years. Like Egg, they were impressed.


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