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Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

Page 18

by Robert Iannone

  “Your report, Aeri’elle.”

  “Yes, your Majesty,” and she spoke for the better part of an hour. Had Rose not cut her off, she would probably have spoken for another two or three on the subject that was so near and dear to her heart.

  “Very thorough, thank you. Now, if you please, tell us the most salient part of your final recommendations.”

  “There are three that require your approval. First, the curriculum. Every world that I visited had at least some knowledge that the others did not have. We should endeavor to use the university as the focal point to share that information.”


  “The second follows from the first. There is no way to assimilate all that knowledge. We must therefore have a staff of professors from each of the worlds. In some cases, more than one.”

  “As you say, that follows your first point. However, that would require a vastly larger complex than the one being built on Talon’s Perch, would it not?”

  Aeri’elle forced herself not to look at Queen F’Aerianne. “Yes, your Majesty. My third point is to place the university . . . on Zynn-Zaz’zia.”

  “ABSOLUTELY NOT,” squawked the Rainbow Queen. “That is totally unacceptable.”

  Ignoring the outburst, Rose asked Aeri’elle, “Why there?”

  “They have as much land as we will ever need. They have the natural resources. And, it will be more easily accessible to the diverse life forms that will be using it. There are two other reasons but I overstep myself in suggesting them.”

  “Nonsense. Continue.”

  “Yes, M’am. First, Zynn-Zaz’zia can use the commerce that the university will bring to help grow their economy. Secondly, it is my understanding that they won’t be joining the Federation. That will make them a perfect ‘neutral’ world and should not offend any of the other members.”

  “Aeri’elle, you make us all proud. Very well done. Please make your report and recommendations available to all present. Thank you again.”

  “It was my pleasure. So many species and cultures . . . so much knowledge to share. I am very excited about Aerianna joining your Federation.” She bowed and left.

  As soon as the door closed, the Rainbow Dragon growled, “I will say it again.” “UNACCEPTABLE.”

  “If you did not like that, you are definitely not going to like the rest of what we will be discussing. First, let us take a short recess.”


  Earlier that day, Rose had talked with Spirit about her plans. “I wish you to Weave that thought and tell me what you see. Consider this a test of our working relationship.”

  “I’ll need an hour.”

  “Come to my chambers when you are ready.”

  Spirit did as she was asked. “Thank you. That is most helpful.”

  And now she was about to spring the rest of her plans on the Council. Rose walked back into the Chambers and the others stood while she took her seat. “Please be seated.”

  Rose pretended to look at some papers . . . purposely making the others wait and building the tension in the room. People under pressure sometimes will react emotionally and not rationally. If you know that in advance, you might be able to use it to your advantage.

  With Spirit’s help, Rose knew it.

  She finally looked up. “As you are all well aware, I have been working with the other worlds of the former Alliance to create the framework for the United Federation.” She smiled. “If we on Aerianna find it difficult to have our three species agree on any given subject, think of the challenge of getting more than a hundred to do so. I am happy to report that all of our hard work has borne fruit. The new constitution has been ratified.”

  “And you, Rose . . . is there a place for you in this new government?” asked F’Aerianne with not a little jealousy.

  “I have been elected Sovereigness. I serve one term of five years. By law, no one may serve longer without unanimous consent. And even then, a state of emergency must be declared.”

  “That was your idea, I presume?” asked E’ssss.

  “With over a hundred planets in the Federation, everyone should have the opportunity to lead.”

  “Does that mean you will relocate to Peekaboo Prime? Or does the seat of power move to the Sovereign’s home world?”

  “S’eeee, I will take up residence there. That is why I am abdicating my crown.” That’s a nice way of saying she was resigning her position as Queen.

  “Temporarily?” inquired the Rainbow Dragon.

  “No. Permanently. My daughter will assume the Throne.” She looked at Meggy who bowed her head to acknowledge what she and her mother had already discussed at length.

  “She is so young,” growled the Dragon.

  “M’egg-Alynnia is older than I was when I was crowned. My decision is final.”

  “I do not like it,” persisted the winged woman.

  “That is irrelevant. There are other changes I will effect before I pass power to the Princess. First, this Council has become too old . . . to set in its ways. I am dismissing all of you.”

  Rose sat back while the others screamed, squawked and complained.

  “Enough. E’ssss and S’eeee, you have served my father and me so very well. But you suffer what all living things do . . . you grow old. It is time to step down and enjoy your remaining years. I cannot take away your crowns . . . only your place on this council. I would ask, however, that you give my suggestion of retirement serious thought.”

  “Are Serpents not to be represented on the Council,” huffed E’ssss.

  “Of course they will be. I select Tink’rrr and K’ssss. If, after careful consideration, you object, I will listen to the merits of any candidates you may choose to put forth.”

  “Thank you for that. We will need time to discuss this.”

  “You have a month.” She turned to M’egg-Alynnia and said, “Your father will also resign his position. To represent Humans, I nominated Prince Ben’Edikk and Lady Serenity.”

  “But she is not of Aerianna,” complained the F’Aerianne.

  “She has become one of us. Her work with the handicapped has been phenomenal. I could not be happier with the selection.”

  “Thank you, S’eeee. Her transformation from a lonely, bitter young woman to a model citizen has been a joy to watch.”

  “Fine. Tell me who you have picked to replace me. Oh, and I am not resigning my crown so do not even suggest it.”

  “To represent Dragons, I choose Soar’elle.

  As a descendant of my dearest friend Storm, it is only fitting. I also choose his daughter, Aeri’elle. Her experience in the Sisterhood, her work on the university and her interactions with many members of the Federation make her a natural choice.”

  “And how do you expect me to respond to this personal insult? I am incensed with all that you have proposed and I am not above walking out. You and your family no longer have the Crystal Egg to threaten me with. I warn you, you are perilously close to turning back the clock on this world.” She was referring to the time when all three species fought a bitter war.

  “Calm your feathers, F’Aerianne. I have not finished. I am expanding the Council. Now that we are part of a larger whole, we need . . . the Queen will need . . . individuals to give advice on relations with other species. For this, I choose Tee’ka who in her past life as hostess dealt with a wide variety of sentient beings. And I choose BreeZee . . . she is both an alien and the Legate from her world. The new university will be the center of all knowledge and scientific discoveries for the entire Federation. I would have a close relationship with them.”

  “Fine. But I am still waiting . . . you avoid my question.”

  “Your rudeness serves you ill. There are two other points. The first is that the House of M’earth should no longer be the sole rulers of this world. We will draw up a constitution for Aerianna. My daughter will serve the first term as Queen for twenty years. After that, our citizens will vote for their next King or Queen . . . but candidates
will come from Serpents and Dragons. Whichever species loses will have the crown for the third term. The process to be repeated in perpetuity.”

  That stopped the Rainbow dragon dead in her tracks. This proposal was almost incomprehensible in its fairness. “I am stunned.”

  “Nonsense. It was your suggestion that helped sway me.”

  “My suggestion?”

  “Yes. The creation of a multi-species university was brilliant . . . something my father was very pleased to hear. In fact, he chastised me for not thinking of it (actually, Rose had. She used a confidant of the dragon Queen to plant the idea without either of them ever knowing it came from Rose). In deciding to move it to Zynn-Zaz’zia, I was compelled to rethink what other cross-species institutions needed to be revisited. Ruling Aerianna was the most obvious. So I thank you, F’Aerianne. I am in your debt.” This entire speech was utter nonsense . . . given only to win over the perpetually grumpy dragon. Thanks to Spirit’s weaving – Rose knew that the chance of success of this strategy was very high. However, she needed to ‘seal the deal’.

  “One last point. F’Aerianne, if you choose to resign your crown, I would be pleased if you would join me on Peekaboo as my Senior Ambassador.”

  “Really? Me?” and her brilliant, rainbow colored plumaged virtually glowed with the reflective intensity of the woman’s satisfaction.

  Chapter 8 – Changes in Attitude


  They had tried living at Ezra’s house but it had proven to be too small and too far away from Grammy’s family for her to be comfortable. So, they moved into her old farmhouse, which she had refused to sell. “Someday, it will belong to Egg and Ashley,” she had told her husband.

  Grammy was happy to be back in the only home she had ever known.

  Ezra was happy because the farm had so much land that he was able to get permission from the city to put in a dirt airstrip. Now, his beloved airplane could be seen from his bedroom window.

  Max absolutely loved the open space. So many places to explore. So much trouble to get into. It was doggy paradise.

  Egg was visiting today. Though she wouldn’t turn sixteen till later in the year, she had finally received permission from her parents to begin flying lessons. “It’s very dangerous,” said her mother who based her opinion on the tried and true adage – ‘never go higher than you’re willing to fall’.

  “Are you sure?” asked her father. “It’s pretty scary to fly in these small planes.”

  “Dad, I was born to fly.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Did you know that I fly in my dreams all the time?”

  “Funny you should say that. I do too.”

  “Like father, like daughter.”

  “Not exactly . . . it scares the bejebees out of me in those dreams.”


  Ezra and Egg walked out back to the corrugated metal hangar that housed “My Flying Gal.” Max ran alongside.

  “Have you ever taken Max up with you?”

  “No. The problem is getting him into the plane without damaging it. He’s big and heavy and his paws are pretty sharp. Unfortunately, I can just pick him up and put him in.”

  “Too bad. I loved having Jynxie as my co-pilot when I flew on Laff’Alott.”

  Ezra smiled and shook his head. “It’s very strange to have a conversation with you.”


  “Because we talk about other planets, alien races, shape-shifting species, time travel, ‘beam me up, Scotty’ transporters . . . and it seems normal.”

  Egg laughed. “Well, it’s just stuff.”

  “Yeah, right . . . just stuff. Anyway, did I tell you I was thinking about buying another plane?”

  “Really? I thought you loved this thing?”

  “Ouch. It’s not a thing. That’s like calling Jynx an animal.”

  Egg was horrified “Never, ever say that. Especially if she’s around.”

  “I wouldn’t. I was just trying to make a point.”

  “Got it. Sorry. Are you going to sell this one? Sorry again . . . this lovely airplane.”

  Ezra barked a laugh. “No. I will be renaming it, though.”

  “Noooo. I love the name.”

  “It’s not quite right. I thought I change it to . . . um . . . what was it? Oh, yeah. How about Flying Girl.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “Cause if you get your license, and if your parents approve, I’m going to give her to you as a gift.”




  “You’re repeating yourself,” he teased.

  “I couldn’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Um . . . um . . . um . . . got nothing.”

  “Then it’s settled.”

  Egg threw her arms around her step-grandfather and squeezed very hard. “Thank you. It’s the most amazing gift I ever received.”

  “Don’t let your grandmother hear that.”

  “Why? Oh, right . . . the flying suit. Okay, it will be the second best gift I ever got.”

  “You still have to get your license and then your parent’s approval.”


  “You don’t lack for confidence, do you?”

  “Am I being too conceited?”

  “Absolutely not. You’ve proven yourself throughout the galaxy. I doubt there’s any challenge you can’t master. But . . . remember what Storm said to Dazzle?” Ezra had studied Egg’s diary and some textbooks he brought back from Aerianna. He was now an expert on the Hameggattic Sisterhood.

  “Remind me?”

  “It was your first trip to Aerianna and your first meeting with the Prince. When Dazzle asked him if there was any weakness in Mobius, he said the man was overly confident. And, in the end, it cost him everything.”

  Egg thought about that for a minute. “Yet another lesson for Flying Girl. At the time, Storm’s words meant nothing to me. Now I think I understand.”

  “That’s what happens as you get older . . . it’s called wisdom.”

  “Enough jibber-jabber you old man,” she said affectionately. “Take me flying.”

  “I’m not that old.”



  The news of all the changes that Rose’Alynnia had set in motion swept through the populace of Aerianna like a plague . . . but without anyone getting sick.

  However, there was quite a range of emotions . . .

  Sadness that Rose was abdicating her Crown.

  Joy, mixed with a little anxiety, about M’egg-Alynnia becoming the next Queen.

  Humans were anxious that the House of M’earth would no longer be the sole rulers of Aerianna.

  Dragons and Serpents were ecstatic that they would get a chance to rule this world.

  All were pleased that they were to join the new Federation headed by Rose. The opportunities for commerce and the sharing of knowledge and culture were exciting to contemplate.

  Serpents were sad that E’ssss and S’eeee had chosen to retire. They had been exemplary rulers and much beloved. However, they realized that the Royal couple was getting on in years and they deserved time to themselves. The elevation of the famous Shades of Night champion – S’eeee-sik – as their new Queen was well received.

  Dragons were surprised that their Queen had abdicated her Throne. They all thought that even death couldn’t get her to give up that royal position. As to her replacement, she chose not a woman but a young man from one of the lesser branches of her family tree. His name was Debonn’Aire . . . an intelligent, thoughtful dragon from Fire’s Breath. It seemed an odd choice but no one could actually find fault with it.

  Lastly, all but the very old thought the new Council of Equals was well suited to take Aerianna into the fast-changing future. On the other hand, older Aeriannians considered, that on the whole, the group was too young, too inexperienced to be of much help to the new Queen.

  There was one group, however, who were very, very
disappointed . . .

  “Welcome, my dear friends.”

  “That’s not good,” whispered Soo to Bl’azzz.

  “What’s not?”

  “She called us friends . . . not sisters.”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  It was a gathering of the former Hameggattic Sisters . . . without Egg and Sylvia of course. For the most part, they saw each other frequently now that Spirit was working for Rose. Much to her relief, she would not need to be on Peekaboo. In fact, Rose did not want her there . . . others might guess the girl’s unusual powers and that would not do. Besides, they could stay in touch via the space portal as needed. So everyone was told she was Paradox’s ambassador to Aerianna.

  This was the first full gathering of the young ladies since the announcement of Meggy’s forthcoming ascension to the Throne. After all the appropriate hugs, kisses and congratulations, Meggy got down to business.

  “Let me tell you quickly why I have asked you here. Afterward, we will talk about the specifics of what I would have you do. First, let us speak of the Sisterhood.”

  Everyone cheered expecting their sister to reverse her mother’s disbandment. However, they were stunned by the Princess’s words. “I cannot reinstate the Hameggattic Sisterhood. I know you would have expected me to do so . . . however, my mother had me promise to uphold her wishes on the matter.”

  “But you’re going to be Queen. You can do anything you want,” complained Soo.

  “I am first, and foremost, my mother’s daughter.”

  And with that, the cheery atmosphere turned decidedly frigid. Sassi, as elder statesperson for the group, spoke up. “You can’t abandon Egg. We owe everything to her.”

  Meggy stood up and walked over to the green-skinned woman. “Sassi, regardless of what my mother did . . . we are still sisters, now and forever.”


  “As your sister, I ask you to trust me. No questions . . . just faith in your sister.”

  Sassi stared into the eyes of her soon to be Queen. “I always trust my sisters.”

  “Thank you.” Meggy turned to the others. “Do I have yours as well?”


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