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Totally Rocked? (The Next Generation Series Book 3)

Page 41

by K E Osborn

  “I’m sure. You don’t even have to ask me, Chad. This has been coming for a long time and I need you right now,” I say honestly and he smiles and kisses me softly.

  “I need you to Ella, more than you know,” he says and moves into position. His hand comes up to caress my face while the other moves in between us. He positions his cock at my entrance as I wrap my legs around his waist and as he looks into my eyes and they’re filled with so much allure, I honestly think I see the love pouring from them.

  It makes me feel like this is right like this is where I should’ve been all along – in the arms of Chad.

  He leans down kissing me softly, his eyes still glued to mine as he slowly edges his tip inside me. He thrusts forward moving in me slowly making us both moan at the pleasure enveloping us. I close my eyes revelling in the fact that I’m finally joined with Chad. He moves in deeper as his kiss becomes more passionate. Our bodies begin to move together in slow harmony as he pushes in and out of me. My hands clench on his shoulder blades as his hand gently caresses my cheek.

  He pulls away from our kiss. “Ella, I want to make you feel good, I want to kiss every inch of you.”

  The feeling of him filling me completely and moving slowly is so new to me. I feel giddy at his words and butterflies dance freely in my tummy.

  This feels like real lovemaking.

  “I’ve never felt this good before, tell me what you need,” he says.

  “I just need you, Chad,” I reply. Everything I’ve experienced in the past has been entirely different, but this feels like the real deal. He leans in kissing me, his tongue dances with mine passionately as his hand caresses my cheek so tenderly it makes me feel emotional. The look in Chad’s eyes and the fact that he’s taking care of me and is loving me is making me feel cherished and wanted. He thrusts deeper and I moan loudly breaking our kiss, I need some air as his movements are knocking the wind from me. His lips move to my cheek and he trails light kisses all down my jawline to my neck. I breathe in harshly grasping at his back as he moves in me torturously slow. I dig my nails into his skin as he moves in deeper. His low throaty groan only sets me on fire. He pushes deeper as that all too familiar spark starts to rise within me.

  “You feel so good, Ella,” he murmurs between kisses to my neck.

  I can’t say anything in response as I’m trying my hardest to keep the noise down seeing as we have a house full of guests downstairs. He continues to move and the heat is engulfing me starting at my toes, radiating up my body and enveloping me in a fire I can’t extinguish. I begin to pant as Chad thrusts deeper and I clench my eyes tighter as I run my hands up and down his back needing to feel every inch of him.

  “Oh God,” I murmur as pleasure starts to unfold within me.

  He pushes deeper and groans in satisfaction. My toes begin to curl as my body clenches. I arch my back slightly off the bed forcing myself into him even further. He thrusts again and I moan as I see those customary flashes of light behind my eyelids. My body starts to shake and I breathe rapidly and shallow as the pleasure engulfs me. I tense my entire body preparing for the high and it hits with another thrust. Moaning loudly, my body jolts and every muscle tenses as I explode like a firework splintering into tiny fragments underneath him as he groans while I contract around him.

  “Jesus Ella, you’re so beautiful,” he says and moves back to kiss me as I come down from my second high. I kiss him back and run my hands up into his hair holding him to me. I want to kiss him for the rest of forever, and right now I want to stay here with Chad like this until the end of time.

  His kiss is stronger now and more forceful, I kiss him back the same way letting him know I’m with him in this. He moves in me quicker now and I know he’s getting close by the faster pace and tempo of his movements.

  I clench my internal muscles tighter and he groans in my mouth jolting slightly on top of me. Clenching my fingers into his back he thrusts and I wrap my legs around his waist tighter pulling myself to him. He groans and I kiss him passionately letting him know how much I care for him. He moves inside me and I tighten my muscles again. He jolts, and then breaks our kiss and moves his head into my neck forcing out a long moan as his body tenses and he unloads inside me. We both pant as we come down from our highs and he rests his weight on me now fully relaxed.

  “My God, Ella, I never knew it could be that good. You’re incredible, baby,” he says and pulls his head up to look at me.

  I smile and nod bringing my hand up to caress his cheek. “Neither did I,” I say honestly.

  “You’re my everything, you know that, right?” he whispers leaning in planting a soft kiss on my nose.

  I smile and swallow hard. “I think I do now.”

  He smiles and leans in kissing my lips as he slowly pulls out of me.

  “Are you okay? You’re not hurt or regretting this or anything are you?” Chad asks rolling off me and to my side.

  I look at him and lean over caressing his cheek again. “Not even slightly. That was perfect, and I’ve wanted to do that with you for a really long time. I just didn’t want to face it. Now that I have, I want to do it a lot more,” I say and he smirks and chuckles.

  “Well, I can arrange that,” he says leaning over and kissing me again, then pulls back and slides off the condom, tying and placing it on the bedside table.

  “Chad,” I say.

  “Mmm,” he murmurs looking up at me.

  “Will you stay and hold me?” I ask and he smiles wide and nods.

  “Of course, sweetness.” He rolls on his back and opens his arm for me to move in. I smile and cuddle into his side. It’s nice to be able to have this moment with him finally, after all this time denying my feelings for him. Even though Danger will always be my first love, maybe he wasn’t destined to be my one true love, after all.

  I’m cuddled in bed after coming down from a passionate round of morning sex with Chad and I couldn’t feel more relaxed if I tried. In his arms, I feel a sense of familiarity. I feel at peace and a sense of calm that I haven’t felt before. It’s nice, and, to be honest, I just want to stay here in bed with him for as long as possible. His fingers gently stroke up and down my arm sending a tingle and a wave of goose bumps along my skin. Running my hand along his stomach as my head sits in the nook of his neck and shoulder, I smile at nothing in particular. I’m so content right now, I don’t think anything could dampen my good spirits.

  “You’re quiet,” Chad says softly bringing his hand up to my face and bringing me up to look at him.

  I look into his eyes and smile which makes him smile. “I’m just basking in the glow,” I say and he smirks and raises an eyebrow.

  “The glow?” he questions.

  “Yeah, just how awesome this is to be here with you, like this. I’m in the glow of it,” I say and he nods and leans down kissing my lips softly.

  He pulls back and his thumb swipes over my lips tenderly. “Well, I like being in the glow with you, Ella. This is my favourite place in the world right now,” he says and I bite my bottom lip and smile.

  “Mine too.” I lean up kissing him again. Moving slightly to get a better angle, I deepen the kiss. I need to be near him and knowing he’s right here in this with me is only making me need him more. His hands run up my arms warming me with his touch just as his stomach growls. I start to chuckle against his lips and he pulls back and smirks.

  “You’re not supposed to laugh while I’m kissing you, you know.”

  “Yeah, well, you’re obviously hungry and I’m pretty starving too. We spent all morning making love so I know I’ve worked up an appetite,” I say and roll away from him sitting up on the bed. He sits up next to me and smiles.

  “So our bed time is over, back to the real world then?” he asks and I nod.

  “I’m not going to keep you in here all day and starve you. You’re hungry. I am too. Let’s go get something to eat seeing as it’s nearly lunch time, and then we can go back to bed,” I say waving my eyebrows insinuating

  He chuckles and nods. “Okay, sounds good to me.”

  I get out of my bed and pull on a summer dress and some panties. Chad gets dressed and we head downstairs hand-in-hand and head toward the kitchen. We walk in and Mum, Annie and Aston are in there making lunch. I’m not sure what’s officially happening between Chad and me, so I drop his hand before they see us. I don’t need them hounding us at the table.

  “Oh, hey guys, you disappeared last night where’d you end up?” Aston asks and Mum looks over at us as Annie smirks and looks right at me.

  I flush red hot and Chad chuckles looking at Mum, who’s now raising her eyebrow.

  “Ella wasn’t feeling well, so I kept her company for a while,” Chad says. I gnaw on my bottom lip as Mum looks at me and furrows her brows trying to suss out what’s going on.

  “Yeah, I had a headache and the party was a bit loud, so Chad just kept me company in my room, that’s all.”

  Annie giggles as Aston smirks at Chad and winks while Mum nods and continues to cut up the food.

  “In that case, thank you for looking after her Chad. That’s very chivalrous of you,” Mum says. I roll my eyes as Chad smirks. “Take a seat, lunch is almost ready.”

  I walk over to the table and Annie walks over with Aston and they sit down at the table with me and Chad. They’re both grinning like Cheshire cats and it’s unnerving. Mum will definitely pick up that something is going on if they don’t cut it out soon.

  “Stop it!” I mouth to Annie and she smiles and looks from me to Chad and back to me again. She brings her hand up and makes a circle with it and then pokes her finger through the circle with her other hand making the sex symbol. Aston and Chad burst out laughing and I sink in my seat and try to hide myself.

  “What’s so funny?” Mum asks.

  “Nothing,” I say quickly before anyone else can and they all laugh again.

  I’m glad they find it funny. Chad rests his hand on my leg under the table and the gesture calms my nerves slightly. I look at him and my breath catches at the beauty of his smile.

  “Ella and Chaaad, sitting in a tree—”

  “Annie, stop!” Aston interrupts her as she whispers taunting me.

  I glare at her and she exhales. “I’m happy for you two, really,” she whispers so Mum can’t hear.

  “Annie, leave them alone,” Aston berates and she pouts but still with a smirk.

  “Okay sorry, but seriously, this is great,” she says just as Mum walks over with a giant plate of fried chicken and salad.

  “What’s great?” Mum asks and I tense up.

  “The food Mum, it’s so good. I need fried food after the party last night. You’re a life saver,” Annie says and I smile looking at Chad, who’s looking at me with adoration in his eyes.

  “Well, that’s good to know. Now tuck in, don’t let it get cold,” Mum says and takes a strip of chicken placing it in her mouth.

  Chad’s tummy growls in anticipation and I giggle. He smirks looking at me from the corner of his eyes as he leans in grabbing a piece of chicken. His free hand skims higher up my leg and I smile as I place my hand on top of his entwining our fingers together.

  We eat our lunch and it feels like everything is how it should be finally. Annie and Aston are so sickly happy it’s not funny. Chad and I are in a good space and I can’t wait to get back up to the bedroom and maybe talk about what this means for us.

  We’re all chatting and laughing over the remnants of our lunch when the buzzer for the front gate sounds.

  “I’ll get it, it’s probably a delivery,” Mum says and stands up walking out of the kitchen while Aston continues his story about how he chose Annie’s engagement ring. Mum’s gone for about two minutes when she walks back in and the hairs on my arms stand up and a chill runs down my spine. I know that feeling. My body tenses, turning I see her walk in and with Danger. He looks so good and my heart flutters instantly though I will it not too. I swallow hard as the laughter in the room falls silent and then Chad turns to look at what the fuss is about.

  “Fuck,” he murmurs.

  Danger is looking at me like he can’t decide whether he wants to run to me or whether he’s terrified of me. Seeing the insecurity in his eyes is new to me. He’s always so sure of himself. I can’t help it as my hand inadvertently let’s go of Chad’s so I can hold myself as I wrap my arms around my chest.

  “Sugar.” It’s like heaven just whispered my name and it’s rolling off Danger’s tongue.

  I swallow hard and Chad looks at me, his frown is endless. “Danger.” My voice is small, barely a whisper, as he looks at me with his chest heaving. The tension in the air is so thick you couldn’t even cut it with a chainsaw let alone a knife.

  “Can we talk?” Danger asks and Chad looks at me and takes me by the shoulders.

  “Ella no, please don’t,” he begs and I look at his sad, desperate eyes and see the hurt in them already.

  I’m shaking, as I look into Chad’s eyes and watch his pain. He already knows that I’m going to give Danger the chance to talk to me. In Chad’s eyes, he’s losing me again.

  “He flew all this way, Chad. I need to at least hear what he has to say,” I whisper and drop eye contact. The moment I saw his eyes watering, I had to look away.

  His hands fall from my arms and he exhales. “Jesus Ella, just remember us, okay? Whatever he has to say, remember us,” he says and leans in kissing my forehead. My bottom lip trembles and I nod.

  “We’re only talking, Chad. It’s going to be okay.”

  He nods, stands up and walks toward the exit looking at Danger on the way out. I see his nostrils flare like he wants to say something, but he doesn’t. Annie and Aston get up and walk out of the kitchen and outside down toward the willow tree. Mum looks at me and I nod at her letting her know I’m okay.

  “I’ll just be in the lounge room if you need me,” Mum says and I nod as Danger walks in and comes to stand near where I’m sitting. With each step he takes toward me my heart pumps faster and it’s like I’m seeing him for the first time. I forgot how gorgeous he is, but he broke my heart and I have no idea why he’s even here.

  “Stand up,” he requests and I furrow my brows as he reaches me.

  He holds out his hand, I take it and that familiar spark shoots through my hand, but it isn’t as strong as it once was. He pulls me up and into him wrapping his arms around me so tightly I can hardly breathe. Nuzzling into my hair he breathes me in as my body reacts to the close confines of his pressed so tightly against mine.

  I’m in shock.

  Danger is embracing me.


  I never thought I’d see him again and yet here he is holding me like I wished he would all those times, and yet I’m not sure how I feel about it. My hands run up into his hair, but the feelings I used to get when I did this to him aren’t the same. The electricity is still there it’s just not the same voltage. The spark is still there and I’ve missed him, but the past day with Chad has been incredible and right now I’m so confused.

  “Danger, why are you here?” I ask wanting to get straight to the point.

  He pulls back and takes a deep breath looking me in the eyes. His dark blue eyes are piercing right through me as his intense gaze captures me to the spot.

  “I have a proposition for you,” he says. I raise my eyebrow and cock my head to the side. “Here, sit down,” he says helping me back to my seat as he pulls out the chair Chad was sitting in and sits down next to me. “Okay, so I’m just going to be honest with you. I’ve never felt anything for anyone ever before like I do for you. I know we had some pretty high highs and some catastrophic lows, but I finally figured it out,” he says and turns grabbing both my hands in his. My breathing is rushed and my heart is pounding so fast I feel a little sick, and the fried chicken I’ve eaten is now sitting in my throat. “I love you. God, I love you! And hearing you so distraught when Annie was kidnapped and knowing I wasn’t here to help you killed me. So I want to be
here with you from now on,” he says shocking me.

  I open my eyes wide and gasp. “Y…you l…love me?” I stutter.

  He smiles wide and brings his hand up to caress my cheek. “With all my heart,” he says honestly.

  I start to breathe harder and faster almost in a panic state, this was all I wanted for so long. Now that it’s happening, I don’t know what to feel.

  “But how is it possible for you to be here from now on?” I ask trying to figure this all out in my head.

  He shakes his head and looks me right in the eyes. “Ella, Recoil aren’t going anywhere. The band isn’t working, and I can’t seem to function without you. So I want to know what you think about me moving to the UK permanently, so we can be together?” he asks and it’s like all the wind is sucked from my lungs. I literally can’t breathe. I gasp and try to suck in air as I inwardly panic at the thought of Danger giving up everything for me.

  This is all I wanted.

  This is what I begged him for.

  All I wanted was for him to want me as much as I wanted him and it’s finally happening. I can’t help it as a smile starts to form on my face. I’m completely thrown that he wants to do this for me.

  “So let me get this right, you want to uproot your entire life, give up your band, your dream, just to be with me?” I ask wanting to make sure I have this right in my head.

  He smiles and nods. “Yes sugar, I would do that for you. You mean that much to me,” he says and I swallow hard trying not to cry. “On one condition, though,” he says.

  I tense up and look at him wondering what that would be. “Okay, what?”

  He smiles and pushes his chair back getting down on one knee. I open my eyes wide and gasp bringing my hand up to my mouth as he pulls out a ring box. “Ella Slade, you turned my world upside down and brought me to life. I never knew love until you showed me what it was. I fought it, I denied it, and I was an asshole for so long. I know that I’ve made mistakes. Trust me I know, but I want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you every second of every day. I want to grow old with you, have children with you, I want to support you in your career while I figure out what I’m going to do with mine. I want to be there for you, and I want you to be there for me, in the light, in the dark. Always. Ella, I tried having a life without you, it just doesn’t work. So baby, please will you do me the honour of marrying me?” he asks with glistening eyes as he opens the ring box to show me a huge diamond on a band encrusted with diamonds. The ring is massive and spectacular, completely overstated and not something I would have chosen, but still absolutely stunning. My eyes well with tears as my heart pounds so fucking hard I want to puke. Right now my head is such a mess I have no idea what to do. He’s looking at me as the tears flow down my face.


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