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Deborah's Discovery

Page 9

by Fredrica Alleyn

  ‘Well think about it now, then it won’t come as a nasty surprise. Just remember that when he’s busy elsewhere you’ll be having such a good time you won’t mind a bit. One word of advice though. Keep your eye on Flora. She’s worked for Pavin for several years now and once he’d divorced Angela she expected to be the next Mrs Pavin. Your arrival’s put her nose out of joint, and if she can get you to kick up any kind of scene to displease Pavin she will. So if you want to hang on to him, and something tells me you do, then watch her carefully.’

  ‘I hardly know Pavin,’ responded Deborah.

  ‘Doesn’t stop instant attraction.’

  Deborah knew that was true. He drew her to him like a flame attracts a moth, but she wasn’t going to confess that to Celia. ‘Who’s that?’ she asked, pointing to where a woman was lying stretched out naked on a rush mat in a corner of the cove.

  ‘Tansy, she likes to get her plastic boobs a nice golden brown.’

  Deborah laughed. ‘Has she really had them done?’

  ‘Sure. She’s a couple of years older than Paul and doesn’t want to sag before he does! Actually, she really went to the surgeon to have her clitoral hood removed and he threw the breast job in as a cheap extra.’

  Deborah stopped walking. ‘She had what removed?’

  ‘I know it sounds weird but she had her clitoral hood taken away. She says it’s like a bloke being circumcised and means it makes it much easier for men to find that vital little spot.’

  ‘But it mean’s it’s got no protection.’

  Celia gave a strange smile. ‘Yeah, which is something Brian really maximises to the full. Come on, we’ll go across and I’ll get her to show you.’

  Tansy was lying on her back, her full, perfectly formed breasts pointing upwards to the clear blue sky. Although the sun was out, Deborah couldn’t help thinking she must be freezing in the morning air.

  ‘Hi!’ said Celia casually.

  Tansy took of her sunglasses and propped herself up on one elbow. ‘Oh, it’s you.’

  ‘Expecting someone else?’

  ‘Richard said he might join me later. You know he enjoys fresh air!’

  Celia giggled. ‘I sometimes think the beach barbecues are just for his benefit. I was showing Debbie round some of the island.’

  Tansy gave Deborah a half-smile. ‘Do you like it? Or is it only Pavin that interests you?’

  ‘I think the whole place is fantastic!’ responded Deborah.

  ‘That’s more than his last wife did. She complained it was always freezing cold here and that there weren’t any shops. I suppose you haven’t yet reached the stage of needing shops to keep you entertained!’

  ‘Leave her alone,’ said Celia. ‘It’s not a crime to fancy Pavin or we’d all be in prison! Actually, I wanted you to show her what that surgeon did for you.’

  Tansy indicated her thrusting breasts. ‘He stopped these sagging for a start.’

  ‘Not that,’ said Celia with a sigh. ‘Show her what he did lower down.’

  Tansy looked up at the waiting Deborah. ‘Stand at my feet then and I’ll show you.’

  Deborah walked round until she was between Tansy’s legs, then the other woman put her hands down and pulled apart her outer sex lips. ‘There, what do you think?’

  Deborah didn’t know what she thought. There, high up at the top of the sex lips, just beneath the pubic bone, was a tiny little button of light pink flesh with no familiar fold of skin half-concealing it.

  ‘It’s fantastic having it like this,’ enthused Tansy, seeing the look of uncertainty on the blonde woman’s face. ‘Let’s face it, even the most incompetent man can’t miss it now! As for the experts, well let’s just say they have a field day. There’s also the added bonus of self-stimulation. I only need to wear a pair of tight bikini pants and I start getting aroused!’

  ‘But what happens when you don’t want to be aroused? Surely it must be painful then?’ asked Deborah.

  ‘I just leave off underwear, though to be honest it isn’t often that I don’t want to be stimulated! You can touch it if you like.’

  Celia was standing at Tansy’s head and she looked curiously at Deborah, clearly interested to see what her reaction would be. Deborah’s first instinct was to refuse, but there was an undeniable fascination about the situation that tempted her.

  ‘Lick your finger first,’ added Tansy. ‘There’s nothing worse than a dry, clumsy touch.’

  Deborah licked her middle finger and crouched down between Tansy’s thighs. ‘How do you like it touched?’

  Tansy smiled. ‘Probably the same way as you do. Use your imagination, honey.’

  Celia’s dark eyes were fixed on Deborah’s face as the young Englishwoman slowly ran her finger, damp with her own saliva, along the side of the exposed clitoris. Tansy drew in her breath and Deborah felt a strange surge of power. Very carefully she let her finger circle the nub, watching it swell and suffuse with blood as it responded to her stimulation.

  ‘Don’t stop now!’ begged Tansy, spreading her legs wider. ‘You’ve got a super touch.’

  There was a tightness around Deborah’s chest. Breathing seemed difficult and her own legs were trembling as much as Tansy’s as she removed her finger for a moment, slid three of them into her mouth and then used all three to tease around the increasingly prominent clitoris.

  Suddenly the bud moved slightly as Tansy gave a small moan. ‘It’s about now that a clitoris starts to retract,’ explained Celia. ‘The stimulation must be too intense or something, but of course tansy’s can’t. Don’t worry, she likes it like this. Just increase the pressure a bit.’

  ‘No!’ said Tansy sharply. ‘Don’t increase it, keep it as it was.’

  But Deborah was aroused by Celia’s words and she ignored the squirming woman’s plea and pressed her fingers more firmly against the sides of the still-swelling sex button.

  Tansy moved her hands to slow Deborah’s movement, but just then a shadow fell over the three women and when Deborah glanced up she saw that Richard was standing over them, dressed in a pair of swimming trunks.

  He caught hold of Tansy’s hands and pinned them above her head to the beach mat. ‘Carry on, Debbie,’ he urged her. ‘This is what she really likes.’

  Tansy’s top teeth were biting into her bottom lip as she tried to twist away from Deborah’s touch but Richard held her firmly and Deborah continued to stimulate each side of the shaft until Tansy’s head was rolling from side to side and tiny mewing sounds came out of her mouth. As her stomach began to clench into a tight ball, Peborah stroked across the top of the permanently exposed clitoris with the very tip of one long nail and at that Tansy screamed aloud and her legs went rigid as a climax tore through her.

  Celia clapped lightly. ‘Well done, Debbie! That was great. Wasn’t it great, Tansy?’

  Tansy lifted her head and stared at the newcomer to their group. ‘You’re not quite what I expected, Deborah. Somehow I think Flora’s in for a nasty surprise. You’ve definitely got hidden depths. Don’t you think so, Richard?’

  Richard smiled at Deborah. ‘I can’t wait for my turn with you! Enjoy the rest of your walk, girls. Tansy and I will be busy for the next hour or so.’

  Celia put her arm through Deborah’s and they walked to the edge of the sea where Deborah dipped her hands in the salt water.

  ‘You enjoyed that, didn’t you?’ said Celia.

  It was a statement rather than a question and Deborah didn’t answer it. She was slightly shocked to realise that it was the truth. She had enjoyed it. Not only her ability to give another woman such pleasure but also the fact that Tansy hadn’t been able to stop her. That once Richard joined in and kept Tansy from directing the show, the sense of sexual power had been an aphrodisiac in itself.

  ‘Come on, you can face your new knowledge later!’ continued Celia with a small laugh. ‘Let’s finish our walk. By the time we get back to the castle the others should have made up their minds what they want to do today.’ />
  When they finally got back, the big dining hall was deserted. ‘I think nearly everyone’s in the east wing, madam,’ explained the same maid who’d brought Pavin and Deborah their coffee that morning. ‘Mr Pavin said for you to join them when you returned.’

  ‘We’d better go then,’ said Celia. ‘Will you be joining us at all today, Sara?’

  The maid lowered her head. ‘This afternoon, madam.’

  ‘Lovely! Martin will be pleased.’

  ‘What was all that about?’ asked Deborah as they went out through the courtyard to the east wing.

  ‘Most of the staff who work here join us from time to time. It livens up their dreary days and adds a little spice to the proceedings! Sara is a particular favourite. She plays the role of an old-fashioned serving maid so well that Martin has difficulty containing himself. You English get really hung up on class, don’t you?’

  ‘But what does she do?’

  ‘Takes part in our home movies.’

  ‘What home movies?’ asked Deborah.

  Celia seemed surprised Deborah didn’t know. ‘Pavin’s a home movie buff. He likes to make films, appear in films and view them on his own console. You must have seen that, you are sharing his bedroom.’

  ‘I saw a TV set yes, and he said something about watching videos because the TV shows were so poor.’

  ‘That’s one way of explaining it. It sounds as though we might be making a film this afternoon. I hope so. They’re out of this world.’

  ‘I never photograph well,’ said Deborah.

  Celia raised her eyebrows. ‘I wouldn’t say that, Debbie.’

  ‘How would you know? You’ve never seen a picture of me.’

  But Celia didn’t respond, simply pushed open the doors that led into what Pavin had described as his personal recreation centre.

  ‘Is this where the swimming pool and gym are?’ asked Deborah.

  ‘Among other things, yes. I expect they’re in the small lounge though. That’s where we always meet to discuss entertainment. Come on, it’s up these steps.’

  The room where Pavin, Elizabeth, Brian, Flora and Paul were gathered was certainly smaller than any of the others Deborah had seen so far. The tone of the warm pink carpet was echoed in the plaster and marble reliefs around the fireplace, along the tops of the walls and on the ceiling. Portraits of stem-faced men in Highland costume hung on three walls and a large gold-framed mirror was on the wall opposite the door. The furniture seemed more modern, Regency style Deborah thought, and she wondered why Pavin had decided to mix styles so haphazardly.

  ‘Have a good walk, sweetheart?’ he called from where he was leaning against the fireplace, whisky glass in hand as he talked to Brian.

  ‘Lovely thanks. It’s a super morning, and your island’s so beautiful.’

  ‘Did you see Tansy or Richard?’ asked Flora. ‘They were meant to be here.’

  ‘Sorry, no. We saw a lot of birds and a few seals, but no humans,’ said Celia smoothly.

  ‘Is that right, Debbie?’ Pavin asked her, noticing that she was blushing slightly.

  ‘Yes, of course. I mean, they might have been around but I was concentrating on the scenery.’

  ‘It’s no big deal,’ said Paul. ‘They’re both free agents, Flora.’

  ‘They know we always meet here on the first full day of the holiday.’

  ‘They’ll turn up soon enough,’ said Brian. ‘Anyway, they won’t mind what we decide on. Deborah’s the newcomer. We have to make sure she’s happy with the itinerary!’

  ‘I like to keep records of each of these holidays,’ Pavin explained to Deborah, handing her a glass of bucks fizz. ‘You wouldn’t mind coming along to the filming after lunch, would you honey?’

  ‘What kind of a record?’ asked Deborah.

  Pavin grinned. ‘I like to show how well we all get along.’

  ‘They’re sex films,’ said Flora crisply. ‘Everyone’s expected to take part. You can’t just come and watch.’

  For the first time since she’d met him, Deborah saw Pavin’s face go dark with anger and he turned on his secretary. ‘Who asked you to speak, Flora?’

  Flora was clearly taken aback by his anger. ‘I was only telling the truth. You were hardly being honest.’

  ‘I think it’s up to me how I describe things to my own special guest, and none of your affair,’ he retorted.

  ‘Come on, Pavin, she had to know before we began,’ drawled Brian. ‘What do you say, Debbie? Are you in or not?’

  Deborah glanced at Pavin for guidance but he was staring down into his whisky glass, and leaving it entirely up to her.

  Celia moved to Deborah’s elbow. ‘You’ll love it,’ she whispered softly. ‘Remember that scene in the cove? Well, that’s the kind of thing it is. You’ll only do the things you want to do. If something turns you off then you give it a miss. Don’t flunk out now, that’s what Flora wants.’

  ‘If I don’t like it, can I leave?’ asked Deborah.

  Now Pavin did lift his head to look at her. ‘Sure, you can leave any time, but it would mean leaving the island as well.’

  Deborah looked round the room. Some of them were smiling at her in encouragement, but Flora wasn’t. Flora’s eyes were cool and Deborah knew that Celia had told her the truth, and that the best thing that she could do as far as Flora was concerned was say no.

  Luckily, she didn’t really want to say no. She was enjoying herself. Everything here was totally different, and she knew that if she were still in London she’d be shocked by them all, but here on Pavinsay it seemed quite acceptable. They were in their own world, and it was a world she wanted to savour to the full before she returned to her previous, rather conventional life.

  ‘Sounds like fun,’ she said positively.

  Pavin raised his glass to her. ‘Great! You won’t regret it, I promise you. We’ll only have a light lunch, a buffet in the small library would be best. I’ll arrange that for twelve-thirty. In the meantime, do what you like. Deborah, how about joining me for a swim and a sauna?’

  She drank the last of her bucks fizz then crossed the room so that he could put an arm round her, and all the time she was very aware of Flora’s smouldering resentment.

  ‘See you later then!’ called Brian. ‘I’m glad you’ve come, Deborah. You’re a definite asset to our little gathering.’

  Pavin’s arm hugged her closer to his side. ‘See, I told you they’d like you.’

  ‘I can’t believe I’m behaving like this,’ confessed Deborah. ‘I mean, it just isn’t me.’

  ‘Sure it is, otherwise you wouldn’t do it. What you mean is, you didn’t know it was you before you came here. The island’s a very liberating place. Now, let’s see what kind of a swimmer you are.’

  Chapter Six

  DEBORAH FOUND THAT despite her swim – when Pavin had proved himself outstandingly proficient at the crawl while she moved slowly up and down the deliciously warm pool using the breaststroke – and their sauna together when he’d caressed her and covered her with kisses and tiny bites that aroused her appetite for full sex, but failed to satisfy it, she wasn’t hungry at lunch time. She guessed that it was nerves; fear of the unknown things she would be expected to do and watch during the filming this afternoon, that was closing her stomach against food.

  Pavin noticed and tried to reassure her. ‘You’ll have a great time, honey. From what Tansy tells me you’re not slow to take part in group games!’

  ‘She told you what happened in the cove?’ asked Deborah in surprise.

  ‘Tansy’s been coming here for some time; she knows better than to lie to me,’ he said smoothly.

  ‘I’m sorry about that, it was only that I …’

  Pavin turned away from her to speak to Flora and Deborah was left alone, wondering how annoyed Pavin really was that she’d denied seeing either Tansy or Richard when out on her walk.

  Just before two o’clock everyone went off to their various rooms to get ready for the filming. Deborah wande
red around the bedroom and wondered what on earth she should wear.

  Pavin, who was pulling on linen slacks and a tight T-shirt that emphasised his powerful muscles, eventually got tired of her indecision. ‘Wear that short blue dress with the V-neck. And don’t bother with any undergarments except a suspender belt and stockings. Oh yes, and put on your highest heels. They make your legs look even longer.’

  Deborah paused. ‘Pavin, I’m not sure I can do this.’

  ‘Sure you can, sweetheart. You’ve enjoyed everything so far. Why should this be any different?’

  ‘I don’t fancy performing in front of other people.’

  ‘You like watching other people; it seems only fair to offer them the same enjoyment. Come on, once we’re underway you’ll be fine.’

  Quickly she pulled on the dress, fastened a pair of sheer blue stockings to the blue suspender belt then hurried down the staircase after Pavin, her high heels clicking loudly on the steps. To her surprise when they reached the ground floor he opened a small panel in the wall of the entrance hall and ducked down through the gap. ‘This way,’ he called over his shoulder, his voice echoing back to her. Deborah obeyed, and then stumbled in the dim light of the passageway. ‘Hold on to my shoulders, there are some steps to go down,’ Pavin said.

  ‘Where do you do your filming? I had no idea this part of the castle even existed.’

  He laughed. ‘It used to be the dungeon, where undesired guests were left to die of starvation or spies had their secrets torn from them I guess. Now it’s our film studio.’

  Deborah shivered. ‘It’s freezing cold.’

  ‘Couldn’t get the central heating this far, but the dungeon itself is fine. We keep a log fire burning there day and night. Here we are, you can straighten up now.’

  At the bottom of the steep flight of stairs the ceiling rose again and then Deborah was following Pavin through a thick wooden door with a tiny peep-hole in the top, into the room where the filming was to take place.

  ‘You’re late,’ said Brian.

  ‘I’m never late; you must be early!’ responded Pavin. ‘Okay, I thought we’d start with Richard and me welcoming Flora to the holiday.’


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