Totally Rocked? (The Next Generation Series Book 3)

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Totally Rocked? (The Next Generation Series Book 3) Page 6

by K E Osborn

  “Danger,” I say and he looks at me and then back at Dad.

  “Not with your Dad around okay, sugar?” he states and then licks his lips and walks off without looking back at me. I huff and shake my head, but I know he’s right. Dad seeing us dancing intimately together would just cause issues. So Danger backing off was probably the right thing to do. But he doesn’t have to avoid me altogether, we could have gone to a booth and talked.

  I’m feeling frustrated and slightly annoyed that I can’t spend time with Danger in front of my dad, and to be honest, I don’t feel much like partying anymore. So I’m going to head back to my room and mope around, pretending that I got to kiss Danger more than once tonight.

  I start to walk out of the after party and Danger is watching me the entire way. I swallow hard and exit, then make my way to one of the waiting chauffeured cars that they have on standby for us. After sliding in, the driver heads to the Hyatt hotel. I make my way into the hotel and up to my suite that I share with Annie. I have no idea what I’ll be walking into when I open the door, but I press the key card to the door and it clicks open so I walk in. The lights are off and Annie is in bed and the television is on.

  I walk over to my bed and I hear Annie sniffing like she’s crying.

  “Hey, are you awake?”

  She doesn’t answer but sniffs again.

  “Are you crying?” I ask and move over to her bed and sit down next to her pulling her hair from her face. She’s definitely crying and has been for some time by the looks of it.

  “Oh Annie, come here,” I say and pull her up and into my arms. She comes to me quickly obviously needing some comfort.

  “What’s brought all this on?” I ask rubbing her back as she clings to me and cries softly.

  “I miss him, you know?”

  My heart breaks for her. “Then why don’t you talk to him? Aston is miserable too. I spoke to him tonight and if you’re both so cut up about the split then maybe you should rethink your decision?” She pulls back from me and glares.

  “Maybe you should mind your own business and think about your own love life and stop interfering with mine.” She turns over and slides back into her bed pulling the covers up and seemingly ending our conversation.

  I exhale slightly annoyed that she’s taking her grief out on me, but I understand she’s hurting so I let it go. I gently rub her arm and stand up making my way to my bed.

  “I love you, Annie, and I hate seeing you this upset.”

  She sniffs and rolls back to face me. “I know, I’m sorry. I just feel so lost,” she says and I look at her sympathetically.

  “I know sis, but hopefully one day you’ll see clearly,” I say as I start to get undressed and change into my pyjamas.

  “Ells,” she says and I look at her and nod.


  “Thank you for being here for me, even when I’m a bitch,” she says and I pull my pyjama top over my head and smile.

  “You’re always a bitch, but I love you anyway. Now get some sleep, we have a plane to catch tomorrow.”

  She half smiles and turns back over getting comfortable under her blankets. I finish changing and slide under the sheets and into the warmth of the covers. I start to imagine what it would feel like to have someone under the covers with me. Having their skin on mine, touching their body, running my hands down their chiselled stomach toward their…

  Stop! Ella don’t think like that!

  I shake my head and try to rid the images from my mind as I close my eyes again and wander into a blissful sleep, dreaming of dancing and kissing under the moonlight.

  Today we flew out to Dublin and I was totally bummed because Recoil has their own transport for this tour so I don’t get to spend any flight time with Danger, which also means airport time is taken away from us too. So on a day like today I haven’t seen him yet, and after last night where we had our intimate moment on the dance floor, then to have it ripped away from us by Dad, I’m feeling a little needy for some alone time with Danger. I don’t think I’ll actually get to see him until we carry out our sound check today at the 3Arena or maybe if we cross paths at the hotel, but that’s unlikely.

  I spend the entire flight daydreaming about kissing Danger again and hoping like hell that tonight I get to follow through with my dream. My lips are aching for his and I feel like I need to be near him. It’s like my body is addicted or something. I don’t think my little obsession with him is healthy, but right now I don’t care, I just want him here with me.

  We finally get to the 3Arena and I wander around the vast backstage area searching for any signs of Danger. The layout is different, so I’m trying not to get lost as I search aimlessly like a lost puppy. It’s like a magnet piece searching for its missing magnetic pull. I’m gravitating toward a section and I can see that there are green rooms coming into view when Ryan steps heavily down the hallway.

  “Hey Ryan,” I say cheerily.

  “Oh, hey Ella, how ya doing?”

  “I’m great, just wondering, do you know where I can find Danger?” I ask trying not to sound undeniably as desperate as I know I am.

  He smiles and nods tilting his head backward. “Yeah doll, he’s back in the green room sorting out the merchandise sales for tonight’s show.”

  “Thanks,” I say and he smirks and walks off down the hall playing with his phone.

  I smile widely and walk with a spring in my step toward Danger’s green room. I hope he’s alone so I can spend some time with him by myself for once. My heart is beating fast and my stomach is fluttering with butterflies as I approach the room, but I hear two voices. One is Danger’s and another a female I don’t know. I slow my pace and step in front of the green room door and look in smiling widely ready to surprise Danger, but it seems I’m the one who is surprised. Danger is standing very close next to the girl with his hand on her lower back and he’s talking to her in a flirty way.

  “Thanks for this, it’ll be great. The shirt looks sexy on you, so I’m sure the fans will love them too,” he says and the girl giggles like a school girl. My mouth drops open wide as that knot in my stomach appears and I swallow hard while I watch him work the same magic he uses on me, on her. He weaves his charm on women and she’s eating it right up. I feel sick. I’ve been fantasising about this man since I met him, thinking he really liked me when really he’s like this with everyone? I’m such an idiot! I sniff as the emotion hits me and I’m not sure if I’m angrier at him or myself? I mean, I know we were never anything, but I’m angry anyway. Danger looks up, I notice the fear in his eyes and it’s enough to snap me out of my angry trance, so I turn and walk away. I hear Danger calling out my name, but I don’t stop. I’m too upset. I’m so stupid to think he could actually like a princess like me when he is obviously such a bad boy.

  I keep walking as fast as I can to get away, but I hear running footsteps behind me and suddenly he’s pulling on my arm. I stop walking and turn around to look at him, crossing my arms over my chest to comfort myself.

  “Hey, why are you storming off?” he asks and I raise an eyebrow and frown.

  “You talk to all women that way? Make us all feel like we’re as sweet as sugar so you can get what you want, huh?”

  “Ella, we’re not a couple. I can flirt with another woman, but I was only flirting with her so she would sell the hell out of our merchandise, not because I wanted her. You know that there’s only one woman I want on this tour and that’s you. I told you to save yourself for me, and I’m saving myself for you. When the time’s right, we’ll have our moment. Just everything has to fall into place first. I will get to taste you, sugar. I just have to work Colt first, so he’ll be okay with me defiling his little girl, you see where I’m coming from?”

  “What makes you think I want to sleep with you anyway?” I ask with my hands on my hips. He chuckles and twirls a strand of my hair around his pointer finger.

  “Because I can read you, sugar,” he says. Then trails his finger down my ch
eek, gently along my neck and down my collarbone, then along the seam of my dress on the edge of my breast. My breathing hitches up a notch as I watch his finger gently caress my body.

  “I can read you like an open book, Ella. Your body is aching to be with me, I can tell by the way your breathing hitches every time I’m near. The way your face flushes bright pink, and the way your knees tremble so badly that I have to hold you up. You want me. I know you do, and by the end of this tour I will have you whether your daddy allows it or not. But then again what Daddy don’t know, won’t hurt him. Right, sugar?” he whispers inching closer and closer, leaning in and kissing my cheek then moving back to bite my earlobe seductively. I gasp as his hand reaches out to hold my waist when my knees buckle and yep, he holds me up.

  “See you fall for me every time, sugar. Doesn’t matter if I flirt with other women because, at the end of the day, you’re the only one I want to be fucking hard up against a wall.”

  I open my eyes wide and my hand shoots to my mouth while I freeze on the spot as he pulls back and smirks.

  “I’ll leave you with that thought for now. Don’t get jealous about other women, sugar, I’m using them to get things I need. But with you, I’ll be getting what I want. You’re what I want Ella, not them.”

  I swallow hard and all I can do is simply nod as he winks at me and then turns and walks off leaving me shocked against the wall. I’m left here holding myself up with a racing heart, a throbbing sensation between my legs that won’t subside, and an ache in my belly that’s telling me I need to be with Danger sooner rather than later. This man, this infuriating, intoxicating, incredible man is driving me insane, and I honestly have no idea how to handle him. I hate that he has this effect on me, but at the same time I love it. He is an enigma and somehow Danger is working his way into my soul, and I know one way or another he will work his way into my bed, whether I want him there or not. I don’t have the willpower to stay away from him, even if I wanted to.

  His little display of dominance just then showed me I don’t have a hope in hell of surviving him. This is going to be one wild ride that’s for sure. I just hope I can hang on tight enough.

  I’m sitting at the after party in Dublin in the VIP area next to Caleb and Aston, who are busy talking about the show tonight and how awesome it was. I’m slightly bored as I sit in the booth watching the people dancing, as I stir my straw through the blocks of ice in my lemon lime and bitters. Danger isn’t here yet, and I’ve really only been here for about ten minutes, but I’m already ready to leave. These after parties are nothing like the hype I was expecting. I’ve heard how wild and exciting after parties are supposed to be but being on tour with your parents has made these after parties tame, lame, and downright lacking in the fun department. It’s basically just like a boring teenager’s birthday party. Dancing and music and that’s it. Nothing exciting happening here at all.

  Annie isn’t here. So there’s hardly any girl support either, except for Amber from Red Velvet, who showed up and is apparently following us on tour, which I find to be a little odd. But anyway, whatever, if she has the free time then go for it I say. Although she has been eyeing Aston a lot lately, and I’m not too keen on her moving in there, but I’m sure she has some respect and will leave well enough alone.

  I look over to one of the VIP guests and she’s all over Matt from Recoil. I sit up a bit straighter, because if Matt is here then Danger might be too. I look around the room, but I can’t see him anywhere. I purse my lips in disappointment and go back to aimlessly stirring my drink. Dad and the other parents aren’t here yet either. They’re doing a meet and greet with some VIP’s from a competition that was held on a radio station so they won’t be back here for a while. I huff and take one last look around the room. I’ve had enough.

  “Caleb, I’m going back to the hotel. Can you tell Dad when he gets here?” He nods and smiles as he watches me walk away from him.

  This party blows!

  As I walk down the hallway to walk out toward the exit someone grabs my arm pulling me into a side passage. I squeal from the shock and a hand quickly covers my mouth as my body is forced against the wall, their body pressed against mine holding me to it. My heart races ferociously as I breathe rapidly. My whole body tenses and it takes me a second to register, but when my eyes focus I see its Danger who’s holding me hostage. I relax instantly and notice my body is tingling all over. My breathing slows down and he gently takes his hand from my mouth as his wicked grin meets his gleaming eyes.

  “Keep quiet,” he whispers and I nod. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  I smirk and bring my hands up to wrap around his neck as he continues to press his body against mine holding me hostage against the wall.

  “It’s okay, I just thought you were some crazy serial stalker going to murder and pillage me.”

  “Well, I don’t plan on murdering you. Pillaging you? Maybe,” he says with a giant smirk and I chuckle and shake my head.

  “So, why aren’t you at the after party?” I ask and he tilts his head and looks at my lips while licking his.

  “I thought I’d make my own party,” he whispers inching his face closer toward mine.

  “Oh yeah, anyone exciting going?”

  “It’s a party for two.”

  “Oh, well, I better go then, I don’t want to intrude on your party for you and your guest,” I tease and fake to move away from his grip.

  He presses his body against mine harder and runs his nose up the length of my neck making my breathing hitch at his touch.

  “This party’s for you and me, sugar. If you wanna join me that is?” he asks running his nose along my jaw, my cheek and then stopping right on the edge of my nose.

  I smile at his playfulness as I look into his dark blue eyes.

  “Hmmm, how long do I have to RSVP?” I tease.

  He chuckles and runs his hand down my side and toward the hem of my dress. I look down as his hand grazes my thigh and runs under my dress. His warm hand on my naked skin is making my breathing hitch and my pulse race. If I had a heart monitor on right now, it would be beeping like mad.

  His hand slowly works its way upward and I swallow hard as his hand meets my lace panties, then he moves backward and his hand grips firmly on my arse cheek. He pulls me forward into him further making me gasp at the firmness of his body.

  “You really need to think about RSVP-ing, sugar?” he asks leaning in and pressing his lips to my neck seductively, as his hand runs from my arse to my thigh. Pulling my leg up to wrap around his waist, he grins widely.

  I swallow hard as my head falls back against the wall at the pleasure of his hands and lips on me. “I guess not,” I murmur and his hand clenches against my naked thigh making me look back at him. His eyes are gleaming and he’s smiling so wide it makes me want to rip my panties off right here and now.

  “Can I kiss you, sugar?”

  “You don’t seem like the type to ask, I’m sure you normally just take what you want.”

  “I guess I want to try and be a gentleman with you, seeing as you’re so new to everything,” he says and I tense up slightly and he notices. “Sorry didn’t mean anything by that.”

  “It’s okay, and yes you can kiss me.”

  He removes his hand from my thigh and I drop my leg from around him. He steps in straight away pinning me to the wall even harder as he brings his hand up to my cheek and holds it firmly. My breathing is rushed as he moves in closer and my heart starts to pound faster as he inches his mouth closer and closer to mine. The energy pulsing through the air is palpable and every inch of me is tingling as I lick my lips while I watch him slowing inching toward me. He looks me in the eyes and then closes the distance and places his lips firmly on mine. I run my fingers through his hair and hold his head as his mouth takes mine firmly. I open my mouth and his tongue massages mine. It takes all my willpower not to giggle at the coldness of his tongue piercing. I’ve never experienced anything like this before, but I sure as
hell like it. He kisses me so intensely that my knees feel weak and I’m grateful right now that he is pressing all his weight against me into the wall otherwise I’d probably fall over.

  The energy surging through us is energizing me and I love how he does this to me. He moves his tongue in such a way it makes me flaming hot for him. I honestly had no idea that someone could turn me on so quickly. He runs his hand through my hair and he grips onto me hard with his fingers. Then he tugs slightly on my hair, and even though it’s not a romantic kiss by any means, it’s full of lustful tension and I guess dominance. I like it though.

  He moves in grinding his hips into me and his hard on is entirely obvious. I smile against his lips knowing that I’m the reason he’s so turned on right now. We’re in the hallway of a club making out, passionately, and even though I’ve never done this before, I know we’re doing it right. I can tell by the way my body is reacting to Danger. My knees feel weak and my lips are aching. My tummy is fluttering, my face feels hot and flushed, and my heart is hammering. But more obvious than that is the throbbing between my legs and how wet I feel between them. Sure, I’ve felt horny before, but right now if Danger asked me to go into the bathroom to shag I probably would. I don’t even care that I want my first time to be all flowers and candles and romance, I just want him inside of me, and I’d give anything for that.

  He grinds his erection into my abdomen. I inadvertently moan into his mouth and he chuckles while we continue to make out against the hallway wall. I’m getting so worked up that I’m short of breath. He notices and pulls his lips from mine and trails hard kisses down my cheek and onto my neck as his hand comes up my side and clenches at my waist. I close my eyes reveling in the contact with him. I never knew making out could be so incredibly sexy. Trying to catch my breath, he’s just taking it away even more as he runs his tongue piercing up under my ear. Then he bites on my earlobe sending a shock wave of pleasure straight down my very centre. I’m breathing so fast, I can’t think straight as his hand moves its way back down my side and under my dress on to my thigh and around to my arse.


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