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Totally Rocked? (The Next Generation Series Book 3)

Page 25

by K E Osborn

  I turn and peek back in the kitchen. “Yeah?”

  “Have fun.”

  “I will, bye.”

  “Drive safe. Don’t have the music too loud. Watch the other drivers. Be careful on the highway and always use your mirrors,” she continues. I giggle to myself and walk toward the front door.

  “Yes Mum,” I call back. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too. Say hi to Chad and Sia for me, and tell Dingo he stinks,” she says. I laugh out loud and continue out the door closing it behind me while shaking my head as I walk to my car.

  Mum cracks me up sometimes. She loves Dingo and they have a great friendship, they’re always teasing each other. I think that’s where Chad gets his immaturity from, his father. I open my car door, slide in and start up my Bentley Continental GTC Speed. Of course, it’s in my favourite colour – pink. I love this car, and with its powerful V6 engine it’s no wonder Mum worries about me driving. But Dad taught me everything there is to know about cars and driving, so I drive away without a care in the world on my way to London to see Chad.

  I pull up at Chad’s house and make my way to the front door and knock gently, waiting patiently. The door opens moments later and I see Sia smiling brightly.

  “Oh, hey Ella sweetheart, Chad said you were going to swing by. I thought you would’ve had enough of him on tour, and you would’ve wanted to stay away for as long as possible.”

  “Yeah, well, he does try to hide his farts from me and, to be honest, I would love to keep away from those. But those big green eyes and floppy blonde hair keeps pulling me back.”

  “He does look just like his Dad, utterly adorable—”

  “Hey, I heard that. I’m rugged and manly, thank you!” Dingo calls out from somewhere in the house.

  “Come in hon, he’s up in his room,” she says standing back and letting me walk by.

  “Thanks.” Carlton races past with a fake gun pretending to shoot Carter, who falls over pretending to be dead. I giggle and walk past them. They both wave at me as I start the walk up the stairs to Chad’s room. The twins continue to run around playing their game as I arrive at his door and knock.

  “Yep,” he calls out. I walk in and he’s on his electric drum kit playing away. I smirk as I walk in and he looks up at me, smiling brightly.

  “Oh, hey gorgeous,” he says stopping what he’s doing and standing up. It’s only now I realise he’s shirtless and my eyes open wide as I take in his stomach and all those chiselled abs underneath. I swallow hard as he starts to laugh, then he grabs a shirt nearby and pulls it over his head.

  “Earth to Ella, are you with me?” he asks clicking his fingers together as he snaps me away from staring at him. His shirt falls covering his perfectly sculptured body.

  I look up at his face, clearing my throat. “Um, yeah, sorry. You thought of where you wanna go today?” I ask looking away from him because suddenly I’m feeling swelteringly hot and tingly all over.

  He steps out from behind the drum kit and walks over to me. “Yeah, I thought of somewhere fun, but it’s a surprise and I’m driving.” He starts walking toward the bedroom door. Stopping, turning, and looking at me. “Well, are you coming? Or do you wanna stay in my bedroom all day?”

  I shake my head, quickly turn, and walk with him out of his room and down the stairs.

  “Dad, I’m taking Ells out for the day. We’ll be back later, okay?”

  “Okay, just be careful of the cameras. Don’t do anything stupid. Do you have security’s number if you need it?” Dingo asks.

  “Yep. It’s speed dial four on my phone,” Chad replies and Dingo laughs.

  “Who’s the first three?”

  “You, Mum, and Ella.”

  I turn to look at him and smile, wondering if he’s serious or not. He glances at me sideways and smiles, and I instantly know that he’s being truthful. I inwardly grin, knowing that I’m third on his list of most important people to call.

  “Right, well, just remember you guys are known now. So don’t go anywhere too public, and don’t do anything stupid. I don’t want to be dealing with the press later this afternoon, okay?” Dingo says.

  Chad rolls his eyes. “When have I ever done anything stupid?” he says. Dingo and I both laugh out loud as Chad chuckles.

  “Okay, so that was a dumb thing to say, but we’ll be cautious won’t we, mustard?”

  I nod and cross over my heart with my pointer finger.

  “Good, and make sure you have fun while I’m here slaving away taking care of your brothers. They have endless pools of energy, and I have no idea where it all comes from. I’m too old for this shit,” he says and slaps Chad on the shoulder.

  “We will, see ya,” Chad says turning and grabbing his keys from the buffet.

  “Bye,” I say and Dingo nods.

  Chad and I walk out the front door and down to Chad’s orange Jaguar f-type R Coupe. His car is fantastic, and I love the bright orange colour. It’s so Chad.

  “I freaking love this car, Chad.”

  He smiles while pressing the button for it to unlock. “I know, it’s a chick magnet,” he says walking around to my door opening it for me.

  I smirk and slide in, then he closes the door. Walking around to his side, he slides in effortlessly. This car suits him to a tee. And it actually makes him manlier in a way, and less like the child I’ve grown up with all my life.

  “So where are we going?”

  He looks at me raising his eyebrows. “You’ll just have to wait and see, m’lady.” He starts the engine and it roars to life, his smile is so wide it sends a wave of butterflies through my stomach. He pulls out of his parking spot and onto the road. We don’t travel for long before we pull up in the car park of Madame Tussauds Wax Museum and I laugh hard.

  “Are you serious?” I ask and Chad grins and nods.

  “What about the minions?” I ask concerned that we’ll be recognised in a place that’s all about celebrities. He leans into the back and pulls out two baseball caps and two pairs of massive sunglasses. I laugh and shake my head.

  “You really think this disguise will work?” I ask while he shrugs and puts on his cap.

  “We only have one way to find out. You’re not chicken are you, chicken stock?”

  I laugh and shake my head, pulling my hair back and pulling it through the hole at the back of the baseball cap as I place it over my head. Then I put the oversized sunglasses on. I feel like a complete fool, but this could be fun.

  “Right, let’s go, Miss Inconspicuous-Non-Rock-Star-Lady,” he says and gets out of the car.

  I giggle and step out looking around, hoping like hell this disguise isn’t a big-arse giveaway. He walks over and takes my hand and a spark shoots straight from my hand right down my side and straight between my legs. I swallow hard as I fight the feeling, and think of Danger and how he’d be sleeping in Los Angeles. We walk to the front door and Chad opens it for me. He talks to the people as I take off my sunglasses because it’s too dark in here with them on, but ensuring I leave my baseball cap securely on my head. I look around and see some of the wax statues and smirk because I’ve always wanted to come here but have never been able to because of who I am. But Chad has made it possible for me and I’m so grateful.

  “Okay, you ready to go through?”

  “Thank you for bringing me here, this will be great.”

  We walk through to the first section to see a lineup of famous actors. They really do look so realistic.

  “I remember you saying once you really wanted to visit, so I thought why not bring you?”

  “You remember me saying that?”

  “I remember most things you say, Ella,” he says and wraps his arm around my shoulders pulling me to him. A flutter in my stomach makes me feel all kinds of warmth running through me. Chad really does look after me. We walk up to a statue of Denzel Washington and I smile as I reach out and touch the face of the statue even though I know I’m not supposed to.

  “It’s so da
mn real,” I say and Chad chuckles.

  “I know, this place is kind of cool.”

  We continue through to the music section of the museum. We walk past Michael Jackson and Madonna, past Britney and One Direction. And then I can’t hold in my laugh when I see my Dad and the rest of Slayed.

  “Oh my God, Chad look!” I say rushing over and stare at our parents.

  He cracks up laughing while I check out the features of my Dad and it’s just like he's actually standing before me.

  “Oh, this is too freaky.”

  Chad pulls out his phone and brings it up to his face. “Stand in front of them,” he says.

  I smirk and pose as Chad takes a photo of me with Slayed. I laugh as he shakes his head.

  “I’ll take one of you, too.”

  He nods and moves in front of the statues, and goes to pose as I bring the phone up to take a photo. He poses next to his Dad pretending to lick his face.

  “You’re such a kid,” I say and he laughs.

  Walking back I show him the photo as we laugh together about how utterly hilarious this is when a little boy tugs on Chad’s shirt. We both look down at him and he’s smiling so brightly at Chad it’s not funny.

  “Hey, is that your Dad?” the little boy asks, pointing to the statue of Dingo. Chad instantly tenses up not knowing what to say.

  I nod and point to the statue of Dad. “And that’s my Dad,” I tell him and the little boy smiles so brightly it warms my heart.

  I can’t help but notice the little boy has a beanie on and looks quite pale and somewhat sick.

  “Wow! That’s so cool. You know, I play the drums and I’ve watched you on the Slayed World Tour on the internet. Chad you’re my favourite drummer of all time,” the little boy says. The boy must be only six or seven-years-old.

  “Wow! Thanks mate, that’s so kind of you to say that. Ella, do you have a texta in your bag?”

  “Yeah, I think so.” I pull my bag from my shoulder and search through it to find a black sharpie. I hand it to Chad, as the little boy looks up at him in awe. Chad pulls off his baseball cap. I tense up looking around hoping no one else recognises us. Chad signs the cap and hands it to the little boy.

  “Oh my goodness, thank you, Chad. You’re my hero!” he says bouncing on the spot.

  A woman comes over looking panicked. “Oliver, don’t run off like that,” she says taking his hand and looking at him noticing the baseball cap, then she looks at us. She spots Chad and then her eyes open wide.

  “Mum, Mum, it’s Chad from Staked. He gave me a cap and signed it too. This is the best day ever,” he says jumping up and down.

  A tear falls slowly down the mother’s cheek and she stops Oliver from jumping. “Don’t jump, baby, save your strength,” she says. She puts out her hand to Chad and shakes.

  I look at Chad and furrow my brows wondering what on earth is going on right now. He looks as confused as I am. He shakes her hand as she wipes her tears away with her other hand.

  “Sorry for blubbering. It’s just Oliver loves you guys so much, and to meet you has been a dream of his. He has Lymphoma and watching the YouTube videos through his chemo, is what gets him through the tough days.”

  I gasp and look down at Oliver. I feel warm tears starting to well in my eyes. He’s too young to be so sick.

  “Oh, wow! I’m sorry, little man, but I’m glad we can help you through when you’re not feeling the best,” Chad says and bends down to his level.

  “Yeah, you guys are the greatest. I love your songs and your electric blue drum kit is so cool. I want one just like it,” Oliver says and Chad laughs.

  “Well mate, it’s a one of a kind. I actually had it made, but I can give the name of the manufacturer to your mum,” Chad says as he stands back up. Oliver looks really excited.

  “Oh, can I get one Mum?” he asks and she frowns.

  “We don’t have the money, baby,” she replies.

  I frown and a tear rolls down my face, but I quickly wipe it away.

  “Well here, take my card and send me an email. I’d love to help. However I can. Get him his own drum kit, pay for some hospital bills. Oliver is a fan, and he deserves all the help he can get. So even if I can send some merchandise and things through to you guys, please email me. I want to help,” Chad says offering his card to the mother.

  She hesitates. “That’s not necessary,” she says.

  “No, not necessary, but I want to. Please email me,” he says and she nods and takes Chad’s card and then Oliver races forward and hugs Chad around his legs.

  “You’re the best person ever, Chad!” he says and Chad leans down hugging him back.

  “Well, you just keep on your mum’s back until she emails me, okay, little mate?”

  “Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to us,” his mother says as Oliver rushes over and hugs her.

  “I want to help, so please let me,” Chad says and the mother nods.

  “Thank you. Thank you, so much! I’ll be in touch. But we’ll leave you guys to your day now. Thank you again, and thank you for making a sick boy’s dream come true. You really are a wonderful man, Chad Everly,” she says.

  I wipe another stray tear from my face as he smiles. I wrap my arm with his and they walk away. I look up at him as they leave and he looks so sad.

  “Chad that was an amazing thing you just did. I’m kind of in awe of you right now.” I lean on my toes and kiss his cheek. I’m seeing a side of him I haven’t seen before, his nurturing side and I like it. He turns and looks at me and smiles.

  “He deserves to be happy, Ella. Everyone deserves to be happy.” With those words, I see the sadness in his eyes, and I swallow hard as he looks me in the eyes and a spark shoots between us. He leans in toward me like he’s going to kiss me and I take a deep breath and step back. He clears his throat and nods, knowing he shouldn’t have done that.

  “We should probably go. Especially, now we’ve been outed. People are looking because you don’t have your hat anymore. We don’t want the minions to invade,” I say and he nods and he turns to walk out. I exhale and follow behind him, trying to calm my erratically beating heart and the butterflies that are fluttering around in my stomach. Those butterflies are making me badly want to run up to Chad and have that kiss with him.

  The drive back to Chad’s house was quiet and filled with awkward tension. We both know we nearly kissed. We both know I’m in a relationship with Danger, so that type of thing can’t happen. But I can’t help the butterflies that occur whenever I think of how utterly adorable and honorable Chad was with Oliver. He was so kind and generous, and even though Chad is a child most of the time, he does have his moments where he’s the most sensible person around me, and it shocks me to my very core. Seeing Chad with Oliver was the most humbling experience and I’m so honoured I was there to witness it. But the tension in the car afterward was not something I was happy about. Luckily, however, it was only a short drive back to Chad’s.

  When we pulled up, I told Chad I wasn’t feeling well and that I was going to head home. The tension was giving me a headache, and I just wanted to go home and try to forget all about the almost kiss. He was okay with that and walked me to my car then watched me drive off. The drive home has me thinking of Danger and the fact that I feel guilty for having a fun day with Chad, and then for feeling confused about how our day ended. Chad is a good guy and I want our friendship to be on track again. I hope he does too. I will message him when I get home and make sure we’re still okay.

  After an hour and a half drive, I’m home and my mood is somber. I’m sad thinking about Oliver and I hope he isn’t terminal. I’m optimistic that Oliver’s mother will email Chad and we are able to find out more about him. I’ll have to ask Chad to tell me if she does email him.

  I slide out of my car and walk up to the front door and let myself in. Snaggy and Sassy come bolting up to me barking and wagging their tails joyfully, and I pat them both. At least they’re happy to see me.
br />   “Ella, is that you?” Mum calls out and I walk into the kitchen and smile at her.

  “Yep, just me,” I say and take a seat at the kitchen table.

  “How was your day? You’re home earlier than I thought you’d be?” she says as Annie walks in and sits down next to me.

  “Yeah, we had fun. We went to Madame Tussauds and saw statues of Slayed. It was so weird.”

  “Those things look so real, hey?” Mum says as she brings over a jug of freshly squeezed orange juice.

  “Yeah, it’s freaky actually.” I look at Annie and she seems a little brighter today which is nice.

  “We met a young boy, Oliver. He has Lymphoma and he loved Chad, said he watched all our shows on YouTube and that Chad’s the best drummer in the world. Chad gave his mum his email address. Chad wants to buy Oliver a drum kit and send him some merchandise and stuff,” I say and Annie and Mum both look at me with their eyes wide open.

  “Wow! That’s so sad,” Annie says.

  “Yeah, he looked so sick, poor little guy. But Chad was amazing, he really took him under his wing and he really wants to help him out. It was kind of amazing to watch.”

  Mum smiles and stirs the jug of juice and then pours the glasses.

  “Wow! Chad Everly the humanitarian, who would have thought?” Annie says and I nod while picking up my glass of juice.

  “I know, right?”

  He’s such a practical joker and a kid at heart that doing something so honorable surprised me, and it actually made me see another side of him. He cares about people, more than he lets on, and I really like this new side of him. It makes him more dimensional, more than just the kid I grew up with who likes playing Xbox and wears disgustingly dirty socks all the time.

  “Well, I think Chad is a great young man. He has a lot of his father in him, which is why he is childish and a joker. But he also has his mum in him too, and she’s a practical thinker, a smart, headstrong woman who cares about people and how they feel. Chad is a remarkable young man and a great catch,” Mum says and Annie and I both look at her and giggle.


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