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Handcuffs and Lace: By the Balls

Page 6

by Mia Watts

  “Because we take our jobs seriously.”

  “I’m serious about taking my job seriously, too. Right now, that’s to have you shoot your load down my throat.”

  Nathan stilled, temporarily enraptured by the thought of getting sucked off by the gruff suspect. Every ragged inch of the beefcake leaning over him was set to seduce him, and Nathan wasn’t entirely convinced it was a bad idea. A rookie lapse of judgment could explain why he still hadn’t answered Trick’s taunt. Maybe that would be the answer he gave the bosses when his report was filed tomorrow.

  Sounded plausible.

  Who was he kidding? It wasn’t even remotely plausible. Nathan opened his mouth in a valiant effort to protest, but all he managed was a long groan as Trick pulled off Nathan’s underwear and began sensuously thumbing Nathan’s balls. All of his logic, every thought about protesting, every iota that his current actions could affect his long-term promotion goals were held in the palm of Trick’s roughened hand.

  “You were going to say?” Trick asked.

  Nathan should care more. He should’ve stopped him. His cock didn’t think for him, and yet the ticklish trail of lips across his collarbone, the rasp of stubble over his right nipple, seemed a thousand times more important just then, than any complaint he could muster. If the senior agent didn’t care, should he?

  Nathan dropped his head back to the mattress. “You win.”

  “I don’t want to win.”

  “Then what do you want?” Nathan asked, feeling the last of his dignity slide away.

  “I want you to say you want me.”

  “Is this a mind game?” Nathan didn’t think it mattered at this point. Trick’s mouth and curious hands made the whole situation rosier than it had been minutes ago.

  “No game. I just want consent,” Trick murmured, lapping his tongue over Nathan’s nipple.

  “You have it.”

  “How much consent? Kissing and touching, sucking you off,” he began, giving Nathan’s cock a gentle squeeze, “or full penetration?” At the last, he trailed a finger over Nathan’s anus.

  Nathan shuddered. “All of it.”

  “Like the bar?”

  Nathan’s gaze met his. Trick’s expression laid open to him. There was no malice, no trickery, nothing that hinted at having one up on a federal agent, just heat.

  “I liked the bar,” Nathan answered. “I liked this afternoon. Use me, because if history repeats, I’m going to like that a whole lot more.”

  “No,” Trick murmured, dropping a kiss on Nathan’s lips. “I won’t use you. I may not know how to define what’s going on here, but it’s better than that.”

  Nathan looked away. Trick’s words made him think too closely about having more of him. If he kept Trick in a little box, he could put it away when the case was over. He could relegate it to something stupid he did while he was on the job. He’d never have to evaluate it, explain it to himself or treat it as anything more than a fuck he once had with some guy.

  “I’m going for full-on lifetime memory making here,” Trick said with a grin. “I’m not going to let you forget me. You don’t think I know what that look in your eyes means?” He snorted humorlessly. “You’re wrong. I know. I invented that look, and I just decided I don’t like it.”

  With a sucking opened-mouth kiss, Trick branded Nathan’s neck with a purple mark. Nathan should’ve stopped him. Instead he arched into it, feeling a sizzle of hot-thrill make its way through every cell in his body.

  “Don’t be a fool,” Nathan rasped. “It’s not like this is going to keep going after you’re turned in.”

  “Maybe not, but you won’t forget tonight.”

  Trick pressed kisses down the middle of Nathan’s unhaired chest, nipping the place where bone gave way to softer flesh. He chuckled when Nathan inhaled sharply. Trick wedged himself between Nathan’s thighs, settling in as he continued his oral exploration. The weight of his body pressed intimately against Nathan’s groin, and he couldn’t resist the urge to push his hips into Trick’s furred, ungiving chest.

  “I’ll get there,” Trick assured him, humor lacing his words.

  “Not fast enough.”

  “Eager? Seconds ago you thought this might be a bad idea,” Trick reminded him.

  “I still think it’s a bad idea.”

  “I could stop.”

  Nathan groaned. “That would suck.”

  “Suck? You mean like this?” Trick asked, placing another purple mark on the inside of Nathan’s hip bone.

  “A little to the right and down would be better,” Nathan countered.

  Trick sank lower. He nuzzled Nathan’s balls and pressed his lips to the loose skin. “Here then.”

  Baritone vibrations sent shockwaves of pleasure from Nathan’s balls and up his cock. He bit back another long groan. He twisted against the cuffs, wishing his hands were clasped on Trick’s scalp instead of empty air and poorly crafted furniture.

  His skin rose goose bumps of anticipation and suddenly his balls were swept into a hot, wet mouth with a flicking tongue.

  “Oh God.” Nathan’s voice broke.

  Trick pushed a hand up Nathan’s belly to flatten over his heart. Pre-cum leaked from Nathan’s shaft on every gentle draw and he clenched his ass in an effort to hold onto the flood gates of orgasm. In every instance of his experience with Trick, Nathan had come hard and fast. He was little better than a pubescent kid when it came to holding out and taking his time. Trick did that to him and while it was exhilarating, it was also a bit embarrassing.

  Fortunately, he held this time. His eyes watered, his jaw clenched until it ached, his ass felt like a Charlie horse was developing in one cheek, but he held his load through the exquisite skill of Trick’s attentive mouth.

  Trick let the aching package slip from his lips. “Well, Agent Rohn, it looks like I truly have you by the balls.”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time,” he rasped.

  Trick steadied Nathan’s cock. “So pretty.”

  “Don’t start offending my dick.”

  “You don’t think you have a pretty cock?”

  Nathan tried to look down at him. It wasn’t the best angle to see well, but Trick’s weathered face and hard angled features studiously examining Nathan’s penis from inches away like it was a jewel, made him crazy with need. His shaft gleamed pale and smooth on the backdrop of Trick’s scarred scalp and deep lines that would become craggy with further aging.

  “See?” Trick murmured. “Pretty.”

  “Next to your ugly mug, it’s fucking gorgeous.”

  Trick grinned, his midnight eyes flashing with amusement. His gaze held Nathan’s as Trick dragged the flat of his tongue up the underside of Nathan’s cock. Nathan gasped and shuddered.

  “God, even your tongue is rough.”

  When Trick got to the top, he wrapped his lips around it and sucked off the moisture. “Mm.”

  It was the slowest the man had moved to this point. He seemed to be making an effort to bring Nathan to the very edge of his sanity. The slow trace of Trick’s tongue along the underside of his cock rim, the way he flickered on the tender triangle of flesh where the rim parted into lobes, was done with extreme care.

  Trick pressed his knuckle into the base between the shaft and Nathan’s balls. He worked it carefully, massaging hidden nerves. Nerves that Nathan hadn’t paid attention to, not realizing that he’d been missing out.

  “You’re killing me,” Nathan complained, canting his hips to give Trick better access.

  Trick winked at him, opened his mouth in a tight oh, and swallowed Nathan’s cock.

  “Sonofa—” Nathan yelped. His senses swam, unable to settle on one aspect of what Trick did to him.

  Too much stimulation divided his attention. Like a maelstrom throwing him around in its grasp, Trick worked Nathan’s cock, knuckled the base, and thumbed his balls. Just when Nathan thought he had the pattern figured, Trick’s thumb dipped lower, pushing into Nathan’s hole with short
punches and withdrawals.

  Nathan’s skin burned hot and cold. His wrists pinched painfully. He didn’t care about any of it. He was swirling deep into the whirlpool with no hope of escape, and no desire to be saved.

  Trick took him deep, swallowing around the shaft as he pushed his thumb into the hole hard and nudged the hidden prostate.

  Nathan howled. Raw senses clawed at his composure like wild animals, leaving him shredded as the storm tore them free and tossed them into the depths of blissful orgasm. Trick took it all, swallowing around the spurting eruption with ease, then cleaning him off when Nathan stopped bucking.

  “Nicely done,” Trick murmured.

  Nathan stared at him, simply in awe and gasping for breath after the wild ride.

  Trick lifted his brows innocently, as though it were a believable look on him. He thumbed moisture off the corner of his mouth and heaved himself to his knees. His thighs parted and the biggest dick Nathan had ever seen in real life, rose like a pylon between Trick’s legs.

  “Holy fuck,” Nathan rasped feeling more than a little panic.

  “It’s gonna hurt.”

  “Maybe we should wait until there’s lube nearby.” Nathan’s voice cracked.

  “Why do you think I was working your hole?”


  Trick threw back his head and laughed. “Yeah, okay, some of that too. There’s soap. I’ll make sure I lather up.”

  He hopped off the bed and paraded naked to the sink. The condom Trick rolled on didn’t go all the way down and his dick almost looked strangled by the meager latex covering.

  Nathan twisted to get a better look.

  The man lathered up his hands and worked it over the condom. Nathan watched in fascination. Trick continued to work the lather as he returned.

  “This isn’t the best thing for latex, but it’ll work for tonight,” Trick told him. As soon as he got back to the bed, he pushed Nathan’s legs wide, lifted his hips and parted his cheeks.

  “If this kills me, tell my mom the will is in my safety deposit box at the bank.” Nathan licked his lips nervously.

  “Relax. You can take it, you’ve done it before. Your hole is nice and ready.”

  Nathan squeezed his eyes shut as Trick positioned himself. The blunt tip of his cock bumped Nathan’s anus.


  It was Nathan’s only warning before the bigger man pushed in. He took his time, waited for Nathan to adjust. He felt stretched, full, and dear lord it was likely Trick could give him a tonsillectomy from this end, but he finally felt Trick’s fingers where Trick held the base of his own cock and the condom in place.

  Nathan’s legs lay across Trick’s thighs. Trick leaned over him in a move that both positioned his ass at its widest and angled each move to hit the prostate to its best advantage. When Trick finally leaned on his one available arm and began moving inside him, Nathan thought he might swallow his own tongue for the sheer speechless thrill.

  Trick kissed him. His lips plied him tenderly though his hips picked up the pace until Nathan could do little more than cling to the headboard, wrap his legs around Trick’s ass and hang on for dear life.

  Trick’s thrust became more urgent. Nathan moaned surprised that he could take and want more still.

  “Harder,” Nathan whispered against Trick’s ear.

  Trick let go of his cock, but took care not to thrust any deeper than he had been or risk losing the condom. He could hardly believe the request he’d been given. Used to taking it easy on his lovers, he’d never been asked to risk hurting his partners more. Yet Nathan seemed as dizzy with passion as he felt.

  He pushed in roughly. Nathan groaned but he seemed to enjoy it. Trick had taken special care to make the experience as pleasurable as possible. He wanted this one to remember him. It mattered. He’d never cared what someone thought of him afterward. They were faces and darkened-room fucks that took care of need, based on little more than Trick’s attraction to them, and their curiosity about getting fucked by him.

  They’d all complained about the sting. They’d all whined, and he’d been careful with them too. He’d never sunk completely inside someone, but he suspected that if the condom weren’t a concern, Nathan would have let him.

  A shiver of unexplainable pleasure wormed its way through him. He wanted that. He wanted the opportunity to take Nathan body and soul with everything Trick was. The truth of it and the full extent of himself. This wasn’t the time or the place, but the knowledge that a man existed who not only wanted him, but remained unafraid and uncomplaining broke a dam inside him. It opened the floodgates of possibility. Could Nathan accept him for who he really was? Was this just a lay for him, or could his willingness to accept Trick and trust him be the tip of the iceberg for other things Nathan would accept? Could Trick even test that theory successfully?

  Did they actually have a chance worth exploring?

  He pushed the thoughts away. They were a temptation he didn’t have the luxury of delving into. He knew he wasn’t the gay man standard for attractive. There was nothing metro-sexual about him. If anything he was a bear of a man who looked like he’d been beaten with the forging hammer that had made him.

  He wasn’t gentle or funny. He couldn’t be accused of being a family man either, never having had a family to be a man for. He’d also never been a relationship guy, because men who fucked him wanted to experience his cock, or say they’d had him. They didn’t look at him for someone to stick around and make a life with.

  This one though, the man beneath him who panted with pleasure and begged him for all that Trick had, he was the forever kind. What the hell was the forever kind doing, letting a guy like Trick fuck him? The world had tipped on its head. And the chances of finding hope with a forever guy, suddenly dwindled to nothing in the light of his current lie.

  Unless he was one of those relationship men who wanted a fling before he settled down. Because those were the only times Trick had been with men like him.

  Nathan’s mouth opened wordlessly. Trick’s attention riveted there, imagining his cock pounding that sweet spot too. Legs tightened around his hips, pulling him in and it was everything Trick could do to keep from giving in to the sweet desire to push fully inside.

  Nathan’s firm body gloved Trick’s cock on each thrust and draw. Sweat broke out on Trick’s temples and his arms began to tremble. He wanted to hold off, to brand the man he fucked as deeply as Nathan had managed to brand him.

  It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be a moment of getting laid with a guy who wanted to get laid. Sex was sex. That’s all it was. That’s all it was. That’s all it was, he repeated to himself with each thrust. Just bodies. Just sex. Just cock. Just cum. Just—damn it all!

  Trick’s hips jerked and he shouted as he came, spurting hard and deep while Nathan’s body wrenched ecstasy from him.

  Nathan bellowed too. Moisture oozed between them, proof that his little lover had managed to come again.

  Fuck, he wished he’d seen that. The gift that kept on giving.

  Trick held the condom as he withdrew, then went to the sink area to throw it away and clean off. He brought back a wet cloth and cleaned Nathan’s body. Then, with a touch of regret for the symbolism of letting Nathan go, he put the cuff key to the lock and opened the restraints.

  Chapter Seven

  Nathan’s arms fell to his sides like jelly. His muscles burned and ticked. Naked, spent, Trick dropped to the mattress beside him.

  “Was it good for you?” Trick snapped.

  Nathan blinked, confused at the annoyance in the other man’s voice. He rallied his strength and rolled to his side. “What the fuck?”

  Trick didn’t meet his eyes. “You came twice. I’m assuming you worked out all your latent curiosity about gay mob men?”

  “You came too. I trust you satisfied whatever burning desire you had to ram an FBI agent up the ass?”

  A smile twitched the other man’s lips. Good, now they
both sounded ridiculous but at least they were grinning. He wanted to tell the oaf that he’d been amazing, inspiring even. If they’d been laying in his bed at home having done all that after a date, Nathan would’ve made sure the guy knew how much he’d appreciated the extra effort he’d seen in Trick. He’d kiss him all over, fondle him, rub his thighs and sprawl across his massive chest.

  He’d probably even say sappy shit like, “You were fantastic,” and “My, what a big cock you have,” and they’d joke about Nathan being the wolf and eating him. Then he’d waddle—because, seriously? Walking?—to the kitchen to make them both a sandwich, which would seem like the next thing to do.

  And at home they’d cuddle, naked, and put their palms up like they were measuring their hands and Nathan would playfully tug on Trick’s chest hair until Trick had no choice but to kiss him into submission. Then they’d fall asleep together. He’d wake Trick up with a blow job, and Trick would pull at the sheets, trying to stay still, and he’d use some of Trick’s techniques on the man just to show him just how fucking amazing he’d been.

  But that was at home. And this wasn’t even close to that. His smile faded.

  This was a seedy motel room five hours outside of Quantico. And Trick wasn’t that guy. He was a mobster with dead bodies in his past who was being brought in as an informant, and a thousand other lovers he’d fucked because he’d liked them and not because they were agents who posed a challenge to his personal scoring system.

  “Yeah, it was good,” Nathan said.

  He dropped onto his back and stared at the popcorn ceiling as though it held answers. And that’s when the self-recrimination started. He closed his eyes on a disgusted sigh. A convict had made him feel this way. A convict had blinded him into romantic thoughts and notions of lazy evenings. God, Nathan was a fucking moron.

  He sat up, crawled off the bed with a wince and collected the discarded clothes. He tossed Trick’s at him, and silently pulled his own on. “When you’re dressed, go to the bathroom.”


  Trick sounded about as dead as Nathan felt inside. He’d half-expected Trick to sweet-talk him into staying free, or promise future sexual favors for the chance at getting away. Trick didn’t do any of that. He went to the bathroom, washed up and sat at the headboard the way he’d been when diNossi left. He didn’t flinch when Nathan cuffed him to the headboard. He didn’t comment when Nathan put the key across the room on the dresser either.


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