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Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set

Page 29

by Smith, Wendy

  Lily laughs. “Thanks for the offer. Now we can get to know her, we’ll work out what she needs to be named.”

  Hayley nods. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Try and get some sleep.”

  I get up on the bed beside Lily and lean my head on her shoulder. Life is so much better than I ever thought possible.



  I came here to keep an eye on the birth of Adam and Lily’s baby.

  The truth is both my eyes are focused on Hayley McCarthy.

  I can’t fault her work—not that I want to. She has the confidence of a woman who’s been practicing a while, and she seems to have developed a close relationship with Lily, given the way they laugh together.

  She has a beautiful laugh.

  And she’s completely and utterly pissed with me.

  Leaving Adam and Lily with their new baby, I trail behind her out the door as she takes her things back to her car.

  “Want a hand?”

  She shakes her head. “I’m fine.”

  “You did a great job in there.”

  Opening the boot of the car, she dumps her bag and spins around.

  “Really? You think so?”

  I nod.

  “Didn’t seem like it, from the way you were trying to help.” She’s pissed, and I’ve never seen anything so glorious. Her dark ponytail swings as she flicks it over her shoulder, and her eyes flash with anger.

  “It’s a hard habit to get out of. I’m used to being in charge in these situations.”

  “It was rude.”

  I step forward, and she follows suit until we’re nearly nose to nose.

  “I don’t know if I want to apologise. I didn’t get in the way.”

  “None of it was needed.”

  I take a deep breath. I don’t want to push her too far. “Look, I’m sorry. Can I make it up to you?”

  Her eyebrows raise. “What do you suggest?”

  Shrugging, I smirk. “Help you with your next delivery?”

  Her mouth drops open. I know I’m being cheeky, but is it really going that far? “That might take a while. I’m on my way home and not on-call.”


  “I’ve had a long day and I’m all out of patience for interfering doctors.” Despite her words, she’s all smiles and it’s driving me crazy.

  I move a tiny bit closer, and her breath hitches. “You should go home and rest. Doctor’s Orders.”

  Her blue eyes shine, and all I see is her amusement. If there’s no mutual attraction here, I’m a monkey’s uncle.

  And then I do either the dumbest thing I ever have, or the best thing. I cup her face and kiss her, pressing my lips to hers. She doesn’t fight it and kisses me back, parting her lips so I slip in my tongue. She responds by touching it with her own. Could she be any more perfect?

  When the kiss ends, I pull back a little and look into her eyes.

  “Drew,” she whispers.

  We don’t know a single thing about each other, but I’m so drawn to her and I can see in her eyes that she’s feeling the same way. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.”

  I take a step back. “I guess I should let you go.”

  She’s breathless. “We could always continue this conversation somewhere other than your brother’s backyard.”

  “I like that idea better.”

  “Adam did tell you to buy me a drink or something.”

  I can’t let the chance of a line bypass me. “How about or something?”

  Hayley rolls her eyes. “Are you always this much of a tease?”

  “Try me.” I hold up my palms. “How about I grab some beers from the supermarket and we go back to your place? If we go to the pub, there’ll be gossip.

  She grimaces. “You’ve got a good point.”

  “All my points are good.”

  Hayley’s lips spread into a grin, and she shakes her head. “You’re a shocker.”

  “At least you’re smiling, which is a hell of a lot better than me making you cranky. I don’t really want to do that again.”

  She nods. “If you want to have that beer, I’m in.”

  The rest of the horrible day falls away at her words. I like this woman.

  She’s gorgeous, I know she’ll understand my world, and she seems to have a good sense of humour. Definitely an upgrade.

  Shit. I shouldn’t be thinking like that.

  But why not? I bet I wouldn’t find Hayley McCarthy sucking some guy’s cock on my couch.

  My phone buzzes, and I roll my eyes. I don’t have to look to know who that is, but in case it’s work, I need to check.

  Where are you?


  “Drew?” Hayley’s eyebrows draw together as she takes in the sight of me looking at my phone.

  “I’ll grab the beer. You tell me where you live.”

  Her smile leaves my heart in my throat. “Sounds good.”

  * * *

  Hayley McCarthy lives in a colonial-style cottage not far from Adam and Lily. It’s painted eggshell blue, and has a white fence. It’s cute and homely with a garden that’s alive with colour.

  I check myself over and make sure I’m tidy before raising my hand to knock on the door. All I can think about is the kiss we shared.

  She opens the door. In the time it’s taken me to go to the supermarket and buy a half dozen beers, she’s changed out of the trackpants she wore while working into figure-hugging blue jeans. I run my eyes from bottom to top, taking note of the low-cut loose shirt she’s wearing that shows a little cleavage. Her dark hair hangs loose around her shoulders, and her blue eyes take me in.

  “That was quick. I just got out of the shower. You found the place alright?”

  “There aren’t a lot of houses on this street.”

  Hayley smiles. “Come in, then.”

  I can’t take my eyes off her arse as she turns and walks away, and I follow her through to the kitchen where she comes to a stop. When I meet her gaze, the smirk on her face tells me she caught me.

  “Nice and cold.” I lift the beer and place it on the bench.

  She smiles, peeling back the cardboard and loading four of them in her fridge. From my pocket, I fish out my keys. I always keep a bottle opener on hand.

  “Thank you,” she says as I pass her one.

  “Thanks for letting me come over.”

  She runs her finger around the rim of the bottle. “I don’t usually invite men I barely know to my house. But then again …” Her gaze fixes on me. “I don’t usually get kissed like that by someone I barely know either.”

  “Today’s a day for firsts, then. I don’t usually kiss women I’ve just met. Not like that anyway.”

  Her smile spreads into a grin. She’s gorgeous. All dainty features, but there’s strength behind it. I just watched her help Lily deliver her baby and not worry about any mess.

  “I knew Adam had a doctor brother, and I even knew you were an obstetrician. Didn’t expect to have a helper today.” She leaves the kitchen and I follow, sitting with her on the couch.

  “Adam just worries to the nth degree over anything to do with Lily.”

  Hayley nods, running her fingers through her hair. “They seem very devoted to each other.”

  I nod. “They really are.”

  She licks her lips. “You know, this is kinda awkward.”

  “It really is. I don’t know why. I mean, I only kissed you the once.”

  Hayley’s smile lights up everything.

  “What I do know is that I’d really like to kiss you again.”

  She nods, and my heart explodes.

  Taking the bottle from her hand, I place it with mine on the coffee table before turning back to her.

  I start slow, savouring the softness of her lips. Her tongue tastes of beer, and I reach up and run my fingers through her hair as I deepen the kiss.

  When we break apart, the cutest little gasp catches in her throat.

  “You’ll be the death of
me, princess,” I murmur.

  “Trust me, the feeling’s mutual.” Her soft voice drives me to distraction. It’s sexy and comforting, and I want her calling my name.

  “Best of three?”

  She snickers, and leans a little closer.

  I claim her mouth with mine, and she grips my biceps, pulling me in tight. Our tongues battle for a moment before she lets out the softest moan, and I run my hands down her back just to touch her.

  “Hayley,” I murmur as I pull back.

  “Drew, we can’t. This can’t …” She leans back. “You’re my client’s brother-in-law. This wasn’t a good idea.”

  “We’re not crossing any line.” I reach out and tangle a lock of her hair in my fingers.

  “I know, it’s just weird. We literally met today.”

  She has no idea the effect she’s having on me. I haven’t had sex with anyone but my own hand for weeks, and that combined with how good she smells leaves me harder than a teenage boy at a beauty contest.

  But I’ll respect what she wants.

  “It’s okay. I didn’t come over with any expectations. I had an awful day, and then I met you and it made up for everything that went wrong. But I’ve been part of two births today. So, it’s a good day.”

  She smiles. “You delivered a baby today too?”

  “Yeah. Turned out that the midwife had it under control and the mother was really close, but I got called in because the baby was starting to stress and it could have easily gone pear-shaped.”

  Hayley takes my hand from her hair and squeezes. “So you’re not one of those doctors who disses midwives?”

  “No. That would be stupid. We all work together to take care of the mothers. You did an amazing job with Lily. I just got a bit carried away. I’m sorry.”

  She nods. “I appreciate your apology.”

  I reach up and curl a lock of her hair around my index finger. “I kissed you because you were angry, and that was crazy hot.”

  Hayley laughs. Her cheeks flush with colour. “You were annoying. I kind of liked kissing you.”

  “Only kind of?”

  “Okay. Really liked.”

  “I really liked kissing you too.”

  Any other words I might have been thinking fall out of my head as her gaze fixes on me again. I want her.

  She licks her lips slowly, and I’m done for.

  With a growl, I kiss her again, trying my hardest to convey my want and need for her.

  “Yes,” she whispers, reaching for my shirt.

  One by one, the buttons come undone, and I still as she finishes her task. I love watching her look of utter concentration. Her gentle hands push my shirt off, palming my chest, and my heart surrenders. I don’t even know her, but there’s just something about her that’s driving me crazy.

  I reach for her T-shirt and tug it over her head, kissing her while I unhook her bra.

  I’ve never been so spontaneous, not when it came to women. My brothers would tease me about being a hopeless romantic, saying I was the one who took my time.

  Not with Hayley. Being with her just feels right. And today, I want to be reckless and give her everything I have. Even if it’s just for one night.

  Cupping her breasts, I run my thumbs across her nipples. She shivers, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. “You’re gorgeous.”

  “Me, or my breasts?”


  She gasps as I drop my head to one, sucking a nipple into my mouth. Her skin’s so sweet, and the whimpering sounds she’s making give me a raging hard on. I want this woman more than anything I’ve ever wanted.

  “Drew.” She hasn’t cried it out yet, but she whispers it. It’s a start. It’s the only word I want from her lips as I keep my attention on her breasts.

  Her hand drops to my lap, and I nearly lose it as she strokes my cock through my pants.

  Hayley wants this as much as I do. “Maybe we should go to the bedroom.”

  I chuckle. “I’m enjoying myself here.”

  “I’m on the pill, but there are condoms in my bedside cabinet.”

  That was the inevitable conclusion to this encounter, but the words send me into a spin. The thought of being inside her nearly makes me lose all self-control.

  When I nod, she rises from the couch. She’s a sight to behold, and I’m entranced by the woman who I only met mere hours ago.

  Taking her hand, I follow her to the bedroom, and when she bends to take out a box of condoms from the bedside cabinet, I run my hands from her thighs to her shoulders before rounding her waist and tugging at the button on her jeans.

  “You’re so impatient.” She laughs.

  “Can you blame me? You’re the one with your hands on the condom box.”

  She turns, rolling her eyes as she takes over unbuttoning her jeans. Pushing them down, she falls backward onto the bed.

  Hayley’s beautiful, all dark hair and blue eyes, and I follow her lead, dropping my pants to the floor before leaning over to hook my fingers into the waistband of her panties.

  “Drew,” she whispers.

  The sound of my name on her tongue nearly undoes me on the spot. Her breath quickens as I slide her panties down her legs, and I raise my eyebrows at the sight of an obvious Brazilian wax. “You can get those in Copper Creek?”

  Hayley’s brows knit. “Get what?”

  I nod, and her eyes trace the line of what I’m looking at.

  She laughs. “No. I have to travel, but it’s so worth it. Not that I’ve had sex for a while, but it makes it so much …”

  I lean over and kiss her, not letting her finish her sentence. “I love it,” I murmur.

  She blushes, and that excites me even more.

  Bending, I grip her thighs and go straight for her pussy. Flicking my tongue over her clit leaves her grinding against me, and the scent and taste of her is divine.

  “God, princess, you taste so good.” I take my time, bringing her to the brink and pausing to let her catch a breath. She moans as I tease her, each time getting her closer to coming.

  When she does come, it’s a sight to behold. “Drew,” she cries, and her nails dig into my biceps. I can’t wait any longer, and I reach for a condom.

  I peel the packaging open and roll it down my cock. Her breathing quickens, and I push her legs farther apart, sliding into her heat and closing my eyes as I do it.

  I move hard and fast, needing release but wanting this to last for as long as possible. This isn’t how I saw my day going, but I have no desire to be anywhere else but inside this beautiful woman. With real life bullshit facing me when I return home, I want to lose myself in her for as long as possible.

  But it’s not all about me.

  I open my eyes to see her face, so open and full of emotion. Hayley’s a woman who wears her heart on her sleeve.

  She shifts her hips, thrusting to match me and driving me in farther. We’re a frantic mess, and nothing could be sweeter.

  I trace a line with my right index fingers from her chin to her breast, circling the nipple. That this could happen today of all days, when I’ve decided to move on, must be fate. She’s my fate.

  Closing my eyes, I give up any pretence of this lasting any longer. She’s so tight and hot around me, it’s ecstasy to let go, soaring as I come.

  For a moment, our gazes lock, and her satisfied expression tells me everything.

  I collapse exhausted beside her, and she rolls over, laughing into my chest.

  “What was that?” she asks.

  “Pretty fucking good. That’s what that was. I think I need a cigarette.” Her eyes widen, and I grin. “I don’t smoke.”

  She laughs again and plants kisses on my shoulders. “I didn’t think this would be the outcome of inviting you over.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “What did you think would happen once your lured me into your lair?”

  She shrugs. “I thought we might talk. Maybe get to know each other a little. As annoying as you are, it’s alwa
ys good to find someone I have something in common with.” Her lips curl. “Although, you were a gigantic pain in the arse today.”

  “Oh, you have no idea how much of a pain in the arse I can be.”

  “I really don’t want to know.”

  My phone starts vibrating, jiggling out of my pants pocket and onto the carpet. I groan. “I should check that just in case.”

  She nods. “On-call life. I know all about that.”

  I slip out of bed and retrieve the phone, rolling my eyes at the messages, and get back into bed. It’s a shame my screen didn’t crack farther down.

  “Do you have to go to work?” she asks.


  “All those text messages. You look like you’re concentrating on something.”

  Get back here. We need to sort this out. The messages are coming thick and fast. If there’s one thing Lucy’s good at, it’s texting. That and screwing our landlord, apparently.

  I shake my head, distracted by the bleeps coming from my phone. “It’s nothing. Just my girlfriend harassing me.”

  The words are out before I can stop them, and my mouth falls open. “Shit. No. Hayley—”

  It’s too late. Her eyes well with tears. “Get the hell out of my bed. What were you thinking?”

  I drop the phone on the duvet. “It’s not like that, it’s—”

  “Get dressed and leave. What was I thinking? I don’t even know you. But for some stupid reason I thought we had a real connection. I’m such an idiot.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  Her face is buried in her hands now, and I feel like shit, even if I’ve done nothing wrong. “Hayley …”

  “Just go, Drew.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend.”

  “You literally just told me she was. Go away.”

  She lies down on the bed and pulls a pillow over her head to cover her ears. It’s infuriating, and I lean over to tug on the pillow, only to receive a glare in response.

  “Fine. I’ll go, but I am seeing you tomorrow, and maybe you’ll give me a chance to tell you the whole story. Tonight meant a whole lot more to me than just sex.”

  I still hear her sobs as I dress and walk out. We don’t even know each other. I screwed up, and I’ll own that, but I hate that she won’t give me a fair hearing. Although I guess at this point, it’ll all sound like bullshit.


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