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Totally Rocked? (The Next Generation Series Book 3)

Page 33

by K E Osborn

  “You okay, Annie?” Dad asks her.

  She nods and he looks at me for confirmation, I smile not wanting to ruin his party. He smiles and continues to talk to Mum. The waiters bring our food and it’s delicious. I can’t help but look over at Chad as he keeps making jokes at Aston’s table causing them all to laugh. All the while my stomach is in knots thinking about our kiss and the way Chad’s skin feels against mine. I really want to spend more time with him tonight, but it could be dangerous. I tend to lose all my senses around him. I’m not sure how much longer I can control myself with him.

  I find I’m no longer eating and more fiddling with my food while just staring at Chad thinking of all the things I’d like him to be doing to me. I shake my head out of my reverie when I notice Annie stand up abruptly. I look at her as she gasps. I follow her line of sight to see Aston and Amber kissing again, and as Amber and Aston pull apart Aston looks at Annie and they have a moment I’m sure of it. I bite my bottom lip watching it all unfold. I want to reach out and grab Annie’s hand in comfort, but as Aston turns from their gaze to look at Amber, Annie loses it and runs out of the gazebo, yet again. I exhale and look at Aston. He watches Annie rushing out of the gazebo and stands up, but doesn’t leave. He looks back at me and I shrug and stare with pleading eyes trying to tell him to go after her. I can see in his eyes he wants to follow her as Amber pulls on Aston’s arm for him to sit down, but he tugs his arm free and walks out of the gazebo. I smile and take a deep breath hoping like hell that Aston is going after my sister to sort their shit out.

  Knowing that Aston and Annie might be on the right track to sorting out their broken relationship has me thinking about my broken relationship. I feel sick to my stomach, and I look over at Chad on the other table, joking and having a good time. I feel terrible and I really want to talk to Danger. I feel like I need to make a grand gesture, so I pull out my phone and send him a text.

  Me: Danger I know you’re really busy lately, so I thought what if I was to make a trip out there to see you?

  I hit send and wait for his reply. I’m hoping that by me making an effort to go and see him, perhaps he’ll be more inclined to want to talk to me. I wait and wait and there’s no response. With every passing minute, the butterflies in my stomach become more ferocious and now they’re swarming so fast I feel physically ill. I wish I knew what I could do or say to make him want to talk to me. I wish I knew where I stood, so I knew where I could go with Chad. I’m feeling emotional and my eyes start to well with tears, so I stand from the table excusing myself and walk out of the gazebo and into the house and up to my room. As I close the door the wave of tears flow down my cheeks and I can’t seem to stop the torrent from flowing. I’m so confused. I think I have to let Danger go, even though I really don’t want to. He was my first everything. I think I love him and you can’t just let that go overnight. But right now, at this moment, I believe I’m done. I pull out my phone to send him a text telling him we’re over. I’m just about to hit send when the phone flashes with him calling me. My eyes open wide and I answer the phone now blubbering like a mess.

  “Hello?” I say through soft sobs.

  “Sugar, are you crying?” he asks and hearing his voice only makes me cry harder. “Oh Ella, I’m sorry, please don’t cry,” he says and I sit on my bed and flop my body back onto it feeling completely overwhelmed.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just been so hard you know?” I say and he exhales and is quiet for a moment.

  “I’ve been very busy and that’s no excuse, but I’m sorry and I am going to make it up to you,” he says.

  “You are?” I ask wiping my cheeks wondering how he could possibly make this better.

  “Yeah sugar, I’m coming to the UK and I want to see you, that is if you haven’t given up on me?” he asks.

  I sit up straight on my bed and gasp for air. “You’re coming to England?” I repeat to make sure I heard right.

  “Yep, and I need to see you. I’ve treated you so bad and I miss you,” he says and I start to cry again.

  “I was about to give up on you, Danger. I was sending you a text telling you we’re over,” I say and he exhales and is quiet.

  “Are we over?” he asks and I shake my head.

  “Not if you don’t want us to be. I still want to be with you, I just didn’t think you wanted me anymore,” I say through my tears.

  “No Ella, I swear, I still want you. Every part of me craves you. I miss you, so God damned much it hurts sometimes,” he says and I chew on the inside of my cheek.

  “You promise?” I ask and he chuckles.

  “Yeah baby, I promise. If you’ll still have me I’ll be better, I’ll call more. I’ll be better for you Ella, you deserve that,” he says and I nod and wipe my cheeks.

  I want to tell him about Chad, about how my guilt is eating me up right now, but I figure if I tell him about my indiscretions then he’ll tell me about his, and that’s something I don’t want to know.

  We talk for a long time catching up on everything we’ve missed. I feel better about us and Danger says he’ll let me know when he’s in London and when I can come and see him. He will be here for work so he won’t be here for long, but he’s made it very clear that he needs to see me, and that need to see him right now is very obvious to me as well.

  Danger’s in London and I desperately want to see him. I know he has some stuff to do tonight and then he’s free, but Annie and Aston had a fight at the party. So I’m sort of on Annie watch, making sure she doesn’t do anything stupid. Knowing Danger is only an hour and half away is doing my head in as I sit in the lounge room with Annie painting my nails. I’d much rather be on my way to London to meet up with Danger, but I don’t see how that’s going to be possible now.

  “Let’s go out,” Annie bursts out of nowhere.

  Looking at her, I raise my eyebrow. “What, now?” I ask as she smiles like she’s getting excited. “Well, where do you want to go?” I question thinking she’ll want to go to the movies or something as I blow on my wet nails.

  “I don’t know to a club or something?”

  “Really? Okay. What will we tell Mum?”

  “That we’re having a girl’s night at the movies or something?” Annie kneeling on the lounge in excitement.

  “Perfect, let’s get dressed then.”

  We both race upstairs to our rooms to get prepared. I pull out my phone and quickly send a text to Danger telling him we’re driving into London to go to a club, and if he has time he should swing by and find me. I grab some dresses from my closet and try them on, I’m not sure if I’ll be seeing Danger tonight so I want to look my best just in case.

  Annie rushes into my room as I pick up a black lacy number and hold it up against my body.

  “C’mon Ella, that one will do.”

  “I was thinking the black one too,” I say and pull it over my head. I slip into some flats and we flurry downstairs to a waiting Mum in the lounge room, who’s settled herself in for a night of movies and popcorn.

  “Hey girls, I thought we could have a movie night,” she says and then looks back at us all dressed up. “But I think you’re overdressed.”

  “We thought we’d have a movie night. Go out and see that new slasher flick,” I lie and Mum nods.

  “Okay, well, I’ll just go and get dressed and I’ll take us out—”

  “Actually Mum, me and Ella just want some sister bonding time if that’s okay?” Annie says and Mum frowns.

  “Yep, no worries, I’ll just sit here all on my lonesome and watch something with the dogs on my lap…no biggie,” she says and I smile.

  “Thanks, Mum.”

  We grab our coats.

  “Have fun girls, don’t be home too late. Call me if anyone recognises you and I’ll have security with you as soon as possible,” Mum calls out as we grab the car keys and race out the front door.

  “I’m driving,” I say and Annie laughs closing the door behind her.

  “Sure, means I ca
n drink.”

  “Don’t drink too much, okay?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Yes, Mum.”

  I shake my head as we get in the car and head to London. After the hour and a half drive, we find a small club on the outskirts of the city. Parking the car, we move toward the lineup. We start to queue, but the bouncer waves at us.

  “You ladies can go through, head on up to VIP. I’ll radio ahead and let them know you’re coming,” he says and we smile at each other as I squeal slightly. We walk into the club, head up the stairs and the bouncer lets us in.

  “Good evening, Miss Slade times two,” he says and we both smile. It is nice being known sometimes.

  “Let’s get a drink,” I yell to Annie and she nods.

  We walk to the bar and Annie’s looking out across the bar, clearly checking out her target for the evening. I roll my eyes and look back at the bar ordering our drinks.

  Three shots of tequila later, and I’m dancing by myself on the edge of the dancefloor while Annie continues to drink at the bar. A tingle shoots all over my arms as I let the music flow through me. I’m feeling a little intoxicated, but I know this feeling someone is near me, someone I like. I’m just not sure who.

  A hand on my waist sends a flash of warmth right through my soul and I turn to see Danger smiling right at me. I scream loudly and jump wrapping my arms around him. I feel like I’m home again as his muscular arms encase me tightly. His body connects with mine and he holds me strongly against him. I glance back at Annie and smirk as I point to the dancefloor letting her know I’m going to be preoccupied for a while. Annie smiles and shakes her head as Danger grabs hold and walks with me into the sea of people on the dancefloor. He pulls my body flush to him and his hands come up either side of my face as his eyes interlock with mine.

  “Fuck sugar, you’re even more beautiful than my memories,” he says and then his lips crash to mine and my body ignites into passion. Everything inside me explodes into a blissful harmony. Kissing Danger always felt right and doing it here right now after so long the feeling is exactly as it always has been.

  He is my true north.

  My home.

  My safe place.

  And right now I couldn’t feel more at ease as his tongue dances with mine. His piercing gliding against my tongue and my lips, bringing a new ecstasy to this moment. I wrap my arms tightly around his neck while my fingers run through his hair. God, I’ve missed just touching him. Everything about him I’ve missed and he hasn’t changed at all.

  “I’ve missed you so much, Ella,” he says breaking the kiss and resting his forehead against mine.

  “I’m glad you were able to come out and see me tonight.”

  “I’m glad you came to London tonight. I’ve been aching to see you, baby. When you said you were at this club, I dropped everything and got here as soon as I could. I just need to hold you,” he says and my chest constricts with his words and a lump forms in my throat. Feeling like this with Danger is always so easy when he’s here. It’s when he’s not, that’s the issue.

  “Can you not leave it so long between visits next time?” I ask and he huffs.

  “Yeah sugar, I’m sorry. Life’s been crazy.”

  “Tell me about it,” I say and he frowns.

  “I’ve been such a dickhead and so busy with the band that I haven’t had time to do anything. I haven’t even been able to spend time with my sister’s fiancé yet, and it’s their wedding soon. Everything is suffering Ella, not just you.”

  “Okay, I’m sorry, I’m not the most supportive girlfriend in the world—”

  “Hey stop! You’re perfect, this is all on me, but I don’t want to talk right now. All I want to do is dance with you, hold you and kiss you all night long. Can we do that?”

  “Of course,” I reply leaning on my toes and pressing my lips to his as an image of Chad flashes through my mind. I cringe and pull back from the kiss and nuzzle into Danger’s chest. Dancing with him instead, trying not to think about the fact that for some fucked up and twisted reason, I now feel like being here with Danger is me cheating on Chad.

  My head is so fucked up!

  While dancing with Danger, I notice Annie getting friendly with a guy who seems a bit of a bad boy. He’s covered in tattoos and has those ear gauges. And he’s certainly taken a fancy to her. I’m a bit worried that Annie might be going a bit too far with this guy. His hands are all over her and she seems completely oblivious to his overly-friendly behaviour.

  “Danger, do you think that guy with Annie is okay?” I ask leaning up and yelling in his ear.

  He looks over to watch him running his hand up the inside of her thigh and Annie doesn’t even seem to notice.

  “Okay, I think maybe she’s had too much to drink. We’ll take her home,” he says taking my hand and walking us over to them. They’re dirty dancing and I mean practically dry humping in the middle of the room as Danger and I approach. Annie is completely off her face, she’s so wasted and needs to come home with us now. Annie’s laughing as she starts to sway while I tap her shoulder. She turns to face me and stumbles on the spot.

  “Oh hey, sissy. What’s Danger doing here anyway?” she asks as Danger wraps his arms around my waist from behind.

  “Oh, he was just in the neighbourhood. Anyway, I think you should stop drinking. You’ve had quite enough for now, and if you want to be sober by the time we get home then—”

  “Oh, whatever. I’m not nearly drunk enough. Plus, my good mate Trent here is keeping me company,” she says slurring her words.

  “Annie, you need to stop drinking and come home with us now,” I demand and Annie laughs like it’s a joke.

  “Nah! Thanks. I’m having a great time. I think we should stay.”

  “Annie, c’mon! You need to go home. You’re wasted and—”

  “Oh, just piss off, Little Miss Goody-Two-Shoes. Go home with your dangerous boyfriend!”

  I huff and fold my arms over my chest at her demeaning attitude. “Annie, you’re acting out. Stop being a bitch and come home now or I’ll tell Mum.”

  Her eyes open wide and she glares at me. “You came out here just like I did, Ella. You tell her I’m here and I’ll tell her you’ve been drinking and dancing with Danger. How do you think she’d like to hear about that, huh?” she asks stepping right in front of me getting in my face.

  “Okay, I think someone can’t handle her liquor. C’mon Ella, let Annie settle down for a bit then we’ll take her home,” Danger states and Annie smirks and tilts her head like she’s won this round.

  Annie’s being a brat and she has no right to treat me like this.

  “No, if she wants to stay she can. Let Little Miss I’m-Better-Than-Everyone-Else find her own way home in her drunken stupor. See how she likes being thrown into the deep end. Have a good night Annie, I hope you get whatever sick twisted satisfaction you’re after,” I say, and in my anger I storm off before I end up punching her out. She’s being such a bitch right now and I don’t want to be near her when she makes a fool of herself. I turn back to see Danger hand her something, I don’t care what it is so I turn back around and continue to storm out of the club. Soon a strong set of arms wrap around me and my anger ebbs in his arms.

  “Hey, she’s just trying to have fun Ella,” he whispers in my ear.

  “I know, but she’s completely smashed and that guy is going to take full advantage of her,” I say getting a little emotional.

  He grabs my shoulders pulling me to look at him. “She’s a big girl, she knows when to say no, and she has my number now. She’ll call if she needs me, okay? Don’t worry,” he says and I huff and move in to cuddle him.

  “Thank you for giving her your number. I hope she calls before she does something stupid,” I say and he murmurs something and walks us out of the club and over to my car. “I better get back home.” I feel really pissed off that Annie is ruining my night like this.

  “Let me come with you?” Danger asks and it shocks me slightly.
  “You want to come back to Oxfordshire, with me?”

  “Yeah, I need to make sure you get home okay, and I don’t want you driving for an hour and a half on your own when you’re angry and you’ve been drinking,” he says and I lean up and kiss him taking him by surprise.

  Pulling back he smirks at me. “Thank you,” I say and he shakes his head.

  “Don’t thank me yet, I have no idea how Colt will react when he sees me,” he says and I smile and walk over to the driver’s side of my car.

  “No need to worry Danger, Dad’s out of town. It’s just Mum at home and she knows about us, so we’ll be free to be ourselves around her,” I say and slide into the car.

  It takes a second before Danger glides into the passenger’s seat and when he does he glares at me. “Ella, your Mom knows about us?”

  “Yes, but before you go getting all panic-stricken, she hasn’t and won’t tell Dad until we want her to,” I say starting the ignition.

  He huffs and shakes his head. “Are you sure?”

  “Danger, if Dad knew about us I’m sure I would’ve had an earful by now. There’s been nothing since I told Mum, she hasn’t even said anything to me about it. So it hasn’t been mentioned. Don’t worry, your secret is safe from the scary Colter Slade,” I say backing out of the parking space and heading back home toward Oxfordshire.

  Annie is playing on my mind and I feel sorry for leaving her, but she’s made her own bed and she can lie in it. On the ride back Danger holds my hand on the gearstick and talks to me about his band and his sister Mouse. He lights up when he talks about her and her plans to get married. I’ve never really thought about getting married myself and suddenly an image of me in a white dress walking down an aisle pops into my mind. I look down the end and standing there, one on either side, is Chad and Danger. Both dressed immaculately in suits and both staring at me like they’re waiting for me to choose between them.

  “Ella!” Danger calls out and grabs the steering wheel swerving so I don’t go up the gutter.


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