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Devil On A Hot Tin Roof (Madder Than Hell Book 2)

Page 5

by Renee George

  “Who knows? Maybe King Solomon gave them to other mages or lost them or maybe the seals were stolen by others. The point is that they exist and they’re powerful.” He tapped the amulet. “Not all of the seals have demons in them anymore. I read about mages who would put the souls of their mortal enemies into the seals, and other anecdotes where mages would put themselves into the seals to avoid death.”

  I stared at the amulet. Kobal kept insisting that the Aloysius the Great had been near me, but the only person who’d been nearby was Jared.

  Oh, no.


  “I don’t understand,” Jared said. He wrapped his fist around the amulet. “Why would Aloysius give me a demon seal?”

  I shook my head, my gut churning with dread. “He owes his soul to a certain demon lord.” I swallowed hard. “I think he wanted to get out of his deal by hiding his soul with you.”

  Chapter 6

  Jared reached around and tried to undo the clasp again, but like earlier it wouldn’t budge. In frustration, he grabbed the amulet and chain and yanked. Hard. He winced with pain as the silver bit into the back of his neck. “Can someone get the seal thing off of me?”

  Ray gave him a quizzical look. “Have you been able to take it off before?”

  “Of course. I don’t know why I can’t get it off now.”

  “When was the last time you took it off?” Ray asked.

  “Last night when I showered. I usually put it right back on.”

  Olivia leaned in for a closer look. “Why?”

  Jared stepped back from her. “Why what?”

  “Why do you usually put it back on?”

  “I don’t know. I…I just do.” He leaned against the counter where we’d just been kissing. He rubbed his fingers through his hair. “I really don’t know why.”

  I walked over to Jared and slipped my hand in his and gave him a reassuring squeeze. “We’ll figure this out.” I just hoped it didn’t cost him his soul in the meantime.

  Ray nodded. “Okay, so you could take it off last night. Did anything unusual happen today?”

  “You mean other than helping a pretty girl get rid of a body? Or finding out demons are real? You mean, something other than that?” Jared’s frustration turned his words harsh.

  Frank grimaced. “There’s no need to take that tone, son.”

  “Now, Frank.” Ray patted the shorter man’s shoulder. “The boy is scared, and I don’t blame him.”

  Jared picked up the deck of cards that had been lying on the table. He began to shuffle as he paced. “That fool old man. I can’t believe he got me into this mess.” Jared flipped through the deck then fanned the cards out on the table before scooping them up again and going to a one hand shuffle. “Actually, I can believe it. The only person who ever mattered to Aloysius was Aloysius.” He held out the cards to me. “Pick one,” he said.

  “I don’t think this is the time for tricks,” Olivia said.

  Jared kept the cards in front of me. “It calms me down.”

  I took one from the center. It was the seven of clubs. “Now what?”

  “Show everyone but me the card.” Jared half-smiled. “Then put it back anywhere in the deck.”

  I gave my sisters and the guys a quick peek, and then put the card about three-quarters of the way in. He started shuffling again, flipping, cutting, sliding the deck together, the cards sounding like a rainstorm on a tin roof. After, Jared turned the top card. It was a three of spades. “Is this your card?”

  I shook my head. “That’s not it.”

  “Hmmm.” He counted through the deck. Fifty-one cards, and no seven of clubs. “Frank, can you check your back pocket for me?”

  Frank groused as he reached around and slid his hand into his jeans back pocket. His furrowed brow raised, easing the lines in his forehead as his eyes widened with surprise. He brought his hand around to the front of him and held out a card. It was the seven of clubs.

  “How did you do that?” Eliza said, her face aglow with wonder. “I was watching you the whole time. You never even got close to Frank.”

  Frank nodded. “I’m may be old, but my ass ain’t dead. I would have felt you put something in my back pocket.”

  "Oh my gosh!" I clapped my hands. I now knew what Jared meant now when he'd talked about the first time he'd seen a show. Even though I knew it had to be a trick, I had no idea how he pulled it off, and by the amazed looks around the room, I wasn't the only one impressed by Jared.

  Where is he? Kobal asked, as once again he piloted my eyes. I felt him here just seconds ago. The man is old for a human. How does he keep getting away from me?

  “He’s not here,” I said aloud. “I don’t know where Aloysius is.” Everyone in the room turned to stare at me. I pointed to my head then placed my index finger to my lips. “I promise, I will holler for you as soon as I locate your guy.”

  What are you trying to hide from me, little belle? Kobal asked. He exerted his power inside me. If you tell me now, I’ll forgive you. But if I find out on my own, I will make you pay.

  My chest tightened as his presence threatened to explode my chest. “I’m not hiding anything,” I gritted out. Kobal left my head as quickly as he had invaded it.

  Jared wrapped his arm around my waist and bolstered me up. “Are you okay? What just happened?”

  I shook my head. “Just a misunderstanding between my demon lord and me.” I turned to my sisters and the PSPR. “That’s the third time that P.T. Barnum has shown up saying that he’s felt the old magician. Each time has been when I’ve been with Jared, but it’s not all the time. Do you think it has anything to do with the Goetia seal?”

  Ray nodded. “Maybe. Anything special happen right before each encounter?”

  Other than my hormone-driven lust for the guy? “Uhm, not that I can think of. We met at the diner, and Jared asked me out on a mini-golf date.”

  Eliza snorted. When the other’s looked at her, she shrugged. “What, no one else thinks mini-golf is a funny term?”

  Elise elbowed her twin. “Just you, sister dear.”

  I ignored the both of them. “The second time was right after we took care of Roger Willis. And then just now.” I shook my head. “I don’t know what any of those moments have in common.”

  “I do.” Jared’s gaze met mine. “Each time, I performed a trick. I produced my business card using sleight of hand. I’d hoped to impress you, but you didn’t even blink.”

  I smirked. “I had demon hunting on my mind.”

  He nodded. “The second time, I used flash paper to distract Willis away from you before I tackled him.” He shrugged. "I keep them on hand just in case a conversation gets boring."

  “Oh. The bright light.” I looked at the seven of clubs in Ray’s hand. “And now this card trick.”

  Olivia snatched the deck from Jared. “No more magic for you,” she said. “Not until we figure this out.”

  Jared tugged on it again. “I still don’t know why I can’t get this thing off.”

  “The seal could be warded against the demon lord, but I think he needs to come in contact with it.” Ray held his hands up. “But your guess is as good as mine.”

  I thought about the mildly painful shock I’d received when I’d touched the amulet. “Or, it just needs to be touched by an agent of the demon lord.”

  Ray nodded. “That might do it.”

  The reality of what I’d done to Jared, well, what Aloysius and I had done to him, was beyond sickening. Had I inadvertently opened the door for Kobal by making contact with that infernal medallion? “What does this mean for Jared?”

  “One of the symbols represents mortal binding. I think that means that your old magician has tied himself to your young man.” Ray’s face was grim. “You have to figure a way to remove the darned thing.”

  “Me? What am I supposed to do?”

  “You’re the gadget girl,” Ennis said. “Get to gadgeting.”

  “What if because of who I am, who I represen
t, I just make things worse?”

  “Well, you’re not making things better by whining about them,” Olivia chided. “Now, let’s take care of the demon in the truck. Afterward, we’ll figure the rest out. We always do.”

  But did we? Sometimes I felt like we made more messes than we actually fixed. Still, I nodded for Jared’s reassurance. “We always do.”

  Jared’s one-bedroom house wasn’t near big enough to house nine extra people, so the twins, Ray, Frank, and Ennis all went into Kimberling City to find hotel rooms. When I refused to leave Jared, after all, I’d played a part in his predicament, Olivia insisted on staying as well. And since Olivia and David were a packaged deal, Jared ended up rummaging through his closets for extra blankets. The four of us had taken turns showering, and by the time it was Jared’s turn, we’d used up all the hot water.

  “You look good in my sweats and T-shirt,” Jared said as he brought sheets for the pull-out sofa.

  “I’m practically swimming in them,” I grumbled, even though I was pleased as punch not to be wearing that soiled skirt any longer.

  “You still look beautiful,” he said. He handed the sheets to David. “I don’t have any extra pillows.”

  “Who doesn’t keep extra pillows?” Olivia asked.

  I glared at my sister. “The correct response is, thank you, sir, for your kind hospitality.”

  She pursed her lips then frowned at me before turning her attention back to Jared. “Char is absolutely right. Where are my manners? Thank you, sir, for your kind hospitality.” She looked around the room. “I suppose we can fit the three of us on the couch bed.”

  “Absolutely not.” I shook my head. “That is an emphatic no thank you.” David and Liv had been having very loud intercourse, and I’m not talking about conversation since the doctor gave her the all-clear seven weeks after my nephew Johnny’s birth. But even worse than their frisky business, was Olivia’s penchant for leaking breasts. “I will not have your boob juice squirting on me in the middle of the night.” The heat of blush warmed my cheeks as I used Eliza’s terminology. “I mean…” Mortifyingly, I made circles with fingers.

  Jared chuckled. “That looks like the beginning of a magic trick.”

  “It is. I’m trying really hard to disappear right now.”

  "It's not working," Olivia said. "And I brought nipple pads with me."

  “Those things cannot stop your leaky dams." Speaking of leaking dams… “Who’s watching Johnny?”

  Olivia’s eyes widened. She glanced at her husband. “My word, David. We left the baby at home?”

  “Now, sweetheart, Johnny’s going to have to learn to look after himself sometime or another. Besides, some alone time will toughen the little fella up.”

  “True,” said Olivia. “I’d hate to spoil the independence out of him.”

  Jared put the sheets down. “How old is Johnny?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Three months old.” Before he could respond with appropriate shock and outrage, I added, “Liv and David did not leave him at home alone.”

  “Johnny is with Lucinda Harrington. She was kind enough to keep him tonight,” David said.

  “Lucinda’s dad is David’s lawyer,” I said to Jared. We walked into the kitchen area while Liv and David made up the couch.

  “Where do you want to sleep?” Jared probed me with his heated gaze.

  I shifted uncomfortably and averted my eyes. “I can use the couch cushions as a makeshift mattress and sleep on the floor.”

  “You can have my bed,” Jared said. After another beat, he added, “I’ll take the floor.”

  “You’re too kind, but no, I won’t kick you out of your own bed.” Though I couldn’t deny the appeal of wrapping myself in blankets that smelled like Jared. Or hell, just wrapping myself in Jared. “I appreciate the offer though.”

  “We could share the bed. It’s king sized. Plenty of room for both of us.” The heat in Jared’s eyes turned my knees to gelatin.

  “I should probably take the floor.” I toed a crack in his hardwood floor. "It's your bed, and I don't want to impose."

  “My sheets could stand a little imposing. I’d say an imposition is long overdue.” He chuckled, and it was low and sexy. “How about this? I promise to keep my hands to myself. It will be strictly sleeping and nothing else.”

  I hesitated then nodded. “Strictly sleeping,” I reiterated.

  “I’ll be a perfect gentleman,” Jared said. He crossed his heart.

  I smiled, but a part of me, you know, the lower parts were really disappointed. “I trust you,” I said, surprised at how much I meant it. “Off to bed then.”

  “Good night, Char,” Olivia called from the living room.

  “Good night, Liv.”

  “Good night,” David said.

  “Good night.”

  “Good night, Jared,” my sister said.

  “Good night, Olivia," Jared said.

  "Good night, John Boy," my sister added at the end.

  Jared snickered. “You have a nice family.”

  “For a bunch of homicidal demon hunters?”

  Jared kissed my forehead and pulled me into a warm hug. “I thought that part was implied.”

  Chapter 7

  Staring at the ceiling, body rigid, arms pressed against my sides, and I was acutely aware of Jared’s large form next to me. It didn’t matter that the bed was big enough to swallow a horse and the rider who rode in on it. Jared moved, and his upper arm brushed my shoulder. I shivered as the point of contact sent ripples of pleasure through me. How could such a small thing make me feel so much pleasure?

  Jared turned his head toward me, his breath tickling my neck. “Are you comfortable?”

  I nodded once. “Uh-hmm.”

  “You know you can relax, right? I promise not to bite. You know, unless you want me to.”

  “Well, I don’t,” I lied. I wanted nothing more than for Jared to kiss me again and, if I was honest, do more than that. I’d long been jealous of Olivia’s relationship with David. Not because I begrudged my sister any happiness. On the contrary, I couldn’t have been more thrilled for her. She’d given up so much trying to save the family. She deserved to have a real life with a husband who doted on her and children for her to love. However, that kind of life was impossible for me. Especially with a mortal human.

  I could hear Eliza’s voice in my head saying, “You don’t have to have a relationship to have a little fun.” And while I knew she was right, I was still old-fashioned about men and sex. Poppa had raised us more independent than I think he liked sometimes, but we were still ladies, and ladies didn’t give their virtue away.

  Your virtue flew out the window when you sold your services and your soul to a demon. I knew it was stupid to hold on to an ideal that no longer existed. And I wanted Jared with every fiber of my being. So, why didn’t I just go for it?

  Because I was a big ol’ chicken. Bawk. Bawk.


  “Yes, Jared.”

  “What are you thinking about?” His tone was light and flirty, and it chipped away at my resolve.

  “I’m thinking you’re an awful lot of trouble.”

  “I’m not the one walking around with demon killing supplies.”

  “Fair point.” I cracked a smile despite myself.

  “I really like kissing you earlier.”

  “I really liked kissing you, too.”

  “We could do it again if you want.”

  I moved my arm, so the length of it pressed against Jared’s. “I’m scared,” I said honestly.

  Jared turned his body toward me. He traced my chin and jawline with his fingertips. “You don’t have to be afraid of me, Charlotte. I’ll never do anything you don’t want me to do.”

  My breath quickened. I inhaled deeply to slow it down. I turned my face toward Jared to meet his gaze. “Tell me something about your life that no one else knows.”

  “When I’m not feeling well, I like to eat m
ashed butter beans. They’re my comfort food.” I must have given him a weird look because he explained further, “I’ve been thinking about mushed butter beans since your friend told me it was real magic that tied me to Aloysius, and then when I couldn’t take off the necklace…”

  “I understand.” I placed my hand over his and held it to my cheek. “My comfort food is porridge.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever eaten porridge. Is that still a thing?”

  I giggled. “It is in my life. I make it at least once a week.” When he raised his brow, I giggled again. “Since my resurrection, I’ve needed a lot of comfort.”

  He turned his hand to grasp mine and brought it to his lips. His kissed my palm. “I still can’t believe you were born in the 1800s. You are remarkably preserved.”

  “Thank you for noticing.” I suddenly felt shy again. “You make me so nervous, Jared Jackson. Tell me something else about you. How long have you been doing magic tricks?”

  “Twenty years. I was fifteen when I started learning.”

  “That’s really young.”

  His eyes were wistful. “I’d just run away from my third foster home in Qua Paw, Oklahoma. There was an illusionist playing at the Downstream Casino, and I’d snuck in to eat the buffet and caught the show. Blaine Danger was the name of the magician, and when he performed his card tricks, I was mesmerized.” A smile played on Jared’s lips at the memory. “I found a way onto his tour bus after, and for whatever reason, he didn’t kick me off. I begged him to teach me. He said that I could travel with him and help with set up at his shows. He also said if I could figure out even one of his tricks, he would take me on as an apprentice. It took me two months to do it, but after I performed the trick I’d learned for him, he showed me another. Once I mastered that, he would give me another, and another. I was with Blaine for seven years when I discovered Aloysius in Las Vegas. He was eyeball deep in a bottle of Crown Royal, but even blind drunk the man had the quickest hands I’d ever seen. I watched him hustle ten guys in the bar with a simple three-card Monty, and I intervened on his behalf with the eleventh guy threatened to kick his ass.” He laughed. “I quit Blaine one week later and took up with Al.” He kissed my hand again. “You see, with magic, it’s not about the money, it’s about the passion, and I was very passionate about the craft.” He kissed my wrist, and my heart sped up.


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