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Dead will Arise

Page 55

by Peires, Jeff

  Graham, L Diary. National Army Museum, London.

  Grey, Earl Papers. University of Durham.

  Holdich, EA Diary. Staffordshire Regimental Museum, Whittington.

  Kingsley, JCG Journal. National Army Museum, London.

  Mellish of Hodsock Papers. University of Nottingham.

  Rich, J. Diary Black Watch Regimental Museum, Perth.

  Robinson, H Letters. Humberside County Record Office, Beverley.

  Seymour of Ragley Papers. Warwickshire County Record Office, Warwick.

  St. John, WJ Journal. National Army Museum, London.

  E. Germany

  Berlin Mission Archives, Abt. III. Reports of A Kropf, 1857-9.

  F. Oral Sources

  BF Anta, Teko Location, Kentani District, 8 Jan. 1976.

  N Bhotomane, Ramntswana Location, Kentani District, 16 Dec. 1975.

  N Bhotomane, Interview with H Scheub, 1968. Courtesy of Professor Scheub of

  the University of Wisconsin.

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  M. Kantolo, Kantolo Location, Kentani District, 22 Aug. 1983.

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  Cape Church Monthly, 1856.

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  H. Printed Official Sources


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  635 of 1851 Select Committee on the Kaffir Tribes.

  949 of 1848; 1056 of 1849; 1288 of 1850; 1334 of 1851; 1428 of 1852; 1635 of 1853; 1969 of 1855; 2096 of 1856; 2202 of 1857; 2352 of 1857; Papers re State of the Kaffir Tribes.


  G 4 of 1858 Proceedings and findings of the court … and sentence … upon Macomo and other Kafirs.

  5 of 1858 Papers indicating the Nature of the Plans formed by the Kafir Chiefs.

  G 36 of 1858 Deposition made by Nongquase, a Kafir Prophetess.

  Select Committee on Frontier Defence, 1855.

  I. Other Printed Sources

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  Goldswain, J. 1946-9. The Chronicle of Jeremiah Goldswain. Ed. U Long. 2 vols. Cape Town: Van Riebeeck Society.

  Gorst, J. 1908. New Zealand Revisited. London: Pitman.

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  Hutcheon, D. 1905. 'Lungsickness of Cattle', Agricultural Journal (Cape Town), 27.

  Kay, S. 1833. Travels and Researches in Caffraria. London: John Mason.

  King, WR. 1853. Campaigning in Kaffirland. London: Saunders and Otley.

  Kropf, A. 1891. Der Lugenprofeten Kafferlands. Berlin: Berlin Evangelischen Missions-Gesellschaft.

  Kropf, A and Godfrey, R. 1915. Kaffir-English Dictionary. 2nd ed. Lovedale: Lovedale Press.

  Lakeman, S. 1880. What I Saw in Kaffirland. Edinburgh: Blackwood.

  Le Cordeur, B and Saunders, C. 1981. The War of the Axe. Johannesburg: Brenthurst Press.

  Lichtenstein, H. 1812-15. Travels in Southern Africa. Trans. A Plumptre. 2 vols. Cape Town: Van Riebeeck Society (1928-30).

  Mackay, J. 1871. Reminiscences of the Last Kafir War. Reprinted Cape Town: Struik (1970).

  Maclean, J. 1858. Compendium of Kaffir Laws and Customs. Reprinted Grahamstown: J Slater (1906).

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  Milne, J. 1899. The Romance of a Proconsul. London: Chatto and Windus.

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  2. Secondary Sources

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  Copyright Page

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior permission from the publishers or copyright holder.

  © Jeff Peires, 1989

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  Originally published in Great Britain by James Currey Ltd and in the USA by Indiana University Press

  First South African edition published in 1989 by Ravan Press (Pty) Ltd

  This edition first published in South Africa by Jonathan Ball Publishers in 2003


  PO Box 33977



  This ebook edition published in 2013

  Ebook ISBN 978-1-86842-563-1

  Cover design by Michael Barnett

  Cover painting detail from Kaffirs Watching for the Return of Dead Warriors by F I’ons, by courtesy of MuseumAfrica

  Reproduction of cover and picture section by Triple M Design and Advertising, Johannesburg

  Maps by WO West

  Ebook design by Full Circle, Centurion







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