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Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

Page 32

by Robert Iannone

  Sylvia then raised one last question. “What about Zeke?”

  Egg smiled. “I have an idea about that.”

  “I’m sorry to interrupt,” said Spirit. “But I have to get back and help my dear Jynxie.”

  “Oh my gosh, Spirit. I’m so sorry. Come on, I’ll take you right now. Syl, why don’t you take Soo . . . I think she needs to tell her husband the good news.”

  “Thanks, Egg-o. Hey Grammy, Ezra . . . thanks for the hospitality. It’s always terrific to see you guys.” She slithered up to them for a goodbye hug.

  “If we don’t see you before then, we’ll definitely come visit after your babies are born,” said Grammy.

  “That’ll be great. Hey, guys, I’ll see the rest of you back home,” she called to the others. “Let’s go Syl.” And they did.

  “Egg, please,” begged Spirit.

  “Let’s go.”

  “Bye everyone.”

  “Give our best to Jynx, dear.”

  “Thank you,” and the next instant they were gone.

  Since they had a few minutes before the others would return, Grammy asked the remaining girls, “So, are the three of you staying active in the Sisterhood?”

  “Wherever Egg goes, so will I,” said Tee’ka with great emotion.

  “As will I, Grammy,” added Serenity.

  “Bl’azzz, dear, what about you?”

  “I’m not sure, Grammy. Probably . . . but, well, I’m just not sure.”

  “Why is that, if I may ask?”

  “His name is Py . . . Py’wackit,” was the answer.

  “I see. Well, I know you’ll come to the right decision.”


  Egg and Sylvia were sitting in the living room . . . all the other girls having been returned home.

  “Well, that was quite the little adventure you two just had,” observed Grammy.

  “How fun was that? Well, except for Jynx getting hurt.”

  “That’s another chapter to add to the great story of Flying Girl . . . the time she saved the Hameggattic Sisterhood,” added Sylvia.

  “Hey, you helped too.”

  “Yeah, I did,” was the smiling reply.

  “So, dear, what’s next in your plan?”

  “I need to go back and talk to Meggy and get her permission to move to Aerianna. Then, I need to apologize to Dazzle.”

  “And then?” pressed her grandmother.

  “Then we give my parents the same talk and demonstrations we gave Ashley. I expect all of you to help me.”

  “Will you ask your sister to come home for that?”

  “I’ll call her. If she says yes, I’ll fly there and pick her up. She won’t even have to stay the whole day.”

  “Ezra, dear. You’ve been awfully quiet.”

  “I was just thinking . . . “


  “I’d like to take an extended trip to Aerianna. And maybe Zynn-Zaz’zia. And maybe the Starlight Federation or whatever they’re calling it now. How many chances are you and I going to get to explore strange new worlds . . . to boldly go where no Hightower has ever gone before?”

  “That’s a quote from Star Trek,” said the know-it-all Sylvia with a grin.

  Ezra chuckled. “Well, not the Hightower part.”

  “I think that’s a wonderful idea. Egg, would that be okay with you?”

  “Grammy, it’s not up to me?”

  “Of course not. It’s just that if you move to Aerianna, will you mind if your grandparents go too?”

  “Mind? Heck, I think it would be epic. Actually, that might be a great selling point to my parents . . . if they knew you’d be around to take care of their helpless, little girl.”



  She was more nervous than she cared to admit. It wasn’t the prospect of meeting Meggy . . . heck, it was her sister that sent the others to fetch her. But she wasn’t sure how her meeting with Dazzle would turn out.

  As she approached the Throne Room, the doors were opened by the ever-present Sentinels. “Your Majesty,” intoned one of them, “Egg of Earth.”

  She walked forward, nodding and smiling at the well-wishers on either side of her. When she was within maybe twenty feet, the Queen did something very un-queenly . . . she stood up and met her sister half way. They hugged for a lot more than the five, maybe ten seconds rule.

  When they finally separated, they both started to speak simultaneously. They stopped and laughed then started again.

  “You first, your Queenship,” teased Egg.

  “First, I am so very excited to see you again. The five years seemed like an eternity. Second, thank you for saving our sisters. What was supposed to be a joyous occurrence almost ended in unimaginable disaster. And lastly, you look wonderful. I love you hair, I love the fact that we are both young women. I was always secretly irritated that you were so much younger than I was. At least now, we appear to once again be about the same age.” She was kidding, of course.

  Egg answered in kind. “Five years was an eternity. Syl and the others all helped in the rescue. And, yes, I look terrific. Sadly, dear Meggy, you still look a lot older than me.” She ended with her tongue sticking out.

  The Queen laughed then hugged her sister once more. “Come; let us go to my rooms so we may speak in private.”

  As they walked arm in arm, Egg asked, “Any word on Jynxie?”

  “I am pleased to say that Spirit was able to bring her back to full health.”

  “Oh, that’s great. That Shamie has been so amazing.”

  “Indeed. How is everyone back home?”

  “All’s well. Syl was accepted to Harvard to study math and science.”

  “I seem to recall that name. It is a distinguished university?”

  “Most people consider it the best on Earth.”

  “How wonderful for her.”

  They reached the Queen’s private suite of rooms and entered. After some more chitchat, Meggy asked, “So what are your plans?”

  “That depends on three things. Assuming I can convince my parents, and assuming that your Mom will accept my apology . . . will you give me permission to move to Aerianna?”

  She was expecting a royal squeal of delight and another hug.

  Her friend’s response, however, was totally unexpected . . . and completely shocking. “Oh, I am so sorry, dear sister. But I cannot allow that.”



  Egg flew to Se’rene in a state of confusion. The Queen, her friend and sister, told her she was not yet welcome to live on Aerianna. She, Egg, and the sisterhood had yet to prove themselves worthy.

  “What are you talking about? What about Mobius and Violetta?”

  “They were flawed opponents . . . easily defeated. However, I do have a challenge for you and the rest. We shall discuss it tomorrow. Please bring whichever sisters still consider themselves active. I have no need for those that have retired. You may go.”

  Egg was dumbfounded. She wanted to argue . . . but the sudden rise of goose bumps on her arms stopped her. She did manage to ask in a calm voice, “Where is your mom? I still need to apologize.”

  “I have asked my mother to leave Q’umulus and take up residence at Se’rene. Her constant presence was beginning to annoy me.”

  Egg turned to leave but she just had to say something. “Meggy, are you alright?”

  “Until you have succeeded at the next challenge, I would prefer you address me as Your Majesty. You do understand, I hope?”

  “Sure. Sorry.” She turned and practically flew out of the room.


  Egg knocked on door and waited. As nervous as she had been about meeting Dazzle, the emotion was totally displaced by the distraction caused by her encounter with Meggy. However, when the door began to open, her attention . . . and nervousness . . . returned so suddenly it almost knocked her over.

  “May I help you?” It was an older gentleman from Rose’s personal staff. His face was famili
ar but Egg had never been introduced.

  “Hi, I’m here to see the Queen.”

  “Indeed? Was the Queen Mother expecting you?”

  “I’m Egg. Egg of Earth.”

  The man looked at her in confusion since the last time he had seen her, she was five years younger . . . and just a girl. Now, there was no mistaking that she was a woman. He had been staring at her face but finally expanded his gaze and recognized her flying suit. “I do apologize, Egg. You were so much younger the last time I laid eyes upon you.”

  “Yeah, I grew up.”

  “Indeed you have. Please, come in.”

  She did as she was asked . . . and a flood of memories washed over her as she took in the very familiar surroundings. This had been the home base of the Sisterhood so many years before. But nothing had changed and she couldn’t help but smile.

  Lost in her reverie, she did not see Rose approach. Nor did she see her friend’s eyes widen as she took in the now older girl. She, too, couldn’t help but smile at what she saw. “Egg”.

  Egg twirled around and time slowed down. In the length of a heartbeat or two, she noticed the smile on her friend and that eliminated all the tension she had been feeling. Then she noticed that Dazzle definitely looked older . . . five years governing the Federation had taken its toll. In that brief interval of time, it made her sad to think of the time they had lost.

  Lastly, five years of emotions that had ranged from hate to sadness to longing couldn’t be contained any longer. Egg ran to her friend and mentor, threw her arms around her and began to sob uncontrollably.

  Rose had always prided herself in hiding her feelings in front of others. But, her self-controlled faded and her own tears slipped down her cheeks.

  It took quite a while for Egg to regain her control. When she did, she said, “Dazzle, I’m so sorry.”

  “You were just a child and your reaction was not unexpected. No apology is required for there is nothing to forgive.”

  “That’s not true. What kind of person am I . . . you never gave me reason to doubt your love for me. How could I so easily assume you were being mean and unfair? I’m so ashamed.”

  “Nonsense. You reacted as any teenager would have. Now, I will hear no more about it. We have years to catch up on. Come, let us make ourselves comfortable.”

  “Dazzle, before we talk about that . . . I just came from Meggy. What’s going on with her?”

  “She is possessed . . . and I need your help to save her.”


  Egg and Rose talked about Meggy. When there was nothing left to say, Egg left to find the other ‘active’ sisters. She returned with Tee’ka, Serenity, Spirit, the newly healed Jynxie, BreeZee and Bl’azzz. After exchanging greetings and apologies, they began their discussion.

  “So this is Se’rene . . . and last headquarters of the Hameggattic Sisterhood,” observed Serenity. “It’s so . . . so historic.”

  It was Bl’azzz who was the most moved. She had been sent here from the Seven Lands with the ‘sad, so sad’ Soo. And it was her that Egg had contacted when the girl had reached the Crystal Mountain. “It’s been nine years . . . but it seems just like last week,” she said softly.

  Egg came up to her and gave her a hug. “And now it’s just me and you from the old gang. A little sad, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah . . . a little. I’m going to miss Soo when we go gallivanting around.”

  “Don’t you dare make me cry.”


  Egg took a deep breath and turned back to the others who had remained respectfully quiet. “So it looks like the Sisterhood is needed already. You guys up for a little challenge?”

  BreeZee answered for the rest “Yes . . . even if we don’t know what that challenge is.”

  “Let me explain,” said the Queen Mother. “There is a world called Spell’ Bound located at the far reaches of the Federation. Just before I retired, I sent a delegation to invite them to join us in our new alliance. But, our people found the planet in . . . disarray. There had been a war hundreds of years ago that destroyed much of their civilization. What is left is very primitive . . . people scavenging amongst the ruins to try to eke out an existence. They could sorely use our help.”

  “But they refused?” asked Bl’azzz.

  “Exactly. We found that the ruling class are witches and warlocks . . . they use magic to subjugate the population. They wanted no part in what we had to offer. It would only serve to weaken their control. So, we left.”

  “Your Majesty . . . magic? Is such a thing possible?” asked a skeptical, scientifically logical Serenity.

  “Our delegation left with no doubt of their claims. They had seen it with their own eyes.”

  “What does all this have to do with Meggy? Or with us, for that matter?” asked BreeZee.

  “When the delegation was about to leave, a young woman gave them a box. She said it contained a gift for the Queen of Aerianna . . . a token that there were no hard feelings, that they appreciated our offer. Naturally, my people took it and gave it to me.”

  “What was it?” asked Tee’ka.

  Rose went to a side table, opened a draw and pulled out an object. “This . . . “

  She passed it around.

  Spirit asked the obvious question. “What is it?”

  “I cannot answer that with any precision. What I can tell you is that when I handed it to my daughter, a flash of light shot out from those points and engulfed her. From that moment forth, she was under the control of someone from Spell ‘Bound.”

  “To what end?”

  “Apparently to force the Hameggattic Sisterhood to do her bidding.”

  “Which is?”

  “You will find out tomorrow.”



  The Sisters were once again in the Queen’s private rooms. Meggy – or the voice that controlled her – was about to explain what she wanted, and what was required of the Sisterhood . . .

  “If you wish your Queen returned to normal, you will agree to my demands. Once you have accomplished the task that I assign, I will relinquish control of her mind.”

  It didn’t take long for Egg to be Egg. “No.”


  “I said no.”

  “You would sacrifice your Queen, your sister and friend . . . I find that hard to believe.”

  “That’s not what I said. Let’s get one thing straight . . . the Hameggattic Sisterhood is always ready to help anyone in need. But that need better be for good . . . and not for some selfish reason. If you want that help, all you need to do is ask. Holding our friend hostage is the wrong way to go about.”

  “What assurance do I have that you will do as you promise?”

  “We don’t lie. If we make that promise . . . you can take it to the bank.”

  “What is a bank?”

  Egg shook her head. “Not important. It just means that our word is our bond. On the other hand, if you don’t let Meggy go, we will be really, really upset with you. And I can promise we will make you pay for hurting one of us.”

  There was silence as the person possessing Meggy thought about the words she had just heard. Finally, she said, “I accept your terms. However, I cannot speak to you except through my control of this individual. So, until this conversation is finished, I beg your indulgence.”

  Egg liked the sound of what she had just heard. Her instincts told her this person was someone they could trust. “Fair enough. Now, who are you and how can we help?”

  “I am . . . I am the Librarian.”

  “That’s your name?”

  “No, it is what I do. I am in charge of all the printed words of this world. Sadly, much of what was once written has been destroyed. It is my job to catalogue and preserve that which is left.”

  Serenity spoke up. “You found something . . . something in those documents, those books. What is it?”

  The possessed Meggy smiled in appreciation of Serenity’s deduction. “I fou
nd that it is not magic. It is M.A.G.E.K.”

  The girls looked at each other not understanding. Egg asked, “What exactly does that mean?”

  “It means that there is a way to rid this world of the evil ones. They are not witches or warlocks or magicians. Their power comes from a machine built centuries ago . . . knowledge, of which, was lost over the time. We all think that these people can conjure up anything with their minds alone. That’s not true. They need the machine called M.A.G.E.K.”

  “Okay. I think I understand. So, how can we help?”

  The answer was totally unexpected. “I need the Hameggattic Sisters to find this machine . . . and turn it off. If you can do that, it will save my world . . . and my people. Please.”

  “That doesn’t sound like much of a challenge . . . flip a switch?”

  “You could not be more wrong. Those in power would do anything to stop you . . . and they are capable of much harm. Worse, the machine itself has the means to protect itself.”

  Tee’ka interrupted with a question of her own. “What about you, Librarian? Are you in danger?”

  “Yes and no. I am . . . there is no easy way to say this . . . I am one of them. I have the ability to conjure. So, from that prospective, I am safe for the time being.”

  Egg got goose bumps. “What do you mean – for the time being?”

  “I discovered something else . . . about myself. If the others find out, they will either enslave me for their own selfish purpose or . . . or they will destroy me.”

  “What did you find out? What makes you a threat to them?”

  “I am a witch.”

  “Oh my gosh.”



  Rose arrived at the floating city and hurried to her daughter. “M’egg-Alynnia?”

  “Yes, mother. I am free of her . . . of the Librarian.”


  Meggy went on to explain what had transpired. When she finished she said with a coy smile, “I do apologize for sending you away.”

  The Queen Mother smiled back. “On Earth there is a saying – Turn around is fair play. I sent the Sisterhood away and now I was repaid in kind.” She turned to Egg and asked, “Will you and your sisters be helping the Librarian and the people of Spell ‘Bound?”


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