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Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set

Page 66

by Smith, Wendy

  He nods. “I could call in another obstetrician, but the other one on call lives out west, and I don’t need to tell you that the sooner this is done, the better.”

  I suck in a breath. “Let me spell this out. If you put a foot wrong in that theatre, I’ll find some way to ruin you.”

  He swallows hard and nods. “I understand.”

  “You owe her. Big time.”

  “She’ll get the very best care.”

  “She’d better. If anything happens to her …”

  The man I hate, but who will hold Hayley’s life in his hands, grips my arm. “I’ve got her, Drew.”

  I can do nothing more than nod and trust that he can take care of everything.

  * * *

  It’s weird being in an operating theatre and not being the one performing the operation.

  Instead, I hold my wife’s hand. This isn’t going to be easy for her. She already needs transfusions to make up for the blood she’s lost. Recovering from this is going to be long and tough, but Hayley’s strong, and I’ll be right by her side the whole way.

  “I know this isn’t what we planned, but it’s the safest way. I stroke her cheek.

  She squeezes my hand. “I know. As long as the babies are safe.”

  “As long as you’re safe. You’re my whole world, Hayley Campbell.”

  Hayley smiles. “I still love it when you call me that.”

  “You should be used to it by now. It’ll be your name for the rest of your life.” I lean over and give her a tender kiss before straightening up and checking on Doctor Johnson.

  “Ready, Hayley?” he asks.

  “As I’ll ever be,” she replies.

  As much as I hate this guy, I can’t fault him in his work. He does everything by the book and as good a job as I’d do. It leaves me feeling grateful, and I hate that I feel that way about him.

  “Baby number one.” He lifts our first child out, and emotion overwhelms me.

  “Drew?” Hayley’s voice is so soft. This whole thing scares the shit out of her and rightfully so. It’s easy in this situation for things to go pear-shaped and the mother and baby to be at risk.

  I peer at our baby, and grin. “He’s beautiful, Hayley. Small, but he looks perfect.”


  I grin. For all the scans she’s had, we haven’t managed to catch what gender our babies are. Not that it’s ever mattered. “We have a son.”

  She squeezes my hand, and I step back to let Marcus lay the baby on her chest. Hayley sighs contentedly.

  “Here comes baby two,” he says.

  A little smaller, but no less perfect, appears my daughter. Tears well as I look at her in Marcus’s hands. This is everything I’ve ever wanted—the wife I adore, and our children. I’m a dad.

  For a moment, it punches me in the gut that Owen never got to have this moment. If Cara and Ryan hadn’t died, he’d have been none the wiser about his child. And he missed seeing Ava come into the world.

  Me? I’ll never miss a thing when it comes to my kids. And I’m so grateful for that.

  “You might need to help out here, Drew.” Marcus lifts my daughter toward Hayley, laying the baby beside her brother.

  Hayley’s a blubbering mess, and I’m just as bad, sniffing as I press a kiss to her hand.

  “They’re here,” she whispers.

  “They’re here, and they’re safe.”

  With the babies covered in warm towels, we pay all our attention to them while Marcus works on completing Hayley’s surgery and stitching her up.

  My family’s safe.

  My family.

  This moment has been coming for months, but it still seems surreal. For the rest of my life, I’ll love Hayley and our children. I always wanted a big family, but after today, this is big enough.

  I’m not putting Hayley through this again.

  I know the odds are against this happening twice, but the thought of losing her leaves a hole in my chest so big you could drive a truck through it.

  For years, I thought I wanted a big family, but if we never have more than these two, I’ll be happy. I’m not sacrificing the love of my life for more babies.

  The three people in front of me are everything.

  They’re all I need.

  * * *

  We exit the theatre, and time stands still as I watch my wife being wheeled in one direction, our babies in another. Torn for a moment, I do the only thing I can and follow Hayley. The NICU here has a great reputation, and at this stage of gestation with the APGARs the babies got, I’m confident the children will be fine.

  Hayley, on the other hand, still concerns me. By the time we left the theatre, she’d fallen asleep. Her faith in me is unwavering, but I had to swallow down my fear in there. He might have just saved her life, but Doctor Marcus Johnson is still a piece of shit as far as I’m concerned.

  His hand lands on my back. “I’ve got her a private room as close to the NICU as I could. The next couple of days will be really tough as she recovers and is unable to get out of bed, but she’s strong, and I’m sure you’ll be at home with those babies really soon.”

  I turn to see his smile. “The sooner the better.”

  “I understand. She’s just being taken to recovery, and once we’re sure she’s ready, she’ll be moved to the ward.”

  “There’s something else I need to discuss with you.”

  “What’s that?”

  He doesn’t see my fist coming, and I slam him right in the face. Staggering, he hits the wall.

  “You did a great job in there, but I’ve been dying to do that since I discovered what you did to her.”

  Holding his hand up with his other hand covering his cheek, he nods. “Drew, I—”

  “You broke my girl, Johnson, and she is so strong and so good at her job. She’d have been a huge loss to the profession.”

  He nods. “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not me who needs an apology. Just stay away from her.”

  Hayley’s near the end of the corridor, and the bed turns left. I take off and follow, catching up just as the nurse turns it to take her into the room.

  “You’re not supposed to be in here,” one of the nurses says.


  She chuckles. “I’ll go and get a chair. She’s likely to sleep for a while. The whole experience can be exhausting.”

  I nod. “I’ve seen plenty of patients sleep after something so traumatic.”

  “You’re a doctor?”

  “An obstetrician.”

  A smile spreads across her face. “Then you won’t get any argument from me about you being in here. How many patients get their own personal doctor in their room?”

  She leaves to return a few moments later with a chair. It’s not the most comfortable-looking thing, but I can deal with a little discomfort if Hayley’s safe.

  I pluck my phone out of my pocket. There’s a text from Sonya.

  Is there any news?

  She’s out of surgery and doing well. The babies are in the NICU, but they’re both healthy. Congratulations, Grandma. It’s a boy and a girl.

  I can’t help but smile as I type that last part. When I first met Sonya, I thought we’d never find common ground, but now she’s as protective of me as she is of Hayley.

  Stop with the grandma stuff. Let me know if you need anything and when we can visit.

  Will do. I’ll stay here for the night. They won’t like it, but I’m not leaving.

  Give our love to all our babies.

  I look up at the ceiling with tears forming. Sonya’s just at the end of the phone, but with Hayley unconscious, I feel so alone.

  My phone buzzes again.

  We’re on our way.


  He said he’d come, but I wasn’t sure if he would. He has commitments now—Ginny and Ava.

  Thinking about them brings a smile to my lips. He always seemed so lost, but now, he’s found with those two. He seems to be struggling
a bit with fatherhood, but that’ll come in time. Especially with Ginny’s help.

  I take a big breath, and Hayley stirs beside me. I’d give anything to hold her in my arms, to have our babies in this room too. But this is the deal we got, and of all people, I guess we should understand it.

  Her eyes flicker open, and I smile at her as she fixes her tired gaze on me.

  Leaning over, I stroke her temple. “You’re in recovery, princess.”

  “The twins.”

  “They’ve gone straight to the NICU. They’re so beautiful and healthy. I’m sure we’ll all be together soon.”

  Her eyes fill with tears. “I want them with me. It’s so unfair.”

  “Yeah, it is. And I’ll do whatever I can to make that happen. Right now, I’m just really glad the three of you are safe. You scared the shit out of me.”

  “You stayed so calm.”

  I plant a gentle kiss on her forehead, lingering a few seconds. “Only on the outside. I let your mother know, and I told her I’d spend the night with you.”

  She smiles. “I don’t know if they’ll let you.”

  “They can try and throw me out. I’m pretty sure Marcus still owes you a few favours.”

  Hayley licks her lips. “He probably saved my life.”

  “Maybe he did, but I figure it’s the least he can do to make sure you have everything you need.”

  I lean over and give her another kiss. “Marcus said when you were ready, they’d move you to a room near the NICU. When you’re able to get out of bed, it won’t be far to see the twins.”

  “I need them, Drew.”

  “I know you do. And I’ll do whatever I can to make that happen as soon as I can.”

  She nods. “I know you will.”

  “The twins are in good hands. It’s you I’ll be hovering over. You lost a lot of blood, and you know I worry anyway.”

  Hayley reaches for my hand. “I know you do. We’ll all be okay because you got us here.”

  “I wish I’d got you here sooner.”

  Her eyelids droop, and I can see just how much this has taken out of her.

  “Get some sleep, princess. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”

  Her breathing slows. I don’t have to tell her twice.



  We get halfway there before Ginny kicks me out of the driver’s seat.

  “I’ll keep us at the speed limit,” she says.

  She’s my calm when all I want to do is storm.

  Right now, I’m angry at the world for what’s happening to Drew and Hayley. I’d do anything to make Hayley better.

  I stare out the window at the paddocks we pass on the open road. The sooner we get there, the better.

  “I hope Hayley’s okay.” Ginny’s so soft-spoken, but she wakes me out of my trance, and I turn to look at her.

  “So do I. They don’t deserve this. I mean, no one does, but not those two.”

  “Has Drew sent you any more texts?”

  I sigh. “No, and he didn’t reply to the last one I sent him. But if she’s in surgery, I’m sure they’re just busy.” My grip on my jeans tightens, thinking of the alternative.

  “At least she’s married to an obstetrician, so he’ll have got her the care she needs. He’ll know what to do.”

  Losing her would kill him.

  Glancing at Ginny, my chest tightens. Just like losing you would kill me.

  “I love you, Ginny.”

  She shoots a glance at me, and gives me a small smile. “I love you too.”

  “I know it’s not the first time I’ve said it, but I need you to know in case anything ever happens to me.” I close my eyes. “Shit. What would I do with Ava if something happened to me?”

  “That’s all part of you becoming a dad, Owen. You need a plan. She’s lost everything once, so you need to make sure that she’s got a safe, secure home no matter what.”

  I nod. “When we get back, I’ll talk to Adam and Lily. They’re the most obvious choice.”

  “They’d be a good option. It’s never nice to think about the what ifs, but when there are kids involved …”

  Letting out a loud breath, I smile. “Ava’s been with me for five months, and I’m so disorganised still. I should have thought about this early on. I’ve got a will—had to get it done when I bought the bakery. Drew gets it all in the event of my death, we planned it together ages ago, but it’ll have to change.”

  Ginny reaches for my hand and squeezes.

  “Of course, if you move in with us, it’ll all change again.”

  “Owen.” Her tone is pained.

  “We need you, Gin. Ava loves you, and so do I. I know things haven’t gone the way we thought they would, but we’ve got through the disruption of the past few months and we’re so strong.”

  She nods. “I know. Can we talk about it later? We’re not far from Auckland.”


  I don’t know if she genuinely wants to talk about it later, or if the answer’s still just no and she doesn’t want to let me down right now.

  Ginny has to be ready.

  Ava and I both need her.

  * * *

  The hospital is a maze of corridors, and it takes a while to find where we’re supposed to be.

  I round a corner and stop on the spot when I see Drew. He’s sitting in a row of chairs in the wide corridor, his shoulders slumped and his head down. My heart stops.


  He raises his head, and I can see the exhaustion in his face. Behind me, Ginny grips my shoulder.

  Something’s wrong. He’s not the happy, smiley man he usually is.

  He gives me a tired smile. “Hey.”

  “I got here as fast as I could. Thought you could do with some support. Corey’s gone bush, and Adam and Lily have got Ava.”

  He nods. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “What’s going on?”

  His smile widens. “We’ve got a boy and a girl. They’re small and in the NICU, but the birth was much more traumatic than it should have been. Hayley lost a lot of blood.”

  “Where is she?”

  He nods at the door opposite. “In there. She’s sleeping at the moment. I just needed a minute.”

  “So they’re all okay?”

  Nodding again, he stands as I walk toward him. As we embrace, he’s trembling. “I thought I was going to lose her. Or them. All those years of training and I couldn’t even help my own wife.”

  “Dude, some things are always going to be out of your control. Now, can I see the babies?”

  He chuckles and lets go of me, taking Ginny’s hand and leaning over to kiss her on the cheek. “Of course you can. I’ll just pop my head in and check on Hayley.”

  Stepping across the corridor, he opens the room and leans in. “Hey. You up for some visitors?” A second later, he turns back to us. “Come in.”

  Hayley’s pale, but her smile still lights up the room. “Owen, Ginny, it’s so good to see you.”

  I wink. “Couldn’t stay away.”

  “Have you seen my babies?”

  I shake my head, and sit on the bed, taking her hand in mine. “Not yet, but Drew’s taking us to them.”

  She swallows hard as she squeezes my hand. “I’m not allowed out of bed yet. Give them a cuddle from me.”

  “That sucks.”

  “It does, but we’re all safe. Thanks to Drew.”

  I turn my head, but he’s across the room by the window. I wasn’t imagining things. There’s something up with him.

  “Drew?” Hayley’s voice wobbles. Drew’s not even making eye contact with her, and it scares me.

  He shakes his head. “It’s my fault you were in danger to start with.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asks.

  “I should have been better. I should have picked up on the signs earlier. Now, you’re stuck here and you can’t even touch our babies. You should be angry with me.”

rment fills her expression. “You got us all here in one piece, and you knew what was going on. If it hadn’t been for you, it could have easily been worse. You saved our lives.” Her chest rises and falls as she appears to hold back a sob.

  Ginny steps closer and rubs Hayley’s arm as if attempting to comfort her. “Drew, get your arse over here and look after your woman before she gets upset and this equipment starts beeping or something.”

  I push myself off the bed and turn to face him. His face tells the story of a man struggling with his emotions. A couple more heavy breaths, and he crosses the room. Hayley reaches for him, cupping his face.

  “Can you forgive me for not picking up what was going on sooner?”

  Tears roll down her cheeks. “There’s nothing to forgive.”

  I look away when they kiss, and Ginny slips her arm around my waist. Closing my eyes, I lean my head on top of hers.

  “We made two beautiful babies,” Hayley whispers.

  “Maybe we’ll hold back from breeding that rugby team.” Drew’s response makes me smile.

  I give them a moment, waiting until Drew pulls back from Hayley.

  “How about you take me to meet my niece and nephew? Then we can come back here and spend some more time with Hayley.”

  Hayley nods. “That’s a wonderful idea.” Her eyes are still a little hazy, and she has a wistful look on her face. I feel a bit shit for even suggesting it.

  “If you’re okay for a bit, I’ll pop to the NICU. Be back really soon.” Drew gives her another kiss. “Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  It’s with a heavy heart that I leave Hayley alone in the room. I can’t even imagine what Drew feels like. As we make our way down the corridor, Ginny grabs my hand.

  I meet her gaze. Her expression tells me she feels the same way I do. God, how I love this woman. I want with her what Drew has with Hayley—marriage, children, the lot.

  What used to terrify me is now a dream.

  It’s not far to the NICU. Hayley’s close to her children, and once she’s mobile, she’ll be able to see them in minutes.


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