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Legends of the Saloli: Vengeance and Mercy

Page 17

by Adam Bolander

  A final blinding flash, this one greater then the others, and then the light was gone. The saloli stood there, staring at him in more than just awe and fascination. There was fear, there was respect, and there was disbelief. He slowly walked back over to stand before them.

  “Look!” Someone exclaimed, “The tree is gone!”

  And sure enough, the Dragon Tree had vanished. There was not even a crater where its roots had dug into the earth. The saloli turned to Vengeance, hoping for an answer.

  “It is finished.” Was all he would say.


  The sun was beginning to rise over the horizon. Icefire was devastated, staring at the remains of their camp. There was no way they could live here now. It wasn’t so much that they couldn’t find another place to live so much as the shock of the place they had lived for so long being no more. Vengeance had nothing to say to them. He hadn’t spoken a word since the battle had ended. He simply stood and watched his tribe go about their lives, as if seeing them in a whole new way. An hour passed, and then Vengeance was approached by Gnaw.

  “I think you should know,” the old trainer said, “Since Goliath killed Rust, and you killed Goliath, you now have the right of Blood Way. If you wish, you may become chief of Icefire.”

  Vengeance had no interest in the offer. Instead, he finally spoke, “No, I’m not the one meant to rule this tribe. I’m its protector, not its leader. There is someone else more deserving of the title of chief than I am.”

  “Who?” Gnaw asked, confused. He had never known a saloli to turn down the offer to become chief.

  Vengeance raised his head and called out, “Icefire! Gather to the Speaking Stone!” He leapt on top of the stone as if he were chief, which, he supposed he was for the moment. “Gnaw has brought it to my attention that I am now eligible to become chief of Icefire. However, I must decline the offer. As I explained to him, Valde Abbas made me the Sword so that I would protect Icefire, not lead you. There is someone else among you who deserves the title far more than I ever will. He has sacrificed more than anyone else during this war, and I can think of no one else more entitled to be chief more than he is. Smallthorn, come here.” Surprised muttering broke out among Icefire’s ranks as Smallthorn made his way to the front to stand in front of the Speaking Stone. “Smallthorn, I have the right of Blood Way to become chief of Icefire. I now hereby pass that right to you. Do you accept?”

  Smallthorn was speechless. He could only stare up at his best friend, the Sword, with his mouth hanging open. Vengeance, sensing his friend’s indecision, leaned down and whispered, “Please, it is the will of Valde Abbas that you lead this tribe.”

  Not another word was needed. Smallthorn, standing taller than he ever had in his life, proclaimed to the entire tribe, “Yes! I accept!”

  Icefire cheered for their new chief. Vengeance had been right, they realized. Nobody else had suffered as much as Smallthorn had during the war. It had made him strong. He would be a good leader. Vengeance stepped down from the Speaking Stone and allowed his friend and chief to take his place, “This area is no longer suitable for us to live in.” Smallthorn announced, “We will go to the Acorn Place and live there, where food is bountiful.”

  Nobody argued, and Smallthorn leapt down from the Speaking Stone and took the lead, guiding his tribe to their new home. Vengeance sought out Mercy, and pressed his face to her’s and then turned and followed Smallthorn to their new home.


  Rust gazed down upon his old tribe from the sky. He was happy, happier than he could ever remember being, and was satisfied that Icefire had been left in good hands. Between Smallthorn and Vengeance, nothing would threaten ever them again. He could sense the Creator approaching him from behind.

  “This isn’t over for him.” Valde Abbas said, “He will face more trials, many of them even more difficult than this one.”

  “He will have a hard life.” Rust agreed, “I don’t envy him for it.”

  “You need not worry for him. He is the Sword.”

  “Even the Sword has its limits, my king.”

  “Indeed. And I will be there to guide him through those times.”

  Rust looked up at his Creator, “What happened to the Dragon Tree?”

  Valde Abbas looked out over his creation with solemn eyes, “It has ceased to be a tree. The Dragon has now returned to its true form, and travels the earth to destroy whatever is weak enough to be destroyed.

  “And the Black Legion? I thought they might be a bit harder to defeat than they were.”

  “They have been destroyed, but only physically. Their spirits still roam the earth, seeking to aid the Dragon in its pathetic mission wherever it goes.”

  Rust paused, contemplating his Maker’s words, “And what will happen to Vengeance now?” he asked.

  Valde Abbas smiled, “You will know soon enough. Just know it will be worth being there to see.”

  Rust nodded, “You’re right. There’s nothing to worry about.”





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