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All Access to the Boy Band: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 10

by Riley Love

  “We’re rehearsing after dinner. The plan was to work on the scene where we take you away from President Dickhead.” Laughter erupted at the table as Drew announced the plan. Some of the cast and crew had shared a discreet eye roll with me or commented under their breath about Kyle, but I didn’t realize the opinion was so widespread. “Want to join us? Gotta warn you though, we’ll be outside in the snow.”

  “We’ll make sure you stay warm,” Garrett added.

  The smart thing to do would be to go back to my room and learn my damn lines for my next scene with Kyle. But the abduction scene was one of the most important in the story. I’d beg for mercy, and the assailants would refuse to grant me even a drop. I’d struggle and cry and give it everything I had. This scene would sell the movie. The director suggested bringing in a stunt double for me, but I refused. I wanted the raw terror to go through me so I could funnel that emotion into the rest of my performance. It would be stupid not to go with them.

  “I’m in.”

  *** Keep Reading ***


  With my famous name and billions in the bank, I can have anything I want. Anything except the fianceé I found in bed with another man. Now, to prevent my over-eager family from introducing me to every blue-blooded woman in London, a friend has convinced me to hire an escort to pretend to be my girlfriend.

  Instead, I found a beautiful girl from the wrong part of town auctioning off her virginity to pay her mother’s medical bills. I shouldn’t want her, but I can’t stop thinking about the girl with short blonde hair who calls to every part of me. When I close my eyes at night, she’s all I see.

  I can have anything I want. And I want her. Now I just need to make her mine.

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  *** SNEAK PEEK ***

  With three weeks left until my sister’s wedding, I was out of luck and lacking a date. My family—especially my mother—expected me to arrive with the gorgeous girlfriend I had chatted up to them for months.

  Too bad I’d walked into Kelly’s apartment to find her bouncing on some other bloke’s knob about two weeks ago. That was the thanks I received for showing up unannounced to surprise my long-distance girlfriend in New York. I’d flown in from London on an overnight flight without warning her.

  All of that dating rubbish was behind me now. I planned to remain single while focusing on my career, my company, and turning my billion-dollar bank account into the double digits.

  Francois burst into the office with his laptop tucked under one arm. “I have the solution to all your problems.”


  He slid the machine in front of me and raised the lid. A photograph of the hottest blonde I’d ever seen was on the computer screen, complete with chocolate brown eyes and cinnamon lashes against her freckled cheeks. I squinted at the monitor. Her name was Kelly.

  “The hell is this?”

  “It’s an escort service. You hire this girl, have her pretend to be Kelly. They’re a bit similar in looks too. Both named Kelly, both blond and freckled. And the going rate on her is only three hundred grand.”

  “Are you serious? Why would I pay three hundred grand for a date with a stranger?”

  “To keep your family out of your business. It’ll satisfy their curiosity and save you the bother of tolerating your mother’s unusual desire for you to have a girlfriend. Since God only knows why you won’t fess up to dumping your cheating ex.”

  “You know my mother.”

  “It’s true, I do. Which is why a hired escort is perfect.”

  I scratched my chin and studied the next photograph, a head-to-toe picture of a quirky blonde with a pixie cut in a sexy one-piece swimsuit, poised at a beach volleyball net. Amazing legs, the kind of thighs I wanted wrapped around my waist. Or my face. I’d settle for having those lovely thighs on either side of my head and wondered if her cunt would taste as sweet as she looked. “And women actually do this?”

  “Would it be on your screen if they didn’t?”

  “This is insanity. They’re… What’s this pink tag? Trending? Why is she trending?”

  “She’d trending because she’s a virgin,” Francois explained.

  “Bloody hell, those still exist in America?”

  “In small quantity.”

  It suddenly occurred to me that my friend had introduced me to a pay-for-sex site. “Are you a customer? Is this what you do with your spare time? Really, mate?”

  Francois scowled. “It’s a legitimate and legal business in most of our neighboring nations. Besides, you know me better. I don’t need to pay for sex.”

  “So what do you use it for?”

  “Remember that redhead I brought to the derby last year? She charmed everyone, even you.”

  “You mean—”

  “Hired date. At least give it a thorough look. What do you have to lose, aside from a bit of money you won’t even miss?”

  “Fine.” I scrolled through her profile and skimmed down her list of allowances. “Not a freak. Maybe even a little on the dull side.”

  “Well, there’s another one on here who enjoys some kink—”

  “No, she’s perfect. The last thing I need is some desperate virgin wanting to role play a ridiculous playroom fantasy. I don’t know about participating in an auction, however. And what’s this elite clientele nonsense?”

  “An annual fee of twenty-thousand euros is required to become an elite member.”

  I stared at him. “For the privilege of bidding on their eager product, I’ll have to pay twenty… What is that?”

  “What? Grayson doesn’t know the current exchange rate?” Francois gasped. “It’s twenty-four thousand pounds, give or take. Oh come on, mate. That’s a pittance, and you know it. You’ve thrown that much money away on scotch.”

  “Women tend to be disappointments. Scotch is always satisfying.”

  “The elite clientele fee is donated to charity,” Francois said suddenly. I wondered if he’d been holding that tidbit as a secret weapon in his arsenal, a way to butter me up when I faltered.

  “To which charity?”

  “Into the Light.”

  “Odd choice for an internet brothel. Isn’t that an anti-human trafficking organization?”

  “It is. Every year, DDE donates millions of money from guys who are buying legal, consensual sex from ladies of age to sell it, and they use it to help women in shit situations around the world. After all, it’s about choice, mate. If they want to do it, no one should be able to stop them from doing what they want with their bodies.”

  Against my better judgment, while telling myself over and over I didn’t need to buy a woman to have a good time, I made an account on the site, submitted my personal details for verification, and paid the twenty-thousand-euro fee. The e-mail from the site administrators was prompt, almost too immediate to have undergone the background check I’d authorized, accompanied by a saccharine sweet personalized video welcome to the world of Diamond Dust Escorts, waxing poetic about the glorious selection of beautiful young women available for hire. A woman with steel-gray hair sat behind a desk, smiling as she introduced me to her services, promised excellent entertainment and friendly girls willing to fulfill my every desire.

  I closed the e-mail and returned to Kelly’s page.

  A bidding war began the moment I input my figures. The blonde pixie named Kelly soared to a million dollars. I scowled and upped my bid to 1.2 million. Another bidder with an anonymous image jumped into the financial battle. He must have had a serious hard-on for virgins.

  Suddenly, she was 2.4 million dollars. I sank back in my seat, wondering what the hell happened.

  “Are you out?” Francois asked. “Over that little bit of money?”

  “I need a date, not a drain on my finances.”


  I stared at him, but Francois met my gaze head on and looked anything but impressed. Not even a glint of humor.

; “Fuck you.” I upped the bid to three million and waited to see what my mystery opponent would do.

  It increased by the ten-thousand-dollar minimum. I punched 4.5 in with a few hard clicks.

  “Easy on the keyboard there. It hasn’t done anything to you.”

  “Why’s the goddamned price in American dollars anyway, if it’s a German site?”

  “Default currency is chosen by the merchandise. Rather, your lucky escort. And I’m sure right now she’s clapping her hands with glee.”

  “At this rate, she must be cackling like a bloody loon. God, this is the new craze for gold diggers, isn’t it?”

  “You’re buying a rare commodity these days, getting yourself a virgin to deflower.”

  I shot him a dark look over the rim of my glasses. “A crazy, money-seeking virgin at that. This would be splendid if I gave a fuck about deflowering virgins.”

  “The girls undergo rigorous background checks. Everything about them is investigated, down to their social media accounts and activities. Anyway, doing this doesn’t make her greedy. They’ve all got their own stories and reasons for doing what they’re doing, but at least DDE tries to be somewhat ethical about it.”

  “I hope you’re right. If I come away from this with a five-million-dollar nutter, I’m holding you responsible.”

  “I’ll let you lord it over me if it comes to that.”

  “What exactly am I getting for this anyway? Only the one date?”



  “But you get first dibs if you want to hire her again, and at a much lower standard rate since that pink tag will be gone. Unless she chooses to take her millions and be done with it. Many do.”

  The minutes ticked down. We both watched the screen as it dwindled to seconds. The auction ended without another raise from the other rich fuck.

  I’d won. I’d won my first virgin.

  Francois slapped my shoulder and chuckled. “Congrats.”

  “Now what happens?”

  “A mediator will contact you both to arrange travel and accommodations to Berlin, and you’ll meet there for your night. Afterward, you’re free to make any arrangements you like with her.”

  “Are you saying that I did all of that and I don’t even have my pick of where we meet for our date? How does this help me with my sister’s wedding next month, Francois?”

  “Have your night then offer a hundred grand for the wedding date. At least that way when you two show up together, it won’t be as complete strangers.”

  “That would have been a brilliant tidbit to share five minutes ago.”

  “I know. But you need to get laid, mate. I did you a favor.”

  Suppressing the urge to punch Francois in the nose, I slumped back in the seat and considered my options. Since my money was already gone, I had no choice but to go through with it.

  I’d murder my friend later once this entire thing blew up in my face.

  *** Keep Reading ***

  The Billionaire’s Bargain


  One night was all she had to give ...

  My connection with Logan Davis was instantaneous. I never expected lightning to strike twice, but it has ... and now I'm in love with his best friend Chase too. When these sexy, alpha billionaires approach me with an unlikely proposition, all I need to know is where I sign on the dotted line.

  Until he offered forever ...

  When Caitriona walks into my office, she's my darkest fantasy wrapped up in a beautiful, innocent package. Only one other person has ever made me feel this way—my best friend Chase. I never thought I’d find a woman who’d accept our complicated relationship, but every day she surprises me. Now, it’s my turn to surprise both of them.

  … and then something more.

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  ** SNEAK PEEK **


  What was that old saying, again? Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. Yeah, that one. It might sound like a cliché, but it was true. At least, it was for me.

  I had my whole life planned out. I was going to graduate from college, marry my boyfriend Steve in his father’s church, become a teacher, and then live happily ever after.

  Except, you know … life.

  So now, instead of sitting in the library studying for my next test, I was parked next to Steve on a leather couch in the basement of an exclusive sex club somewhere in the middle of downtown. I’d been so busy with school that I hadn’t noticed he’d turned into the type of person who blew all our money on hookers and blackjack.

  Which was where I came in. Because it turned out I had something a certain type of man would pay handsomely for. My virginity.

  “You can’t be serious?” My head swung between Steve and Janessa Carmichael, the sophisticated woman sitting across from us. On either side of her two suited goons stood guard like silent sentries. “You want to sell my virginity?”

  “Miss Patrick, I understand this probably isn’t how you planned to spend your afternoon.”

  “You think?” I asked, shooting to my feet and turning on Steve. “I have an exam in two days!”

  Steve rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “Trust me, I know. Your exams all are you ever talk about.”

  “That’s because I have to get good grades to keep my scholarships. We’ve talked about this, and you said you understood.”

  “I did, until you started ignoring me. It’s your fault we’re here in the first place.”

  “How is it my fault you gambled away all my dad’s money?” I stood over him, my fists clenched and my chest sawing in and out with fury. I wasn’t a violent person, but I was about two seconds away from putting my hands around his neck and squeezing for all I was worth.

  With a deep breath, I stepped away and counted down from ten. “Can you repeat the details of the deal he made with you?” I asked, turning back to Janessa.

  It made zero sense that I was considering going through with this, but what choice did I have? If these people didn’t get their money, they’d hurt Steve. Today’s revelations had hurt me, but that didn’t mean I wanted him laid up in traction in some hospital somewhere—or worse.

  “I want to know exactly what I’m signing up for,” I added, my shoulders thrown back. If I was going to prostitute myself, I wasn’t going to do it with my head bowed in shame. I would not let Steve’s bad choices ruin me.

  They just might free you, a naughty voice in the back of my head whispered, and I could just about picture a tiny devil on my shoulder rubbing its hands with anticipation.

  Sliding a bundle of papers across her desk, Janessa inclined her head toward the chair in front of me. “Please, take a seat, and we can go over the contract.”

  When I dropped into it, Steve stood and made his way to me. “I don’t want him here.”

  Janessa tilted her head, her long, elegant neck stretching to show off the pale column of her throat, and one of her goons leaned forward. After a few words in his ear, he stepped out from behind her desk and gestured toward Steve. “Please come with me, Mr. Parker.”

  Steve’s head whipped frantically between me, Janessa, and the behemoth making his way around the desk. The other goon waited patiently in front of the door. “You can’t do this, Cait. You love me. You have to make sure they don’t hurt me.” When I stayed silent, Steve’s words turned angry, destroying any hope I had that he might still be the sweet boy I’d fallen in love with when I was fourteen. “You slut. I hope whoever buys you fucks you hard and merciless.”

  And then they tossed him out the door, leaving me alone with Janessa.

  A few shocked, silent seconds ticked by while I absorbed his words. “What now?” I eventually asked, rubbing my sweating palms up and down my jean-clad thighs.

  Janessa’s red lips twitched, and she leaned forward, her hands clasped in front of her. Her manicure, like her lipstick, was impeccable. “I’m a succes
sful businesswoman, and you’re an enchanting girl who is in possession of something formidable men will give their fortunes to possess.”

  “I don’t get it,” I said, my mind still trying to grasp how I’d gotten here. “If you’re going to pay for sex, wouldn’t you want it to at least be good? I’ve never even given a hand job.”

  Not for a lack of trying, my subconscious reminded me. Steve had been hell-bent on keeping me “completely pure” until our wedding night—another thing I’d never been able to understand.

  She chuckled and shook her head. “Can I ask you something, Miss Patrick?”

  I gulped and nodded. “Of course.”

  “Why did you agree to pay Mr. Parker’s debt? He’s obviously not the man you hoped.” I shrugged and looked away, my cheeks turning pink.

  The truth was, there was a very good reason I hadn’t walked out the second I’d learned about Steve’s debt, and it had nothing to do with my loyalty to him. But I couldn’t bring myself to voice the words aloud. The filthy, dirty, erotic words.

  She laughed, and her mask dropped, revealing a look of genuine pleasure. “Oh, that’s going to do wonders for your price on the auction block.”

  I chewed my bottom lip, my face growing redder by the second. My lips slammed shut and my gaze dropped to the carpet at my feet.

  “Eyes up, Miss Patrick,” she said, recalling my attention. “If that blush is anything to go by, I think I know exactly why you’re here, and I promise you, there’s nothing wrong with your desires.”

  Who was this woman? At first, I’d thought she was the devil disguised in a Prada suit, but now, I wondered if she wasn’t actually my fairy godmother.


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