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Beyond Ruin (Book Four of the Bidden Series)

Page 3

by Cierlak, Crystal

  Thick eyelashes framed Audra's scorched brown eyes. "Wow," Natalie whispered as she took in the sight of her as though for the first time. Her heartbeat made a resounding echo in her throat that travelled all the way to the heat between her thighs.

  "Right back at you," Audra said through a half-cocked smile.

  "No, I'm not-"

  "Yes," she interrupted. "You are." Audra tugged at the hem of Natalie's shirt and lifted it up and over her body, discarding it to the side with her own garment. Natalie's cheeks flushed as Audra examined her body, hungrily taking in the sight of her own lace-bound breasts. "Lay back on the bed."

  Natalie did as instructed, fingers digging into the padded top of the bed to relieve the anticipatory tension that radiated throughout her chest and limbs. Audra crouched at Natalie's legs and parted her knees with her hands before lowering her body into the unoccupied space. Natalie's eyes closed the moment Audra's lips met her flesh, kissing across the tender expanse of her abdomen. It had been far too long since she'd felt the weight of another person on top of her, and her thighs went weak with impatience.

  When Audra's lips met her again Natalie was quick to deepen the kiss, hungrily lavishing her taste. Natalie arched her body willingly into the full weight of Audra's hips against her own, desperately seeking the friction she so achingly wanted. Audra moved in response, rocking her still-clothed hips in tandem with Natalie.

  With one tug of the lace bra Audra freed Natalie's breasts and took a mound in her mouth, a hand palming the other, kneading it in tandem with her oral attention. Natalie squeezed her legs around Audra's waist and lifted her hips into her body.

  Knock, knock.

  Both women froze at the small sound on the door, Natalie's face scrunching in unintelligible agony at the interruption.

  "Aunt Audra?" Frankie called from the other side of the door. "Can you please help me make a snack?"

  Audra looked down at Natalie, blinking until her heightened arousal dissipated. "Of course, sweetie. I'll be right there," she called out.

  "Okay. Thanks."

  Natalie clenched her thighs together as Audra sat up, but the delicious tension was diminished to nothing. Audra grabbed for her blouse and haphazardly dressed herself again, smoothing the voluminous waves of blonde hair behind her ears.

  "That's one reason I'm not a parent," she mumbled before standing and straightening out her clothes. The comment pierced at Natalie's heart, an unexpected and most unwelcome sensation. Audra seemed to catch her mistake too late and cursed under her breath. "Natalie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

  "I know you didn't," Natalie interrupted, forcing a smile to her lips as she sat up and grabbed for her blouse. "It's fine. Go," she dismissed. Audra leaned across the bed and kissed at Natalie's cheek before opening the door and heading into the cabin after Frankie.

  Natalie took a moment to compose herself before slipping on her blouse and making her way into the bathroom to check her appearance. Her newly shortened and straightened hair was a scattered but fancy mess, something she could have never pulled off pre-cut.

  Audra was preoccupied making sandwiches at the front of the cabin with Frankie, so Natalie took the opportunity to retrieve her phone and check for incoming notifications. She scrolled through several, mostly email alerts and a few texts.

  She composed a quick message to Joe: 'Let's plan for a staff meeting tomorrow. Lots to discuss.'

  "We made you a sandwich, Natalie!" Frankie called out from across the length of the plane. Natalie stuffed her phone into the front pocket of her jeans and joined them at a small dining table. As promised there was a perfectly made sandwich waiting for Natalie on a white plate.

  "Both the cheese and bread were handmade in an artisanal shop by my house," Frankie announced proudly.

  Natalie smiled at the girl's inner hipster before taking a bite. To her delighted surprise it was delicious.

  Audra sat Natalie's long forgotten glass of wine in front of her on the table before replenishing it and her own glass with chilled refreshment, then took a seat next to Natalie.

  "Want to come in to the office tomorrow and help me run the company?" Audra deadpanned.

  Frankie considered the proposition while chewing on her latest bite of sandwich. "Perhaps," she began after swallowing. "Anything interesting going on?"

  Audra exchanged a brief smile with Natalie, who always found Frankie's adult demeanor fascinating. "Actually, yes. We have a big meeting scheduled with our marketing department."

  "Is that the one dad has been complaining about?"

  "The very one. Maybe if you're there he'll be less inclined to fire one or two people."

  "If you think it will help," Frankie shrugged. She fell silent for a moment, then, "Are you wearing each other's shirts?"

  Natalie and Audra exchanged glances, eyes dropping to the other's blouse. Indeed, Audra had re-dressed in Natalie's forty-dollar shirt while Natalie was wearing Audra's infinitely more expensive cashmere sweater.

  "We are!" Audra answered brightly. "Sometimes girls share clothes with each other."

  “It's true, my roommate Quinn is constantly rifling through my closet looking for things to borrow," Natalie concurred. The girl seemed to take their answers at face value and went about eating her food. "So," Natalie started again, "are you looking forward to spending more time in California?"

  "Yes and no. It's going to take some adjusting."

  For everyone, Natalie thought to herself. It wasn't just Frankie's life that was being changed but also Joe's, and by extension her own and Quinn's. Like it or not they - along with Audra and Celine - were coalescing into a big extended family.

  Natalie wasn't sure what else to say to Frankie. She didn't have much experience in the way of talking to children, and Frankie wasn't the average child. She took second place in science fairs, watched documentaries about ancient Egypt and could name constellations in the sky without the aid of a guide. The first time Natalie ever met Frankie she was subjected to a quiz before being granted access into James' penthouse at The Jacqueline. She was special. And Natalie was more than a little intimidated by her.

  Her phone pinged a notification from her purse across the cabin, and Natalie said a silent thank you for the distraction. She excused herself and headed straight for the device.

  'Joe: Bringing me anything from New York? Like a big account? ;)'

  Natalie chewed the insides of her cheeks as she replied. 'Maybe. How are things at the house?'

  'Joe: Not the same without you. Glad you're coming home, Red.'

  She glanced up at Frankie and Audra clearing the table and cleaning their empty plates. Joe having day visits with Frankie once a week meant Natalie would likely be seeing her more often. Celine and James wouldn't be far behind. A nervous ripple of energy fluttered around in Natalie's gut. She hadn't told James about her new living arrangements, and doubted very much that Joe had divulged such information to him.

  She swiped down the messages screen, scanning through the dozens of contacts she'd exchanged texts with over the past few months. Near the bottom she found him. Gentleman Twelve. With a tap of her thumb the thread opened, his last message glowing at the end.

  'Gentleman Twelve: I love you. No matter what.'

  The message was dated months ago. She'd never replied. At the time the only words she could think of were amniocentesis and chromosomal abnormalities, one diametrically opposing the other. It was the message that, in a momentary fog of emotion, sent Natalie to The Jacqueline to see him. She lost her nerve halfway through the lobby and wound up at the bar instead. Audra showed up less than an hour later.

  Her phone screen lit up once more in her hands.

  'Audra: Putting on a movie. Want to share a blanket?'

  She looked up to see Audra smiling at her, blanket in hand as Frankie perused through a stack of DVDs.

  The gentle bounce of the plane as its wheels touched down on the runway lulled Natalie out of her dreamless sleep. She was warm and snug unde
r a blanket, half of which was draped over Audra.

  "We've just landed," Audra spoke softly.

  Natalie smiled sleepily. "How did the movie end?"

  "How ninety-nine percent of fairytales end: with a happily ever after." She removed the blanket from her lap and set it back down on the seat after standing, mumbling something about using the restroom before disembarking the plane.

  As they taxied the runway, Natalie collected her belongings and checked her phone for any new messages. She could just make out the soft sound of Frankie snoring from her seat.

  "Frankie?" She patted the girl's hand with her own, calling her name as quietly and soothingly as she could. "Frankie, wake up. We've landed."

  "Hmmm?" Deep brown eyes fluttered open behind thick-rimmed glasses. "Natalie?"

  Natalie crouched down so she was closer to eye-level with the girl. "Yeah, it's me."

  "How come I haven't seen you at my dad's house in a long time?"

  Natalie's heart felt like it took a dive into her stomach. "Well I was out of town for a few weeks, and there's been a lot going on with starting a new business with your fath-, I mean with Joe." She was wracked with a sudden guilt. She'd never given much consideration to how the end of her relationship with James might affect Frankie. "Don't worry though," she tried, hoping there was no trace of guilt in her reassuring smile. "I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot of me now that you're moving here."

  "I have an idea." Natalie and Frankie both looked up expectantly at Audra, who had apparently been watching their exchange. "Why don't I bring Frankie by tomorrow afternoon so she can see what you guys have been up to with the new agency?"

  "Oh! Could I?" Frankie beamed.

  "Of course! You're in luck: we always have gelato on Fridays."

  As the pilot called for Audra's attention at the front of the plane, Natalie helped Frankie collect her belongings and took mental notes as she listed off her favorite flavors of gelato and preferred toppings. The pilot opened the hatch door and the plane was filled with the scent of fresh rain on the tarmac.

  "Your car has arrived, Misses Robertson," the pilot announced.

  Natalie glanced out the window as she helped Frankie slip on her shoes and noticed there was not one car, but two pulling up to the hangar. Audra glanced back at Natalie, a worried expression on her face, before climbing down onto the ground below.

  "Got everything?" Natalie asked, her attention still locked on the two cars outside. She watched as Audra approached one just as the rear passenger door opened and a blonde haired woman stepped out, pulling the lapels of her coat tight around her chest. Could it possibly be?

  "Aunt Caroline!" Frankie greeted as the blonde woman climbed in through the hatch door.

  "Kiddo!" She stretched out her arms and picked Frankie up, whirling her around the plane. "You're so big! How old are you now? Thirty two?"

  "No!" Frankie crackled with laughter.

  Natalie stood, the movement catching the blonde woman's attention.

  "Hi. I don't believe we've met," the woman greeted, her Frankie-free hand outstretched towards Natalie. "Caroline Robertson."

  Natalie smiled kindly to hide the shock of hearing the name Robertson, and shook the woman's hand. "Natalie Harlow."

  Caroline's brow arched above her crystalline blue eyes. "The Natalie Harlow?" Whatever the woman knew of her she hid it well behind a modest smile, revealing nothing - no judgment, no kindness or hatred. She was a Robertson and knew of Natalie. So was she another sister to Audra and Celine?

  "Caroline is my aunt," Audra clarified from her place at the hatch door, eyeing Natalie carefully.

  "It's lovely to meet you, Caroline."

  "You as well. I hope you don't mind me dropping in unexpectedly," she continued, turning with Frankie still in her arms to address Audra. "James is tied up with work at the Jacqueline so he asked me to come pick Frankie up."

  Audra glanced down at the gold watch on her thin wrist. "It's nearly midnight."

  Caroline exhaled a rushed breath from her mouth. "I know, right? He's spent every night this week working late. I've had to wake him up on the couch and send him to bed more than once."

  Natalie's face and torso went chillingly still. How on earth did Audra's aunt - of all people - know the details of James' late night behavior and sleep pattern?

  "All right, kiddo. Ready to go home? You must be exhausted." Frankie nodded her head before placing it on Caroline's shoulder, sleep threatening to take her once more. "Okay well, it was nice to meet you, Natalie. And Audra I'll see you in the office tomorrow?"

  Audra smiled politely and patted at Frankie's hair as Caroline disembarked and put Frankie in the waiting second car and departed, presumably to James' penthouse at The Jacqueline.


  "Thank you for the plane ride." Natalie set her purse and suitcase down in the darkened foyer and searched for a light switch. She wasn't yet used to the large condominium that served as both home and office. Her fingers found and flipped a switch and the living space was doused in ambient light no brighter than candlelight.

  "My pleasure. Well, almost..." Audra's smile was beautifully wicked in the low lighting.

  "Next time we'll make sure there isn't anyone around to interrupt."

  "Sounds like a plan." Audra leaned in and kissed Natalie's lips with tender affection, lingering on her bottom lip until it flushed with a fresh current of blood. "Good night."

  "Night." Natalie watched her until she re-entered the elevator in the hallway, then closed the door and sighed as her fingers locked it shut. After a moment of solitude she stepped deeper into the living space and nearly jumped when she spotted a pair of bare feet making their way down the spiral staircase leading up to the loft.

  "Now I know I've had a few glasses of wine and the view from up here isn't great in this dim lighting, but I'd bet any amount of money that I just saw you kissing Audra Robertson goodnight."

  "Hi Quinn." Ignoring the terse pounding in her chest Natalie climbed the steps, passing her pajama-clad friend with relative ease, and walked to the makeshift bar they'd setup in the loft space. As promised there was a chilled bottle of wine; Natalie poured herself a glass and sipped it slowly. Quinn followed up the stairs, her expression agog at what she'd just witnessed.

  "Well?" She waited for explication.

  Natalie shrugged. "Yes, you saw me kissing Audra. Had you been in the bedroom of her private plane a few hours ago you would have seen a hell of a lot more than that."

  Astonishment marred Quinn's pretty face. She reached for Natalie's wine glass, snatching it out of her hand before Natalie could react, let alone protest. "Okay, no wine for you. What the hell is going on?"

  "Nothing," Natalie answered patiently, meeting Quinn's disbelieving gaze with nothing but civility.

  "Nothing? You go away for the weekend and come back half a month later a lesbian?"

  "I'm not a lesbian," Natalie argued. She leaned back against the bar and considered pouring herself another drink. Quinn would probably just steal that one, too.

  "Then you're making out with Audra Robertson because...? Does James know?" She did a double take at some thought that crossed her mind. "Is this some weird billionaire sex kink they've got going on with you?"

  Natalie was losing her patience. "Do you hear how ridiculous you sound?" She pushed past Quinn and made her way double-time down the stairs towards the dining room.

  "Well pardon me, Natalie, but you're not exactly the type!"

  "I am not having a threesome with James and Audra!" Natalie half yelled, half laughed. As expected there was a recently uncorked bottle of red wine sitting on the table. She was never one to enjoy red, but would make an exception. She poured a generous glass and sipped, swallowing without any attempt to taste the dry wine. "I like her, okay?"

  "Since when? Natalie!" Quinn reached for the second glass of wine and snatched it from Natalie's grasp again. "Tell me what the hell is going on with you. Starting with where the rest of y
our hair is!"

  Natalie rolled her eyes. "It's in an envelope in my purse," she dismissed with a flourish of her hand. She untucked a cushioned chair from underneath the dining table and took a seat, eyeing her two glasses of wine in Quinn's possession.

  "Fine. You like her. Why the hell are you making out with her? What about James?"

  "Seriously Quinn?" Natalie spit, her patience officially gone. "You haven't noticed that he hasn't been around these past few months?"

  "No!" Quinn huffed. "Between you skipping town, launching the new agency and moving my entire life into this place I've been somewhat preoccupied." She set the wine glasses on the dining table and sat adjacent to Natalie. "Why? What happened?"

  "We broke up!" Natalie couldn't look at her. Instead she chewed on the insides of her cheeks and lips in an attempt to tamp down the emotions that were ready to take full control of her facial muscles.

  Quinn looked genuinely, terribly surprised. "What? When? Why?"

  Natalie took a deep breath. "Well, let's see," she began, trying and failing to keep her eyes from watering with hot tears. "It would have been the day James received the results of the amniocentesis conclusively determining that he is the father of the baby Celine is carrying. Coincidentally that was the day after I suffered a miscarriage."

  She couldn’t bring herself to look up to see Quinn's reaction. Quinn said nothing; she merely slid the two glasses of wine across the table until they were within Natalie's grasp, then stood and ran across the living room to the winding staircase leading up to the loft. Natalie heard a few glasses clinking around, and when she looked up Quinn was bounding back down the stairs, a bottle of Patron in one hand and two shot glasses in the other. After reclaiming her seat Quinn poured them each a shot and clinked their glasses together. Natalie took the shot without question and downed in unison with Quinn, her face screwing at the awful taste of the potent liquid. It burned the entire length of her throat and down into her stomach, but otherwise went to her brain with near immediacy.


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