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Beyond Ruin (Book Four of the Bidden Series)

Page 9

by Cierlak, Crystal

  Joe made some kind of announcement that Natalie only heard bits and pieces of. It wasn't until Audra crossed one leg over the other that Natalie was brought out of her daze.

  "Hmm, what?" Someone had asked her a question, right? Audra was observing her with an amused smile on her face. Joe was gone, presumably out to pick up the pizza.

  "Do you mind if I help myself to a glass of wine?

  "Of course not!" Natalie snapped out of her thought cloud. "Sorry, I would have offered you some but I wasn't sure if you were driving..." she trailed off.

  "I am. But Joe did invite me to stay for dinner." Audra reached for the bottle of moscato and a fresh glass. "Don't worry," she said as she began to pour. "I won't if you don't want me to."

  "No, stay." Natalie took a seat onto the barstool next to Audra and sipped from her own wine glass. "Quinn was smart enough to escape to San Diego for the night so instead of work we're doing pizza and movies." Suddenly the thought of Audra kicking back for a relaxing night in was amusing to her.

  "What's that look for?"

  Natalie couldn't help but smile. "Nothing. So, you couldn't have told us over the phone that you wanted us to make a presentation?"

  Audra's eyes narrowed but the humor in them remained. "Does that question imply that you aren't happy to see me?"

  "Not at all," Natalie replied softly. "I just figured I wouldn't hear from you since you knew I was with James this afternoon." She flushed just at the mention of his name, and the implication it brought with it. God only knew how long it would be until she could think of him without her cheeks turning any shade of pink.

  "Ah." Audra leaned back casually into her barstool. "Well now that you brought it up, tell me. How was your date with James?"

  Natalie inhaled deeply as she thought of a way to answer the question. "It was very thoughtful and well planned." She waited for Audra to say something in response, but the silence stretched between them for a good minute without so much as a clearing of the throat. Suddenly Natalie felt the necessity to elaborate. "We drove up the coast in a Bugatti Veyron and had a catered lunch on a private beach in Montecito." Was that really today? It feels like another lifetime.

  "That sounds very romantic," Audra nodded, the movement brief. "So why are you having a quiet night in with Joe?"

  Natalie shrugged her shoulders emphatically. "Because James took me to lunch, not back in time."

  Audra took a thoughtful sip from her wine glass before setting it back down on the island counter and coming to a stand. She was close enough for her perfume to tempt Natalie's nostrils.

  "Thank you for the wine, Natalie."

  "You're not staying?" She didn't even try to mask the disappointment so evident in her voice. Audra must have heard it; the corners of her mouth upturned slightly.

  "I think what you need is an evening to yourself. Starting Monday your life is going to be very different."

  Audra saying it seemed to confirm Natalie's own thoughts. Still, she wasn't without a bit of levity. "Is that because I'll officially be working for you on Monday, or our date?"

  Audra's smile spread so beautifully across her face Natalie had to part her lips just to breathe. She didn't want Audra to leave. In fact with every passing second all she wanted to do was bury her lips in the woman's skin for the rest of the weekend. In such close proximity Natalie noticed for the first time that the top few buttons of Audra's blouse were undone, and peaking out from the delicate chiffon fabric was the nearly diaphanous black lace of her bra.

  "So it is a date?" Audra asked, her voice low enough to be a whisper.

  Natalie reached out and slid her hands across Audra's backside, pulling her in until they were close enough to share body heat. "You're taking me out to dinner, aren't you?"


  "And then back to your place afterwards?"

  Audra's blazing chestnut eyes lingered on Natalie's lips as she licked her own, then met her gaze again. "Yes."

  "Then it's a date."

  Natalie brushed her lips against Audra's with the intent to merely tease her, but as soon as they touched Natalie claimed her, deepening the kiss just as the sound of a key unlocking the tumblers in the front door echoed throughout the quiet space.

  "See you Monday," Audra whispered against Natalie's lips before leaving.


  The Los Angeles offices of Fitson Entertainment Groupe comprised no less than four floors of one of the city's most exclusive and glittering buildings, the highest of which housed at either end of the U-shaped floor the offices of the company's chief executives James Fitzgerald and Audra Robertson. Several offices belonging to various senior members of staff lined the two long hallways, and as of 8AM that Monday morning the largest of those not occupied by anyone with the last name of Fitzgerald or Robertson was officially designated for Joe Gallo and Natalie Harlow.

  James watched with rapt interest as a member of the Fitson custodial staff artfully applied a label to a thick glass wall. Gallow Harlow and Associates. The same was being applied at newly-minted offices around the country, stamping in the new regime taking over for the longstanding but recently ousted Brighton New Media. His plan was on track.

  So why did he feel so uneasy? James Fitzgerald was not a man who was burdened with doubt. When he knew what he wanted he went after it and took it, never letting himself belief that what he desired could never be his. Until yesterday, when he stopped being able to tell by a mere look what Natalie Harlow was feeling.

  He wasn't blind to the notion that the loss of their pregnancy had changed her, but after spending more than just a few moments with her at one time the amount of change was evident. The beautiful curves of her body had straightened and thinned considerably, and where she once dressed youthfully in bright colors she now wore dark shades of black and grey in cuts that aged her beyond her years. He missed her gorgeous locks of red hair almost more than anything else. She was reserved, not due to shyness but to self-preservation. There were moments when their familiar banter returned and he could see the spark in her eyes again, but for the most part what made Natalie Harlow sparkle had dimmed. And he couldn't help but feel like the asshole responsible for it all.

  The look on her face after he revealed his plans to propose to her was engrained in his mind's eye the whole remainder of the weekend and still that morning as he headed in to work. The most he could surmise from that look was that she was surprised, though he had no clue what version of surprise she was feeling. Happy-surprise? Mortified-surprise? The fact that she hadn't outright said no or laughed at him kept his doubt just within the reach of hope. He still had a chance.

  From the corner of his eye he just caught the sight of Audra coming to stand at his side. She held up a glossy black folder for him to grab, her own attention focused ahead on the final few moments of office arranging.

  "Updated itinerary proposal for Natalie and Joe."

  James took the folder and slipped it under his arm without a second thought. Audra made a polite chuckle-slash-throat-clearing sound.

  "You're going to want to look at it sooner rather than later. They're coming to The Golden Palm tomorrow night for a tour and again on Friday to present their ideas for the anniversary. Vegas and Salt Lake early next week followed by Miami and then San Francisco the week after that. I'm waiting on Alice to confirm dates for New York."

  "All overnighters?"

  She nodded. "The full Fitson hotel experience. I've been drafting emails to all of our general managers with instructions on bookings and prep. I'll call Susan over at The Jacqueline to take care of catering for tomorrow and Friday night. You will let me know if you plan on coming, won't you?"

  "Hmm. What?" James tore his attention away from the office before him and turned to face Audra. "Why wouldn't I be there?"

  "You don't think that might be a bit uncomfortable? The former Candidate and her Gentleman reunited in the very room they first met in? Considering you're exes..."

  "It's business
," James dismissed with a quick shake of his head. And even if it did remind them of their first night together, what would be wrong about that? That night was perfect in James' mind. The only thing he'd change is the five months that passed before he ever saw her again. "I can't change that she was my Candidate any more than she can that I was her bidder. It's not like it's a secret from anyone."

  "Okay," she conceded. "Let's just hope she doesn't wear a black lace dress again."

  That was... odd. He opened his mouth to ask what she meant when Caroline appeared from around the corner with a cup of coffee in hand. His thoughts turned immediately to Frankie.

  "Everything go well at the school this morning?" he asked.

  "Oh, sure! She's taking assessment tests all morning so they can determine which classes to place her in. I'll go back to get her in a couple hours. How's everything here?"

  "Fine. They should be here in-" James consulted his watch.

  "Any minute," Audra finished for him with a smile. "I'll be in my office until then."

  "Hey are you going to join us for family dinner tonight?" Caroline called out. Family dinner was what Frankie called dinner with any more than two members of the family which, with Caroline around to help out, has been nearly every day.

  "Can't tonight!"

  “Have a hot date?" Caroline teased.

  "Actually," Audra teased right back with a smile. "I do." She sauntered into her own office before anyone could ask a follow-up question.

  Caroline looped her arm through James' own and offered him a smile. "I have some errands to run before I pick up Frankie. Anything I can do for you?"

  James felt relaxed just being asked. "No. Have I told you how much I appreciate having you around?"

  The corners of her mouth lifted up into a smile as she pretended to think about it. "Not in so many words. But I believe the sentiment will be expressed once your assistant does your Christmas shopping for you." She winked before untangling her arm from his and heading off in the direction of the lobby.

  James consulted his watch again. They really would be there any moment. He took off in the direction of his office in search of something to distract him to take his mind off of his weekend date with Natalie.

  "You nervous?"

  "No," Natalie answered a bit too quickly. One look up at Joe and she could tell immediately he didn't believe her, if only because he, too, looked nervous. "A bit."

  "We got this."

  "We do." They'd spent the majority of Sunday working, pouring over every letter of the contract proposal and figuring how fast they could and would need to grow. She never did have a chance to talk to Quinn about what had happened with James, and perhaps it was just as well. She could barely think about it without getting flustered, and even in that moment thirty days seemed like a lifetime away. She could worry about his proposal later. First she had to make it through a meeting with him - the first of what would be many.

  Joe's body turned in towards her suggestively. He'd donned a suit that morning at Natalie's recommendation, but the more she saw him in it the more she decided he looked better without it. Joe Gallo wasn't a three-piece suit kind of guy, but he still looked handsome as hell. And the scent of his cologne only further proved the point.

  "You want to celebrate tonight?" His voice was much deeper in the morning, the rough quality uncaring for the early hours. Natalie brushed a hand through her sleek hair and tried not to let him see that his charming smile incited one from her own lips as well.

  "Can't. I have a date tonight." When she dared look up at him again she didn't find shock or disappointment, but a glinting intensity as though he just accepted a challenge he knew he could beat.

  "After then?"

  The ding! of the elevator saved her from answering, and her head turned just in time to see a startlingly familiar blonde staring intently at her. Natalie stepped casually from Joe's body without looking like it was in any way purposeful. It took a moment to realize that it was Caroline Robertson whose blue eyes and blonde hair she was staring at, not Celine Robertson-soon-to-be-former-Fitzgerald.

  "Good morning!" Caroline greeted them cheerfully. Her eyes seemed to volley between the two of them with an ounce of suspicion, but Natalie quickly realized that might have just been her own projection.

  "Caroline, right?" Natalie feigned ignorance as she held out her hand.

  "Right. Nice to see you again, Natalie. And Joe, you as well."

  "Caroline," he replied in greeting.

  Natalie and Joe stepped out of the car, passing just beyond the third Robertson. "Forgive us, we're just on our way in to meet with Audra and James."

  "Of course. Good luck!"

  Natalie made a mental note to ask Audra about Caroline and why she was staying with James. She assumed it had something to do with Frankie. Maybe it was the fact that the older Robertson had more than a striking similarity to James' soon-to-be-ex-wife that made Natalie feel somewhat cautious of her. Whatever it was she needed to push it aside. Today was a big day for her, for them, and it needed to go as smooth as possible.

  "You ready, Red?"

  Natalie caught sight of James' longtime assistant, Alice, come stalking down the hallway towards them, a smile lighting up her face as soon as her eyes fell on Natalie.

  "I'm ready."

  "Natalie!" Alice greeted with much more enthusiasm than she ordinarily showed people, even her own staff.

  "Good morning, Alice. Did you have a lovely weekend?"

  "Oh yes!" the woman beamed. "My daughter and son-in-law brought the kids over for brunch and we had a gay time of it."

  "That sounds so wonderful! Alice, I don't know if you've yet had a chance to meet my business partner, Joe Gallo."

  Alice's warmth cooled somewhat as she met Joe's eyes and his handshake. Natalie considered herself lucky that the woman had taken a liking to her, especially knowing she was as cold as ice to most, even sometimes to James. She was not a "yes" woman; she told you what she thought regardless of if you liked it. It was a quality that ensured her job security, no doubt.

  "Pleasure to meet you, Joe. Allow me to escort you to Mister Fitzgerald's office.”

  With every step down the hallway Natalie’s nervousness subsided, finding a place somewhere deep inside her stomach to hide. She wished Quinn had come with them. Quinn could always turn a phrase to make Natalie laugh and completely diffuse whatever situation they were in. As of that morning Quinn was no longer the office manager, but a full-blown account manager with her own clients to manage. Shane would take care of the office managing tasks in the interim until they found a full-time replacement. And maybe one other account manager. And full-time legal counsel. Shane was already working on scheduling interviews for personal assistants, as well as more intern interviews for that week in addition to the ones Natalie had scheduled while she was away in New York. Their staff was about to double if not triple in the span of days, a scary but exciting growth spurt that Natalie tried not to dwell too much on. First they had a contract to sign.

  The moment Natalie stepped foot into his office James couldn't take his eyes off her. It was like old times again when she was the Fitson account manager at Brighton New Media. Only this day there would be no stolen kisses or afternoon rendezvous in the car for sex. He didn't know if he'd ever be fond of her newfound penchant for dressing in the darker shades - it worked well for a woman like Audra - but she looked smart and sophisticated in her light grey cashmere sweater and dark grey wool skirt, towering black pumps with red soles punctuating her feet. She looked like she was coming into her own, and he could never fault her for dressing for the successes she was about to achieve.

  Audra did most of the talking, going over the finer points of the contract as their lawyers looked on and nodded dutifully. Natalie and Joe sat together side-by-side at one end of the conference table, James and Audra at the other with their lawyers filling out the spaces in between them. Twenty minutes of talking and four signatures later their fates were sealed
in ink on paper. It didn't matter to James that he had to pay Natalie to be there - she was not only worth the money, but more than deserving of it - all that mattered was that she was back in his world again.

  Her silvery blue eyes met his the moment her hand left Audra's and his left Joe's. She met his open hand, palms grazing against one another as they shook. She had a firm grip for a handshake but it softened almost immediately. His stomach somersaulted within him at the skin-on-skin contact. His every ounce of being came into life just in the presence of Natalie Harlow, but in such close proximity his heart leaped, bounded in the confinement of his chest. It was an unequivocal fact that he loved her and there existed no doubt in his mind at that moment that she would one day be his wife, whether it took thirty days or thirty years.

  From what sounded like a great distance he heard Audra offering to give Joe the grand tour of the Fitson offices, and before he knew it they were alone in his office, nothing between them but history and time. Natalie dropped her hand and her eyes, turned and busied herself with her belongings splayed out across the table. He had to think of something to say before she left, something to keep her there just a little bit longer.

  "I'm very pleased to be working with you again, Natalie."

  She looked up and smiled kindly at him as she stuffed reams of contracts into her leather messenger bag.

  "It's a tremendous opportunity for us. Though I'll be honest," she said with a quick laugh, "there's a part of me that feels like I should address you as Mister Fitzgerald."

  "Well you've always known how much I love to hear you say my name, Natalie." A fresh burst of pink bloomed across her cheeks. She could do little to hide the smile that came so naturally and unbidden.

  "You have given me so many names to know you by. Gentleman Twelve. James. Mister Fitzgerald."

  "Stranger. One night stand. Lover," he added to the list.


  "Future husband?"

  She took a deliberate and composed breath, the moment stretching out between them as their words fell into silence. Finally, after a moment of merely staring at one another, she added, "There's an important one missing from the list: Friend."


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