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Totally Rocked? (The Next Generation Series Book 3)

Page 16

by K E Osborn

  “Shit, sugar, you had me worried there for a bit,” he says and embraces me tightly.

  “Okay guys, let’s get in the huddle,” Caleb calls out.

  “That’s my cue,” I tell him and he smiles and leans in kissing me softly again.

  “Have a good show, sugar. I’m glad you’re okay and after your show if you feel up to it, I still want to make good on what we talked about earlier. But only if you’re really okay?”

  “I can’t wait for you to take me somewhere, Danger. As soon as I get off stage, okay? I need to feel you,” I whisper so no one else can hear.

  He smirks and nods leans in kissing my forehead, then walks off leaving me to go into the huddle with my band. Gazing at Chad, my stomach churns thinking of what I just arranged with Danger, but I need to prove that I’m with Danger and nothing is going on with Chad. He’s my friend and that’s all this is. That’s all it can be. Danger is the one for me. He may not be perfect, or gentlemanly, or sophisticated, but he suits me just fine. Gotta love my bad boy.

  Caleb gives us our pep talk and I avoid eye contact with Chad and try to concentrate on the job at hand. I need to perform for the crowd out there, that’s the job I need to do right now. It’s the number one thing on my list – make the crowd happy. Then I need to come off the stage and make Danger happy. I have my game face on, and I will perform my heart out.

  Caleb finishes his pep talk and we all put our hands in ready to say our mantra. Chad places his hand on top of mine and a spark shoots straight through my hand. I close my eyes trying to ignore it. I say our mantra with the rest of the band and continue to ignore the eyes of Chad that I can feel boring into me. Grabbing my guitar, I head to the side of the stage. I’m trying to calm my frantically beating heart. My head is all over the place, but I need to focus. Last thing I want is to get lost on stage. So I take a deep breath and close my eyes letting all things clear from my mind and then when I open them I run up onto the stage after Aston and take my position next to him.

  I hear Chad kick start the bass drum and it kick starts my heart as the crowd roars into life. Being on stage under the neon green lights is setting me on fire. I don’t know whether it’s from nerves or from the rush of being on stage, but I’m feeling hot. I swallow hard as Annie starts to play the intro for the song, and Aston and I begin to play as well. Suddenly as I strum my white fender everything seems to get lost in the blur of the musical notes. All my nervousness and worries disappear as the music takes hold and I remember why I’m here.

  For the music.

  For the fans.

  I look out over the crowd and they’re jumping up and down with excitement, and I can’t help but catch their infectious delight as I smile. Caleb runs on stage and starts to sing. This is what I needed; a musical release. To forget about my life for a moment, and just be lost in the peaceful confines of the world of music. This is my escape, and right now nothing matters but the crowd and the way they love the music I’m playing for them. This is what makes me happy. And seeing them happy only makes me feel better about myself.

  The concert was just what I needed to calm me down and bring me back to earth. Strumming the last chord of the final song of our set, I raise my hands in the air along with Aston to receive the praise from the crowd.

  “Thank you so much for your enthusiasm tonight. You’ve been a great crowd, and we know you’ll love who’s coming up next. So stay tuned ‘cause Slayed are on their way. But right now, you have been Staked! Goodnight Austin,” Caleb says into the microphone, and I unplug my guitar and walk off the stage waving to the crowd with Aston following closely behind me.

  I’m on a high and feel great, much better than when I went on stage. Climbing down the stairs, I look across to Dad and the rest of Slayed warming up in the wings of the backstage area. I pull my guitar off over my shoulders and place it on the stand, and smile at Dad, who winks back. I’m so glad to be on this tour with my family. He leans in kissing Mum and as I make my way to them they pull apart and both look at me and smile.

  “Hey sweetheart, you did great tonight,” Mum says and pulls me in for a hug.

  “Yeah Ella, you’re doing so well. I’m so proud of you. You know that, right?” Dad asks and I nod.

  “Thanks. I’m trying my hardest out there for the fans. I wanna play well for them,” I tell Dad as Mum releases me from her grip.

  “Well, you’re going about it the right way Ella,” Dad says and leans in kissing my forehead.

  “Slayed, you ready?” Rob calls out.

  “Go get ‘em, Dad! Show them how real rock stars do it.”

  “Ella, you’re a real rock star too. Don’t think that you’re not,” he says. I smile and nod. “You’re just as good as we are. Remember that. You guys are going to go far Ella, I can see it. Believe in yourself.”

  I can’t stop my smile as he hugs me and then walks off over to his other band mates.

  “He’s right, Ella,” Mum reiterates.

  “Maybe,” I reply and Mum rolls her eyes.

  “Definitely! Now go and relax in the green room, and I’ll come and keep you company after your Dad’s been on for a bit.” She winks and I start the walk back toward the green room. I exhale wondering if Dad really thinks that Staked are as good as Slayed. I hope so. I’m lost in my thoughts when someone grabs my arm and pulls me into a side room. I stumble and lose my footing nearly falling over when strong arms encase my body and pull me up.

  “Whoa, easy there sugar. It’s just me,” Danger says as I steady myself.

  I let out a small giggle and ease forward into his arms as he pushes my body against the wall trapping me there with his. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I relax against him as I look into his blue eyes.

  “Did you watch the show?”

  He smiles and leans in planting a light kiss on the edge of my lips. “Sure did. It made me hard watching you stroke your guitar like that,” he says and instantly heat engulfs me. I lick my lips and swallow hard.

  “So you’ve had a hard on for the last hour then?”

  He grins and kisses under my ear and my breathing hitches. “Yes sugar, I’m aching for you.”

  “So what do you want to do to me then?”

  He bites my earlobe which sends a shock wave straight to my clit making it throb, then pulls back looking at me in the eyes.

  “I want to fuck you, Ella. Hard. Fast. I want to feel you come so strongly your body won’t stop shaking,” he says looking directly at me. I gasp at his openness and then swallow the large lump that’s caught in my throat. “Let me fuck you, sugar,” he says. I bite my bottom lip and nod.

  He smiles wide and leans in kissing me. His tongue assaults mine and his kiss is strong. Nothing passionate or soft about this kiss at all. His hands move to my hips and then down to the fly of my jeans. He makes quick work of undoing and pulling them and my panties down. He kneels in front of me while sliding them down and then taps my ankle and pulls one leg off after taking off my heels. He stands back up and runs his hands up my thighs to my hips.

  “You’re so beautiful like this, sugar.”

  I smile and then he spins me around so I’m facing the wall. “Danger?” I ask hesitantly, and he moves his hand to my waist and pulls me against him.

  “It’s okay Ella, trust me.” His hand slides up my back and then he pushes me forward into the wall, I gasp at the force he uses. Leaning against the wall my breathing is quick. I have no idea what he’s doing until I hear him undoing his zipper and his pants fall to the floor.

  “Spread your legs, sugar.”

  I gulp and take a step to the side spreading my legs for him. He steps in and his hands run down my side, his touch is setting me on fire. I’m breathing fast and my heart is beating rapidly. I have no idea what he has planned, and as I hear the music start up, I know no one will hear us. He moves in so I can feel his cock pressed against my arse, and I just hope like fuck he doesn’t want to do anal because I’m not down for that. His hand slips down from my
hip and in between my thighs, he presses on my clit and I moan leaning my back into him. He chuckles and then runs his finger along my pussy.

  “Good, you’re nice and wet for me,” he says and then pulls his finger away and places his hands back onto my hips. He leans us forward, so my entire front is pressed hard against the wall.

  “I’ve been looking forward to this,” he says as he lines his rock hard cock up at my entrance.

  I guess there’s not going to be any foreplay.

  I take a deep breath getting ready as he positions his cock. He eases the tip in and I take a sharp inhale waiting for him to slowly ease into me, but his hands grip onto my hips and he thrusts into me forcefully and deeply knocking the wind right out of me as he slams me into the wall. I open my eyes wide adjusting to the fullness.

  “Fuck Ella,” he says leaning all his weight into me.

  I breathe trying to acclimatise to the feeling as his hands grip onto my waist tightly and he starts to move inside me. I close my eyes as my cheek slides against the wall with each of his thrusts.

  This really is fucking.

  It feels good and I like it. It’s just not what I was expecting.

  One of his hands moves from my waist and he wraps my hair around his hand and pulls my head off the wall as he thrusts inside of me. He’s moaning and panting as he fucks me hard. My body is forced against the wall time and again unable to move, and the tightness of his grip on my hair has my head unable to move anywhere but backward. I’m panting right along with him as the pressure is building up inside of me.

  Suddenly, an image of Chad’s beautiful face flashes in my mind and through the pleasure is an awkward pain. It suddenly feels wrong doing this with Danger. Even though this is just fucking and I like the feeling of dominance, it also feels a little like a punishment, and maybe I think that’s what I deserve for being so confused right now. I deserve to be punished. So the way Danger is fucking me is nothing short of what is necessary right now. I open my eyes to fight off the images of Chad’s face when Danger lets go of my hair and my head moves back against the wall with a thud. My cheek is scraping along the wall with the force of the thrusts inside me. His hand on my hip tightening with every groan and thrust as he moves inside of me. He’s fucking me and I can tell how much he’s enjoying it by his moaning.

  My eyes begin to burn and I’m not sure why. I close them tight trying to relieve the burning sensation, but it’s not working. I see Chad’s face again. I open my eyes to rid the image and my eyes instantly fill with tears. I blink rapidly to rid the tears, but instead they fall down my cheeks. Not flowing, just one or two and it confuses me.

  I’m enjoying this, so why the fuck am I crying?

  I feel my climax building.

  Why the hell are my eyes welling with tears?

  I’m so confused right now.

  Danger grabs my hair again and pulls my head to the side forcing his lips to my neck then nips and kisses. His teeth graze my skin and it makes me tingle all over. My back starts to arch and my body begins to shake while I clench my eyes shut, even though I don’t want to. I see Chad’s face again and my body flames red hot as everything tenses and then the world shifts on its axis and explodes sending a supernova-sized explosion right through my centre. I moan loudly as my knees begin to buckle. Feeling Danger tense behind me, he moans at the same time as he jolts and unloads inside me biting my neck as he comes.

  We both breathe heavily, then he pulls out of me and we fall to the floor in a heap. He falls back and pulls me on top of him as we lay on the ground panting and coming down from the monumental peak we’ve both just experienced.

  “Fuck me,” he whispers through staggered breaths.

  I subtly wipe my wet face and cuddle into him. “I think I just did,” I reply and he chuckles.

  “That’s what I’ve been waiting for, sugar. That was breathtakingly awesome.”

  I inhale and swallow hard, I don’t know how to reply.

  Was it great? Sure.

  Did it feel good? Sure.

  Was I thinking of another man? I don’t even want to think about that. I feel guilty. My stomach is churning and I feel sick. If I thought I was confused before, well now, I’m downright pissed off at myself. Chad is a friend and that’s how it will stay. I need to focus all my energy on Danger. Sure he has a different way about him, but he has a good side to him as well. I’ve seen it! This hard fucking side of him is different, but I don’t hate it. And just because it was different, doesn’t mean it’s bad. I just have to take Danger for what he is, the good and the different. He accepts me for who I am after all. So I need to do that for him.

  “You okay, sugar?” he asks breaking me away from my thoughts.

  “Yep, just coming down from the high is all,” I say as he brings his hand up and caresses my cheek.

  “I wasn’t too rough was I? The hair pulling? It wasn’t too much, was it?” he asks and I look up at him and smile.

  “It was just enough.”

  He smiles wide and leans in kissing me strongly, his piercing sending a chill down my spine. I close my eyes and an image of Chad flashes through my mind again. I need to stop that from happening.



  “Do you think you could fuck me again?” I ask wanting to feel closer to him. I want to try and wipe the images of Chad from my mind once and for all and I’m sure Danger can do that.

  He looks at me and smiles. “Anything for you, sugar,” he says and rolls over on top of me kissing me passionately.

  I’ve been skillfully avoiding Chad because I realised that maybe he does like me more than a friend, but I’m not one hundred percent sure. I don’t want to confirm it because I’m scared of the outcome if it is true. So avoidance is the key, and every time he tries to come near me I make an excuse and leave.

  Danger and I are doing well. It’s been a week since the day I realised there may be more to this whole Chad thing, and I’ve been paying Danger a whole lot more attention. But after avoiding Chad for a whole week and him finally giving up on trying to talk to me, I’m actually missing Chad’s company. We’re in New York and I’ve had enough time to think things over and I want to talk to Chad and try to fix where we stand. I’ve decided avoidance isn’t actually the answer after all, and maybe just trying to pretend like nothing’s happening is the key. I need my friend back, and I want to see if our friendship is still there.

  But right now Dad has arranged for us all to go on a bus tour around New York seeing as how none of us have been here before. Danger isn’t coming as Recoil had some press releases to attend to, so it’s just the Staked and Slayed parties. Dad hired a tour bus for all of us, and I’m actually pretty excited to go and see the highlights of New York City at night.

  It should be amazing!

  I walk down with Annie to the foyer of the Hyatt hotel where we’re all meeting for the tour bus to pick us up and take us around the city. I’m really pumped and the buzz around the group is energetic, except for Annie of course, who’s still somber and doesn’t even want to go. I practically had to drag her kicking and screaming out of the hotel room.

  “This is going to be fantastic, Annie. New York at night, I can’t think of anything more electrifying can you?”

  “An electric fence?” she replies sarcastically as the bus pulls up to a stop.

  “Ha, ha,” I mock and she places her earphones in her ears and ignores the outside world again.

  I look over to Chad who’s talking to Caleb and he seems excited too. I’m glad there’s someone else who shares my enthusiasm. My stomach flutters slightly looking at Chad and Dad walks over to me and Annie and pushes us toward the bus.

  “C’mon girls, time to go sightseeing, rock-star style,” he says. I giggle as Annie ignores him totally and steps onto the bus, but continues to look at her phone rather than anything else. I shake my head and race onto the bus and straight up the top of the open canopy area where I can see the sights and bre
athe in the fresh open air.

  I notice Chad, Aston, and Caleb come up here too and Dad drags Annie up as well. We all sit up the front and wait for the bus to take off. Mum comes up and sits next to Annie, as I stand at the edge of the bus and look over the edge out at the beautiful setting sun over the New York City skyline. The purple hue of the city lights glowing under the pinks and yellows of the setting sun makes for a breathtaking scene before my eyes. Nothing is more beautiful than New York at night.

  The driver comes over the speaker announcing that we are departing, and our first stop is none other than Times Square. I bounce on the spot and giggle to myself as I look out over the city in awe and take in the atmosphere around me. The rest of the band are laughing together and looking out over the side of the bus. Mum and Dad are sitting with Annie while the rest of Slayed is downstairs with the other kids and some people who joined us for the tour. I’m happy being on my own at the front. I like that I can take all this in and enjoy the peacefulness surrounding me.

  Being on tour means you never get time to yourself, so now, even though I’m surrounded by people, being by myself at the front of the bus gives me time to think about what I’m going to do. I need to talk to Chad, maybe I can do it when we get off at the end of the tour. All I know is I want to do it tonight. I’m sick of avoidance, that’s definitely not what I want to do anymore. I miss him. I miss his laugh, his smell, the warmth of his touch. I just miss him, and I need to let him know that our friendship still counts for something.

  I’m enjoying Manhattan’s beautifully lit up skyline. Times Square was incredible, but the sun was still setting, so I think the brilliance of it was not what it could have been if it were a little later in the evening, but we’re coming back there at the end of the tour. After Times Square the bus made its way to The Statue of Liberty, then onto Central Park, which was beautiful, then Rockefeller Center, Fifth Avenue and the Empire State Building. The bus then made its way over the Manhattan Bridge showing us the glorious Manhattan skyline from the Brooklyn waterfront. It’s been absolutely amazing and everything has been so eye-opening and beautiful, but now we’re headed back to Times Square and this time the bus is going to stop. We have security on board with us, so we’re allowed to get out and have a look around the famous intersection.


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