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Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

Page 8

by Robert Iannone

  “Well of course we would.”

  “Don’t. Nothing happens the first two days accept getting books, gossiping with friends you haven’t seen all summer, flirting with any new guys that may have enrolled, putting stupid stuff on and in your locker . . . and, and . . . and that’s it.”

  That actually made them feel a little better. “Still, we’re responsible for Sylvia. Her parents may not feel the same way. She’s their only daughter.”

  “How about if I call them?”

  “That would be wonderful. But, you haven’t told me why they’re delayed. Did Grammy not say?”

  Though she could make up any number of stories, none would explain why they didn’t call. As her mind raced for an answer, her father provided one. “Is it because Ezra took them flying? They probably didn’t want us to know . . . afraid we might object.”

  Ashley had no idea what her father was talking about so she hesitated as if trying to protect Grammy. Her mom took the silence as an answer. “That’s it, right. They decide to fly somewhere for a day or two and weren’t going to tell us till they got back. Shame on my mother. I wouldn’t have objected.”

  “Oh, please,” said her husband. “You would have had a hissy fit. I’m glad Ezra had the good sense not to say anything.”

  “Ezra? If anyone had good sense, it was my mother.”

  They continued to argue back and forth about absolutely nothing for a good minute. Ashley, wisely, said nothing . . . neither affirming or denying the conclusion they had jumped to.

  “Well, anyway I feel much better” said Mrs. Graystone.

  “Me, too. Sweetheart, thanks for calling. We had been really worried.”

  “If your sister calls you, make sure she calls home,” added her mother.

  “I will. Promise. Okay, I really need to go. A . . . um . . . friend is coming over.”

  “To study?”

  Ashley blushed but her parents weren’t there to see it. “Yeah. We’re going to explore some . . . some elements of human behavior. Should be interesting.”

  “Sounds like it. Love you.”

  “Love you, too. Bye.”

  As she hung up, there was a knock on the door. Mac walked over and opened it. “Hey, Aaron.”

  “Hi. Mac.” He looked into the room and his face lit up. “Hey, Ash.”

  “Hey, yourself.”


  Wind’dancer Village

  “The Queen wouldn’t take my call.”


  “I spoke to the Princess who apologized for her mother. They have a guest of some importance . . . the Empress Violetta something, something. I didn’t catch the full name.”

  “Who might she be?”

  “The head of the Starlight Alliance. No idea what that is. But, though she didn’t say it outright, I got the distinct feeling that there’s some kind of problem.”

  “An Alliance sounds big and powerful. You don’t think that they’re trying to force Aerianna to join, do you?”

  “Yes, I do. Anyway, I told the Princess about our concerns for BreeZee and she promised to pass them along to her mother. She said something that I presume was meant to make me feel better . . . but did just the opposite. Bree was probably safer going to Paradox then she would be if she stayed.”

  “Oh my.”

  “It gets worse. This Empress closed the space portal. We can’t get to Aerianna.”

  “You don’t think Zynn-Zaz’zia is in trouble, do you?”

  “We have nothing that a powerful alliance would want. No technology, an unsophisticated society, no goods that we manufacture. On that score, I think we’re safe.”

  “You don’t sound happy about it.”

  “I’m not. Azure, as a people – both Wind’dancers and Nauti – we have nothing to offer the rest of the galaxy. How sad is that?”

  “We are what we are – happy and contented folks leading a simple life. But I know you well enough, dear husband. What do you plan to do about it?”

  “When the opportunity presents itself, maybe we can get the Queen or the Hameggattic Sisterhood to help us change – to grow. For certain, I will ask K’ssss and Zazzi to give it some thought.”

  “Sea Serpents?” Wind’dancers, as well, as the Nauti, were a proud people. Asking for help – especially from a species that they had historically considered nothing more than frightening fish – cut against the grain.

  “No. Two highly intelligent beings whom I am proud to call friends.”

  “If they say yes, then our daughter would be a natural to lead the effort.”

  “Hmmm . . . I never thought of that,” said Zephyr with a grin.

  “Of course not. That’s why you have me,” and she gave him a kiss.


  On Violetta’s Spaceship

  Egg materialized inside an elegantly appointed room . . . considering it was actually a prison cell. The energy field slowly dissipated, freeing her to move around within the confines of the four walls that held her prisoner. She immediately made for the door and pulled on the handle. Unsurprisingly it didn’t open.

  “HEY,” and she banged with her fist. “HEY, LET ME OUT.”

  The door opened and there stood a very large soldier . . . obviously the same species as the Empress. “Welcome aboard, little Eloise,” he said in a voice that was as soft and silky as that of Violetta’s. “May I offer you some food or drink?”

  “Sure. How about a hot fudge sundae,” she asked knowing full well he had no idea what that was.

  Shockingly, he held out his hand and one materialized. “Will this suffice?”

  Not to be outdone, she shook her head and said, “No, not really. There’s no whipped cream, sprinkles or cherries.”

  A second later, all three appeared on the dessert. “My apologies,” and he again offered her the dish.

  “Changed my mind.”

  The ice cream vanished and he dropped his hand without any show of irritation – which irritated Egg. “We have detected two advanced forms of technology on your person . . . your suit and your ring. As long as you are here, neither will function.”

  That raised a number of questions. “Where’s here? And what about my necklace?”

  “Here is the flagship of the Empress’s fleet of spaceships. As for the necklace, that is a simple translator . . . quite common and of no importance. However, you do have a piece of inert jewelry in your pocket. May I see it, please?”

  It took Egg a few seconds to understand what he was referring to. “Oh, yeah,” and she took out the gift Serenity had given her. “Pretty, huh?”

  The man examined it thoroughly and returned it. “Charming. You may keep it . . . it holds no technological value.”

  She took it back and held it tight in her hand. When she received it, she had given it little thought. Now, however, she had a growing suspicion that it might be more than it seemed.

  To the soldier she said, “I really enjoyed this little visit. How about you send me back?”

  “We both know that isn’t possible. You have offended the Empress . . . a very unwise thing to do.”

  “She started it.”

  “And she will finish it. If there is anything you require to make your stay more tolerable, you need but ask.” He tipped his head, turned and left.

  But he also did something else . . . it happened so quickly that Egg wasn’t sure she actually saw it. Maybe it was just the light playing tricks on her.

  No . . . she was positive. The guy flickered.



  “So how do we find K’ssss?”

  “She lives on Zynn-Zaz’zia. The only way to reach it is by spaceship or the space portal.”

  “Neither option is available. Right?”

  “Right. So our best bet is to find Aeri’elle. Maybe she can get in contact with her sister. However, getting there is a bit tricky.”


  “She lives in Talon’s Perch. It’s a castle city that resi
des on top of a very tall mountain.”

  “What about that other one . . . Sassi?”

  “She would be the easiest to find but I don’t want to get her involved. She’s the oldest of the sisters with a daughter who’s about to married. I would hate to put her at risk unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

  “Hah. All you grandmothers protect one another, I see.”

  “Why, yes. Yes we do.”

  “So, how do we get to the mountain top?”

  “Let’s go find the Prince. Maybe he has an idea on how we can get there.”

  They walked out of the room, found a Sentinel and asked if he knew where Ben’Edikk might be. “He is walking outside on the balcony and asked not to be disturbed.”

  “Even by us?”

  “I believe he would make an exception for the grandmother of Egg of Earth.”

  “Thank you.” They made their way outside and saw the blue-skinned young man pacing back and forth . . . obviously worried and deep in thought.

  “Excuse us, you Majesty . . .”

  The Prince jerked his head up, surprised by the intrusion. “Ah, Eloise. Forgive me, my mind was elsewhere.”

  “Quite understandable.”

  “How may I help you? If it is about Egg, I am sorry there is nothing to be done.”

  “What about Egg?” Grammy obviously didn’t know what had happened to her granddaughter.

  “Forgive me, I must apologize. I thought you knew. The Empress has taken Egg prisoner. She has been teleported aboard Violetta’s flagship. I am sorry.”

  “Oh my. Oh my.” She reached out for Ezra who had to keep the older woman from falling down.

  “What happened, Prince?”

  “Ezra, do not blame Egg. The Empress was going to do this regardless of what our dear friend said or did. Her safety is now in the hands of my mother . . . just as Violetta had always planned.”

  “Let me guess. Sign a treaty or Egg goes on trial on some charge or another.”


  “Dazzle can’t . . . won’t let that happen.” It wasn’t a question, more of a hysterical plea.

  “Eloise, my mother will do what must be done . . . for Egg and for our planet.”

  A very diplomatic answer but not terribly reassuring. Who was it that said ‘the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one’?

  Grammy put her hand over her mouth so her sobs wouldn’t escape . . . and almost succeeded. Ezra was forced to take charge of the situation. “Ben’Edikk, we need to find Aeri’elle. We have some information for her that might help. How do we get to Talon’s Perch?”

  “There is only one way. May I ask what the information is?”

  “I think it best if you don’t know. If the Empress questions you, lying to her might not be the wisest course of action.”


  “Are you two ready?”

  “I’ve waited all my life for this. You bet.”

  Grammy and Ezra were sitting on the back of Py’wackit. “Please, for the sake of one old lady, fly slowly and do not tip your wings.”

  “I will give you a wonderful flight. Sylvia said I was an excellent mode of transportation. Very flattering.”

  “Py, just go would you?” pleaded the Prince.

  “Of course, Sire . . .,” and he bounded into the sky as gently as he could.

  Grammy wanted to squeeze her eyes shut but fought the urge. Ezra, on the other hand, couldn’t wipe the grin from his face. He kept yelling questions to the dragon who seemed to enjoy the non-stop chatter. After about a half hour, Py said to his two guests, “There is Talon’s Perch.”

  “Spectacular,” was all that Ezra could say.

  Grammy agreed. “Oh, my”.

  “You like?”

  “Py, it’s amazing.”

  “Thank you, Eloise.”

  He flew into the city and dropped his passengers at the new university. “She’ll be in her office, most likely. Just ask for her. I’ll be waiting right here.”


  They found someone to take them to Aeri’elle’s office. She wasn’t there at the moment. “Please, take a seat; the Professor won’t be long.

  So they sat and waited. Grammy was silent for a few minutes and Ezra said nothing, not wanting to interrupt her thoughts, which were probably about her granddaughter.

  After a bit, Grammy let out a big breath and turned to her friend. “I can’t let her do this anymore.”

  “Do what?”

  “Egg. She’s too young to be doing what she does. I was wrong to ever have let her.”

  “Eloise, you’re upset and that’s understandable. But your granddaughter is truly an amazing young woman. Don’t hold her age against her.”

  “She is being held prisoner on a spaceship. If Dazzle doesn’t give in, Egg is going to pay the price. And quite frankly, how can the Queen put Egg’s well-being above that of her people? Of the entire planet?”

  “This is going to work out . . . I can feel it.”

  “Even if it does, that changes nothing. Egg is in mortal danger and I’ve allowed it to happen. I can no longer condone this.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “She’s still in high school. After she graduates and turns eighteen, she can do what she pleases. Until then, I will insist that she stops.”

  “You could lose her.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She may hate you for it. She is Flying Girl. You would be taking away her identity.”

  “I rather lose her love than her life.”

  “I certainly respect that. But how can you stop her?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Chapter 8 – Me and My Shadow

  Aboard Serenity’s Ship

  “I call her Shadow.”

  Tee’ka looked at the other girl in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

  “This ship . . . it’s called Shadow.”

  “I see.” A second or two later she said, “Actually, I don’t. What is the significance of that name, if I may ask?”

  Serenity laughed . . . something she was beginning to do more frequently. “How our lives have changed. You were an unwilling prisoner forced to be hostess to mostly obnoxious visitors and I . . . and I was a lonely, bitter girl without friends or purpose. Now look at us – Hameggattic Sisters. How unbelievable is that?”

  “Thanks to you and Egg. I will be forever grateful to the both of you.”

  “Don’t waste your gratitude on me . . . I don’t deserve it. Egg, on the other hand, gets full credit. How lucky are we that she crossed our paths?”

  “Perhaps it’s not luck. Maybe it’s destiny fulfilling its role in our lives.”

  “I’m surprised. You believe in fate?”

  “Yes,” Tee’ka answered without hesitation. “Too many things had to occur for you and me to be sitting here at this moment. Violetta’s parents making their first scientific discovery, your mother’s chance meeting with her, their friendship and partnership, your mother’s realization that she had been used for selfish reasons, her need to escape the Empress’s watchful eye, her creation of the Hostess brigade, Spirit and the other sisters stumbling on a ship that told them of Laff’Alott, the Sisterhood’s decision to vacation there, the closure of all the other cities except Fair’Giggle – the one I was assigned to. I can go on and on but I think I made my point. Too many random acts, to me, means that they were anything but random.”

  “You’ve given this some thought, I take it?”

  “Perhaps a tad more than a little,” and the girl smiled.

  “Normally I would argue – not that I think you’re wrong but just for the pleasure of matching wits with another worthy mind. But we’re sisters and I think that is no longer an appropriate response.”

  “Personal growth – congratulations. I believe you and I will be experiencing a lot of that in the coming years.”

  “It will be a challenge since I’m so set in my ways. But – I do love a good challenge.�

  “I don’t believe you answered my question about this ship’s name.”

  “Actually, you asked two questions and I was answering the second one.”

  “Refresh my memory – what was my second question?”

  “You said ‘If I may ask’ . . . well, of course you may ask. You and I are Hameggattic Sisters and we can ask each other anything.”

  “That sounds wonderful however if I do it to an excess, please let me know.”

  “Okay, but I warn you that I’m developing infinite patience.”

  “In that case, why Shadow?”

  Serenity again laughed. “It was the nickname my mother gave me. From the moment I could crawl, I followed her everywhere. I don’t recall how many times, but she would continuously trip over me forgetting that I was there. She finally started to call me her little shadow. When I was older, she only called me Serenity in front of others or when she was cross with me. Otherwise, she would call me Shadow.” The girl went silent as she remembered that earlier time in her life.

  Tee’ka said nothing – respecting her sister’s privacy.

  “Sorry, I find myself getting lost in my past.”

  “Please, don’t apologize. May I share a secret with you?”

  “Sister, no need to ask.”

  “Of course. When you and the others talk about your childhood and your families – I feel sad for myself. I have no past, no family. It makes me feel . . . incomplete. Even worse, it makes me feel like I’m not a real person – just a . . . a thing you created. I don’t resent your stories – any of the sisters stories, but it makes me want to run and hide. Please, say nothing to the others. I’m sure I will find a way accept that I am different from the rest of you. I truly am grateful to be here and not on Laff’Alott. And being a sister is a gift that I could never have imagined receiving.”

  Serenity’s eyes were moist – she had always been lost in her own pain and never understood that others have their own disappointments to cope with. She didn’t want the other girl to see her cry so she pretended to look at her instruments – fiddling with dials that needed no fiddling. In those few seconds, it came to her. This time she had to put her hand over her mouth so Tee’ka wouldn’t see her smile and take it the wrong way.


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