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Deborah's Discovery

Page 20

by Fredrica Alleyn

  Pavin smiled. ‘A good idea. It has to come off sometime, Lizzie. Even sleepers need to be sterilised, and I’m sure it doesn’t hurt.’

  Deborah watched as Brian put his hands on one of his wife’s breasts, massaging it firmly until it was swollen and the nipple firm, then he twisted the tiny gold ring round until he located the small join which he had to separate with his fingernails. As he worked the nipple was stretched and tugged and when it was finally pulled through the hole and out of the pierced opening she bit on her bottom lip.

  ‘I’ll do the other one,’ said Pavin. Elizabeth shivered. Brian had taken off the rings before, but he was a smaller man than the American and his touch more delicate. When Pavin’s large fingers began to manipulate the remaining ring it moved roughly against her delicate tissue and he found it difficult to separate the opening so that her whole breast swung from side to side. It was more than uncomfortable, it caused her pain, and for Elizabeth this was highly arousing. Despite herself she began to tremble with sexual tension, and both the men knew she was taking pleasure from all that was happening.

  When the second nipple ring was free, Brian looked at his employer. ‘Do you want to take off the other ring?’

  ‘I think so. I’m always afraid it might damage me! Part your legs wider, Elizabeth. We want you free of all these encumbrances before we begin our work in earnest.’

  She was slow to respond, and almost casually Brian flicked her lightly across her already painful nipples with a silk cord. She groaned and her legs moved, enabling Pavin to spread her outer sex lips, massage the damp tissue for a few seconds and then start to open the clitoral ring as her little nub of pleasure slowly emerged.

  This was a genuinely difficult ring to remove and during his efforts, Elizabeth’s clitoris was stretched to its fullest extent as well as rubbed and pushed until at last he slid the smooth gold band off the end of the pierced clitoris and held it up in the air.

  ‘There, definitely in need of sterilisation! Now, I think we can safely proceed. I hope you remembered to make that detour through the garden area earlier, Brian.’

  Brian nodded. ‘I certainly did.’

  Sitting on the hard wooden stool, Deborah shifted restlessly at the sight of the other young woman’s outstretched body so clearly sexually in need with the swollen red buds of nipples and the upthrust hips. Within herself too, desire grew.

  Then, as she saw what Brian was picking up, Deborah almost stopped breathing. She nearly cried out a warning to Elizabeth, but then remembering the other woman’s sexual preferences she kept silent. Even Elizabeth looked alarmed at what Brian held in his hand. Pavin’s eyes were cool and amused. ‘Come now, Lizzie. You enjoy saunas and the subsequent beating with twigs. I fail to see the difference between that and what we have planned for you here.’

  Elizabeth didn’t answer him. Already her whole body was shaking with spasms of delirious anticipation at the thought of the torment that lay ahead. It was diabolical, but it was what her flesh craved and for once it would be an entirely new experience. Even so, she was afraid.

  Very slowly, Brian drew the bunch of greenery that he was holding in a gloved hand across his wife’s upper belly. For a moment she was silent, and then as the effect of the nettles began to make itself felt she cried out and started to writhe while the small red marks of the sting rose on her olive skin.

  ‘Wait!’ Pavin commanded Brian. ‘Let’s see how she reacts.’

  Elizabeth continued to writhe and drew her stomach backwards, away from the torment of the plant but all the time her breasts were swelling and when Pavin slipped a hand between her thighs she was very damp. He let his fingers slide up and down her inner channels and could feel the moisture spilling from her vaginal opening.

  ‘She’s enjoying it,’ he said in a low voice. ‘Aim them higher this time.’

  As soon as Elizabeth stopped moving and her breathing became more regular, Brian looked into her dark, sensual eyes and enjoyed the confused mixture of fear and violent desire that he saw there as he trailed the plant along the undersides of her breasts, then up through the valley between them and down round the outsides of the heaving globes until the whole area was encircled by a trail of red dots.

  The hot, stinging fire screamed through Elizabeth’s flesh and she felt as though she was burning up with need for sexual release. Coils of excitement moved heavily deep inside her belly while her pelvis moved in sharp, spasmodic jerks towards the watching men. Just as the burning began to abate it seemed to recharge itself and all the time her breasts, still untouched by the plant, lusted for some kind of touch or stimulation.

  Pavin had the perfect contrast ready. He went into the ante-room, removed a tub of raspberry ice cream from the freezer there and spooned some into his mouth. Then he went back into the bedroom and standing in front of Elizabeth licked all over the surface of her breasts, spreading the ice-cold mixture as he went. Her nipples rose even higher in frozen rigidity and the areolae darkened while blue veins showed through the thin skin.

  Elizabeth shuddered and cried out with pleasure. The nettle rash was still burning her while the ice cream chilled her breasts like snow and as she cried and thrashed, straining against her wrist bonds, Brian drew the nettles lovingly up the backs of her legs and over the paper-thin skin of the backs of her knees. Now her legs began to jerk and thrash as well and yet the men left her genitals untouched so that despite the glorious torture she couldn’t climax.

  Deborah felt as though she would burst. She had never imagined Pavin being capable of devising such torment for anyone, let alone seeing a woman like Elizabeth lost in the bliss of the apparently ecstatic results. Watching Elizabeth’s rising need only increased Deborah’s, and although she wasn’t being stimulated in any way she gripped the sides of the stool more firmly with her legs and pressed down on the seat so that she could allow her aching flesh some kind of ease.

  Now Elizabeth was untied and as she half-fell into Brian’s arms, a naked Pavin moved back up the bed until his upper torso was reclining against a pile of pillows. Brian fastened a blindfold round his wife’s eyes and then lowered her until she was lying with her back along the length of Pavin’s naked front. After that, Brian drew up her legs on each side bending them back from the knees and Pavin, gripping her firmly just below her breasts, lifted the upper half of her body into the air arching her back so that, with her legs positioned in the way they were, her pelvis was also thrust higher and her sex lips stretched open. Deborah could see the glistening, excited inner tissue beneath the dense dark triangle of pubic hair.

  For Elizabeth, being unable to see meant that she was tense with nervous anticipation of what the men might have in store for her, while at the same time her desire grew and grew because without that fear her climax when it came wouldn’t be intense enough to satisfy her after a whole day’s deprivation.

  Looking at her, so arched and defenceless, Brian was consumed with desire for his young wife. They were so perfectly suited that he could no longer imagine a life without her, and seeing her on top of Pavin, being manhandled by him, even knowing she would be entered by him, but aware that she was his wife gave Brian intense satisfaction. These holidays only increased the depth of his feelings for her.

  As Pavin instructed Elizabeth to keep herself arched so that he could adequately protect himself for what was to come, Brian took the opportunity to further tease the outstretched, waiting body in front of him.

  He took a spray of dried flowers from a vase and with the lightest of touches drew it across the opening between Elizabeth’s outer sex lips. Elizabeth’s whole body contracted with fear because she was certain that it was still the nettle he was using and for once she wasn’t sure that she could cope with the pain that would follow.

  She waited and waited, trembling with fear and then felt the stroking motion again, only this time it actually twirled around her front opening and she gasped a protest. Brian stopped, and watched as she clenched every muscle against the expecte
d burning pain. It was several seconds before she realised that it wasn’t going to come, and then a sheen of perspiration broke out all over her body in relief and she started to relax back against Pavin, only to feel his huge erection, now protected and lubricated, forcing its way between her buttocks.

  By any standard the American was a large man, and Elizabeth made the mistake of tensing against the invasion. As a result when he pulled her body down hard against him he thrust into her with unexpected violence and Deborah heard Elizabeth’s cry of pain as he filled her in that always tight, but incredibly sensitive place.

  Her cry seemed to encourage Pavin, who used his hands to move her up and down on him, and the resulting friction against the nerve endings in the walls of her rectum started to ignite the red-hot flames of desire again and her head went back until the nape of her neck was just above his mouth.

  Pavin blew softly against the tender skin. He moved his head a little and let his tongue thrust into her ear just as he was thrusting into her tight little back passage. ‘Tell us what you feel like!’ he urged her. ‘Talk to Brian and Deborah, explain how I feel inside you at this moment.’

  Deborah wanted to tear herself free from the stool and join the couple on the bed. She wanted to be part of it all, to touch Lizzie’s straining breasts or caress Pavin’s testicles, now tightly drawn up against the base of his shaft. She needed to be involved.

  ‘You’re hurting me!’ Elizabeth whispered.


  ‘You’re hurting me!’ she cried out. ‘You’re large, and I feel tight and too full, but it’s incredible. I feel as though I’m going to explode I’m so hot and heavy, but I can’t,’ she added, her voice dropping again. ‘I still can’t come.’

  By this stage, Brian had stripped off all his clothes and at last he too climbed onto the bed. He knelt between Pavin’s legs and his wife’s stretched thighs and using both hands began to massage her rippling stomach with circular motions, spreading his fingers out to include the skin over her hip bones, and all the time Pavin was still deep inside her back passage.

  Elizabeth groaned and cried out, the violent streaks of blissful arousal were shooting through her body and she was almost out of her mind with the mixture of pain and pleasure the men were giving her.

  At last Brian decided to enter her and then she was filled by the two men front and back and as they moved together she was pushed from one erect penis to the other without pause while all her internal membranes were aroused to the very limit. Then Brian’s hand drew back the soft fold of flesh covering her clitoris and despite the pain to himself he reached down to the bed and picked up a tiny strand of nettle left lying there for just this moment.

  Deborah, wriggling and gasping on the stool, watched in shocked disbelief as he waited until Elizabeth was arched at exactly the right angle and then he lightly touched the unprotected mass of excruciatingly sensitive nerve endings with the tip of the nettle.

  As Elizabeth’s body went into a convulsion of dark pain-streaked delirium the two men thrust in and out of her, feeling the way every one of her muscles was contracting fiercely around them while she screamed and wailed in the throes of the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced.

  When her abused but blissfully sated body was finally still the men were still thrusting into her and she was forced to let them continue despite her desire for sleep. At last they both climaxed within seconds of each other and she was finally allowed to fall backwards onto Pavin while her husband collapsed on top of her, his skin brushing against her gloriously tortured flesh. It was the best end to a day of deprivation that Elizabeth could ever have imagined.

  To Deborah’s amazement, once the trio on the bed had finally recovered sufficiently to untangle their limbs and get back onto their feet, Brian and Elizabeth left the room with scarcely a glance in her direction.

  ‘Off to have a cuddle I expect!’ laughed Pavin, enchanted by Deborah’s high colour and inability to sit still while he talked to her. ‘Don’t worry though. I shall have some help while I give you total pleasure. Sara is going to join us. She knows very well how to assist me at times like this.’

  ‘I only need you,’ said Deborah, straining her top half towards him. ‘Just make love to me, Pavin. That’s all I want.’

  ‘No, this has to be special, honey. That’s the whole point of the holiday. Don’t worry, it won’t be extreme like it was for Lizzie. We tailor the treatment to the recipient, and I know that isn’t a turn-on for you, although watching it sure seems to be!’

  Just then, there was a light tap at the door and Sara entered. She waited for Pavin’s nod, then crossing to where Deborah was still fastened to the stool, bent and untied her legs. Together Pavin and his maid helped Deborah to her feet, Pavin massaging her aching calves as she struggled to stay upright.

  In the meantime, Sara had fetched a bolster from the bed and with Deborah’s hands still behind her she slipped it down her back, between her spine and her wrists which meant that when Pavin picked her up and placed her on the bed she was stretched round the down-filled bolster, her skin tighter than usual.

  ‘I want to be untied,’ she said.

  Pavin shook his head. ‘Believe me, you don’t sweetie. This way it will be fantastic. Now, Sara, fetch the bowls.’

  The maid went into the bathroom and returned carrying two bowls of water on a tray. Deborah turned her head but couldn’t see what was in them, only that there were also two large sable brushes each about three inches wide.

  Pavin dipped one brush into the first bowl and then drew it across his lover’s bursting breasts. Deborah was startled by the touch of ice-cold water on her overheated skin and her nipples and areolae contracted with the shock. He ignored her cry of protest and brushed the other breast just as carefully, only this time Deborah was tensed in readiness for the cold liquid. Tiny trickles ran down the undersides of her breasts and along her ribcage before running off down the sides of her waist.

  No sooner had he finished than Sara dipped the second brush in the other bowl, and this time piping hot water was swept over the sensitive breast tissue, and the contrast was so amazing that Deborah actually whimpered and struggled against the bolster but again she was ignored.

  Slowly Pavin and Sara continued the treatment across the whole of Deborah’s body, working down her stomach to her pubic hair and then starting at her feet and working up her legs to the join at the top of her thighs so that they had covered all of her except for her actual genitals.

  The sensation was extraordinary, and as they progressed relentlessly, Deborah found that her body actually hungered for the two contrasts. That her nerve endings gloried in the difference and her body tingled, feeling more alive than ever before. When they had finished, they dabbed her dry with soft squares of towelling, again only working on small areas at a time and she realised that the areas which were being neglected were straining with anticipation for their turn.

  She was squirming now and her whole body was flushed. Pavin smiled at the sight. ‘Now we must clean you between your thighs. Sara, push the soles of her feet together and then you must flatten your knees back as far as you can, Debs. That way we can see to every tiny crevice.’

  His words fuelled her rising excitement and she did as he said without any hesitation, although it left her totally exposed to the maid’s gaze as well as his. Now Pavin fetched a tiny brush and dipped this into a small bowl of baby bath solution, so as not to inflame the more delicate tissue. He teased the tip of the brush around her outer sex lips first, despite the fact that she was blatantly trying to push her inner mound towards him.

  As her need for satisfaction grew, the outer lips flattened so much that he could, no longer avoid the part Deborah longed to have him touch and he drew the pointed tip of the bristles up one damp, pink channel and down the other. Then he stopped, and Deborah groaned her need aloud.

  For the next few minutes he teased her by brushing briefly at a tiny segment of that pulsating flesh before
stopping, moving the brush and then flicking elsewhere just long enough to send the flashing jolts of bliss searing through her before stopping again.

  Now Deborah’s fastened body was leaping around on the bolster, her hips never still for a second but he refused to let the brush touch her clitoris or its stem and she was frantic for contact there. When Sara put a finger against Deborah’s lips to silence her cries, Deborah sucked on it like a baby, drawing it inside her mouth and trying to pretend she was drawing Pavin inside her. He saw what she was doing and gloried in her blatant sexuality.

  Her clitoris was very swollen now, visibly engorging with the increased blood supply but all he did was turn to Sara. ‘I’m going to clean her opening here. When the brush moves, swirl your tongue inside her navel in time with my movements. Don’t stop until I do.’

  Hearing what he was about to do drove Deborah mad. ‘Pavin, don’t do this! Please, hurry up and let me come! I shall explode if you don’t.’

  ‘Nonsense! Ready, Sara?’ The maid nodded. She had done this before, although Angela hadn’t enjoyed it like Deborah was, and as his hand twirled the brush around the needy entrance, Sara’s tongue plunged into the small dip of the hapless Deborah’s belly button and she screamed with pleasure. Her legs, bent out at the knees, trembled violently but still she didn’t come.

  At last, Pavin took pity on her. He signalled for Sara to lick the swollen, red nipples standing out so despairingly and as she obeyed he at last let the moist tip of the brush swirl around the base of the clitoris and Deborah’s climax was triggered.

  She arched off the bolster, the soles of her feet parted and her legs jerked wildly while the long-suppressed tremors finally drew together into what felt like a tidal wave of release and her whole body was engulfed by the hot, jagged tearing sensations of her orgasm.

  Pavin remained sitting where he was, holding her legs apart so that he could watch her sex pulsing as she came and when the climax was ebbing he grabbed her ankles, pushed the soles of her feet back together again so that she was in the same vulnerable position and then let the very tips of the fine sable actually slide into her almost unbearably sensitive and never before entered urethral opening.


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