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Harvesting Hope: in Saddleback Ridge

Page 11

by Milan Watson

  Gemma shook her head. “Did you forget about my ankle?”

  “No, that’s why you’ll need to step up.” Without waiting for permission he lifted her by the waist until her sandals rested on his boots.

  “Dusty, I’m not five,” Gemma argued, but he held her in place as he began shimmying their way towards the dance floor.

  “When you pout you look like one,” he whispered into her ear before flashing her a smile that made her heart stop.

  Gemma felt a smile curve her mouth but quickly turned her head so he didn’t see. As the song progressed she felt herself leaning into him, resting her head against his chest.

  “You fit perfectly,” Dusty murmured as the song came to an end.

  Gemma looked up at him and felt her heart swell as the next song began. Instead of letting her go he just kept on dancing. He was right, she mused, they did fit perfectly. She was just the right height to rest her head against his chest, to fit perfectly in the space between his arms. She sighed, allowing herself to enjoy the moment.

  “What are you afraid of, Gemma?” Dusty whispered against her ear.

  This wasn’t where she wanted to have the conversation. They were surrounded by anyone and everyone in Saddleback Ridge, but somehow being surrounded with her gaze turned away from him and his embrace warm around her, she felt safe enough to speak the truth. “I’m afraid of you, Dusty…” Her words were barely more than a whisper but she felt him stiffen so knew he had heard her.

  “You know I’d never hurt you,” Dusty said in a low voice as the romantic song lifted into a crescendo.

  “I know you won’t hurt me intentionally, Dusty. But I couldn’t stand seeing you the other morning and knowing it didn’t mean as much to you as it did to me…”

  Dusty shifted to meet her gaze. “You were afraid you didn’t rock my world?” he asked with a cocky grin.

  Gemma playfully swatted his arm. “No, you idiot!” A smile curved her mouth even as she bared her heart. “It meant everything to me.”

  Dusty stopped dancing and searched her eyes. “It meant more to me.”

  Gemma felt relief wash over her. It hadn’t just been a one night stand for him. “If you say more, do you mean as in exclusive?” She didn’t want to push him but she was done dancing around the flames. It was time to step inside and see if she could handle the heat.

  Dusty brushed a finger over her cheek. “Gemma…”

  “Dusty! We need you,” Logan called from a few paces away.

  One look at Logan’s expression and Gemma knew something was wrong.

  Dusty lifted her by the waist and set her down on her feet. “We’re not done talking.” He kissed her forehead before he turned and rushed with Logan to where Ford, Drake and Clayton were already huddled together.


  “What’s going on?” Dusty asked as soon as he joined his father and brothers. Unless it was serious he wouldn’t have let go of Gemma, but judging by the look on his father’s face this was very serious.

  “Ford just got a call from Farley,” Clayton said with a narrowed look. “Ford, you tell ‘em.”

  “Farley was feeling restless and after this business with the snares he decided to do a no-light drive through the south west fields. He was barely through the gate when he spotted a light in the woods.” Ford cursed. “Unless we catch this guy he’s going to keep on setting them snares.”

  “Then what are we standing around here for?” Dusty asked. “Let’s go.”

  “It’s your engagement party, Ford,” Clayton reminded his eldest son.

  “The ranch comes first, Dad, Kelly understands that,” Ford said before he headed in her direction.

  “I’ll get my truck,” Dusty said. “Dad, you stay here, we need at least one Caldwell at the party.”

  Clayton was about to argue when Betty appeared at his side. “Of course he’ll stay. He’s got four capable sons to handle this business for him. Besides, isn’t that why you gave them more responsibility?” Betty cocked a brow making it impossible for Clayton to argue.

  Clayton huffed. “Fine, but you call me as soon as you know what’s what.”

  Dusty headed to his truck, shaking his head. Betty had a way of winding their hard and stubborn old man around her little finger. Someday he needed to sit her down and find out how she managed it.

  A few minutes later Ford was sitting shotgun with Drake and Logan in the backseat. Dusty gunned the engine and pushed the gas flat, tonight they were going to find out who’d been setting snares on their property.

  He would’ve rather finished his conversation with Gemma, danced with her a couple of more times, but like Ford said, the ranch always came first.

  Chapter 24

  “What exactly are we going to do when we find this guy? We don’t even have a shotgun to frighten him away with. What if he’s armed?” Logan, as always was the voice of reason as they drove into the South West Paddock.

  They had stopped to pick up Farley at the ranch hand’s quarters before they headed out.

  “As luck would have it he’s probably long gone. I don’t see a light, do you?” Drake asked, leaning in between the two front seats.

  “Setting up a snare takes a while and if he’s setting more than one he oughta still be here,” Dusty said, carefully navigating the truck in the dark. He had killed the light a few miles back already, not wanting to alert the trespasser they were onto him.

  “There!” Ford pointed to a spot a couple of hundred yards from where the dude ranch was being built.

  Dusty gunned the engine and bounced in the seat as they crossed the field. They had minutes to stop the trapper from getting away and he wasn’t letting that happen.

  “Dusty, what the hell… we’re going to bounce right out of this truck,” Logan complained.

  Dusty glanced in his rearview mirror to see Drake and Logan popping round the backseat like popcorn. He couldn’t stop the chuckle that escaped him. “Ford, I always told you those two were lightweights.”

  Regardless of the gravity of the situation Ford chuckled as they slowed towards the trees. As soon as the truck came to a stop Dusty was out the door and running towards the flashlight that had just been turned out. He could hear his brothers on his heels and without surprise Logan rushed past him. Regardless of it having been years since his little brother did track in high school, he still could run like the wind.

  Dusty’s eyes adjusted to the dark just as he watched Logan dive a man into the ground. He heard the thud as the man slammed against the dark.

  “I knew it was you!” Logan cried out. “It’s Dean Upton.”

  Drake, Ford, and Dusty slowed to a stop as Logan got up. Dean stayed on the ground glancing up at the four Caldwell brothers. “It’s not what it looks like.”

  Ford caught him by the scruff and tugged him to his feet. “Why don’t I help you explain it to us? You’ve been setting snares on our property and lied to us and the police!” Ford’s arm lifted and a fist formed, but before he could help Dean find his words Dusty stepped forward.

  “Ford wait!”

  Ford’s arm paused mid-punch. “For what? For him to spin some more lies?”

  “No,” Dusty said, shaking his head as he stepped between Dean and Ford. Something in Dean’s eyes made him realize it wasn’t what it looked like. Something else was going on here. “Let him go, Ford.”

  For a moment Dusty braced himself, hoping his brother didn’t decide to land the punch on him instead for protecting Dean. He stepped closer to Dean with a frown. “Dean, what the hell is going on? Don’t tell me you’ve decided to try being a trapper?”

  Dean looked up from beneath hooded brows. His eyes that were usually mean were shadowed with humiliation. He glanced at the snare he had been setting only a few feet away.

  “Dean, either you start talking or Dusty won’t stop me this time,” Ford warned with a low voice.

  Dean sighed and shook his head. “I don’t even know where to begin.”

“The beginning,” Dusty said patiently. He could see whatever was plaguing Dean it wasn’t something he wanted to admit freely.

  “It all started when my pa died few years back. Instead of inheriting Upton Ranch I inherited all his debt. I had no idea how bad things were until I saw the accounts. The beef price had dropped and it was becoming more expensive to keep the herd than I made selling it.”

  “You sold your herd?” Logan asked, stepping forward.

  “Yeah,” Dean admitted with a sigh. “I had no choice, Logan. I couldn’t afford to keep them. The debt was just eating away and although I tried to get a better price for my beef, the bigger ranchers have the monopoly.” His eyes hardened slightly. “It isn’t easy being a cattle rancher next to Falcon Falls.”

  “Why didn’t you come to us?” Dusty asked, imagining how he would feel if they lost the cattle.

  A wry laugh escaped Dean. “Come to you? What would I have said? Your pa’s a better rancher than mine ever was? My pa gambled away our profits in the good years leaving us out to dry in the bad ones? Heck Dusty, don’t tell me you would’ve come knocking at my door if you were having problems. It just ain’t the way it’s done.”

  “That doesn’t explain the snares,” Drake said, speaking for the first time.

  “Yeah, what the hell has snares got to do with it? Don’t tell me you’re getting a better price for hare meat,” Logan said cocking a brow.

  Dean took a moment, shame and embarrassment evident as he turned his gaze away. “I need to eat.”

  Dusty felt his heart stop for a moment. When Dean mentioned things were bad he didn’t realize it was that bad. “You’re bankrupt?”

  “Just about.” Dean shrugged. “I’ve got about a month before the bank calls in the loan. Should actually just give it to them now before I face that. Find a job, a new town, and forget about this life…”

  Ford cursed. “Damn Dean, if things were that bad you should’ve said something. We got a freezer of beef back home we would’ve shared willingly.”

  Dean cocked a brow. “I ain’t takin’ no charity.”

  “So you’ll set snares on your neighbor’s ranch instead, that’s illegal,” Dusty pointed out.

  “Don’t worry I barely caught two hares in the last couple of weeks. Either I’m setting them traps wrong or the hares just ain’t interested,” Dean admitted ruefully.

  Dusty clenched his fists. “Your snares work just damn fine; it’s your damn ego that needs work. Gemma sprained her ankle pretty bad when she was whipped up by one of your snares.”

  Dean had the good sense to look guilty. “I was hoping to catch a fox or sometin’. I wasn’t havin’ much luck on Upton ranch.”

  “You’ve got a day to make sure all the snares are gone, Dean, otherwise we’re going to see the Sheriff, and this time you won’t lie,” Ford said, making it clear this wasn’t up for negotiation. “One of us will be by in the morning with some food, it ain’t charity, and it’s being neighborly. If you don’t want to accept, give it away, but that would be stupid and you know it.”

  Dean nodded but didn’t meet anyone’s gaze. “Thanks Ford.”

  “Sure. Now get your ass home.” Ford grunted before he turned and headed back to his truck. “I’ve got my engagement party to get to.”

  One by one they piled back into the pickup. The terse anger-fueled atmosphere that rode with them all the way from town was now gone. No one spoke; instead each was lost in his own thoughts.

  Even as Dusty headed back to town he couldn’t help but feel guilty. Indirectly Falcon Falls’ success had cost Dean his family ranch. Sure, his father’s gambling played a large part in the situation Dean found himself in, but at the same time he could understand that the Upton’s didn’t have their share of Beef Buyers stopping by with big contracts.

  When he finally pulled into town he turned to Ford. “We gotta help him.”

  Ford huffed out a sigh. “I don’t like the way he’s been setting snares, but you’re right. We’ve got to help him.”

  “How?” Logan asked, exasperated. “I’m not coldhearted but old man Upton gambled away his savings when he should’ve invested it. You can’t expect us to pay his debt, debt that is the direct cause of gamblin’?”

  Dusty nodded. “No, I ain’t saying we pay his debt… I’m just saying we need to find a way to help him. Maybe a couple of steers?”

  “I’ll think about helping him when he’s gotten rid of the damn snares.” Ford’s jaw clenched but Dusty knew adrenalin was still pulsing through his brother’s veins, as soon as he calmed down he would see reason.

  “Yeah, let’s talk about this in the morning. Right now we got some dancin’ to do,” Drake said as Dusty pulled up outside The Barn.

  It took him five minutes to realize Gemma had left… again.

  Chapter 25

  Gemma wanted to wait for him, but after putting weight on her ankle for a few hours it was throbbing. She finally slipped out and headed home to find a bag of iced peas. Gemma glanced at her watch for the third time.

  She’d been home for an hour and although she knew the drive to Falcon Falls and back would’ve taken that long at least, she couldn’t help but wonder if Dusty would come to her when they got back.

  She eased her head back onto the pillows on the couch with her ankle elevated on the coffee table and covered with the bag of peas. She shouldn’t have gone out tonight. She should’ve stayed at home just like she’d wanted to. A smile curved her mouth as she remembered dancing with Dusty, she couldn’t regret that. Regardless of her ankle now throbbing like there was no tomorrow, it had been worth every second.

  A knock at the door had her sitting up straight. Her heart skipped a beat hoping it would be him. She glanced at her ankle and sighed, to open the door she had to get up. She braced herself for the pain as she hopped on one leg to the door, steadying herself against the wall.

  She opened the door and felt her smile broaden at the sight of him. “You came…”

  Dusty smiled. “We weren’t done talking.” His gaze drifted to her ankle dangling in the air before he stepped towards her. “Your ankle giving you trouble?”

  Gemma shrugged. “A little.”

  Dusty scooped her up before kicking the door closed. For a moment Gemma’s breath caught, hoping he’d take her straight to the bedroom, but instead he set her down on the couch before setting her feet on his lap. His hand soothed over her aching ankle and by the second stroke of his fingers she had completely forgotten about her ankle and could only think of him.

  “What happened at the ranch?” Gemma asked, trying to regain her equilibrium.

  Dusty shrugged with a heavy sigh before he told her about Dean and the snares. As Gemma listened an idea came to mind, but not one she was ready to share. She could see the strain in Dusty’s shoulders, regardless of his anger and Dean setting illegal snares it was easy to see he cared. She leaned forward and touched his shoulder. “You’re a good man, Dusty.”

  Dusty turned to her as if seeing her for the first time. “I didn’t have a chance to say what I wanted to at The Barn…”

  “I’m listening…” Gemma said, feeling amused.

  “Gemma… I… back then I thought you’d cheated on me. It broke me. It might have only been three dates, but it crushed me. That’s not an easy thing for a man to admit.”

  Gemma smiled as she reached for his hand. “I can imagine, especially a tough cowboy like you.”

  Dusty chuckled softly. “When I learned that it had all been a misunderstanding it felt as if you had ripped out the rug from under me. Everything I thought about you, the anger I harbored for years disappeared, leaving with me with nothing but the need to try again. That night… on the ranch… I thought I had that chance again.”

  “We both did,” Gemma said, squeezing his hand.

  Dusty framed her face. “But then you disappeared again. How could you for a moment imagine that I didn’t feel the same way? Heck Gemma, I’ve been waiting for you without even know
ing it.”

  Gemma’s heart swelled to the point where a tear of joy spilled from her eye. She chuckled self-consciously. “You might be a man of few words but when you find them they’re worth it.”

  Dusty grinned. “No more walking away. No more silence and no more damn misunderstandings. I’m done fighting the way I feel, I’m ready to embrace it wherever it may lead. Are you?”

  Gemma swallowed. He wasn’t promising her forever, but there was promise in his gaze. “I’m done wasting time, Dusty, I’m ready.”

  Dusty grinned as he slipped a hand around her waist and the other underneath her ankle. “I’ll have to be gentle.”

  Gemma stroked his cheek. “You’ve never been anything else.”

  He carried her to the bedroom. It was still a mess from Bobby’s mini-makeover session. He cleared a space on the bed before setting her down. Once he had both arms free he cleared the rest of the bed before sitting down beside her.

  He met her gaze for a moment, searching her soul. Gemma had experienced desire, passion even, but she had never experienced love. Not the type she saw in Dusty’s gaze. It was the type that could last a lifetime. It was unspoken promises and future dreams.

  When his lips brushed hers they were tender, his touch even more so. For a moment she drew back and searched his gaze. Who was this man with a feather light touch that could ignite her entire body? A smile curved her mouth as she realized the answer, he was hers.

  With the moonlight dancing through the window clothes were discarded. Soft sighs sounded through the room even as passion built. His hands searched and explored her body even as his mouth returned to hers time and again to promise her the world again.

  Gemma had never felt more cherished and she had never wanted anyone more. With the past in the past and their emotions finally out in the open it was easy for her to lose herself in the moment. She didn’t have to hide the love in her gaze and she didn’t have to wonder if he felt the same. She could feel it, taste it, and see it in his gaze.


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