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A Mate for Kai (The Program #6)

Page 6

by Charlene Hartnady

  Lord help her. “The male was not human.” She blurted before she could lose her nerve.

  “What did you say?” He was on his feet in an instant. “Who then? A lesser? Some male that you deemed to love? Who is he? Why did I not know of this? You don’t scent of a dragon.” He frowned heavily. Once again Blaze took to pacing. Convinced that she’d rutted one of the lesser dragon shifters despite her scent. “It’s unacceptable. What the hell were you thinking? No, don’t answer that. You weren’t thinking were you? You and your dreams of love, of finding that special someone. How could you do this?”

  “I didn’t rut with a lesser.” She swallowed thickly, trying hard to find the words.

  “If not a lesser then who? One of the other kings? A prince perhaps?” Blaze narrowed his eyes. “I told you that you could pick one of the royals. Thunder was the preferred male but you could’ve pick any of them. Why would you go behind my back?” He looked excited at the prospect of the child having been sired by a dragon royal.

  “It wasn’t one of the royals.” She cringed as she admitted it.

  Blaze spun on his heel and was on her in an instant. His hands closed over her elbows, he gave her a yank. She jerked forward. It was the first time he’d ever put his hands on her in such a way. Although rough, he didn’t hurt her. His actions scared her a little though.

  Blaze huffed out a deep breath and let go of her. “You need to talk and you need to do so now.” His nostrils flared. “Not a human, not a dragon shifter.” They flared again. “Fuck.” He spoke the words so softly. Under his breath. The males had picked up such human slang during their stag runs. “Please… I hope I don’t scent what I think I scent.” He was breathing deeply. His nostrils flared and red bled back into his irises.

  “It was a vampire.” She stood tall.

  Blaze roared. All hell broke loose as he shifted. Right there. In her bedroom. Deep beneath the ground. His claws scraped against the floor. His wings beat against the walls and ceiling. Furniture crashed. She smelled smoke, could feel heat. Blaze roared a second time, the sound of his fury radiated throughout the castle. Ruby crouched as far away from him as she could get, her hand on her belly.

  Chapter 7

  Two months later…

  The hallway stretched out ahead of them. There was a T junction at the end. Left to go back to his room and right to go to the bar.

  The last thing he felt like doing was hooking up with anyone. The thing he needed the most, was to hook up with someone. Kai sighed. He was damned either way. “I think I’ll pass. Maybe next time.” The thought of a warm body. A random someone, did not appeal to him. It almost made him laugh out loud. That’s what she had been. The female. The one who had fucked him up.

  “Stop being such a pussy and come with us.” Jenson rolled his eyes. “You’re still not over that human female, admit it.”

  “It’s not that.” It so was that. Those amethyst eyes. That shy smile. If she had been human he would’ve sought her out a long time ago. Her long black hair, her cherry lips. It killed him that he didn’t even know her name. He didn’t know a single thing about her except that he wanted to know everything about her.

  “It’s not healthy. It’s been too fucking long.” Jenson shook his head.

  “Don’t you think I know that?” He snapped, a little more harshly than he intended. Kai locked his jaw for a few beats. “Fine.” He sighed. “One drink,” he growled.

  Jenson gave him a hard slap to the back. “That’s more fucking like it. We will talk with a couple of the females. Have a few dances and then you’re getting laid.”

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself.” Kai stuffed his hands into his pockets. He knew that Jenson, and some of the others, were only trying to help him but it was beginning to wear on his nerves. It was none of their business. Full fucking stop.

  The only person who cut him any slack was Jordy. Thank fuck for his best friend.

  “I need to get this out.” Jenson stopped walking. What now? The male took a deep breath, keeping his eyes tracked on the wall just ahead. “This needs to stop. It’s not healthy. Someone needs to get tough with you. To lay it on the line and it looks like that someone is me.”

  “You already said that. I’m sick of hearing the same thing over and over again.” Kai tried to keep the growl from his voice and failed.

  Jenson turned to face him. The male was frowning. “It’s only because we care. I’m not sure who this female was or what exactly it was that she did to you.” He shook his head. “It’s not right. You’ve been taking blood from your best friend. Your best fucking friend.”

  Thankfully Kai’s hands were in his pockets just then or he would’ve beat on the other male. Punched the fuck out of his face. Thing was, Jenson was only trying to help him. It came from a good place. He couldn’t hurt the male for that. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t.

  Kai clenched his teeth so hard that he was sure he heard a tooth crack. His breath sounded harsh to his own ears. His mouth pursed tight, his nose flared with each inhalation. “It’s not just the female. It’s everything.” It wasn’t much of an explanation but it was all he was giving.

  “You made a mistake. A mother of a mistake! Big fucking deal.” Jenson paused. “You keep saying how upset you are to be off the Elite Team, yet you do nothing but sabotage yourself. Instead of fighting for your place back. How do you ever expect to get in by denying yourself? Blood and sex. They are basic vampire requirements. Get your head out of your ass. Look at yourself…” His gaze flashed down to Kai’s feet and back up again. “You’ve lost your edge.”

  “I get plenty of blood. More than enough.” His voice shook with both anger and frustration. Everything Jenson said was correct. Spot fucking on. The problem was, Kai wasn’t ready to act on it yet. He wasn’t ready to banish the dragon shifter from his mind. To purge himself of her memories and the time they had together. He wasn’t ready to move on. It was that simple. The only problem was, he didn’t know what he needed to do. There was no finding her. No future for them even if he did. For now, he was in limbo. He hated every minute of it yet couldn’t seem to move forward.

  “More than enough blood,” Jenson mumbled. “From your fucking friend.”

  “Blood is blood.” Kai said, his voice sounded flat and emotionless. He didn’t feel like fighting.

  “You need to rut. You are acting like a male that lost his mate. I know it is possible for us vampires to fall that quickly.” The male raised his brows. “Did you bond with her? Is she the one?”

  Kai shook his head. “No.” He growled but not as a denial, rather as a way to shut the male up. Kai doubted the dragon shifter was his mate. Yet, he couldn’t help but feel that maybe she was. It was impossible to tell. Their attraction was so raw and so intense. He longed to see her again, to spend time with her so that he could explore whether or not there was something more there. Their coming together had been special. At least to him. By the look in her eye, and the sorrow that surrounded her, he was sure she had felt the same.

  If only they could be given a chance to find out. His mate. It was a possibility.

  “If you think there might even be the smallest of chances, then you need to go after her. You need to fight for her or you will never forgive yourself. I might be young, I’ve never been in love, but I’m still not an idiot. I know enough to be able to give you this advice.” Jenson ran a hand through his hair. “And if the female meant nothing, you need to stop this path of self-destruction. You need a new start.”

  A new start. It did have a nice ring to it. Kai needed to try and forget her. He’d lost sight of his goals. The elite team. The Program. They were right there. He could have them back. Kai waited for the rush of excitement. It didn’t come.

  He nodded. What Jenson said made sense. It was logical, only it didn’t fit.

  “Drinking from your best friend. It’s not right. Even if Jordy is seriously fine. I can’t believe you haven’t…”

  “Don’t,” Kai growled. �
��Jordan and I grew up together.”

  Jenson groaned. “I would so go there. Those long legs wrapped around my—”

  “Stop!” Kai choked out a laugh. “That’s one visual I don’t need. I said I’ll go with you already. You need to make a move on Jordan instead of talking about it. Maybe you are the pussy, not me.”

  He widened his eyes. “One of these days I’m going to pluck up the courage. Just you wait.” Jenson chuckled, he gave Kai a shoulder knock. “One drink at the bar. Baby fucking steps, bro.”

  Kai nodded and they picked up their pace, turning right at the end of the hallway.

  The bar was busy. It was busy every night. It was a place for vampires to unwind and to hook up. Kai tried not to notice how, at least, a few heads turned in his direction. Even as an ex-elite, he still held appeal. Then again, he was a big, strong motherfucker. Where some of the human females had seemed a little weary of him, vampire females were greatly attracted to him.

  Jenson ordered for them both and slid a tumbler his way. It was cold, the ice chinked as he picked it up.

  “Whiskey,” Jenson announced unnecessarily. Kai could scent the alcohol masked behind the sweet, coppery blood. A vampire’s mixer of choice.

  Kai nodded and took a deep drink. The whiskey burned in the back of his throat. He grimaced.

  Three females approached. Kai swallowed thickly, taking another deep drink of his whiskey. He could do this. Jenson was right. He needed to move on.

  “Finally decided to come out and play?” The tallest of the three females touched the side of his arm. She drew her full bottom lip in-between her teeth.

  “Carmen,” Kai said.

  She smiled seductively. “Long time no see.”

  He nodded, finishing his drink.

  “Too long.” She moved in a little closer. They had rutted in the past. They were compatible. After such a long dry spell, he should’ve been vibrating with need, yet there was nothing.

  Sweet fuck all.


  “Drink?” He tilted his glass in her direction.

  The other two females laughed at something Jenson was saying but he kept his eyes on hers. Bright blue. They were beautiful, as was her waist length hair. She hadn’t so much as given him the time of day before he became an elite warrior. She was a prize and much sought after. Any minute now, his dick was going to take notice. It was going to happen, he just had to try harder. Kai allowed his gaze to travel across her body. Tall, with acres of soft skin, her breasts were like juicy plums. Sweet and ripe. Nothing. He felt like groaning in frustration.

  She licked her full lips. “I would much rather get out of here, but if you insist.”

  “Vodka or champagne?”

  “You remembered.” She giggled and twirled a strand of hair around her finger. “Vodka, please.”

  Kai turned to the bar and placed the order. A vodka for the female and another whiskey for him. Hers came in a tall glass.

  “So, how have you been?” She smiled. The castle was huge. Four wings and five floors, as well as three levels of basement. Their territory spanned thousands of miles with numerous villages. It wasn’t nearly big enough. Especially the stone walls of the structure he was standing in. Everybody knew everybody’s business, almost as soon as they knew it themselves. Even if they didn’t have all the facts, rumors and half truths were the order of the day.

  “I’m good.” His voice came out quiet, yet rough.

  She sucked in a small breath. “I like you, Kai. I don’t normally spend time with a male unless he is an elite or at the very least, he needs to be a leader. But for old time’s sake, I’m willing to go to your room with you.”

  She liked him. Like fuck. Carmen liked the fact that she would be seen as the female to break his dry spell. The female he couldn’t resist. He didn’t give a fuck about her motivation. He just wasn’t interested. Not at all.

  Kai was just getting ready to tell her what she could go and do with herself when another female slipped between them. She hooked her arm around Kai. “There you are. I was wondering when you were going to show up.” Jordy threw him a sugar couldn’t melt in my mouth smile.

  Kai couldn’t help but to chuckle.

  “We’re dancing.” She narrowed her eyes on him. “Right now.”

  He glanced back at Carmen, catching the ass-end of an eye roll.

  Even though a fast, house track was playing, Jordy threw her arms around his neck, moving slowly to the upbeat tempo.

  He mouthed thank you and grinned at her. Kai wasn’t sure what he would have done without this female. When his life had pretty much come crashing down around him, she’d been there for him every step of the way.

  “Don’t mention it.” Jordan pulled him tighter. “I never liked her much anyway.” She whispered in his ear. She released him, ever so slightly, her hips still swaying to the beat. Her eyes closed for a few seconds, seeming to enjoy the music.

  Kai had to laugh. Others might misinterpret this banter as jealousy on Jordy’s part. It couldn’t be further from the truth. They had been friends forever. It wasn’t like that between them. Not at all. Not that Jordy was unattractive or anything. Far fucking from it. He just didn’t see her in that way and she didn’t see him like that either. Their friendship worked. They were best buddies and it was as simple as that.

  Jordy’s arms tightened around him once again. “I think we should rut,” she blurted. Her voice a mere whisper.

  Kai froze. “Come again. I swear I’m going deaf.”

  “You heard me.” Her dark chocolate eyes locked with his. Her face serious. “You can’t go on like this. Let me help you.”

  He shook his head. “No fucking way.” Kai looked around them, not liking it that so many others could listen in on their conversation. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Jordy nodded. He kept her hand linked in his. For once, it felt weird. He often held her hand like this in busy places or put his arm around her. The gesture suddenly felt intimate.

  They didn’t talk, the whole way back to her room. He swallowed thickly as he crossed the threshold into her private space, closing the door behind them. Jordy turned to face him, she folded her arms. “Why won’t you tell me what happened? You need to speak about this. I don’t even know the first thing about those two days, but whatever it was, it’s eating you up inside. You’ve always told me everything.” A look of hurt crossed her face.

  “I was with a female. Other than that, there’s nothing much to tell.” Kai took a step into her bedroom. “There really isn’t.” His answer was both the truth and a lie. It wasn’t like much had happened, yet it left him changed. It left him stuck. Limbo was not a fun place to be. How did he even begin to explain it? There were things about his time with the dragon shifter that he didn’t want anyone to know. He just wished for the hundredth time that he could move on.

  Jordy shook her head. He could see that she was worried. “I overheard those things Jenson said to you earlier. He’s right. I’ll help you get over her.” She pulled her dress over her head. Standing before him in just a tiny thong. So this was where this whole thing had come from. It wasn’t just a coincidence. Jordy had overheard them earlier. As his best friend, she was worried about him. “Let me help you,” she repeated, softer this time.

  “Jordy, no,” he growled.

  “Listen to me.” She took a step towards him, and like the pussy he was he took a step back.

  Kai shook his head. “No damned way.”

  “Yes. You need to get over this female. You won’t talk about it. You haven’t had sex since you were last with her. Let me help you.” She took another step towards him, her hands curled around his biceps. “We’re best friends. You’ve been taking my blood. You’ve already seen me naked on plenty of occasions. What’s sex between friends? It’s one more little step. Most vampires rut. It’s no big deal.”

  Kai had to smile. It was true. They had gone skinny dipping plenty of times. He’d walked in on her a couple of times while s
he was…busy and she’d done the same to him. “It might mess things up between us.” It would fuck up what they had. No damned way would he allow that to happen.

  She rolled her eyes. “Our friendship runs too deep for that to ever happen. We’ve known each other since we were kids. Who better than me to help you with this?”

  His gaze dropped to her breasts. Perky with pink tipped nipples. He was ashamed to admit that, on occasion, he had thought about rutting his best friend. He was a male after all. He’d thought about what she would feel like. What she would taste like. It had been a very long time since he’d harbored such thoughts though. He didn’t see Jordy like that. Not at all.

  She made a noise of frustration. “Don’t second-guess this. You need to rut. Don’t be an idiot about it.” She narrowed her eyes on him and then stepped out of the scrap of lace that covered her sex. He could scent her arousal.

  “What the fuck is that?” He growled, sniffing the air.

  She laughed. A rich throaty noise. Her laugh had always been catching. Only, he didn’t feel like laughing right now. “We’re best friends but I’m still a female and you’re still a male. I get turned on every time you drink from me but it doesn’t mean anything either. Let me touch you.”

  “Fuck,” he growled. It had been too long. Way too long. They were friends. The best of friends. Both Jenson and Jordy were right. He did need to get over her. The dragon shifter. He grit his teeth for a half a second. Thank fuck his body didn’t react. His cock could have its own damn mind at times. At least for once, they were on the same page. The only time the bastard seemed to get hard anymore was when he thought of a ravishing creature with an amethyst stare.

  Jordy smiled at him. “We would go back to being straight up friends afterwards.” She let her thong fall from her grip. “I swear.”

  “I don’t know about this.” He shook his head. It was all kinds of fucked up.

  “Well it’s a good thing that I am sure enough for the both of us.” She undid his belt buckle.


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