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Totally Rocked? (The Next Generation Series Book 3)

Page 5

by K E Osborn

  “Okay, time to go,” Danger says and then moves forward and grabs my shoulders turning me around and helping me walk toward the door. I mentally slap myself in the forehead for not being able to walk out myself. He must think I’m a right git! We get to the door and he turns me back around to face him. I stumble slightly on the spot and he chuckles and catches me.

  “You’re adorable, Ella, you could get me in a lot of trouble. Your dad is an issue. I don’t know how I’m going to work that one. I respect him you know, but you, there’s something about you sugar that makes me want to taste every inch of you. So don’t go throwing yourself at other guys, okay? Save yourself for me. I need a sugar fix and I will get it, but we need to do this slowly. I need to stay on Colt’s good side, but I also need to feel your sweet side, if you know what I mean?” he whispers. “Just be a good girl and wait for me. Don’t give yourself out and hold out for me, it’ll be worth the wait. I promise, okay?” he asks and then looks down the hall each way checking to make sure no one is coming. I look too and no one is there, so he grabs my cheeks with his hands and pulls my face in line with his forcefully but not painfully, it just takes me by surprise. I look into his eyes and he smiles.

  “Let’s see if you taste as sweet as you look?” he asks and then he forces his lips to mine. I open my eyes wide as his lips claim mine passionately. His tongue presses against my lips and I’ve never done this before so I don’t know what I’m doing, but I open my lips and let his tongue enter my mouth. His tongue moves around with mine. I slowly relax my body and enjoy the kiss. My body tingles all over and I feel like I’m shaking as my stomach flutters making me feel dizzy. It’s only a second later that I realise there’s a cold spot every now and then touching my tongue and wonder what it is. Then it clicks, he must have a tongue ring. I’m relaxing more and more and suddenly I comprehend just how much I’m enjoying this intimacy. My body is tingling and my knees are shaking as I run my fingers up his arms and my hands rest on his bulging biceps. He kisses me vigorously, and I like the control he has over the kiss. I have nothing to compare it to, but I’m pretty sure this is a pretty amazing first kiss. It has me weak at the knees and my heart is pounding so rapidly and my stomach is fluttering so forcefully, I almost feel sick. Finally, I close my eyes while running a hand up into the back of his hair bringing him closer. I move in further so our bodies are touching and he grinds into me and suddenly I feel a sensation between my legs that I haven’t felt this intensely before.

  I want him, of that I am sure. This is the best first kiss ever! Just as I feel like I’m losing all my breath, he slowly pulls back and leans his forehead against mine.

  “Super sweet,” he says and then smiles stepping back from me breaking all contact. I smile feeling completely giddy and he nods and closes the green room door.

  I furrow my brows and tilt my head wondering why the hell he just closed the door like that?

  “What the fuck was that?” I whisper while standing in the hallway completely turned on and completely breathlessly bereft. I lean against the wall opposite the door and just stare at it for a second trying to figure out if he’ll come back out, but there’s no movement at all just a closed door. I shake my head and touch my bottom lip which is slightly swollen from the intense kissing.

  I hear footsteps and I notice Chad walking down the hall toward me.


  I’ll get a male perspective on things.


  He smiles as he looks up from his phone. “Hey, red sauce, how you doing? You okay? You look a little flushed?”

  I walk with him toward the Staked green room. “Stop with the condiment name calling,” I say and he chuckles and shakes his head.

  “Not gonna happen, Cajun pepper,” he says and I roll my eyes and shake my head.

  “That’s not even a condiment, that’s a spice,” I say and he shrugs and smiles at me brightly which sets my stomach butterflies into motion.

  I wonder why they’re off again?

  “Anyway I want your advice,” I ask as we make our way into the green room and sit on the lounge suite.

  “Sure sweet chili, fire away,” he says turning his body toward mine and resting his hand on my knee in a show of support and comfort. Which sets my butterflies off, again.

  “Okay, so Danger kissed me,” I blurt out and Chad’s face tightens, he looks like he’s in pain. I furrow my brows as he takes his hand from my knee and wraps his arms around his chest tightly.

  “Right, okay,” he says and takes a deep breath.

  “So…I…ah, was wondering why after kissing me so passionately would he shut the door in my face?”

  “What? So he kissed you and then just closed the door?”

  “Well, he said super sweet and then just backed away and closed the door. I know he had stuff to do, but he could’ve said goodbye or I’ll see you later, right? I’m not being silly here, am I?” I ask and Chad shakes his head.

  “Ella the guys a douche for doing that. If I were to…I mean if a guy were to kiss you then he should spend time with you and show you that he cares, not shut the door in your face. I’d take that action as a hint Ella, he only wants one thing.”

  I bite my bottom lip and exhale. “But what if he really likes me and was just busy?”

  “Well, that might be a possibility, but if it happens again, then I’d take it as a warning sign. I mean seriously though Ella, Danger? He’s a dick! You could do way better than him,” Chad says and I laugh.

  “Chad, Danger is mysterious and sexy as hell. He has an aura about him that I can’t seem to stop staring at, there’s something about him. He’s magnificent,” I gush. Chad slumps back and stares up at the ceiling looking disappointed, but at what I don’t know.

  “You okay?” I ask and he glances at me and nods.

  “Yeah, just trying to figure my life out,” he says.

  “Aren’t we all,” I reply and lean into him for a hug. His body is tense as I hug him, so I squeeze him tighter.

  “Hug me dick,” I demand teasingly.

  He chuckles and embraces me back hesitantly. I’m not sure why he doesn’t want to hug me right now. Usually, he squeezes me to death with his hugs. I pull back and look at him and I can see the sadness in his eyes.

  “You’re a great friend you know that?” I say and he huffs and nods.

  “Yup, I’m a great friend, always have been probably always will be,” he says and I sense some sarcasm in his tone and I don’t understand why, but I let it slide.

  “Yes, you always will be. I can’t imagine my life without you, you know that?”

  He lets out a small chuckle and kisses the top of my head.

  “Well, mustard, I can’t imagine my life without you either. I really wouldn’t want to, you mean too much to me,” he says and I poke him in the ribs and smirk.

  “You getting all mushy and sentimental on me, buttercup?” I say and he laughs and squeezes me harder.

  “Yeah, something like that. I just don’t want to see you getting hurt is all,” he says taking my silly mood back to serious.

  “I’m a big girl, Chad. I don’t think this flirtation with Danger is going to hurt me. I mean it was only a kiss, and really he was probably really busy with the band and that’s why he shut the door. I’m just being a girl and over-thinking things, like us girls tend to do.”

  He huffs as I sit up and detach myself from him. “I don’t know, Ella. I’d be careful around him. He’s certainly not the type I’d picture you being with. I mean you’re so beautiful and innocent and he’s…well, he has that bad boy rocker look down pat. I just don’t want to see you end up in a pit of despair like Annie is, I couldn’t handle you both being miserable.”

  “I know, but this thing with Danger is just that, a thing. It’s not even a thing, it’s just a flirtation, so nothing for you to be worried about. I mean it’s not like he’s going to be proposing to me anytime soon or anything. You have nothing to be concerned about, Chad,” I say
and he furrows his forehead like he’s actually worrying.

  “Well, as long as it stays a flirtation and you don’t actually marry the guy I’ll be happy. You don’t belong with him, Ella—”

  “You don’t know that! How could you possibly know that?”

  He looks right at me and the mood in the room shifts, tension fills the air and he moves like he’s in discomfort which is displayed even more in his eyes.

  “I just think you belong with someone more suited to you is all. I’ve known you your whole life, Ella. I know you way better than he ever could, and I can tell who the right kind of guy for you is. That guy is not Danger.”

  “Okay then, who is the right guy for me, huh? ‘Cause I don’t see any other options around here for me, do you?”

  He jolts his head back a bit like he’s shocked at my words and then he looks to the floor and swallows hard biting his bottom lip. “Look you wanted my advice, don’t beat me up for giving you my honest opinion.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. Danger winds me up and I don’t know why?” I say honestly hoping he’ll understand. He looks up at me and there’s a glint in his eyes that makes me think he’s truly sad right now.

  “All I want Ella, is for you to be happy. If you think Danger will give you that, then go for it, but just think about your options. Sometimes things are right in front of you and you can’t even see them,” he says cryptically. I crease my brows and nod even though I have no idea what he’s talking about.

  “Okay. I’m sorry for annoying you, though.”

  He wraps his arm around my shoulders again and pulls me into his side embracing me tightly. “It’s okay. I’m always here for you. Even when you piss me off, I will be here for you,” he says and then squeezes my shoulder for comfort.

  I’m at the after party in Belfast and Dad is busy doing some press stuff with Slayed, so it’s just Staked and Recoil at the party right now. After my chat with Chad earlier, he’s been by my side for most of the night and it’s been nice having him with me. My tummy has been doing summersaults all night, but I think it’s because I’ve been thinking about Danger, and about being at the after party with him. Especially considering he said we would catch up here tonight in his green room today. But so far I haven’t seen much of him. I saw him across the room, but he didn’t make a move to come across to me. He was talking to his PR manager and Ryan, so I left him to it.

  I’m standing at the bar in the VIP room next to Chad and Caleb who are talking about the importance of beer in today’s society, or some crap, as I watch Danger from across the room like some stalker. The way his vest clings to his stomach so tightly gripping onto his sculptured abs underneath is making me drool. Lucky we’re at a venue and not in a club because the lighting is really efficient and I can see him well. The trouble is anyone can see me stalking him, but I don’t care. I stand leaning against the makeshift bar and twirl a strand of my long blonde hair around my pointer finger and imagine all the crazy and adventurous things he could be doing to me against this very bar. A pair of fingers clicks in front of my face bringing me back into reality.

  “Ella, earth to Ella,” Caleb says and I look sideways to him and Chad.

  “Huh?” I ask and Caleb laughs.

  “You wanna juice? Or a coke? Water?” Caleb asks and I shake my head and smile.


  He laughs. “Nice try princess, not till you’re eighteen,” he says and I pout.

  “Was worth a try,” I reply.

  He chuckles and orders juice from the bartender for me instead. I hate being underage and I hate that I’m the only one left in the band who is underage. I’m lucky they even let me into these after parties. It’s only because I’m with the band that I get special privileges. Aston walks in, his face shows me his despair. He comes over and stands next to me.

  “Hey Ast, how you doing?” I ask and he shrugs.

  “I’m okay, just feel a little helpless at the moment.”

  I wrap my arm around his shoulder and cuddle into his body. I feel so sorry for him. I wish my sister would see sense. I wish she’d come out to the after parties, but instead she goes straight back to our room after the concerts and mopes.

  “I just wish there was something I could say or do to help make Annie feel better. I mean, I know I see her every day, but I miss her like crazy. Does that make sense?” he says and I purse my lips and nod.

  “Yeah, makes perfect sense. I miss her too, Ast. I miss my fun and happy sister, but hopefully soon she’ll realise what a massive mistake she’s making. Don’t worry, I’ll keep working on her,” I tell him and Caleb slaps his back and Chad half smiles.

  “We’re all here for you, mate. We know Annie is going through something, but we’re here for you too. We love you both,” Chad says and I smile looking at him with kind eyes. I love how even though Chad is usually the joker and he likes to make light of every situation, he can surprise me sometimes and say just the right thing.

  “Thanks, guys, I think I’m going to call it a night, I’ll see you on the jet tomorrow,” Aston says and I squeeze him tightly. He kisses my temple and then he walks off leaving the rest of us looking at each other.

  “This is shit,” I say and Caleb nods.

  “Yep,” Caleb answers and takes a sip of his beer.

  “Love will find a way, it always does,” Chad says and Caleb and I look at each other and then at Chad and smirk.

  “That’s very insightful,” I say.

  “Yeah, read it in a fortune cookie,” he replies and I laugh. My skin begins to prickle and my pulse starts to race a little faster. I turn my head to see Danger heading my way. I stand a little taller and smile as he comes over.

  “Sugar, you’re looking rather sweet tonight, I need a fix,” he says and then steps up to me, grabs my waist, a hand on either side pulling me to him forcefully so our bodies are flush together. Then he leans down and places his lips on mine. I’m taken aback by his show of possessiveness in front of Chad and Caleb. But as his tongue slides into my mouth my knees begin to wobble and I wrap my arms around his neck for support, clinging onto him for dear life, but mainly because I want to be as close to him as possible. A surge runs right through me from the tips of my toes to the ends of my hair vibrating through every atom making me feel more alive than ever. Kissing Danger is something amazing that I’ve never experienced before, and as the cool metal of his pierced tongue massages against my tongue the sensation is making me lightheaded all over again.

  I hear someone clearing their throat and then before I have time to register, Danger is pulling away from me and looking at Chad who seems so pissed off it’s not funny. His nostrils are flaring and his face is red as he glares at Danger with his chest heaving.

  What’s that about?

  Danger looks at Chad, then back to me and smiles. “Still as sweet as ever,” he says and then licks his lips taking a step back. He takes my hand in his and glances sideways at Chad with a smirk. I’m still trying to catch my breath while I’m reeling from that kiss while Chad looks at me and then back to Danger and shakes his head.

  “Chad,” Caleb says. Chad shakes his head again and walks off.

  I furrow my brows and look at Caleb, who shrugs and takes a sip of his beer looking away from me and Danger, seemingly not interested.

  “Why was Aston all over you?” Danger asks and I raise my eyebrow at his absurd question.

  “Huh?” I ask confused.

  “You guys were hugging before, are you a thing? Did he move from one sister to the next?” he asks and I pull my hand from his and glare.

  “Oh my God, no! Why would you think that?”

  His intense glare softens and he takes my hand back in his again and rubs his thumb over my skin softly and it soothes my nerves slightly.

  “Sorry sugar, just seeing another guy touching you, it…well, it made me…not angry as such…but it made me need to be near you.”

  I smirk and raise my eyebrow. “You were j
ealous?” I ask and he grins.

  “I don’t like the word jealous,” he says and I smile and nod. “Dance?”

  I look back at Caleb and he smirks and nods. I’m not sure why I was looking at him for permission, but I’m glad he gave it. Danger doesn’t wait for me to answer and drags me out onto the dance floor and then pulls me against him holding my waist against his body tightly. Feeling his tight sculptured body pressed firmly against mine is giving me goose bumps, but I’m so glad right now that he’s holding me this way. It feels right, and right now at this moment, I never want him to let me go.

  He starts to move our bodies together with the music and I move my arms up to wrap around his neck and tangle my fingers into the bottom of his hair. He smiles and I return the smile as that energy flows between us. He looks at me like he’s savouring every inch of me and I love the way he does that. I’ve never seen anyone look at me the way Danger is right now and I know that this tour is going to be the first of many firsts for me.

  “You’re something pretty unique you know that sugar?” he says finally breaking the beautiful silence.

  I raise an eyebrow and smile. “Unique, how so?”

  “You’re so delicate and beautiful, so innocent, and yet there’s bravery in you. I like that even though you are a princess you’re not scared of new things. Dangerous things.”

  “I don’t think you’re dangerous,” I say and he smirks.

  “Maybe you just don’t know me that well,” he says as we sway to the music.

  “Or maybe I read you too well and can see your sensitive side under all the tattoos and bravado?”

  “Touché sugar,” he says and I giggle as he dips me down and around making my giggle turn into a laugh. He pulls me back up and leans in to kiss me, but his eyes open wide and he lets go of me and takes a step back breaking all contact. I look at him raising an eyebrow at his sudden change in demeanor and then follow his line of sight to see Dad walking in with the rest of Slayed. I exhale and look back at Danger who seems like he’s about to walk off.


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