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Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

Page 21

by Robert Iannone

  “Where are you guys going dressed like that?” asked Mr. Graystone.

  “Anywhere we want,” kidded his daughter. “Let’s go. Syl, you drive.”


  Oh yeah, they even got their driver’s licenses that summer.

  Chapter 10 – The Graduate


  “Gram, I need your help.”

  “What is it dear?”

  “Applications for college are due in a few weeks and I haven’t done any.”

  “Well, I’ll be glad to do what I can but, sweetheart, shame on you for waiting so long.”

  “Gram, I’m not going to college.”

  “Why not? You had wonderful scores on the S.A.T. tests and your grades have improved tremendously. You would have no problem getting into almost any school you’d want. How about Boston College so you could be near Ashley?”

  “Gram, college isn’t for me. It never was.”

  “Oh. I see.”

  “I’m absolutely positive Dazzle’s going to send someone for me. The Tree would never have given me that weird message if she weren’t. And, I’m ready to apologize.”

  “Are you? Sincerely or just to bring back the sisterhood?”

  “Gram, as much as I want the sisterhood back, I couldn’t lie. You taught me that.”

  “Oh, my love, thank you for saying that. It’s nice to know I helped influence who you are.”

  “What are you talking about? Everything about me is because of you.”

  Grammy sniffled. “That’s very sweet.”

  “It’s very true.”

  This was definitely a hug moment and they did. “You’ve grown into quite the woman. I couldn’t be more proud of you. Thank you for making my life so much richer than it might have been.”

  Egg knew it was Grammy showing her age . . . the older she got, the more sentimental she became. But that was okay. “Gram, I couldn’t even imagine my life without you. I’m the one that needs to thank you. So . . . thank you.” And she hugged her grandmother a little tighter.

  After a few moments, they separated. “If you are going to apologize and it isn’t a lie, does that mean you think Rose was right in doing what she did?” She was desperate for the opportunity to come clean with her granddaughter. It had been almost five years and the secret that she was the one that ended the Sisterhood and Flying Girl was getting too much to bare.

  What she didn’t know was that Egg had figured it out herself. There were a lot of little hints that should have tipped her off sooner, but she wasn’t looking for them. The first big one, however, was that Dazzle’s actions were totally out of character. The second was that her grandmother never showed shock . . . only sympathy. Finally, when she told Syl that it was, in retrospect, good that it had happen, the first thing her friend said was ‘tell Grammy’. Obviously, her Feminion had also figured it out.

  However, until she was totally fine with the realization, she didn’t want to broach the subject for fear of hurting her grandmother and jeopardizing their relationship.

  “Egg . . . I asked if you now thought Rose was right in doing what she did?”

  “Gram, having been away from all of that life for five years gave me time to grow up. I was too full of myself . . . overconfident like Mobius had been. If you hadn’t had the courage to convince Dazzle . . . no, that’s wrong. If you hadn’t demanded that Dazzle do what she did, I would still be the arrogant know-it-all who would have led her sisters, and maybe a couple of worlds, into disaster. Thank you. I can only guess how you’ve been hurting all these years afraid I would find out and be so stupid as to blame you for doing me wrong. In all the universe, I could never have had a better role model than you. You’re awesome and I love you so much.”

  We’ll pause here for a minute while grandmother and granddaughter hug and cry.

  One minute . . .

  Two minutes . . .

  Three . . . oops. “Hey, what’s going on? Everything okay?” asked Ezra as he walked into the teary scene.

  “Yeah, everything is terrific. We’re just being girls,” Egg managed to say through her tears.

  “That’s okay. I like girls. They smell nice.”

  It was a feeble attempt at humor and he got his well-deserved Boo’s.”


  Sylvia was going to Boston. She had been accepted into Harvard, probably the finest university on Earth, to study mathematics and science. Only the brightest of the bright make it in . . . and she was one of them.

  “I told Ash you were accepted to Harvard. She said to be sure to call her when you settle in. Here’s her number.”

  “Thanks. What about you?”

  “My dad knew I wasn’t going to go to college. But, my Mom is taking it hard. Grammy told her to give me a year or two to figure out what I wanted. Once I have my head screwed on straight . . . my mom’s phrase . . . I could apply to school.”

  “How much longer are you going to give it?”


  “You’ve been waiting over a year for someone to come for you. When do you accept the fact that it might never happen?”

  “It will happen. Trust me.”

  There was no use arguing so Syl didn’t. But it broke her heart to see her best friend delude herself like this. She couldn’t bear to see Egg waste these precious years. So, she tried one more time from a different angle. “Why don’t you get into a college and when they come then that’s great. In the meantime, you might earn your degree. It’s better than sitting around here doing nothing.”

  “I have no intention of sitting around. After graduation, I’m taking Flying Girl and we’re going to do a cross-country trip. I’ll fly to Mount Rushmore, Chicago, Boston, Washington D.C. then head south and west with Atlanta, New Orleans, Dallas, Los Angeles . . . then back home. It’ll take me half of the summer.”

  “By yourself?”

  “Why not? You and Zeke hate to fly. So there’s no one else. I’ll be fine.”

  The thought of her friend doing that trip alone broke Syl’s heart. “Please, stay here with me. It’ll be our last summer together.” She hadn’t meant to say it that way.

  “What do you mean, our last summer?”

  “I . . . I don’t know why I said that. Sorry.”

  But Egg got the dreaded goose bumps.



  “Thank you for coming.”

  “What’s going on, your Majesty? Where are the other council members?”

  “This is not a council meeting, Serenity. I will answer your questions when the others have arrived. In the meantime, help yourself to some refreshments.”

  They arrived in ones and twos.

  Soo and Bl’azzz.

  Then Aeri’elle.

  Followed by Tee’ka and BreeZee.

  A moment later came Sassi, Spirit and Jynxie.

  And finally, K’ssss arrived.

  “Good, we are all here.”

  “Meggy, what’s going on?” asked Soo.

  “This is the inaugural meeting of the newly reinstated Hameggattic Sisterhood,” she said calmly.

  The first reaction of the others was dead silence.

  “I must confess, I did expect a somewhat more enthusiastic response,” teased the Queen.

  And she got it. They roared their approval.

  Leave it to Aeri’elle to put a slight damper on things. “Aerianna isn’t in trouble is it? Or your mom?”

  “No. There is no trouble. However, it is time.”

  “You gotta speak a little slower for my dimwitted friend here,” teased Soo pointing at Bl’azzz who was looking befuddled.

  “Why are you doing this? Why now?” asked the F’yre Dragon.

  “I shall answer your second question first. Egg is now eighteen and is about to graduate school.”


  “That brings us to your first question. On the day all of this came about, Grammy had spoken to my brother who inadvertently told her that Egg was being held prison
er by Violetta. The poor woman almost fainted. After Serenity did what she did, Eloise met with my mother and insisted Egg no longer be involved with the Sisterhood. It was too dangerous. My mother pointed out that Egg was four years older than she had been during the Quest and had achieved a number of victories. She was now much better suited to lead the sisterhood than she had been at first. Eloise was understandably emotional. She insisted.”

  “So your mother took the blame,” said an embarrassed K’ssss.

  “Yes. She said she owed both Eloise’s so much. She could not let this matter come between them and end their special bond. Grammy said that when Egg graduated school, the matter could be revisited. And that is what I am doing.”

  Again, Sassi as the eldest member of the sisterhood spoke for the others. “Please tell your mother that we all apologize for ever having doubted her. It was unforgiveable on our part.”

  The rest chimed in with their apologies.

  “Thank you and I will. However, I, too, was convinced of my mother’s guilt in this matter. She is very good at what she does.”

  “That doesn’t absolve us. Please, tell her . . . tell our sister . . . we beg her forgiveness.”

  “Thank you, Sassi. I will.”

  “So now we can get Egg,” said Tee’ka with a smile. “I’ll go.”

  “Using the portal presents the risk of Earth scientists detecting it. Since there are no time constraints, I prefer if you went by ship.”

  “The Seven can get there in a matter of days. In fact, we were there before,” explained Spirit.

  “Were you?”

  “Yes. We couldn’t resist. It was just before we went to Laff’Alott.”

  “Well then, you have our leave to go. Who will you take with you?”

  “Me,” cried Tee’ka.

  “And, me,” said Bl’azzz.

  “I’ll go.”

  “Soo, you’re married.”

  “Right. Married . . . not dead. I’ll go.”


  “Of course.”

  “Counting Jynx, that’s six. What about you Bree?”

  “Can you give me about a week or so? I have to finish a couple of projects.”

  “We waited five years. I guess we can wait a little longer.”

  “Wonderful. Serenity, please take these,” and Meggy gave her the rings.

  “What did your brother do to Egg’s ring?”

  “My mother had him take it to the Myst Tree. She requested that he disable the suit command until he, the Tree, deemed she was ready to resume being Flying Girl.”

  “Really. So Egg must go to Sighing Whorl?”

  “That would be a logical assumption. However, with the Tree, one never knows.”


  Fire’s Breath

  They were meeting in a secluded garden reserved for the King. “Good evening.”


  “M’egg-Alynnia has told me about your upcoming trip.”

  “I can’t wait to see Egg again. It’s been five years and for humans that’s a long time. I wonder what she and Sylvia look like now?”

  “To be honest, most humans look alike to me. I doubt if I could discern a difference.”

  “That’s true . . . unless you really care for someone. Then you notice everything.”

  Changing the subject to something more pressing, Debonn’Aire asked “Bl’azzz, what are we to do?”

  “We’ve gotta stop seeing each other.” It was painfully obvious that she didn’t belong at court. She was not royalty, not educated and wasn’t very good at the pomp and circumstance that went with being an escort of a King. But that didn’t make it any easier.

  Sadly, he had reached the same conclusion. “I will miss you.”

  “Sure,” she responded despondently.

  “What if I were to make you a Baroness or such?”

  “D, don’t. That’s not who I am.”

  “Perhaps not. What will you do?”

  “Well, lucky for me there’s a Sisterhood again. Guess I’ll go find some bad guys to beat up.”

  “Have you ever ‘beat’ anyone?”

  “No. Unless you count a good burp and burn,” and that made the King laugh.

  “You are so unique.”

  “Yeah, one in a billion.”

  “I am truly sorry this did not work out. I care for you deeply.”

  “Take care, your Highness,” and she turned and bounded into the air.

  And she cried . . . something F’yre Dragons weren’t supposed to do.


  “Your Majesty,” and Py’wackit bowed low.

  “Thank you for coming on such short notice.”

  “How can I be of service?”

  “I want you to take care of Bl’azzz.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “We are no longer . . . a couple. Right now she could use a good friend.”

  “I can do that.”


  Council of Equals

  A few days before the trip to Earth.

  “I have considered Serenity’s arguments on the matter of King Debonn’Aire and Queen S’eeee-sik. I propose the following. They will be invited to join the Council but they will have only one vote as do the rest of you. All votes from this point forward will be done by secret ballot so neither of them will know how their people voted. Each member may submit questions and concerns on any subject – anonymously. Again, neither Sovereign will know who voiced those concerns. Finally, Council members and their family will, by law, be protected from any retribution their Sovereign may attempt to impose on them for actions on the Council. Will that suffice?”

  K’ssss, Aeri’elle and their fathers discussed it amongst themselves. When they finished, Tink’rrr said “Thank you, your Majesty. Those are very fair terms.”

  “Then it shall be done. One other order of business. Soon, I intend to announce the reestablishment of the Hameggattic Sisterhood to all of Aerianna. When my sisters return from Earth – hopefully with Egg and Sylvia – we will have an official celebration. My mother will arrive from Peekaboo Prime to preside over the event. Festivities will be an all-day affair culminating with a tour of the Hameggattic Institute on Zynn-Zaz’zia. I expect everyone to participate.”

  “Is that an order?” teased BreeZee.

  “As Egg’s favorite band might sing – Don’t mess with my sister, mister.”



  In the end, Egg relented. “Okay, when I get back I’ll apply to community college.”

  “Sweetheart, you make me so happy. And after you graduate in two years, you can transfer to a four-year college. You’ll see . . . you’re making the right choice.”

  The old ‘younger’ Egg would have argued with her mother. But, the newer ‘older’ Egg had matured. “You’re probably right, Mom. Who knows where I’ll end up . . . maybe Boston with Syl and Ash.”

  “That would be wonderful.”

  They heard a honk and Egg said, “That’ll be Syl. Time to go.”

  “Remember, call us every night.”

  “I will. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Here . . .” and she handed her mother a map.

  “What is this?”

  “My route. I’ll be filing a flight plan for each leg . . . so everyone will know where I am.” A flight plan is just that – your proposed route and expected time of arrival at your destination. If you fail to check in at the appointed time, the Civil Air Patrol will send out planes to go look for you.

  “Oh. Wonderful,” and she hugged her daughter.

  “Have fun and be safe,” added her father who also claimed a hug.

  “I will. See you in about a month.”

  She grabbed her flight bag, smiled a last time and left.

  “Come on, girl,” said Sylvia through the car window. “The faster you start this dumb trip, the sooner I’ll get you back.”

  Egg threw her bag in the back and got in. “Let’s do this thing.”

they drove away, Syl said, “I’m glad you’re going to register at the college.”

  “Syl, I did it for my mom. But, I won’t graduate.”

  “Come on, you never know.”

  “Actually, I think I do.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Egg went quiet for a few seconds. “I don’t think I’m coming back from this trip.”

  Sylvia nearly wrecked the car as she jammed on the brakes. “WHAT?”

  “It’s just a feeling . . . but not a bad one. No goose bumps.”

  “I told you before that’s not very scientific.”

  “And I told you that’s all I got. Come on, get going will you.”

  The conversation was pretty strained after that revelation. And the half hour drive to Grammy’s seemed to take about two hours. They finally turned into the driveway, past the house and on to the hanger where Grammy and Ezra would be waiting.

  There was also a van from the local TV station there.

  “Yay, I’m going to be famous,” quipped Egg.

  “You already are, remember?”

  Syl stopped the car and the girls got out. Grammy came up to her granddaughter. “Sorry about this,” and she pointed at the TV people. “They promised if you give them two minutes they would leave you alone and just film your take-off.”

  “No problem, Gram,” and she went and did her duty. The reporter thanked her and they drove their van to the far side of the dirt strip to set up their camera.

  “Egg, I’ve given her the once over,” said Ezra when she returned.

  “Ha” barked Grammy. “He’s been out here for three hours going over every inch of that plane.”

  “Thanks Ezra. How about helping me with my pre-flight?” She didn’t need help; it was his reward for being so nice.

  “Sure,” he said with a smile. They walked off and inspected the plane one more time.

  While they were gone, Grammy asked Sylvia “Any thoughts about this flight?”

  The girl didn’t want to tell the older woman what Egg had said about not returning. That didn’t seem fair. “She’s Flying Girl . . . what could go wrong?”

  Grammy laughed . . . but without mirth. “She’s Flying Girl . . . trouble follows her everywhere.”


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