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Deborah's Discovery

Page 22

by Fredrica Alleyn

  He was at a disadvantage now because Sara had tired and her body wasn’t anxious to be rearoused. Despite licking and sucking as he had before, she merely wriggled a little but there was no sign of pre-orgasmic tension. It looked from his straining penis as though he was going to come before the maid did.

  Flora clearly thought so too, but just in case she was wrong she decided to make it impossible even for Pavin to control himself. As her finger moved back along the perineum she let it brush briefly against the opening between his buttocks and he strained to lift himself away from her but his bonds meant the relief was very temporary.

  Deborah knew that Pavin hated to lose at anything, and she could tell that he immediately began to increase his attentions on the maid. From small wriggles, Sara’s movements began to quicken in tempo as Pavin changed tactics and used his tongue more as a rod than a feather. He kept it rigid and thrust it in and out of her vagina, then spread the resulting milky fluid up along her inner lips so that she was well lubricated for him. This meant that her clitoris at last began to swell again, and her stomach grew round and hard with the added tension.

  Flora realised that Pavin was doing better and so she let her finger glide up and down the underside of his shaft three times, then slid it back to the testicles, circled them with a feather-light touch and finally allowed it to go right beneath him, up between his clenched buttocks and into the opening that he was straining to keep closed against her invading finger.

  The baby oil meant it was impossible for him to keep her out, and once Flora’s finger was inside, softly moving in tiny circles as it prepared to massage his prostate gland, Pavin knew that he had to make Sara come before it actually reached the gland or he’d be lost.

  Still keeping his tongue rigid, he stopped all movement for a moment. Sara’s stimulated body didn’t know what was happening and she froze in surprise, her eyes staring in puzzlement directly into the camera. Then Pavin drummed the hard point of his tongue incessantly against the stem of her tense, unprepared and swollen nub.

  After the moment’s stillness it was all the more arousing, and this time Sara actually screamed as the pleasure flooded over her for a third and final time and her muscles bunched in ecstatic release.

  Flora, who had just been preparing to touch the unbearably sensitive gland deep within the American, had to withdraw her finger. She glared at the rosy-faced and now sated Sara with barely concealed anger.

  ‘You were meant to last longer than that!’

  Sara shook her head. ‘I’m sorry, miss. I couldn’t.’

  Pavin lifted his head from the pillow. ‘Let the girl go, Flora and untie me. I think you’ll have to admit defeat again this year!’

  As Sara hurried from the room, Flora released Pavin from the bed. He was still hugely erect, and as soon as he was free he was pushing Flora up against the wall, his head bent to her breasts as he sucked on her already swollen nipples through the black lace bra.

  It seemed as though he couldn’t wait to pay her back for what she’d put him through, and he tore the bra from her with his teeth, letting the frayed edges of lace dangle against the sides of her breasts as he bit and sucked on them ferociously.

  Flora was clearly enjoying his aggression, but when she bent herself forward from the waist in readiness for him to penetrate her he grabbed hold of her instead and bundled her onto the bed, her head hanging down from the foot of it.

  Then he positioned himself across her upper torso and his huge hands grasped the breasts that were now damp, swollen and heavy from his mouth and pushed his rock-hard erection between the two globes.

  ‘I want you inside me!’ gasped Flora.

  Pavin ignored her. He knew what he wanted, and he’d waited a long time for it. His hands pressed hard on the outsides of Flora’s breasts, and he thrust his penis in and out between them until at last he felt the hot liquid rising up through his shaft. Then he withdrew from between the breasts and as his seed finally spilled out of him he directed it so that it covered Flora’s nipples and areolae, massaging it into them as it fell. Only when the last drops had disappeared did he release her.

  Flora gazed up at him. ‘What about me?’ she asked with a smile.

  Pavin smiled back at her. ‘This was my treat, remember? You’ll have plenty of fun during the next two weeks.’

  The expression of incredulous dismay on Flora’s face almost made the whole thing worthwhile for Deborah, but just as the other woman rolled onto her face to hide her dismay, Pavin took a small vibrator from the bedside table and slowly but expertly used it all over her body and genitals until she too had reached a full and satisfying climax.

  As Flora’s face, still taut from her orgasm, filled the screen, the film came to an end and then they were all left in total darkness for a few seconds before the lights came on and on Deborah’s left she distinctly heard the small muffled sighs of total pleasure coming from Elizabeth.

  Once the lights were on drinks were poured for everyone, but Brian and Elizabeth took theirs away to their room. ‘Obviously their kind of film!’ laughed Martin.

  Deborah looked across the room to where Pavin was talking animatedly to Flora. ‘I’m not sure it was mine.’

  He looked thoughtfully at her. ‘Why don’t we take a stroll round the grounds? I could do with some fresh air and it’s still light out there.’

  Deborah decided that was a good idea. Somehow the cloying sexual tension in the room, the obvious excitement engendered by the film, were too overpowering for her and since Pavin clearly wasn’t ready to go to bed a walk was a welcome diversion.

  As they strolled across the courtyard Martin took hold of her hand. ‘You didn’t like that, did you?’

  ‘It was very sexy,’ she replied cautiously. ‘I could quite see why everyone enjoyed it.’

  ‘But you didn’t?’ he persisted.

  ‘No, not much.’

  He sat down on a wooden bench, its slats weathered by age. ‘You know, it doesn’t do to get emotionally involved with people like us.’

  ‘But most of you are involved emotionally; you bring your partners here!’

  ‘We were in steady relationships before we took these holidays. You’ve fallen for Pavin since the holiday began.’

  ‘I fell for him the first night we met,’ she confessed. ‘It was purely physical at first, but now it’s more.’

  ‘And that’s what’s making it difficult for you?’

  Deborah nodded. ‘I suppose so. What I don’t understand is why I can easily take pleasure from other people myself, but I don’t like watching Pavin do the same thing.’

  Martin stared off into the distance. ‘It’s partly the very fact that you’re not in a secure relationship with him. If you were then all the rest would just be fun. As it is, you and Flora are really in competition with each other. Pavin knows this. It probably amused him to sit with you watching himself and Flora having a thoroughly good time.’

  ‘He isn’t like that!’ protested Deborah. ‘He genuinely believes this holiday is simply for fun. He never meant me to get as involved as I have, and nor did I.’

  ‘Well, you are and you can’t alter that, so what do you intend to do once you get back to London? This kind of lifestyle is rather a hard act to follow.’

  ‘I think I’ll travel,’ said Deborah decisively. ‘I’ve never had the courage before, but after this I don’t think it will seem much of a risk. I’ll try working my way round the world.’

  Martin laughed. ‘You’d be snapped up before you’d gone through Europe. Besides, will Pavin prove that easy to forget?’

  ‘I’ve no idea, but I’ll have to try won’t I? Unless you think he’s intending to employ me himself?’

  Martin looked genuinely shocked. ‘Heavens, no! I wasn’t suggesting anything like that. He really isn’t that keen on having the British working for him. He likes the women but can’t work out what makes the men tick. I think he prefers people to shout and make a loud noise when things go wrong. Because I
don’t, he imagines I don’t realise what’s happening. That’s why I’m in public relations, you know. He said since I was always so damned agreeable he’d put it to good use and I could be agreeable to potential opponents or troublemakers!’

  ‘But you like him?’ asked Deborah.

  ‘Everyone likes Pavin. I like these holidays too. They always cheer Celia up. She’s very Celtic you know; dark and brooding. Without the breaks I’m not sure I’d keep her happy.’

  Deborah was surprised. ‘Surely you don’t intend to go on taking these sort of holidays as you get older?’

  ‘Why not? Pavin’s still going strong and he’s forty-two. I’ve some way to go before that and as long as I’m still in his employment I hope I continue to be invited. I’d find Brighton a bit boring, don’t you think!’

  ‘So, what would you advise?’ asked Deborah.

  ‘That you try not to take anything too seriously; get as much personal satisfaction from your last couple of days as you can and then busy yourself in the publishing world again. There must be work for someone like you, and after a while all this will seem like a kind of dream.’

  Deborah stood up and turned back towards the castle. ‘I’m sure you’re right, but it won’t be possible. You see, I’m not the same person any more. I shall have to travel, or move abroad permanently. I need a different kind of life now. Pavin’s ruined me for the one I used to lead! But I definitely shall make sure I get as much satisfaction as I can before I go.’

  ‘Well, as long as you do what you really want it’s sure to work out,’ said Martin with a smile.

  ‘One thing,’ added Deborah. ‘Do you think Pavin will marry Flora?’

  ‘I used to think so, now I’m not so sure. We’d better be getting back, the breeze is cooler than I expected.’

  In the library there was only Flora, Pavin and Celia left. All the others had gone to bed.

  ‘Where were you?’ demanded Celia.

  ‘He took me out for some air; I felt a bit faint,’ said Deborah.

  Flora smiled knowingly. ‘Film too much for you?’

  ‘No, I’m overtired from earlier exertions,’ responded Deborah sweetly, and had the satisfaction of seeing the other woman’s smile fade.

  Pavin laughed. ‘I thought you two Brits had run off with each other for a quick midnight swim. You’d have needed wet suits though, the water’s freezing.’

  ‘I quite like the idea of Deborah in a wet suit,’ laughed Martin as he and Celia left.

  Pavin pulled Deborah to him and hugged her. ‘Why didn’t you tell me you were going outside?’

  ‘Aren’t we free to do as we like here?’ asked Flora sharply.

  Pavin looked at her over Deborah’s head. ‘Sure we are, but you know as well as I do that we usually say if we’re going off with just one other person.’

  ‘We were only taking a stroll!’ laughed Deborah, revelling in the feeling of being held so tightly against him and knowing too that Flora must be highly irritated.

  ‘She’s in no danger from Martin,’ retorted Flora, deciding that it was time she joined Richard who at least was always pleased to see her. ‘He likes his women small and dark.’

  ‘He’s no different from the rest of us,’ retorted Pavin. ‘He likes women, just as you ladies all like men! Come on, Debs. Time for bed.’

  When they were lying side by side in the darkness, Deborah decided to ask Pavin something that had been puzzling her from the moment the film began. ‘Didn’t you mind being tied up?’ she asked softly. ‘You’re normally in such a powerful position, didn’t you hate it?’

  ‘I loved it, honey. Believe me, there’s nothing like giving up all responsibility and letting two lovely ladies take care of you, even if you are turning it into a kind of challenge.’

  ‘Would you have enjoyed it even if you’d lost?’

  He was silent for a moment. ‘Maybe not; I’ll have to wait until I do and then I’ll know. If I don’t then I shan’t play it again. That’s one advantage of running your own party, you can always drop the games you tire of!’

  She snuggled against him and closed her eyes in preparation for sleep. ‘Sometimes I don’t think you’re anything more than an overgrown schoolboy, Pavin.’

  He guided her hand to where his penis was beginning to stir. ‘Very overgrown, I’m afraid. We’d better get to sleep before I have to do something about this. Sleep well, honey.’

  Rather to her surprise, she did.

  The next morning, Pavin decided to have a lie-in and remembering that it was a quiet day with nothing special planned, Deborah dressed casually in a pleated button-through linen skirt and cotton camisole top. She thought that she might try walking right round the island before lunch.

  During breakfast everyone discussed their plans. Some of the women wanted to simply swim and laze around in the steam room but Tansy was persuaded to join Paul, Martin and Richard in the dungeon. ‘We don’t want to waste the plastic surgeon’s efforts,’ said Richard. ‘What about you, Debbie?’

  ‘I thought I’d like to walk right round the island,’ replied Deborah.

  ‘On your own?’

  ‘I’ll go with her,’ volunteered Brian.

  Everyone waited for Deborah’s response. She wasn’t sure what to say. Brian held an attraction for her that she tried to deny, knowing it was the kind of attraction that led to destruction. She was about to refuse his offer, and then suddenly remembering her talk with Martin, decided to accept. She would soon be gone, and was highly unlikely to meet up with Brian again. She would let herself spend some time alone with him and find out exactly what it was that drew her to him.

  ‘I’d like that,’ she said slowly.

  ‘As long as you’re sure,’ said Richard, and then they all went their separate ways.

  ‘You know, I didn’t expect you to accept my offer, especially after what happened at Puffin’s Cove,’ confessed Brian.

  ‘I wasn’t going to, but I changed my mind.’

  They walked for some time in comparative silence, Brian occasionally pointing out a rare arctic skua in the sky, one pursuing a tern until it dropped the fish it was holding in its beak. She saw oystercatchers, ringed plovers and redshanks as well as a beautiful hen harrier.

  ‘You know all about feathered birds too!’ she laughed when he’d finished describing the nesting habits of the short-eared owl with great enthusiasm.

  Brian laughed. ‘Since coming here I’ve kind of gotten into this stuff more. It relaxes me, something that nothing else has been able to do.’

  ‘Not even marriage to Elizabeth?’

  He grinned. ‘Marriage to Elizabeth is bliss and all I could ever want but it is not and never will be relaxing!’

  After he’d shown her a long and rather frightening chambered cairn, or ‘burial ship’ as Brian called it, the couple sat down on the surrounding grassy area and raised their faces to the sun.

  ‘It hasn’t rained once since I got here!’ exclaimed Deborah. ‘I always imagined the Orkneys to be drab little islands.’

  ‘They’re bleak as hell in winter, but a genuine haven in the summer,’ he responded, rolling onto his back and pulling her down beside him. ‘Why did you agree to me coming with you then?’ he added.

  ‘Because I wanted to find out what it is about you that I find attractive,’ retorted Deborah.

  Brian laughed. ‘That’s honest! Maybe it’s my lean and hungry look?’

  ‘I lived with a man who had a lean and hungry look, and this isn’t the same kind of attraction. I know very well you’d be bad for me, Brian, but I often find myself looking at you and wondering what it would be like to be Elizabeth. To have you in my bed and close to me every day.’

  ‘You’re right about one thing, I’d be bad for you,’ he said slowly. ‘I’ve been at this game too long. I need more than ordinary women can give in order for my interest to be sustained. Besides, when I look at you I know we’re bad for each other too. You see, I could get to like hurting you and I think I
could get you to like it. Then where would we be?’

  ‘Where you and Elizabeth are.’

  He shook his head. ‘Not so, Debbie. Elizabeth is a genuine masochist. You’re not, so I’d be changing you, twisting your nature and that isn’t good for anyone.’

  ‘Make love to me,’ she said suddenly. ‘Don’t think about who I am or what I want, just do it.’

  ‘I only make love to Elizabeth, Debbie. I have sex with everyone else. It’s good sex, and I’m involved, but it isn’t making love. I want you to know that before we begin.’

  ‘That’s all right,’ said Deborah, feeling a wild abandonment rising up inside her and astonished at her own behaviour. ‘It won’t be lovemaking for me either.’

  ‘I know,’ said Brian. ‘You keep that for Pavin, only he probably doesn’t realise it yet. You are sure about this, Deborah? Once we start, there’s no going back. Don’t try calling a halt on me at the last minute.’

  ‘I won’t. I need to know what you’re like, and why I want you the way I do. I’ll be leaving soon, this might be my only chance to find out, and that’s what this holiday’s for, isn’t it? To do the things we want but wouldn’t usually have the chance to try?’

  Brian propped himself on one elbow and looked down at her, his eyes so dark they looked black and his face very pale. ‘All right, Deborah. You’ve convinced me. I’ll show you exactly the kind of person I am. Who knows, you might learn something about yourself as well.’

  Chapter Fourteen

  DEBORAH CLOSED HER eyes, waiting for some kind of touch from Brian’s lips or hands to indicate that they were going to begin their sexual enjoyment of each other, but instead he roughly tore at the buttons on her skirt and then rolled her off it, her long legs splaying out on the coarse grassland. After that he put his thumbs down each side of her briefs and jerked them down her legs, twisting her knees as he struggled to get them off and over her feet.


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