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Southern Heat (Game On Book 2)

Page 10

by Parker Kincade

  Her muscles tensed as Tyler traced the edge of her panties. She watched as he hooked the seam with a finger. He eased them down, enough to expose the dark line of hair leading to her cleft. Her hips moved, rolled into him, begged him to keep going.

  They both sucked in air as his finger grazed her clit.

  “Fuck. You’re so…” Tyler moved with the speed of a predator. Her back was suddenly against the mattress and he was there, pulling her shorts and panties down her legs.

  She was reduced to short gasps of air as he shouldered her knees wide and bent his head. The first touch of his tongue brought her hips off the bed, seeking and needy. He didn’t seem to notice as he sampled her. He took his time, licking and sucking her folds before sliding his tongue inside.

  She closed her eyes. If she caught sight of his head working between her legs, she’d come for sure.

  Not yet. I’m not ready to come.

  Her body had other ideas. Gabriella curled her toes into the bed, getting the leverage she needed to press against his mouth.

  “Eager little thing, aren’t you?” Tyler’s palms came down on her hips, holding her steady.

  “Yes.” Gabriella wasn’t the least bit ashamed of how hot she was for him. Or that he knew it. She had nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving over to the lust that burned between them. She didn’t know when, or if, she’d have the chance to be with him again, so tonight she was all in.

  He stroked her with his tongue, teased her until she had to move or lose her mind.

  “Tyler. Please.”

  He pulled back, replacing his tongue with his fingers, caressing the lips of her pussy. He placed a kiss against her hip. “You’re so fucking sexy. I could spend all night tasting you, but I’m too impatient, Gabriella. I can’t wait to be inside you.”

  “Don’t wait. No waiting.”

  He chuckled, husky and raw. “Just another minute, gorgeous. I’m impatient, but also greedy.” He shifted to stretch out next to her on the bed, his fingers playing, toying, sliding inside her. “I want you to come first. I want to watch. I want to feel you milk my fingers and know that very soon, my cock will have the same pleasure.”

  Gabriella was surprised to be so turned on by his bossy, dirty mouth. Any other man and she might’ve laughed. With Tyler, there was no hesitation. He spoke with authority, with certainty, as though it never occurred to him she might not want to listen. He owned what he wanted, and right now he wanted her.

  “I know you’re close. The way you’re squeezing my fingers.” He muttered a curse. “You’re gonna feel so good around me. So hot and tight.”

  Tyler’s blunt speech and talented fingers worked in tandem to drive her higher and higher, until all she could do was ride his hand, chasing the orgasm he promised.

  “Give me what I want, Gabriella.” Tyler bent, suckled her nipple at the same time he rubbed hard against her clit.

  Gabriella cried out as her body tensed, quivered, then exploded in a blinding rush.

  Tyler’s fingers slowed, but didn’t stop. He continued to massage her clit until she grabbed his wrist, her body shaking with the final spasms of the strongest orgasm she’d had in months. Maybe years. Hell, maybe ever.

  She wasn’t ready to be done yet. Panting, her limbs languid from the release, Gabriella still burned for him.

  She pulled his head down and kissed him hard. Her fingers fumbled at the fly of his shorts. He broke away and rolled to his feet.

  “Come to the edge of the bed.”

  Gabriella didn’t ask questions. Tyler was getting naked, which was incentive enough to do what he wanted.

  He straightened and she got her first look at him.

  Jesus. Tanned, muscular, and rock hard … everywhere. Tyler had the kind of body that made women write bad checks.

  “Close your eyes.”

  What? “Why?”

  It was a little late for her nerves to jump into overdrive, but her belly flopped all the same. At least with her sight, she wouldn’t feel vulnerable. She stared at the man who’d become her lover, if only for tonight, and wondered if that wasn’t exactly his purpose. To have her at the mercy of his touch.

  His fingertips feathered over her eyelids, encouraging her to follow his command. “Because I asked you to,” he breathed against her ear.

  Gabriella’s throat tightened. Blood surged hot through her veins. She kept her eyes closed, wanting his next move, knowing where he would take her would be worth the darkness.

  She laid back at his urging. Her butt rested on the edge of the bed, her feet dangling just shy of the floor. She knew because if she stretched her toes, she could feel the soft fibers of the carpet.

  She jumped a little when he hooked her knees and pushed her legs back. Exposing her. Opening her. He dragged a finger through her wetness, circling the bundle of nerves that set her thighs to quivering.

  “So pink and pretty.”

  She squeezed her eyelids together, forcing them to stay shut.

  “That’s it, gorgeous. Keep those beautiful eyes closed, so you’ll have no choice but to feel every inch of me as I sink into you.” He slid his crown up and down her slit. “Do you feel how hard I am?”

  “Yes.” And warm. So fucking warm.

  “Do you want it? Tell me.”

  “I want it.”

  He slipped past her entrance and they both groaned.

  “Jesus, Gabriella.” His voice turned gruff, as though he’d swallowed sandpaper.

  He held her legs and started to move, pumping his hips in slow, shallow strokes. He was big and thick and hard. Gabriella tried to relax. He stretched her to the point of being uncomfortable, but her body was quick to adjust. She clamped down, drawing another noise from his throat, feeling every ridge and pulse as he worked his cock into her.

  “I knew you’d feel incredible.” His breath came in short pants. “You want all of me?”

  Oh, God. “Yes, Tyler. Damn it. I want all of you. Everything you have to give, I want it.”

  It was as though her words stole the last shred of his control. He pulled back, leaving her completely before surging forward, burying himself to the hilt. The course hair at his groin tickled her bare lips. Her skin tingled. Every sensation was amplified by the darkness.

  “You can open your eyes now.”

  Gabriella did. She blinked, focused on the handsome man buried within her. Needing to see, she dropped her gaze to where they were joined.

  “You see how well you fit around me? Holding me all snug and warm.” Tyler slowly rocked his hips against her. She noticed the condom first, then the sheen from her own juices that coated him. “So fucking good.”

  The best porn she had ever seen.

  “So good, Tyler.” She took a big, hitching breath. Her mouth felt raw, parched. Instinctively, she rubbed at her throat. Heat flared in Tyler’s gaze as he watched the movement. Wanting to make him as crazy as he made her, she drifted to her breast. She cupped the soft mound, teased the nipple. Remembering how Tyler’s teeth felt, she pinched the peak harder than she ever dared before. She hissed, but the pain that flared through her breast quickly turned into something else. A delicious feeling that tightened the walls of her pussy and made her toes curl. Oh, yes. That was nice, so she did it again to the other nipple.

  Tyler muttered a curse and hooked her legs around his hips. “Hang on,” was all he said before he thrust into her, slowly at first then picking up the pace.

  She pressed her heels into his ass, played with her own breasts as Tyler pressed his thumb to her clit.

  Oh fuck. Gabriella cried his name as she came. The room spun, her ears rang with the sound of her own heartbeat. Tyler impaled her one final time and held, his cock pulsing inside of her as he found release.

  The room smelled of sex and sweat. Gabriella pressed a palm to her chest, willing her heart to slow. Tyler leaned down, the previous tension around his eyes now lessoned. Gabriella touched his face. Traced the scar bisecting his eyebrow. His cheek
bones. His lips. A line of sweat ran from his temple and she swiped at it with her thumb as he rubbed against her palm like a cat. His eyes were bluer than she’d ever seen them. Heavy-lidded. Sexy. Satisfied.

  It was a good look on him. One she hoped to see again.

  He kissed her, nipped her bottom lip. “Be right back.”

  He eased out of her and headed for the bathroom. Gabriella crawled up the bed and collapsed against the pillows.

  Within a minute, Tyler was back, sliding onto the bed next to her and pulling her into his arms.

  “This okay?” he asked.

  “This is great.” Perfect.

  She didn’t know what to expect—if she had the right to expect anything—so she did the only thing she could.

  Follow his lead. And remember their time together like this was only temporary. Maybe as temporary as a few more minutes. And if this was her last chance to talk about anything other than his recovery, there was one thing he needed to hear.

  “He’s wrong, you know.” She tilted her head to look at him.

  He traced along her spine. “Who’s wrong, gorgeous?”

  “Your dad. He’s wrong about you.”

  She felt him stiffen. His jaw twitched. “You don’t know me well enough to make that kind of claim.” He pulled away and left the bed.

  Gabriella wrapped her arms around her knees and watched as Tyler searched for his clothes. “I know enough.” She knew she was right. “You wouldn’t be where you are today if you hadn’t worked your butt off. The big leagues don’t let just anyone in. Even I know that.”

  He tugged on his boxer briefs, followed by his shorts. “Talented people get by without effort all the time. Sometimes being good at something is just inherent.”

  He was so full of bullshit. “So, you’re saying you’re some kind of baseball prodigy?”

  He laughed at that. “I’m good at my job.” He swiped his T-shirt off the floor and put it on. “Once I get this fucking shoulder healed, I’ll be even better.”

  Well, shit. “You don’t have to go, you know. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  He reached out, his big, warm palm cradling her cheek. “You didn’t upset me, Gabriella. It’s just … with my dad…” He sighed. “It’s complicated. I’m sorry you had to hear that stuff tonight.”

  “I’m only sorry if you believe it.”

  He took her hands. Gabriella rose on her knees, letting the sheet fall away. The fact she was naked didn’t go without notice. His tongue peeked from behind his lips as his gaze traveled over her. Slowly, he brought her hands to his mouth and kissed each one. “I should go.”

  “You don’t have to. You could stay.” She hadn’t tasted him yet. She’d like to, before their time came to an end.

  He shook his head. “I’d better not. Neither of us would get any sleep. I don’t know about you, but I’ve got a full day tomorrow.”

  Gabriella hated the reminder of the outside world. She had a meeting in the morning she’d rather not think about, and several clients to see in the afternoon—Tyler included.

  “Spoil sport.” She crawled around him to get out of the bed. “But you’re right. Gotta keep your eye on the prize. Work first. Play later.”

  Tyler snagged her wrist. “Where are you going?”

  “To put on some clothes so I can walk you out.”

  He pulled her close. “You don’t need to do that.”

  “I’ll need to lock up.”

  “No.” His hands skimmed down her back and over the curve of her ass. “I mean you don’t need to get dressed.”

  Gabriella looped her arms around his neck. “I don’t?”

  He shook his head. “Eye on the prize, huh?”

  She went to her toes as he squeezed her cheeks, rubbing his stiff length against her belly. Proof he didn’t want to leave any more than she wanted him to. She pressed her lips to his neck, enjoying the salty taste of his skin.


  A sinful smile played on his lips. “Maybe I can stay a bit longer.”


  By the time Gabriella woke, Tyler was gone. The space where he’d been had cooled, but his scent was everywhere. On her sheets. On her pillows. On her.

  Gabriella stared at the ceiling, steeling herself for the remorse she was sure would hit at any moment. Yep. Any minute now. Remorseville.

  She stretched. Fuck regrets. Not taking that trip. She felt amazing. Tired, but pleasantly used. Even now the memory of Tyler entering her, stretching her, filling her, made her sex pulse and ache. Her breasts were tender, and her lips were swollen, as if he’d been kissing her only minutes before. She glanced at the clock. Hours. It had been hours since she and Tyler first hit the mattress.

  The sun would be up soon. She caressed the area he’d vacated, wondering how long he’d stayed. He had drawn two more orgasms out of her before taking her again. After, she’d fallen asleep in his arms, her mind and body exhausted. Tyler whispered flirty, filthy words in her ear as she drifted—words to assure her they were far from through.

  Fine by her. As long as they kept things professional while in her office, she’d gladly get naked with him for as long as he wanted her.

  You, and how many other women?

  The alarm screeched. Gabriella silenced the noise with a slap.

  No. She refused to think about Tyler with other women. Therein lay insanity. Roger had cheated on her, leaving her with some serious trust issues. But Tyler wasn’t Roger.

  She and Tyler had an agreement, and it didn’t include promises or exclusivity. The arrangement was a crock, really. At least for her. One man at a time was her limit. She would sleep with Tyler without any kind of commitment or proclamation, but she had no interest in bed-hopping.

  Gabriella threw back the sheet and caught more of Tyler’s scent. The warm spice of his cologne mixed with his own personal pheromone that caused her girly parts to sizzle with glee.

  Sparing an extra moment to pick up the pillow he’d lain against, Gabriella brought it to her nose. Someone should bottle that smell and call it Hot-Blooded Male. She would be first in line to buy enough to make sure her sheets never smelled of anything else, ever again.

  Tossing the pillow back to the bed, Gabriella got up and went into the bathroom. She took a quick shower, leaving her hair to wash later. The weather promised to be another scorcher, so she plaited her hair into a thick French braid. She powdered the shine from her face and added a dusting of blush. A light coat of mascara and some clear gloss for her lips and she deemed herself presentable.

  She opted for tan shorts, a lightweight, V-neck shirt, and the most comfortable pair of sandals she owned. Perfect for work. Sensible for meeting Roger for coffee.

  His text last night had been vague. When she shot back they had nothing to talk about, he turned arrogant, telling her it would be in her best interest to meet him. She hated the hold he had on her. A hold that would disappear the second he signed the papers turning the house over to her. The lawyers had been going back and forth for months, but Gabriella had been adamant. She had the most financial investment in the house. She didn’t want anything from him—no buy-out, no settlement—she just wanted the house. As of last week, Roger hadn’t signed the papers.

  Gabriella couldn’t afford a fight. The paperwork alone had drained her financial reserves.

  Gabriella turned off the lights and headed for the door. Her purse still lay on the floor where she’d dropped it last night. She picked it up, noticing a yellow sticky note stuck to the door.

  Went out through garage so wouldn’t

  have to wake you to lock up. You’re as

  pretty in sleep as you are awake.

  Catch ya later. T.

  His handwriting was legible, but rushed and somewhat sloppy. Not surprising for someone who probably spent as much time signing his name as he did playing ball. She grinned as she imagined Tyler playing beat the garage door. He’d probably tripped the floor sensor at least once in his bid to escape.
br />   She shoved the note into her purse, double-checked the locks, and headed to the car.

  Gabriella arrived at the coffee shop before Roger. She’d left early enough to get in front of rush hour traffic and made it to downtown Little Rock within twenty-five minutes. She was glad for the extra time. She needed a quiet moment in order to settle her nerves before Roger arrived. She took a booth within sight of the front door and ordered an iced dark roast.

  “Any cream or sugar?” the waitress asked.

  “No, thanks.” Gabriella snickered at the grimace on the young girl’s face. People drank espresso all the time. If it wasn’t a muggy ninety degrees outside, she might’ve gone that route. But it was, and no way would she order anything hot.

  Seemingly satisfied Gabriella knew what she was in for, the waitress nodded. “Would you like a pastry to go with your coffee? We’ve got a great apple tart this morning.”

  “No, but thank you.” Maybe her stomach would stop roiling once she knew what Roger wanted to discuss. “I’m expecting someone though, so if you could—”

  “You’re early.”

  Gabriella startled at the voice she’d spent years adoring. Roger slid onto the seat across from her.

  Damn it. “So are you.”

  She hadn’t seen him for months. Had avoided watching the news on his particular channel in an effort to forget about him and the life they’d shared. She waited for pain to assault her chest. For the memories of their life together to overwhelm her with loss. She’d given up her life in Boston for this man. Looking at him now, she just felt … sad. Not for the loss of what could’ve been, but for the dishonorable man he’d become. A liar and a cheat, camouflaged by a pretty face. He’d done her a favor. She understood that now. The realization made her heart feel lighter, less encumbered by the ugliness of their breakup.

  Thank God she hadn’t married the bastard.

  Roger ordered, then turned his attention to her. “Thank you for meeting me, Gabby. You look good.”

  Image meant everything to Roger. When they were together, leaving the house with her messy braid and little makeup would’ve caused a different response.


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