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Fight for You

Page 10

by Magan Vernon

  “Let’s go,” Jackie whispered, tugging on my hand.

  “Okay.” I nodded and stood with her, following her through the grass back to the car.

  “Nice of you to pay your respects, Ragusa,” a low raspy voice called. I looked up and saw El Lobo and four other guys dressed in black standing in front of my car.

  “I wish I could say the same for you. Didn’t see you at the funeral, Martinez.” I didn’t drop my guard, removing my other hand from my pocket, but leaving it loose at my side, my eyes on his. If he wanted a fight, I wasn’t about to back down even with Jackie tensing up at my side.

  He licked his lips, his eyes darting over to the crowd behind us. “We all have our ways of honoring people.”

  His gaze trailed back to me. “Doesn’t make sense why you’re here though, especially not with Emilio’s girl. That’s one fucked up way to remember the dead, man.”

  “I wasn’t with Emilio anymore, Ricky. You knew about all the other girls he was fucking around with since high school. How dare you try and say anything, and on today of all days!” Jackie let go of my hand, barreling forward so that she was toe-to-toe with the guy.

  He put his arms up. “Hey, Jax, I was just saying it aint cool that you’re showing up here with your new guy. Would you be cool if it was Emilio doing the same thing?”

  “He did. He fucked half the girls at work behind my back. I gave up on him weeks ago when he said he was just going out for a smoke and I found him behind the dumpster with a chick. I’m not apologizing for moving on. Yeah it’s his funeral. I’m here because of the history we had and because Carrie asked me to come. I’m not here to shed any tears for him. I did enough of that for years. I’m done.” She shook her head, stepping back until she was at my side and took my hand.

  “So that’s it? You’re just done with us too? Gonna stay with this fucking Dago?” He pointed at me, spitting the last word like I was no better than the dirt under his shoe.

  “Watch your fucking language, Martinez,” I growled.

  “Don’t like that word, Dago?” He raised an eyebrow, a sinister smile on his face. He was the same wolf outside of the cage as he was inside.

  I clenched my fist and unclenched it. Most people didn’t think anything of using the word Dago. They didn’t realize that it was a slang word for Italians that was the equivalent of calling a Mexican a Spic. But he knew exactly what he was doing, and he knew it would get a rise out of me. I couldn’t let him see it.

  “Can you just stop, Ricky?” Jackie stepped in between us. “This is really fucking immature. Especially at Emilio’s funeral. Way to fucking show some respect.”

  He shook his head and walked around Jackie, the other four guys following, and stopped as soon as his face was inches from mine. For a moment he just stared at me. His eyes were trained on me, studying me before he leaned in, his voice low, “We know exactly what you and your family did.”

  I feigned innocence, clenching my jaw. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, Martinez.”

  “A man comes after what’s rightfully his and ends up dead on the streets with no one even questioning it. But I am. I know exactly who Emilio’s enemies were. Exactly who would pull that shit.” His eyes bore into mine. “You started this war, Ragusa. Now it’s time to own up to it.”

  He turned away, motioning the rest of the guys to follow. I watched briefly as he walked up to the rest of the crowd that was gathered near the Emilio’s grave before I turned to Jackie who was staring at me with her eyes wide.

  “What was that about, Nicky?”

  I sucked in a deep breath and then let it out slowly, shaking my head. He didn’t have any proof of what I’d done, but somehow he knew. I also knew he would be up for revenge. “I think he’s looking for a fight outside of the cage.”

  “You’re not going to give into him, are you? That’s all he wants is to get a rise out of you. That’s what he does. Always playing mind games with people and starting fights.”

  I put my arm around her waist and kissed her forehead. “I’m not going to let him get to me. Don’t worry.” I pulled away and grabbed her hand and walked the last few steps to my car, opening the passenger door for her. “You hungry? My uncle’s place isn’t far from here. You can meet the family.”

  “You’re really ready for me to meet your family?” She stopped, holding onto the door.

  I shrugged. “Yeah, why not? I’m not ashamed of you. You’ll meet them sooner or later and I’ve got some business to take care of anyway.” I knew Uncle Guido would be there and Phil and Mark delivered pizzas.

  She nodded. “Okay, I guess if you insist.”

  She sat down and I closed the door behind her before I went around to the driver’s side. I pulled out my cell phone and sent a quick message to Dominic to meet me there. I had a feeling that if El Lobo was going to make good on his threat, the family had to be aware of it. If he wanted a war, then we’d fight until the end. And the Ragusas didn’t lose.

  Chapter 13

  I took the Dan Ryan back out to the north suburbs and to my family’s restaurant. It was a bit of a drive from the city, but it gave me some time to clear my head, and enough time for Jackie to sufficiently freak the fuck out about meeting some of my family.

  “Is your whole family going to be there?” Jackie stared out the window as we took the North suburbs exit.

  I shook my head. “Not my whole family. They don’t all work there. My uncle is probably working and I messaged Dominic to meet me there, and maybe my cousins. Not a lot of them.”

  I glanced over to see that she was fiddling with the hem of her dress. “I’m not really dressed for meeting family members...”

  Taking her hand, I clasped it in mine and then brought it to my lips, kissing her knuckles. “You look fine. You don’t need to worry. Dominic and the guys already saw you at the fight. They know who you are. You don’t need to impress them.”

  “Those are your guy cousins and that was at a fight at a strip club. This is at your family’s restaurant. A business. One that they own, and I’m going to walk in wearing a freaking dress that I bought on the clearance rack.” She huffed. “God, I feel like an idiot right now.”

  I glanced over, my eyes trailing a little longer than they should have over the curves of her body. The dress fit her like a glove. “First off, you look fucking amazing in that dress and have nothing to be ashamed of. Who fucking cares where you bought it or about the price tag? I don’t give two shits about that sort of thing. And second, yeah it’s my family’s restaurant. My Nonna started it out of her house when they first moved here from Sicily. It was supposed to be her hobby while my Nanu worked but her business actually did better than his for a longtime, especially during the war.” I smiled, patting Jackie’s knee. “Just like you, the woman worked her ass off for what she had and when she passed away it went to my uncle Guido. So it may be my family’s business, but it’s my family. They know about working hard for what they have.”

  Jackie squeezed my hand. “For a guy with a reputation for being such a hardass you definitely do care a lot about your family, especially your Nonna. I wish I could’ve met her.”

  I swallowed hard, clenching and unclenching my jaw. Family was something I wished I’d cared more about the past few years. My sister was right about me. I hadn’t been around much. Once I graduated from DePaul and started at my dad’s company I knew I was next in line to take over the business and I didn’t want it. To be my father. So I’d run from my family. Tried to fight against them. Now all the fighting had brought me right back to where I started.

  “Yeah, I wish you could’ve met her too. She would’ve loved you. Well, except she might not have liked you taking up all my time.”

  Jackie laughed. “Don’t tell me you were a Nonna’s boy.”

  “Ey, don’t knock it.”

  She shook her head. “You’re definitely something else, Nicky and I really like that about you.”

  “You too, Jackie.” I
squeezed her hand.

  Nonna’s Ristorante may have started out of my Nonna’s basement, but it grew into a large restaurant and banquet hall out in the North Chicago suburbs. I pulled into a parking space on the side near my uncle Guido’s Escalade and saw that Dominic’s car was already parked next to his as well. Good. He knew this shit was serious.

  “I guess Nonna really did work her way up in the business,” Jackie said as I opened her door and she stepped out of the car.

  “Yeah, that’s one way to put it.” I closed the door behind her and put my hand on her lower back, guiding her toward the maroon awning that hung over the entryway to the restaurant.

  As soon as I opened the glass doors, the scent of olive oil and garlic hit us and it reminded me of sitting in my Nonna’s kitchen. She may have owned the restaurant, but everything I ever learned about cooking came from sitting on the counter and watching her work her magic on the stove. Nanu may have ruled the real estate market and been the King of Chicago, but Nonna got the restaurant on her own. She helped design everything around the Mediterranean atmosphere with the walls painted to look like the mountains in Taormina and a stainless steel kitchen that could be viewed from almost any seat in the house. Except for the banquet area. Or the back room where I would be meeting with Uncle Guido and the boys. Dad preferred to do his business deals at the VIP rooms of strip clubs, but I’d rather keep it at the family business.

  Phil and Mark’s younger brother, Mikey, was standing at the host podium when we walked in. He was only fifteen and looked every bit of it in the button down white shirt and black pants he was required to wear as a uniform. The fact that he had a mop of black hair and Aunt Maria convinced him to wax his eyebrows didn’t help the look.

  “Hey, Cousin Nicky, how you doin?” He stepped out from behind the podium and pounded my fist.

  “Hey, Mikey, doing good.” I tilted my head toward Jackie. “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Jackie. Jackie, this is my little cousin, Mikey.”

  She stuck her hand out. “Pleased to meet you, Mikey.”

  He shook her hand, smiling so wide I thought his retainer was going to fall out. “Whoa, bringing a girl to the restaurant? I don’t think that’s ever happened before.” He let go of her hand and put his hands in his pocket before pulling out his phone.

  “Ey, are you supposed to have that while you’re working?”

  “No, but I gotta tell Phil that you brought a girl here.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Phil knows about Jackie. You’re acting like I’ve never been with a girl before.”

  He slid his phone back into his pocket. “You haven’t, not that I’ve known at least. Ma actually wondered if you were queer for awhile.”

  Jackie laughed, but when I glanced at her she covered it up with a cough. I looked back at Mikey. “Well, now you know. I’m not gay, so will you tell Uncle Guido I’m here?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Dominic’s here too. Do you want to see him?”

  I pulled my arm tighter around Jackie’s waist. “Yeah. Are they in the back?”

  “Where else would they be?”

  I punched his arm, not hard enough that I’d actually hurt the kid, but enough to let him know he was a pain in the ass. “You’re getting a smart mouth in your old age.”

  “Aw, Nicky, why do you have to be like that?” He rubbed his arm.

  “Because you need to respect your elders.” I pointed at him, walking past him toward the back.

  “It was nice to meet you,” Jackie yelled.

  “Nice to meet you too!” Mikey called “Even nicer to watch you walk away.”

  I shook my head. “Sorry, he isn’t exactly known for his manners.”

  She laughed. “No, it’s totally fine. It’s a nice way to break the ice.”

  Like Uncle Guido’s office, the back room was painted to look like the Quatro Centi and was just big enough for a table for twelve, with room for the waitresses to walk around and serve and a buffet table at one end. It didn’t need much else. It wasn’t a place that people went to party. It was mainly for business.

  When I opened the pocket door to the room, Uncle Guido and Dominic were in the middle of a heated discussion. Their voices were low and Uncle Guido’s hands were going a mile a minute. Each time he raised his voice, his hands moved faster.

  I cleared my throat and they both snapped their heads in our direction, halting their conversation.

  “Nicky!” Uncle Guido stood up first, holding his arms out. “And I didn’t know you were bringing a Bella Donna with you.” He raised his eyebrows at me, but quickly dropped them as he smiled widely at Jackie, giving her his hand.

  “Yeah, I was out with Jackie when I sent the message. This is my new girlfriend. Jackie, this is my uncle Guido.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Uncle Guido,” she said, her voice slightly squeaking as she shook his hand. Seeing her nervous was cute and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “And this is my cousin Dominic,” I said as he came around the table, standing at Uncle Guido’s side. While my Uncle Guido was short, pudgy and hairy, Dominic was just the opposite; tall, lean, and fully shaved. Well his arms and chest at least. I didn’t know if the guy manscaped and I didn’t need to. By appearances they didn’t look like father and son, but I’d never seen two people with a bond like them. Uncle Guido didn’t do anything with the restaurant without talking to Dominic. He cared about him as an equal. And all Dominic wanted was to be me. It made me sick, wishing that I had that relationship with my father when he couldn’t give two shits about keeping a relationship with me. All he wanted was someone to be his lackey, not his equal.

  “Yes, I think we met the other night at the fight.” Jackie held her hand out and shook Dominic’s.

  “Yeah, I thought you looked familiar, but I figured you’d have better taste than this guy.”

  “Aw, c’mon on Dominic, you’re breaking my heart. I’m not that bad.”

  Dominic shook his head. “You’re right. I guess you’re okay if she’s into boys without minchias.”

  “Ey, ey!” Uncle Guido held up his hands. “Language, boys!”

  “What’s a minchia?” Jackie leaned up on her tip toes and whispered.”

  “It means dick.” Dominic laughed before Uncle Guido hit him in the stomach and pointed a finger at him, raising an eyebrow.

  “Sorry, Pops.” Dominic put his head down.

  “It’s okay.” He patted his back. “You can just fix this girl a drink to make up for it.”

  Dominic’s face brightened. “I can do that.” He put his arm around Jackie’s shoulders. “Let me take you to the bar. How do you feel about a Sicilian Kiss?”

  Jackie widened her eyes at me. “Uh, are you okay with this?”

  “Yeah, it’s fine. Go let Dominic make you a drink. It’ll make him feel special and I’ll meet you at the bar in a few minutes. If he gets out of hand just punch him in the balls and come back in here.”

  She gave me a tight-lipped smile. “Okay, Nick.”

  Dominic was asking her something I couldn’t hear as he led her back down the hallway toward the bar. Uncle Guido stepped behind me and shut the pocket door. “We can make this quick, Nicky. I didn’t know you were bringing a new girlfriend with you.”

  I rubbed the back of my neck. “Yeah, sorry, I should have mentioned that to Dominic. She was with me when this all went down at the funeral.”

  Uncle Guido shook his head, looking down at his shoes as he walked toward the end of the room and then turned back to me. “Do they know it was Phil? What did he say to you exactly?”

  “The guy was standing at my car and he looked right at me and said, ‘You started this war, Ragusa. Now it’s time to own up to it.’”

  Uncle Guido shook his head, blowing out a big breath of air. “Mingua, Nicky, what were you thinking? Does your father know?”

  “No, he doesn’t. And this might not be anything. El Lobo was the guy I fought the night before, and now I’m dating one of his gang brother’s ex’s
. The cops think Emilio’s death is all gang related. Nothing to do with us.”

  Uncle Guido nodded, rubbing his chin. “I did see that in the papers. It does make for a good cover up. At least you guys had that going for you.” He stopped rubbing his chin and pointed his finger at me. “But you should never do an unauthorized hit. Your father is going to kill you for this one.”

  “What else was I supposed to do?” I held my arms out. “The guy was making threats against me and our family. If I didn’t have him killed, he would have killed me first.”

  He ran his hand down his face. “We’re going to have to talk to your father.”

  I exhaled. “Yeah, I know. That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  “It’s probably best that you don’t bring the bella with you. That will only add fuel to his fire.” Uncle Guido pulled his phone out of his pocket.

  “You’re probably right about that one. The less Dad knows about her the better.”

  “I’m going to send your father a message. We’ll meet tonight. Is your place okay?” He looked up from his phone, his eyebrows knitted together.

  “Uh...” I rubbed the back of my neck.

  “You’re going to have to send the bella home, Nicky. Tell her you have business to take care of. Whatever you have to do, do it.”

  “Okay. Okay. Fuck. I’ll figure something out.” I clenched and unclenched my fists. How the fuck did I end up in the middle of the family business? This was exactly where I didn’t want to be.

  “Language, Nicky.” Uncle Guido waved his finger.

  “Yeah, yeah.” I motioned toward the door. “Come on. Let’s go out to the bar before Dominic starts putting the moves on Jackie.”


  When we walked out to the bar, Jackie was sitting on one of the stools sandwiched in between Phil and Mark. Great, just where I needed her, in the middle of The Book Ends.


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