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Two Dauntless Hearts

Page 5

by Elle James

  “The garden sounds like the place to be. I don’t know about you, but the guys can be overwhelming in large doses.”

  Pitbull nodded. “Yeah. I get that.” He held out his arm.

  Marly frowned but slipped her hand in the crook of his elbow. “This is all so foreign to me. I grew up for the most part in small villages, running barefoot, wearing jeans and shorts.” She plucked at the dress. “I’m not used to this kind of finery. I feel like a big fake.”

  Pitbull led her toward the exit and they emerged from the house into the garden, where exotic flowers and bushes and their softness surrounded them, along with the familiar fragrance of roses. They reminded him of his mother’s rose garden.

  “You wear that dress beautifully. But I get what you’re saying. The only times I wear suits are for funerals and the odd covert operation. These danged ties are killer.” He reached up and loosened the knot at his neck.

  Marly chuckled beside him. “Here, let me.” She turned to face him, reached up and pulled the knot free on the tie. “Better?” Her eyes sparkled with the reflection of the moonlight glinting in her irises. Her lips curled in a pretty smile, and it was beyond Pitbull’s ability to resist her.

  “Much.” He pulled her against him.

  Marly raised her hands to his chest, but didn’t push back.

  Pitbull lifted one hand to cup the back of her head. The other circled to the small of her back, pressing her hips against his. “I don’t know if it’s the moonlight, this garden or that dress, but right now all I want to do is kiss you.”

  Her fingers curled into his shirt and she stared up into his gaze. “You do?” Her voice wasn’t much more than a whisper, her breath warm on his chin.

  “Tell me to let go, and I will.”

  * * *

  “PLEASE, DON’T.” MARLY clung to the man, her knees more like wet noodles, incapable of holding her up.

  He chuckled, his breath stirring the loose hairs around her face. “Don’t what? Don’t hold you like this?” He tightened his hand at the base of her back, pressing her body to his more firmly. “Or don’t let go?”

  She swept her tongue across her lips, afraid to voice what she wanted, but more afraid he’d take her silence as a rejection. “Don’t let go.” Marly leaned into him, reveling in the feel of his hard muscles beneath the crisp white shirt. She wanted to run her hands over his bare skin and inhale his masculine scent. He was intoxicating. If she didn’t watch out, she’d be drunk with her lust. And then what?

  Marly stilled her hands’ roving. “You should know something about me.” She had to say it. He might as well know.

  Pitbull stared down into her eyes. “What’s that?” He kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose and each cheek.

  Marly closed her eyes, loving the feel of his lips against her skin. “I’ve been around men all my life, but I’m not well versed in the art of seduction. I’ve been too busy to have a love life. I don’t know how to be feminine and girly. I’ve only been on a couple dates, and they were disasters.” She opened her eyes and grimaced. “What I’m trying to say is, I hope you’re not disappointed.”

  Pitbull lowered his head, taking her lips in a kiss that changed her world. Her insides exploded with sensations like she’d never felt before, sending electrical charges zipping through her veins and nerves. She couldn’t recall a time she’d had so little control of her reactions to another human being.

  Marly curled her hands around his neck, afraid that if she didn’t hold on, she’d melt to the floor, every bone in her body liquefying at his touch.

  When he traced the seam of her lips with his tongue, she opened to him on a soft gasp.

  His tongue swept past her teeth to tangle with hers, caressing, sliding in and out, warm, wet and tasting of the strawberry cheesecake from their dessert.

  Tentatively at first, she dared to meet his tongue with hers.

  His arms tightened around her and he stepped closer, their bodies now touching from shoulders to thighs. The heat generated between them eclipsed that of the lingering savanna warmth.

  Marly wanted to be even closer, but that could be accomplished only by being naked. She slipped her hands beneath the collar of his shirt, loving the feel of his skin and the sinewy muscles of his neck and shoulders.

  Pitbull’s hand at her back slipped beneath the edge of the low-back gown, sliding toward the rounded curve of her bottom.

  She tensed, unused to a man caressing her naked skin. He slowed his descent and held true, his fingers massaging, tempting, relaxing her until she sighed and once again leaned into him.

  When he finally lifted his head, he pressed his forehead to hers and removed his hand from beneath her dress. “You tempt me like no other.”

  Marly gave a shaky laugh, not quite sure how to respond. “Ditto,” she said, wishing she could dream up something hot and sexy to say in return. Hell, she wasn’t cut out for the mating rituals others were so much better at. Pitbull had to have been with a dozen women, all of whom likely had more experience in their little fingers than Marly had in her entire twenty-nine years of living.

  “Hey.” Pitbull tipped her chin up, forcing her to look into his eyes. The light from the moon shone down on his face, illuminating a concerned dent in his brow. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m not like other women,” she said tentatively.

  He laughed. “How so?”

  “I told you. I’m not experienced. I don’t know how to make you...” She shrugged, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

  “How to make me want you? How to make me long for another kiss? How to make me want to toss you over my shoulder and take you to my cabin for the night?” he offered.

  “Yes. That.” She stared up at him, wishing she knew any of the skills required in flirting.

  “Would it help to know I appreciate that you aren’t like other women? That I’m so turned on right now, it’s all I can do not to rip off your clothes and have you right here?” He set her away from him and ran a hand through his hair.

  Her insides hummed with the lingering effects of his kiss and the words he’d just said. “You want me?”

  He chuckled and pulled her close to him again. “You tell me.”

  This time she could feel the hard ridge beneath his trousers. Marly’s eyes widened. If she had the courage, she’d reach out and touch it. Alas, she didn’t know what was expected or considered acceptable on a first date. Yes, she’d dated. But not often enough to know all the rules and etiquette.

  Not that this had been their first date. But it had been their first kiss. This romance thing was confusing. She drew in a deep breath to steady herself and let it go, glancing up at Pitbull. “Where do we go from here?” With all her heart, she wanted him to say Back to my cabin.

  He cupped her cheeks and pressed a kiss to her forehead, then took a step backward, dropping his arms to his sides. “You’ll go to your room, and I’ll go to my cabin.”

  Marly frowned, disappointment like a knife in her gut. “Are you sure that’s where you want to go?”

  He shook his head. “Oh, hell no. But for now, it’ll have to do.” Pitbull jabbed a thumb to his chest and then pointed at her. “You and I are in two very different places in our lives. Not to mention, we’re usually separated by an ocean. Whatever this is...nothing will come of it.”

  “So?” Marly took a step forward. He wanted her. He’d said so in no uncertain terms. “What’s stopping us from being together now?”

  Again he shoved his hand through his hair. “Marly, you’re not the type of girl a man can make love to and leave. You deserve someone who will stick around and be there for you.”

  “What if I don’t want that?” Okay, so she didn’t know how to flirt. But she did know what she wanted.


  “You said you don’t know what you want,” he pointed out.

  “That’s not what I said. I said I didn’t have any experience in the lovemaking department.” She stopped when she got so close, she could feel the heat of his body without touching him. “What if I want you to teach me what I need to know?”

  Pitbull held up his hands. “If I were any other man, I’d take you up on it. But I can’t do that.”

  “Why?” She laid her hand on his chest and flicked a button open on his shirt. She wanted him so badly, she threw caution to the wind, took a deep breath and dove in. “No strings attached. I won’t expect you to fall in love with me or be there after you leave Africa.” She forced a saucy smile, cocked her brow and challenged him with a direct stare. All the while she quaked inside.

  “What do you have to lose?”

  Chapter Five

  Marly couldn’t believe the words coming out of her own mouth. Was this the same woman who’d just admitted she didn’t have experience in making love? She’d just handed him the proverbial key to her bedroom, giving him carte blanche, no strings attached. Holy hell! What was he waiting for?

  He raised his hands to grip her arms. “You don’t really want this.”

  Oh yes, she did. “No? In the short time since you met me, have you known me to say something I don’t mean?” She flicked another button on his shirt.

  His chest rose and fell on a deeply inhaled breath, and then he caught her wrist in his hand. “No. Not like this.”

  The wind left her sails and she stepped back, pulling free of his grasp, her entire body flushed with the warmth of embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I told you I wasn’t good at this.” She turned and walked several steps away. “You’re right. We should go our separate ways and forget what just happened.”

  Most likely, Pitbull wouldn’t even think about the fiery kiss ever again, unless he was telling the story about the bush pilot who’d given a pathetic woman’s imitation of seduction. His teammates would get a great laugh out of that one.

  “Marly.” Pitbull’s deep voice sounded directly behind her, and he reached out to touch her shoulder.

  She shook it off and took another step away from him. “Really, you should go play pool with your friends, or go back to your cabin. Alone.”

  “I’m not leaving until you’re safely inside the house.”

  “Talia said they never had wild animals in the walled garden.” She waved toward the ten-foot-high brick-and-stucco wall. “I’ll be fine.”

  Pitbull made no move to leave.

  Marly spun on the high-heeled sandals Talia had loaned her and nearly fell. Gathering as much dignity as she could after wobbling on her feet, she lifted her chin and said, “Please, just go.” She turned away and started for the rose arbor.

  A low, throaty growl rumbled in the shadows, bringing her to a grinding stop.

  Marly froze, her heart skipping several beats before racing ahead, pounding against her rib cage. Had she imagined the sound?

  “Marly,” Pitbull said in a low, ultracalm tone. “Don’t turn around. Back up one step at a time, slowly.”

  “You heard it, too?” she whispered.


  With fear tempting her to spin and run, she let Pitbull’s voice fill her senses, his calm, reassuring tone wrapping around her like a shield. She took a step backward, then another.

  The shadows in front of her shifted, and a pair of eyes appeared and blinked. Another throaty growl made Marly freeze again.

  “I’m coming to you,” Pitbull said. “Don’t stop.”

  “If I move, he might jump on me,” Marly said, her voice low and scared. She could barely breathe for the fear seizing her chest.

  A hand slipped around her waist and pulled her backward, behind Pitbull’s large, brawny body.

  As the animal separated from the shadows, Marly gasped. “It’s a leopard.”

  “Shh. He’s coming toward us.” Pitbull stood in the cat’s path, shielding Marly.

  “What are you going to do?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. This is my first time in a face-off with a wild animal.”

  “Well, you can’t sacrifice yourself. Let’s move toward the house.” She hooked her hand into the back of his trousers’ waistband and tugged him backward toward the house.

  The faster they moved the quicker the leopard followed, emitting another low growl.

  Pitbull planted his feet in the gravel path. “He might think we’re running away. Running will only make him chase us. You get to the house and alert the guys. I’ll block the leopard and keep him from coming after you.”

  “I’m not leaving you to die.” Marly tried to step around him. “Let me block him while you go for help. You’re not wearing heels and can get there and back faster. And, if I need to, I’ll shed these heels and run.”

  While they stood arguing about who should go, the leopard stalked toward them, closing the distance a step at a time.

  When he was within leaping distance, Pitbull balled his fists and sank into a fighting stance.

  “Seriously, Pitbull? What are you going to do? Punch it in the face?”

  “I didn’t bring my rifle. Do you have any other ideas?”

  The leopard sank into a crouching position, its eyes narrowing.

  Marly wanted to throw herself in front of Pitbull, but he had her pinned behind him with one arm while preparing to throw a punch with the other.

  Bracing herself for the attack, Marly was surprised when the leopard rose to all fours and walked toward them, seemingly calm. As he approached Pitbull’s legs, he leaned forward and sniffed.

  Pitbull and Marly remained still, not moving or talking.

  The big cat slinked closer and rubbed his cheek on the side of Pitbull’s pants, making a rumbling sound like a muffled motor.

  “Is that cat purring?” Marly asked.

  “I sure hope so,” Pitbull said.

  “Mr. Wiggins!” a female voice said from behind Marly. “Oh, dear. There you are.”

  Marly glanced back over her shoulder to see Talia standing in the open doorway of the house. “Is Mr. Wiggins bothering you two?” she called out. “He has a habit of hiding when new guests arrive. I’ve been looking all over for him.”

  “You mean he’s not wild?” Marly asked, her voice shaking.

  Talia laughed. “Yes and no. Yes, he’s a wild animal, but no, we raised him from a cub. His mother was killed by poachers. He would have died had we not taken him in.”

  Mr. Wiggins rubbed against Pitbull’s leg, then Marly’s, and finally headed toward Talia.

  She leaned down and scratched the big guy beneath the chin. “I’m sorry. I should have warned you. He’s fairly harmless.”

  Marly laughed, the sound wobblier than she would have liked. “Fairly?”

  “Oh, you know, he’s big enough to knock someone down when he’s playing.”

  No, Marly didn’t know, but she’d take Talia’s word for it.

  Pitbull took her hand, pulled her against his side and faced Talia. “Thank you for clarifying.”

  Talia straightened, her eyebrows rising. “You didn’t think... Oh, I really am sorry. How disconcerting to see a wild leopard coming out of the rosebushes when I’d said the garden was perfectly safe.” She waved them toward the house. “Come in and let me get you a drink.”

  Pitbull shook his head. “No, thank you. We came out to enjoy the stars and roses.” He tightened his hold on Marly. “Unless you want to go in.”

  She shook her head. “No, I’d like to see those roses we came out to enjoy.”

  “Then don’t let me and Mr. Wiggins keep you.” Talia bent to the big cat. “You’re so very naughty. Get in here.” She held the door for Mr. Wiggins. Once his six-foot-long body passed through, she had to wait for the three feet of tail to clear before she could close the door.

  Finally alone again, Ma
rly glanced up at Pitbull and burst out laughing.

  He chuckled slowly at first, then laughed louder along with her.

  The sexually charged, tense mood of earlier had passed, along with the fear of being ripped apart by a wild beast.

  Pitbull held out a hand. “Let’s see those roses.”

  She placed her palm in his and they walked through the garden in companionable silence.

  Marly found herself chuckling again.

  “What’s so funny?” Pitbull asked.

  She shook her head. “I really thought Mr. Wiggins was going to have us for a snack.”

  “You and me both.” Pitbull stopped in the archway of a rose-laden arbor. He pulled her into his arms, his hands resting at the small of her back. “I didn’t want it to end that way between us.”

  “You and me both,” she repeated and looked up into his eyes. “You were right, though.” She cupped his cheek.

  “I was?”

  “Yes.” She brushed a thumb across his lips. “Anything between us would never last.”

  “It really is too bad.” He captured her hand in his and brought it to his lips. “I like the way you laugh.”

  Her breath caught as he pressed his lips to her fingertips. “And I like the way you kiss.” She sighed. No use dragging it out any longer than they already had. “Well, I guess it’s time to call it a night.” She leaned up on her toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you for the walk in the garden.”

  Before he could stop her, she pulled free of his grip and hurried back to the house. In the back of her mind, Marly pictured her exit another way. She imagined Pitbull running after her, telling her that he couldn’t let their passion end so abruptly and he wanted her to be a permanent part of his life.

  But he didn’t. She entered the house, wishing for something she knew would never happen. Her best course of action would be to steer clear of the SEAL, get her plane fixed and get on with her life.

  Her cold, lonely life.


  Wow. She’d never thought of it that way before she met Pitbull. Now she couldn’t think of it any other way.

  * * *


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