Totally Rocked? (The Next Generation Series Book 3)

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Totally Rocked? (The Next Generation Series Book 3) Page 7

by K E Osborn

  “God, your ass is perfect, sugar,” he whispers nuzzling his nose into my neck and kissing just under my chin as he squeezes my arse cheek. I gasp, slowly catching my breath, but he moves back in kissing me again. His tongue dances with mine and he rolls his piercing along my tongue and the stimulation feels strange. He grinds into me again and the slight growth of a beard that he has on his face is starting to tickle my face, but I don’t mind it at all. If I get to kiss Danger like this every day, I’ll be happy. He slowly pulls away from me and the loss of contact makes me ache for him as he rests his forehead against mine.

  “You’re still as sweet as ever,” he says.

  I smirk and lick my lips wanting to taste him still. “Thanks,” is all I can think of to say.

  “We should get back to the party.” He takes a step back from me releasing my body from his firm grip against the wall, and I stumble slightly not having steady legs.

  He moves his hand up and straightens my hair and then smiles. “There, still beautiful.”

  I smile shyly and he leans in kissing my forehead and takes my hand.

  “C’mon lets go,” he says and starts to walk us back to the party.

  I smile and walk with him, but when we get to the VIP room doors, he drops my hand and places his hand on my lower back pushing me through the doors first and then walking behind me. I walk in not knowing where he wants us to go, so I stop in the middle of the dance floor and turn to look at him. He looks at me and smiles.

  “Thanks for the fun,” he says and winks, then walks off leaving me a little bereft in the middle of the dance floor wondering what the fuck he meant by that. I raise my eyebrows and watch him walk over to the rest of his bandmates and sit down with his back to me completely ignoring me. I look around the room and notice my parents are here, but even if they are here, he doesn’t have to ignore me altogether. His hot and cold antics are giving me whiplash. I’m so confused by his actions right now. He was all over me, but then he just said ‘thanks for the fun’ like it was nothing to him. Maybe that’s all I am to him, just some fluffy fun while he’s on tour.

  Is he trying to capture the famous Colter Slade’s innocent daughter? Maybe that’s all this is?

  He really seems like he actually likes me when we’re together, it’s just when we’re around other people that he gets weird. This is doing my head in. I need to get out of here. I wrap my arms around myself for comfort. All of a sudden my arms start to tingle and a flutter in my tummy begins. I wonder what the hell is causing that reaction when Chad appears out of nowhere.

  “Hey, where have you been?” he asks and I look at him and immediately feel like I want to cry. I look down to the ground and he takes my arm and walks with me out into the hall.

  “What the hell is wrong, you look terrible?” he asks taking my chin in his hand, he pulls my face up to look at him. My eyes begin to water and he furrows his brows and shakes his head. “Ella, talk to me.” I purse my lips and decide that Chad’s always here for me, and he’s a guy and might know what the hell Danger is thinking.

  “So Danger and I made out in the hallway just before,” I say and he exhales and runs his hand through his hair seeming uncomfortable.

  “Right,” he says and then sniffs. “So why are you upset?”

  “He was really into it, Chad. We were kissing deeply and he seemed to be really enjoying himself and then we decided we’d better get back to the party. When we got in there, he turned to me and said ‘thanks for the fun’ and then dismissed me and walked over to his band. He turned his back on me ignoring me completely like nothing had happened. I don’t understand what I did wrong?” I tell him and now I can’t stop the tears from falling down my cheeks.

  Chad shakes his head and huffs. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Ella.”

  I bring my hands up to my face and start to really cry and Chad pulls me to him holding and comforting me as I cry into his shoulder.

  “For fuck’s sake,” he murmurs.

  “I don’t understand why, though? I mean, is it just because I’m not pretty enough or something?”

  He holds onto me tightly and leans his head against mine. “No Ella, please don’t think like that. Please don’t let him dwindle your self-confidence. You’re beautiful, you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. Honestly Ella, don’t think you’re not gorgeous because you are in every way possible. You’re perfect, Ella. Don’t let his actions make you think badly of yourself. He’s the one with the issues not you, okay?” he says kissing my hair.

  “But maybe it’s because I’m so inexperienced you know, maybe I’m not enough for him?” I ask as I start to actually sob into his chest.

  “Ella, he’s a jerk. You deserve so much better than him. He shouldn’t have ignored you like that especially after making out with you. It sounds like he’s just taking advantage of you. Please stop seeing him. You can do so much better. I know you feel something for him. But Ella, he’s an arse for treating you any less than the princess and perfection you are,” Chad says. I look up into his eyes and I can see he’s telling the truth. That he actually believes that I could do better than Danger. As I look into Chad’s green eyes, something passes between us. An energy, something I’m not sure I’ve felt before with him, but it’s definitely there. He brings his hand up and caresses my cheek and wipes away my tears with his thumb.

  “Please don’t let him own your tears,” he says. I swallow hard and nod as I see a beauty in his eyes I haven’t before and I get lost in them for a moment. He caresses my face tenderly and I stand here noticing that Chad is holding me to him, one hand wrapped around my waist and the other caressing my face. My hands wrapped tightly around his waist and for some reason as I stare at him I don’t want to let go. He’s calming me, and even though I’m upset with how Danger treated me, Chad is treating me with respect and kindness. So much so I just want to stay in this moment for a little while longer. I look down from his eyes to his lips and he licks them inadvertently. My tummy is fluttering and my skin is buzzing, but I’m not sure why. Danger isn’t here so I’m confused, but as I stare at Chad’s lips that are inching closer to mine, I can’t seem to stop staring at them.

  Laughter breaks from behind us and two drunk girls fall out of the VIP room and onto the floor laughing hysterically and breaking us apart. I look behind me at them and look back at Chad, we both open our eyes wide and race toward the drunken girls to help them up. They don’t thank us rather just laugh in our faces and then stumble off down the hall. I turn back to look at Chad, who’s looking at me and smiling. He steps up to me and wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me to him.

  “Look, I know you’re sad about Danger, but let’s go back to the hotel and forget about him, okay?” he asks. I look back inside the VIP room to see Danger sitting with Ryan and drinking. A knot forms in my stomach but I ignore it and nod at Chad, then we walk toward the exit to go back to the hotel.

  “I know it’s tough and I know you think you feel something for him, but Ella, he really is only after one thing. So please, be careful,” Chad says as we step into the chauffeured car. I nod and he slides in behind me.

  “Okay,” I say not knowing if I can do that. Staying away from Danger is something I don’t think I can do, even with his mood swings. He’s like an addiction, an attraction I’m finding harder and harder to resist. I need to talk to him tomorrow to see if he’s still interested, or if this is just a fling for him. Because, to be honest, I don’t know what I’m feeling right now.

  Chad wraps his arm around me and pulls me to his side and kisses my head. “So olive oil, what are you doing tomorrow?” he asks and I furrow my brows in confusion.


  “Seriously? I thought everyone was reticent about it, but I absolutely know you haven’t forgotten too. I mean, I know we’re on tour and we’re all really busy, but seriously, Ella?” he asks and I rack my brain thinking about what tomorrow might be.

  “Nope, you’ve lost me,” I say and
he smiles and shakes his head.

  “Wow! I can’t believe I remembered, but no one else has including you,” he says keeping on with his crypticness.

  “Okay, seriously, what is tomorrow?” I ask and then it clicks and I open my eyes wide. “Holy shit, it’s my birthday.”

  “Yep and everyone’s forgotten except me. I even got you a present,” he says and I smirk and raise my eyebrow.

  “You did not,” I exclaim and he smiles.

  “No, really, I actually did. It’s in my hotel room, we can go get it when we get back if you like?” he asks and I sink into the seat and sigh. I can’t believe he got me something and everyone, including me, forgot my eighteenth birthday.

  “Wow, thank you. I’m kind of speechless right now,” I say and he smiles and pulls me closer to him. He lifts my legs up and over his so I’m basically sitting on his lap. I giggle and cuddle right into him.

  “Well, it’s not a very good present, so don’t be too shocked.”

  I cuddle into him further. He smells so good, a mixture of performance, alcohol, and Chad. It’s a smell I could get used to.

  “Well, thank you for remembering. I’m surprised Dad has forgotten, even Mum seems to have. But I guess everyone is busy on the tour,” I say as I feel a little stab of disappointment run through me.

  “I can remind them if you want?”

  “Nah, it’s okay, it’s not important, it’s only a birthday. I have one every year. Just means I’ll be able to drink at the after parties now.”

  “Sure does,” he says and I smile and cuddle into him further. Right now he’s making me feel safer than I ever have. I feel like I’m home and I love that feeling especially when I’m not even in the same country as my real home.

  We pull up at the hotel and Chad helps me out of the car. We take the elevator and walk to our rooms with his arm wrapped around my shoulders holding onto me tightly. Luckily my tears have subsided. Chad has made me feel much better about myself.

  “Wanna come get your present?” he asks and I raise an eyebrow and smirk.

  “That sounds like a proposition,” I tease and he laughs.

  “Well, take it how you will.”

  “Would you be offended if I said I’d like to get it tomorrow, so I get something on my actual birthday?”

  “No, that sounds more logical. Can I walk you to your room?” he asks and I nod and smile as we walk down the hall to Annie’s and my room.

  “Thanks for cheering me up, I really appreciate it,” I say and he pulls me closer to him.

  “That’s what I’m here for, tartar sauce,” he says and I laugh and shake my head.

  “You’re such an idiot.”

  He pulls me in for a hug as we reach my room. “I know, but you love me,” he says and I nod.

  “Yeah, I guess I do,” I reply. He smiles brightly and leans in kissing my cheek, but right next to my lips. My skin where he kisses me tingles and a buzz radiates throughout my entire body.

  “Thanks again,” I say and he smiles.

  “Anytime, Ella. I’m always here for you. Have a good night. See you when you’re eighteen,” he says and squeezes my hand. Then he walks off down toward his room. I watch him walk away and my tummy flutters. Furrowing my brows at the feeling, I push it aside turning and swiping the key card and walking into my hotel room.

  I wake up tired and irritable. The stress from the night before has me feeling slightly down, that plus the fact that it’s my birthday and only Chad and I know about it. I could tell everyone I suppose, but that would just make them feel guilty, and I don’t want them to feel bad. They have enough to worry about with the tour and Annie being depressed all the time like she is. Mum and Dad have their hands full, and I don’t need to add to their stress. Plus, it’s just a birthday, a number, nothing special. Regardless, I can share it with Chad. It can be our little secret. It will be kinda cool to have a special thing and keep it from everyone else.

  I roll over in my bed and Annie is still asleep. I look at the clock on the side table and it’s just gone ten in the morning. We have another concert here in Dublin tonight and then we move on to Madrid to start our Spanish leg of the tour. I slowly rise out of bed and walk into the bathroom to wake myself up. I have a long, hot shower and by the time I get out of the bathroom, Annie is awake and watching television from her bed when I walk back into the room. Subconsciously, I’m hoping she will erupt into a chorus of ‘Happy Birthday,’ but by the tired and zoned-out look in her eyes I’m pretty sure she hasn’t even registered I’m here.

  “Morning,” I say and she waves her hand in the air with a small grunt and goes back to watching the morning television show.

  I huff and shake my head wishing that I could cheer her up. I hate seeing her like this, and I dislike that I’m a little bit angry at her for not remembering, even if she is so desperately depressed. How is she supposed to remember? If I were in her shoes I wouldn’t remember either, who am I kidding? If it weren't for Chad, I probably wouldn’t have remembered either! So how can I be angry at her? I can’t, so I wipe the thought from my mind and figure I’ll go and see Chad. I love Annie to death, but I’m feeling a bit morose today and her somber mood isn’t helping.

  “I’ll be back before we have to head to the venue. You need anything?” I ask and she shakes her head and slumps back into her bed.

  I grab my phone and head toward the hotel room door, typing a quick text to Chad seeing if he’s up.

  Me: Hey you awake?

  I hit send as I walk out the door and start to walk down toward Chad’s room. My phone beeps and I look down to see a reply message.

  Chad: Yep, Happy Birthday, coming to see you. Stay where you are! I’ll be at your room soon. xo

  I smile and stop halfway down the hall when I notice Chad’s door opening and him coming out with a trolley. I giggle and walk toward him.

  “What you got there, studley?” I ask and he looks at me and frowns.

  “Geez, you walk fast. I told you to stay in your room, it’s meant to be a surprise!”

  I laugh and purse my lips. “Sorry, I was halfway down the hall when you texted. Annie’s sulking in my room, wanna surprise me in your room instead?”

  “Okay, sure, excuse the mess, though. Aston and I haven’t cleaned the room since we got here.”

  I smile and nod as he wheels the trolley back inside his room. “So what’s with the trolley anyway?” I ask as I follow him back inside. He was right there is shit everywhere, shirts and other stuff strewn all about the room. I inwardly chuckle at the state of the suite.

  “It’s your birthday brunch,” he says and I raise an eyebrow.


  I sit on the edge of his bed and he pulls two covered trays off the trolley and walks them over to the table and places them down.

  “C’mon, it’s getting cold!”

  I smile and jump up and race over to the table and sit down. “You really did this for me?”

  “Well, really the hotel staff did it, all I did was to organise it,” he says and that flutter in my tummy is back. I smile as he pulls the cover off the tray to reveal a platter of bacon and eggs, fruit and pastries. It’s an awesome selection and it looks delicious.

  “Oh wow, Chad. This looks great!”

  “Well, paprika, you deserve to be spoilt today. And if I’m the only one who remembers then I’m going to be the one to spoil you.”

  “Yeah, I decided I’m not going to tell everyone that it’s my birthday. Everyone is too stressed with the tour and Annie, it would be selfish of me. Plus, it’s just a birthday, it’s nothing big, so it doesn’t matter. It can be our secret, okay?”

  “Sure thing, buttermilk,” he says and I laugh.

  “I swear you’re just saying random things you use in the kitchen to cook with now.”

  “Yeah probably, it’s fun though right, sauerkraut?”

  “You’re an idiot,” I say and he smiles and nods picking up his knife and fork.

h, I almost forgot,” he says jumping up and racing over to his bedside table, he picks up something in a small box. I put a piece of bacon in my mouth and it’s like heaven. Bacon is God’s gift to this earth, of that I am sure. He walks over and places the box in front of me and I look at it and smile.

  “Happy Birthday, it’s not much and it’s kind of lame, but yeah anyway, I hope you like it.”

  I smile and pick up the box. It’s a little bit heavy and I’m intrigued by the odd shape. I open the lid and there’s a small statue inside. I look up at Chad.

  “Open it up,” he says and I smile while pulling the statue from the box. It’s a little stage and on it is a tiny drum kit with a drummer and next to it a girl guitarist playing a white Fender guitar. It’s made entirely of metal and welded together and painted artistically. It is absolutely beautiful and so creative. My eyes well with tears as I look over the intricate details of the statue of me and Chad playing on a stage. It’s so well designed and crafted, it is simply a masterpiece.

  “If you don’t like it, it’s okay. I made it before we came on tour knowing your birthday would be while we were away. I know it’s not much but—”

  “Chad, it’s beautiful,” I interrupt and look at him with a bright smile and through watering eyes.

  “Really? You like it?”

  “Like it? I love it! It’s amazing,” I say and jump up and race around to him and throw my arms around his neck and hold onto him as tightly as I can while he laughs and holds me back.

  “Thank you. This is the best birthday present anyone has ever gotten me,” I say honestly. Pulling back, I look into his bright green luminous eyes and he’s smiling wide.

  “I’m so glad you like it.” He leans down, moving our faces so close together. My breathing hitches and my heart jumps into my throat as his lips come toward me. My chest tightens and I’m frozen to the spot. My tummy flutters and his lips come in and then divert to my forehead kissing me softly. My breath catches as he kisses me, and I relax on the spot wondering why I was so dazed by that moment. Chad is amazing, he’s such a wonderful friend and a caring guy, and I’m so lucky to have him in my life. He pulls back and smiles.


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