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SJWs Always Double Down: Anticipating the Thought Police (The Laws of Social Justice Book 2)

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by Vox Day

  I know some of my friends have wondered why I’ve lately been so critical of the left, my home, so I wanted to share with you what a vocal part of my particular and admittedly self-selected echo chamber is like…. The ideology is post-modernist cultural marxism, and it operates as a secular religion. Most are indoctrinated in liberal elite colleges, though many are being indoctrinated online these days. It has its own dogma and jargon, meant to make you feel like a good person, and used to lecture others on their ‘sin.’ “Check your privilege”- much like “mansplaining” and “gaslighting”- all at one time useful terms- have over time lost a lot of their meaning. These days I see them most frequently being abused as weaponized ad hominem attacks on a person’s immutable identity markers….a way to avoid making an argument, while simultaneously claiming an unearned moral highground in a discussion. I have been wondering why more people on the left are not speaking up against violence, in favor of free exchange of ideas and dialogue, in favor of compassion. But I know why. I was in the cult. Part of it is that you are a true believer, and part of it is that you are fearful of being called an apostate — in being trashed as a sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, fascist, white supremacist nazi.

  —“On Leaving the SJW Cult and Finding Myself”, Keri Smith, 13 May 2017

  The SJWs, or Social Justice Warriors, did not give themselves that name in any ironic sense. They called themselves that because they genuinely consider themselves to be crusaders fighting for the righteous cause of creating a new and better world, one in which every individual and organization will be fully dedicated to social justice ideals.

  And as for those who refuse to dedicate themselves to social justice, there will be no place for them in the brave new world of the SJW.

  That doesn’t sound so bad, perhaps, to those for whom there is no longer any place in their former university, open source project, Fortune 500 corporation, church, or social club. Except the problem is that SJWs seriously intend to leave no place anywhere in the world for those who reject their Narrative and refuse to abandon their outmoded, outdated, problematic ideals that have been superseded by social justice. As Virginia Governor Terry McCauliffe publicly declared in the wake of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, “There is no place for you here, and there is no place for you in America.”

  Where, then, is the non-SJW to go? What, then, is the non-SJW to do?

  My suggestion is to fight back. To fight back and win. Because, in an SJW-converged world, there is no place for anyone who has not submitted completely to the SJW Narrative. Even Islam is more tolerant.

  There can be only one.

  Chapter 2: Peak SJW and the Backlash of 2016

  It is a good rule in life never to apologise. The right sort of people do not want apologies, and the wrong sort take a mean advantage of them.

  —P.G. Wodehouse

  Prospects for a better world and a global society of true equality had never looked brighter to the intrepid warriors of social justice than they did at the end of 2015. The culmination of a 165-year campaign to transform a white Christian West into the shiny, secular, nonjudgmental, socially just society of John Stuart Mill’s dreams increasingly appeared to be inevitable. Even if the total convergence of every individual and every Western institution toward social justice had not yet come to pass, SJWs were brimming with confidence that the point of no return had been passed. Numerous academics and political activists celebrated each and every signpost indicating the decline of America’s white majority. Journalists and atheists greeted each published poll indicating fewer church-attending Christians than there were in previous years with glee. For the first time in American history, men were legally permitted to “marry” men, women were permitted to “marry” women, and the academics announced that sex was not a biological reality, as so many had previously believed, but a mere social construct.

  And if the world never looked brighter to the SJWs, it had seldom appeared darker or more hopeless to the defenders of traditional Western civilization. It seemed that after 80 years, Antonio Gramsci’s long march through the cultural institutions of the West was finally complete and that everything from the Boy Scouts to the Roman Catholic Church had been successfully converged. Consider a few of the recent cultural lowlights:

  Boy Scouts of America Amends Adult Leadership Policy. On Monday, July 27, the National Executive Board ratified a resolution that removes the national restriction on openly gay adult leaders and employees. Of those present and voting, 79 percent voted in favor of the resolution. The resolution was recommended for ratification by the Executive Committee earlier this month. The resolution is effective immediately.

  The Army’s Cadet Command at Fort Knox, Kentucky, is reviewing Reserve Officer Training Command cadet participation in a sexual assault awareness 5K walk/run event in which cadets at Temple University in Philadelphia wore high-heeled shoes with their uniforms.

  In a historic transformation of the American military, Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter said on Thursday that the Pentagon would open all combat jobs to women. “There will be no exceptions,” Mr. Carter said at a news conference. He added, “They’ll be allowed to drive tanks, fire mortars, and lead infantry soldiers into combat. They’ll be able to serve as Army Rangers and Green Berets, Navy SEALs, Marine Corps infantry, Air Force parajumpers and everything else that was previously open only to men.”

  Pope Francis calls on every parish across Europe to house refugee families. The pontiff specified the scope of his request: “Every parish, every religious community, every monastery, every shrine of Europe house a family, starting from my diocese of Rome… Often we are withdrawn and closed in ourselves and we create many inaccessible and inhospitable islands. So much so that the most basic human relations at times are created from reality unable to make reciprocal openness: the closed couple, the closed family, the closed group, the closed parish, the closed homeland. This is not from God! This is ours; this is our sin.”

  The Majority of American Babies Are Now Minorities. Racial and ethnic minorities now surpass non-Hispanic whites as the largest group of American children under 5 years old, the Census Bureau said Thursday.

  “Caitlyn Jenner: The Full Story”. Few recent stories have gripped the public imagination as much as Bruce Jenner’s journey from Olympic icon to transgender woman.

  Perhaps the pinnacle of the social justice peak of 2015 was when German Chancellor Angela Merkel publicly announced that Germany would welcome an unlimited number of refugees from Syria, prompting a one-million-strong horde that hailed from every Muslim country in Africa and the Middle East to invade Europe in the hopes of tapping into the generous German welfare system. The end of the evil, imperialist Christian West and all its terrible works appeared to be at hand. At last, every institution and individual appeared to be converging towards social justice in the manner envisioned by John Stuart Mill.

  But all was not quite as it seemed.

  Whereas 2015 marked the peak of SJW power and influence across the West, the inevitable backlash in 2016 demonstrated that the nations, institutions, and people of the West were not fully converged.

  The overturning of the SJW apple cart that took place in 2016 had its roots in events taking place four years before. In 2012, there was a rebellious mood permeating the grass roots of the Republican party. Eight years of so-called compassionate conservatism, which turned out to be little more than permitting neocons to run U.S. foreign policy while the Bush administration continued domestic and trade policies that were all but indistinguishable from Bill Clinton’s, had been followed by the inept campaign of Republican moderate John McCain. McCain’s self-imposed implosion—he had shut down his presidential campaign in order to rush to Washington D.C. to help funnel billions of dollars to his banker buddies—cost him 6 points in the polls, and a month later, the presidential election of 2008. But when Ron Paul, the iconoclastic Congressman from Texas, began to show unexpected strength against
Mitt Romney, the moderate candidate favored by the establishment Republicans, the party insiders pulled out all the stops to shut down his upstart campaign and to silence his enthusiastic supporters.

  The stage was further set by eight years of the Obama administration, during which time even the gentlest criticism of the President of the United States was immediately met by a hailstorm of accusations that the critic was a racist, a hater, and quite possibly a member of the Ku Klux Klan. As one social media wag, Jon Gabriel, dryly observed: “My favorite part about the Obama era is all the racial healing.” Nor did it help that the technology giants, including Facebook, Google, Intel, and Apple, were increasingly bowing to SJW pressure to increase diversity and perversity while suppressing anyone who dared to question, let alone protest, their ongoing convergence. Twitter even went so far as to set up the Orwellian-sounding Trust and Safety Council and bragged about shutting down more than 500,000 accounts on the basis of them expressing impure thoughts. And the 538 thought police of Wikipedia continued to crack down on every editor who dared stray from the SJW narrative on their online encyclopedia, no matter how obscure the topic.

  SJWs were not so much confident that victory was in sight as certain that it has already been won. They looked on the election of Hillary Clinton as the first female President of the United States as the spiking of the football in the end zone after the winning score and as a prelude to the mopping-up operation that would render traditional white reactionary America as harmless as the post-Reconstruction Confederacy.

  But the first sign that current events were not entirely in line with the social justice Narrative duly reported by the media on a daily basis was when Donald Trump, who had previously been regarded as little more than a buffoonish celebrity joke-candidate, won the South Carolina Republican presidential primary. While his previous victory in New Hampshire had been dismissed as the same sort of aberration that, 20 years before, had resulted in a victory by conservative commentator Pat Buchanan, Trump’s resounding victory in South Carolina made it obvious to those with the eyes to see that something out of the ordinary was taking place. And in due course, against the expectations of literally all the professional political pundits, Donald Trump went on to win the Super Tuesday primaries, the Republican nomination, and eventually, the U.S. Presidency as well.

  The second sign was when the British, who had endured their own foreign invasion for decades, unexpectedly voted in a national referendum to leave the European Union. In voting Leave, the British people defied their own government, all three of their major political parties, the BBC, most of the daily newspapers, most of the economic experts, most of the European heads of state, celebrities, the U.S. President, and, of course, the predictions of the pollsters. Not only did they support what had come to be known as Brexit, but in doing so, they also forced the resignation of the anti-Brexit Prime Minister, David Cameron.

  The third sign was when the Italian people, in what amounted to a de facto referendum on the pro-EU administration of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, rejected a proposal to amend the Italian Constitution to reform the composition and powers of the national parliament and to alter the division of powers between the central Italian government and the regional governments. The proposal was abandoned, and a humiliated Renzi followed his British counterpart’s lead by resigning.

  Taken together, these three democratic expressions of the will of the people in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Italy made it eminently clear to even the most rabid advocate of global social justice that the SJW Narrative was false and that neither social justice ideals nor the converged society were popular with the majority of the people of any nation despite the unrelenting SJW propaganda to which they had been subjected. This discovery came as a complete shock to SJWs both low and high, as the only thing more astonishing to them than the unexpected success of the Brexit Leave campaign in the United Kingdom was Donald Trump’s subsequent 304-227 Electoral College victory over Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Presidential Election.

  Virtually no one expected the ascension of the cheesy 1980s financial celebrity to the Oval Office. We were assured, repeatedly, every step along the way, that Donald Trump’s campaign had reached its apex and that while Trump might have exceeded initial expectations, his inevitable doom was right at hand. The following are a list of public predictions made by professional political observers, each and every single one of which proved to be false.

  Trump will never run for President.

  Trump will never breach 15 percent.

  Trump will never win New Hampshire.

  Trump will never release his financials.

  Trump will never breach 25 percent.

  Trump will never win South Carolina.

  Trump will never breach 35 percent.

  Trump will never breach 50 percent.

  Trump will never reach 1,237 delegates.

  Trump will never recover after losing Wisconsin.

  Trump will never win unbound delegates.

  Trump will never recover after losing Colorado.

  Trump will never be embraced by conservatives.

  Trump will never be the Republican nominee.

  Trump will never win the swing states of Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

  Trump will never win the U.S. Presidential election.

  There were a few, a very few, observers who did correctly foresee Donald Trump’s election. As it happens, along with Mike Cernovich and Scott Adams, I was one of them, as this post from 9 December 2015 should suffice to demonstrate.

  In this electoral campaign cycle, Trump is the only candidate who matters, and it is not because of who he is or what he might do if he wins. This is basic game theory. As I have said repeatedly in the past, there are only three issues that matter today. In their current order of importance, they are: Immigration, Gun Control, and the Federal Reserve.

  We can ignore the latter. None of the candidates even understand the issue and none of them are likely to do anything about it. Trump, being a maverick, is the only one who might even look at the issue, but that’s totally speculative and therefore irrelevant.

  On guns, Clinton and Sanders are terrible, Ben Carson is bad, and most of the Republicans, including Trump, are both good and reliable.… That leaves immigration. And here, Trump is the only candidate who is even beginning to address the scope of the existential problem. All the Democrats, and more than half of the Republicans, actually want to make it worse. Even if you don’t support him, or trust him, the mere fact that he is in the race has changed the debate on the subject more than the combined efforts of every anti-immigrationist, every open-borders skeptic, and every anti-free trade economist. He has been a literal Godsend in this regard, no matter what happens in the end.

  In short, Donald Trump has radically changed the culture, and culture always trumps politics.

  Seven months later, I wrote an article called “The Trumpslide cometh.” Four months after that, on the eve of the election, I was increasingly confident that Trump was going to win, even though nearly every poll in the country had Hillary Clinton winning both the popular vote and the Electoral College, with the exception of the Investor’s Business Daily national poll. This was notable because IBD/TIPP had been the most accurate presidential poll since 2004. But pollsters are, by and large, SJWs, and we all know what SJWs always do. From overloading the percentage of Democrats in their polls to focusing on registered voters rather than likely voters, the pollsters make a profession of putting a thumb on the scale in order to try to bring about the end result desired by the media. Even those pollsters who are not SJWs are primarily employed by the media, and so it should come as no surprise that they show a reliable tendency to shade the truth in the direction preferred by those who pay them.

  But the more reliably deceit is committed, the easier it is to recognize the pattern of deception. What the polls could not hide, despite the media’s best efforts, was that the trend was toward Trump. This is because,
in order to keep its manipulated poll results sufficiently in line with the actual vote to maintain a degree of future credibility, the polls have to gradually reduce the amount of false support they are inventing for the preferred side. To cover for this, the media customarily reports that “the race is tightening” and “previously undecided voters are making up their minds,” although both excuses are nonsensical, particularly in the case of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

  The latest—perhaps even final—Real Clear Politics No Toss Up States map has Hillary Clinton hanging on by her blood-stained fingernails, 272-266. Long vanished are all the claims of an easy Clinton win, which, as I have repeatedly stated, were complete fiction from the start. Trump only needs to take ONE toss up state they’ve given her from the following list of six to win: NH, PA, MI, CO, NM, VA. Of these, I think New Hampshire and Pennsylvania are the most likely. I think he’ll take both, and Michigan and Colorado as well. Meanwhile, several Minnesotans have told me, in all seriousness, that they expect Trump to take Minnesota. I find that almost impossible to believe, considering that Minnesota has historically been the most reliably Democratic state in the country, but people are extremely unhappy about losing Dinkytown to the Somalis and the Mall of America to the blacks, and about the St. Cloud mall stabbings.

  As the exit polls came in and the media started calling states for one candidate or the other, it soon became clear that if Donald Trump managed to win Florida, he would win the election. At 9:43 PM EST, I observed that with 523 of 577 precincts reported in Broward and 797,624 ballots counted. Trump still led by 132,000 votes. This was important because Broward County is very large, dominated by shameless Democrats, and notorious for belatedly producing “missing ballots” that are magically discovered after other Florida counties have reported their results and the county officials learn how many ballots they need to “find” in order to push their candidate over the top. But this shady little game had become irrelevant, as by that time, Trump’s lead in the rest of the state was larger than the difference between the number of voters registered in Broward County and the number of ballots counted there. So I wrote, “It’s over. Trump has won Florida.” Knowing the electoral math was sealed, I went to bed, secure in the knowledge that Donald Trump had won the electoral vote, and with it, the presidency.


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