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SJWs Always Double Down: Anticipating the Thought Police (The Laws of Social Justice Book 2)

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by Vox Day

  Which, of course, are only the figments of the imagination of racist, bigoted, sexist, and outdated white male executives, since the SJW can certainly cite no shortage of references and studies to prove that diversity always makes a company stronger, inclusivity always makes a company more productive, and more equality always makes a company more profitable, for reasons that are utterly incomprehensible even when they are coherent.

  Groups like the Trust & Safety Council at Twitter and programs such as Google’s Diversity Core and Intel’s Global Diversity and Inclusion are designed to disrupt the status quo and cement SJW control of the corporation. As the example of James Damore shows, any skepticism about the value of these diversity programs, let alone opposition to them, is crimethink that merits immediate disemployment and public denunciations.

  STAGE FOUR: Push for Inclusivity

  Every day, we’re inundated with more information than we can consciously process. Research shows that simply raising awareness about unconscious bias can lead to more conscious decision making. We started an internal conversation in 2013 about unconscious bias and we continue to invest in unbiasing trainings. Over 74% of Googlers have participated in these workshops, and all new Googlers and managers are trained in it.

  —Google Diversity: Inclusion

  If you think about the growth of Women’s Studies, Black Studies, and other forms of special studies that are now offered as majors at most American universities, you should be able to recognize the sort of make-work job that SJWs always attempt to create for themselves in lieu of doing anything productive or quantifiable. Despite the fact that they provide no functional basis for employment at all, the number of women’s and gender studies degrees has grown by more than 300 percent since 1990 and there are now 2,000 such degrees, which is 2,000 more than there were in the first 334 years of higher education in America. And just as the SJW professor who is incapable of teaching math, physics, or even English can preside over a room full of women talking about their feelings or blacks talking about racist white oppression, a woman who cannot write code, provide technical support, or provide basic IT services is perfectly capable of traveling to technology conferences and pontificating about the dire need for more women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math on behalf of her converged, virtue-signaling employer.

  Or leading workshops to train people in unbiasing.

  STAGE FIVE: Target the Dissidents

  Finally in January I got the chance to work on the one feature that I wanted GitHub to have most of all: a tool to make adding a code of conduct to a project easy. After an initial proof of concept, I worked closely with the team’s UX person to create a very streamlined experience. We had been tracking code of conduct adoptions since the summer of 2016, and seeing growth at a rate of 500 projects per month. I was eager to see this rate increase with the addition of the new tool. The code of conduct adoption feature was launched in May 2017, and was widely praised.

  —“Antisocial Coding: My Year At GitHub”, Coraline Ada Ehmke

  The two primary weapons utilized by corporate SJWs to marginalize opponents of convergence are the now-ubiquitous Code of Conduct and the Community Committee. While codes of conduct sound sensible enough in theory, in practice they are very vaguely worded documents that serve much the same purpose for the Community Committees responsible for enforcing them that petty traffic laws do for the police. Namely, they permit the Community Committee, which may be named the Steering Committee or even the Code of Conduct Committee, to charge anyone who is insufficiently enthusiastic about the organization’s new social justice priorities with Code of Conduct violations. Since both looking at another individual and not looking at another individual can be deemed violations of the vast majority of these codes of conduct, you can probably see how they can be weaponized in order to freeze, isolate, and eliminate opponents.

  In practice, codes of conduct are also used to smoke out and identify opposition to the SJWs, as the initial skeptics who are the most able to understand the danger posed by a proposed code of conduct will usually tend to serve as the nexus of the resistance against it.

  STAGE SIX: Expel the Infidels

  The Node.js community has again turned against itself, this time over a failed vote to oust a controversial member of the project’s technical steering committee (TSC) over alleged code-of-conduct violations…. Vagg, who declined to be interviewed, offended members of the Node community through various online posts. A member of the TSC attempted to move the allegations out of public view, but they’re presently available through the Internet Archive. Essentially, among other things, Vagg argued there are downsides to codes of conduct, which seek to shut down harassment and super-sketchy behavior within technical conferences and projects.

  —“Node.js forks again—this time it’s a war of words over anti-sex-pest codes of conduct”, The Register, 24 August 2017

  While the nebulous code of conduct rules sometimes prove too nebulous to actual make any charges stick well enough to justify expulsion, the very Kafkaesque nature of the process is usually sufficient to demoralize the dissidents and push them into quitting. After all, how does one defend oneself against a code of conduct violation which is comprised of arguing that there are downsides to the code of conduct? Notice that the controversial member is not charged with either harassment or super-sketchy behavior at conferences, but merely with arguing against something that theoretically seeks to shut down such behaviors.

  Of course, quitting is always a mistake, however one tries to justify it to oneself. Quitting is the very outcome for which the SJWs are hoping, because it saves them the trouble of trying to concoct a plausible case for disemployment where none exists. As I advise in SJWs Always Lie, don’t go easily and take as many of them with you as you can while making the rubble bounce on the way out. Remember, SJWs are cowards and they have little stamina for extended periods of open conflict. They try to wear their opponents down through insinuation and social pressure, killing them with the death of a thousand cuts rather than via a fair trial followed by an execution.

  STAGE SEVEN: Milk the Cow

  Until July at the earliest, the foundation behind the GNOME desktop environment will be freezing all expenditure deemed not essential to its running will be frozen, as the foundation has run out of cash reserves. “The issue has been caused by a number of factors,” wrote GNOME Foundation board member, Ekaterina Gerasimova in a post to the foundation’s mailing list. “These include increased administrative overheads in the last few years due to the increased turnover which has been caused by to the Outreach Program for Women.”

  —“GNOME bled dry by outreach programs”, ZDNet, 14 April 2014

  The basic problem with SJW convergence should be relatively obvious. How does an organization survive when it has successfully expelled the larger part of its most productive employees and replaced the company’s business priorities with expensive, unprofitable social justice objectives? The answer is very simple: it doesn’t.

  SJWs have no idea how to make money beyond convincing people to give it to them. While they are very good at that, as the growth of foundations, professional charities, and government income distribution shows, theirs is a fundamentally parasitical and distribution-focused perspective. And like other economic systems that focus on distribution rather than production, the more influential it becomes, the more certainly it is doomed to failure.

  Take YouTube, which is the most SJW-converged Google-owned corporation. They will demonetize literally any video at the drop of a hat, in part because that means YouTube gets to keep all the money it producers from advertisers, but also because their SJWs are so sensitive that they can detect one part of Narrative-questioning in a million. YouTube demonetizes about one percent of their videos on an ongoing basis, Contrast this with Blogger, which is also Google-owned, but is so chill about content that it has suspended precisely two of my 20,136 blog posts in 14 years, both times for DMCA-related claims, one of which was false, w
hich amounts to a percentage that is so low that I can’t even read the number on my calculator, but is a lot less than one percent.

  And, as I mentioned previously, YouTube did not hesitate to crack down on their most-popular YouTuber, Pewdiepie. Why would they behave in such an obviously counterproductive manner? Because they don’t have to make money; YouTube loses $2 billion per year.

  The fact that most open source contributors are unpaid, and that the projects don’t need to make any money in order to accomplish their objectives is the primary reason that open source has been so rapidly converged in comparison with for-profit corporations. It is also why the absolute breeding ground for SJWs is in the not-for-profit organizations.

  Social justice is not profitable, but advocating for social justice most certainly can be. And for the individual of limited talents beyond a capacity for expressing outrage, it is arguably the most profitable profession there is.

  STAGE EIGHT: Evade the Blame

  I think back on the lack of options I was given in response to my mental health situation and I see a complete lack of empathy. I reflect on the weekly one-on-ones that I had with my manager prior to my review and the positive feedback I was getting, in contrast to the surprise annual review. I consider the journal entries that I made and all the effort I put in on following the PIP and demonstrating my commitment to improving, only to be judged negatively for the most petty reasons. I think about how I opened up to my manager about my trauma and was accused of trying to manipulate her feelings…. I see that there was, in fact, a real problem with empathy. But that problem wasn’t mine.

  —“Antisocial Coding: My Year At GitHub”, Coraline Ada Ehmke

  Given what the reader now knows about social justice warriors, I doubt it will come as any great surprise to discover that the employment of Coraline Ada Ehmke, the individual perhaps most responsible for the convergence of the open source community due to xis automating the addition of what should have rightly been known as the Convergence Covenant to open source projects, did not end well.

  You really have to read xis account of xis exit from GitHub, because it is quite possibly the funniest thing an SJW has ever written, and is certainly funnier than any SJW comedian today. After an unexpectedly negative performance review was met with a downward spiral into an episode of bipolar depression, followed by what appears to have been a fake attempted suicide attempt, a trip to the emergency room, and an eight-day involuntary commitment to a mental health institution, Mx. Ehmke returned to xis job and was genuinely shocked to discover that despite keeping thorough notes, following all xis checklists, reading and re-reading every written communication to make sure xis words and tone were above criticism, xe was let go.

  The most amusing aspect of Ehmke’s firing is the way in which GitHub apparently did everything short of muzzling Coraline and strapping xim into the redundant restraints to which serial killer Garland Green was subjected in Con Air, just to get Ehmke safely out the door without destroying their entire code base or triggering the core reactor into a meltdown. It’s hard to feel much sympathy for them, though. This sort of result was all but inevitable from the time they established their Social Impact team.

  Many corporations, churches, charities, institutions, open source projects, and other organizations now find themselves caught up in the organizational convergence sequence, and in many cases, much further along than the sane members of their organization would like. The good news is that just as GitHub was able to at least partially extricate itself from its great experiment with enforcing social justice on the programmers of the world, SJW convergence is curable, even when it looks as if the organizational cancer is terminal.

  No story is ever truly over, but those who find themselves caught in the throes of despair may find encouragement to know how the next chapter in the story of the fatally-converged Lutheran church has begun.

  About a year after North Heights Lutheran Church briefly closed its doors due to financial issues and disagreements, the church has completely paid off its mortgage and hired a new senior pastor it believes will bring continuing unity. “One of the things that we feel is that the future will be greater than the past,” said Rev. Morris Vaagenes of Shoreview, who was the senior pastor of the church from 1961 to 1999. Vaagenes described what the church went through in recent years in Biblical terms. “We had to go through a crucifixion—the death of the old—in order to receive the new,” he said. “There can be no resurrection without crucifixion.”

  —“One year later, buried church rises from tomb of debt”, Shoreview Press, 13 June 2017

  Chapter 6: Standard SJW Tactics

  “Take all statements by an SJWs about himself as diametrically opposite the truth, and all accusations flung at others to be tacit confessions about himself, their odd and neurotic speech patterns, hypocrisies, and insolent self contradictions fit into a clear pattern, and can be understood.”

  —John C. Wright

  In July 2017, I was sentenced to Twitter jail. For one week.

  It was embarrassing, not because I was the least bit concerned about not having access to social media for one week, but because I had fallen victim to a common SJW tactic only two weeks after warning people not to talk to the media. The timing was also unfortunate, since I had just launched the Daily Meme Wars mailing list with 500 subscribers only a week before. Now, I was perfectly aware that SJWs on Twitter were baiting people into responses that would result in suspensions and bans from Twitter’s Trust & Safety Council, and I had been very disciplined about not responding to obvious provocations. But I made the mistake of answering an “innocent” question from a curious individual, which led to a series of increasingly prosecutorial questions that alerted me to the fact that this seemingly innocent party was actually an SJW on the prowl. So, knowing what he was after, I tweeted a wordless response, blocked him, and thought no more of it.

  No more until Twitter informed me two days later that my account was partially suspended for a week.

  Live and learn. It turns out that even an image of a fish in an oven crosses one of Twitter’s arbitrarily drawn lines. This may explain why we don’t very often see Nathan Outlaw or Éric Ripert on Twitter.

  Twitter jail is a rather fascinating experience due to its psychological sadism. Unlike a proper suspension that completely blocks the user’s access to the site, in Twitter jail, the user is granted full access to his account. He can read tweets and navigate Twitter in the normal fashion, but he is not permitted to tweet, retweet, or like the tweets of others. The brilliance of the design (and I like to think it is intentional on the designer’s part rather than, as I suspect, simple laziness on the part of the programmers) is that the user is given no visual cues whatsoever that his access has been limited in any way. The icons are all present, they are not greyed-out or otherwise altered in appearance, and best of all, they remain fully functional. However, should the user foolishly conclude that perhaps the announced sentence was a mistake, or that techno-clemency was granted him, and actually click on a working icon to utilize one of the forbidden functions, a window pops up informing him that such an action is in violation of the terms of his suspension and another hour has been added to it.

  This adds a lovely, sadistic little twist to the Twitter jail experience, because of course the user does not know precisely when his suspension began. A man may know the season and the day, but only Twitter knows the hour. So, in order to avoid accidentally prolonging his suspension, the average Twitter-convict will voluntarily add a day to his own suspension. Brilliant!

  This, of course, is an illustration of the SJW tactic known as bait-and-report, which is frequently encountered on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook, as well as in the comment sections of blogs and mainstream media sites. It is one of more than a dozen such tactics that I have observed SJWs utilizing over the past few year, and what is fascinating is how many of these tactics were first observed more than 2,400 years ago by one of Man’s greatest thi
nkers, Aristotle.

  On SJW Refutations

  A lot of SJWs wildly overrate their ability to argue. I like to think that I may have helped a few of them better understand the effective limits of their ability. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter what one thinks of one’s own ability to argue, what matters is what those who have actually observed one’s arguments think of them. In any event, what I find more interesting than a perfectly normal inability to correctly self-assess is how most people are completely unable to expose false arguments despite the fact that the tools for doing so have been readily available for literally thousands of years.

  But then, Aristotle understood that for some people, the perception is much more important than the observable reality.


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