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Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set

Page 97

by Smith, Wendy

  Maybe he didn’t hit her, but she’s been wounded. I can see it in her eyes. Heat runs from the top of my head to the soles of my feet, anger at whatever she’s gone through.

  “Let’s turn on the television. There must be something on,” she says.

  We sit in silence but for the television for more than an hour. It’s not uncomfortable, but something weird hangs over us. Maybe it’s the fact that I want to smack the living daylights out of the douchebag she was married to.

  “I’m sorry for all the questions,” I say. “The thought of you being hurt just makes me angry.”

  She places her hand on my arm. “Because you’re a good man.”

  “My mother would have castrated me if I’d treated a woman badly.” I laugh “She liked being mean herself.”

  Mia’s mouth falls open. “Really?”

  “No one’s ever been good enough for her boys. I think she’s trying to be protective, but it comes out all wrong.”

  “It sounds like she cares a lot.”

  “She does.” I frown. Mum’s illness is always in the back of my mind. We were so close when I was little, and I was the one at home with her and Dad when she was diagnosed. The thought of losing her stabs me in the heart.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Mum has cancer. I’m not sure how much longer she’ll be around for.”

  Sadness fills her expression. “Oh, James. I’m so sorry.”

  “She’s tough. This is the second time she’s been ill, but I think this is it.”

  A knock on the door interrupts us, and I’m glad for the disruption. Mum is in my thoughts a lot, but while I’m studying I can’t get home that often.

  “I’ll get it. That’ll be the pizza,” I say.

  She shakes her head. “Garrett doesn’t usually turn up in the evenings, nor does he knock, but I’ll get it just in case. I’ll bring it in here.”

  I watch as she goes to the door and take a deep breath.

  I’m in over my head with her, but I’m going nowhere. This should be all kinds of awkward with her being who she is, but it’s not. I feel more comfortable with her than I have with anyone else for a long time.

  “Here we go.” She carries in the pizza boxes with garlic bread and chips on the top, and sits them on the coffee table.

  I separate the boxes and open them while Mia opens the bread and chips and places them just inside the boxes.

  “I haven’t had pizza in forever.” She smiles as she picks up a slice of the chicken pizza.

  “I don’t have it often. I usually cook for myself. Nothing too fancy, but I can’t afford to eat out all the time.” I say it before I think. All that does is highlight the differences between us. It’s hardly an impressive thing to admit.

  She touches my arm. “I’ll pay you back for this.”

  I shake my head, then take a bite. “No, you won’t. I’m just glad I have someone to share it with.”

  “You usually eat alone?”

  I nod. “I broke up with my girlfriend a few months back. It’s been just me for a while.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “She was one of the reasons I came to Auckland, so it’s not all bad.”

  She laughs. “Thank heavens for small mercies. Or something like that.”

  “I’m glad I’m here.”

  Her lips twitch. “I’m glad too.” She takes a bite of the pizza and moans in such a way it makes my toes curl. “This is so good.”

  I don’t want to eat anymore. I just want to watch her. She takes such pleasure out of something so simple.

  After another bite, she gives me the side-eye. “You’re not eating.”

  I laugh. “You’re enjoying it enough for both of us.”

  She shakes her head. “I usually cook. Even if it’s something simple. But this is divine.”

  “Maybe next time it’s your turn to choose what we eat.”

  Her lips twitch. “Next time?”

  Shrugging, I take another bite to avoid answering. I’m overthinking this. I know I am. But she doesn’t seem to be put off by my attempts at flirting, and even seems to be flirting back a little.

  She smiles, placing her hand on my arm. The spark for me is undeniable. Does she feel it too? “Thanks for dinner.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “There’s some juice in the fridge. Want some?”

  “Sounds great.”

  I wolf down another piece of pizza while she’s gone. It doesn’t help the nerves in my stomach. When I first saw her yesterday in the car park, she was Doctor Scott. Today, she’s Mia.

  She returns to the couch with a glass of juice in each hand, and passes one to me. I take a drink while she sits and place the glass on a coaster on the coffee table.

  Mia smiles as I study her again. How on earth was I lucky enough to end up here with her?

  I already worship her work. God, how I want to worship this woman.

  I know I shouldn’t.

  I can’t do this.

  This isn’t me.

  But I do it anyway.

  This is what I need.

  I lean in and kiss her. It starts soft and lingering, but she opens her mouth and lets me in. My tongue meets hers. Our kiss is slow, sensuous. It’s so much more than just a kiss—there’s meaning behind it. Or is just that way for me?

  When we break apart, she stares at me, but doesn’t pull away. I take her drink from her hands and place it on the coffee table beside mine. “Mia.”

  “James,” she whispers. “We shouldn’t.”

  “I know.”

  I take her in my arms and kiss her again. Her lips are so soft and welcoming. She stiffens, but doesn’t stop me. I deepen the kiss, and she relaxes.

  “I … thank you for helping me with my car,” she says softly, and I know that’s as far as this is going to go.

  “I’m not sorry for kissing you.”

  Her lips spread into a smile. “I’m not really sorry you did. But you can’t.”

  I nod. “I’m sorry I overstepped. I’ll get going.”

  As I turn, she grabs hold of my arm. “Thank you for everything.”

  “You’re welcome. You’ve got my number if you have any more car trouble. Use it if you need it or for anything else.”

  Mia nods.

  I walk out to the garage, and the door opens as I approach. As if on autopilot, I start the car and back out of the driveway.

  Leaving Mia makes me feel empty.

  I’m such an idiot.



  I spend half of Sunday pondering the night before.

  I’m not sure what to do.

  Ever since I finally got the courage to walk away from my marriage, I’ve been finding my feet in so many ways. Garrett took care of everything, which left me woefully inadequate at dealing with any stressful situation.

  Sometimes, I feel like a child.

  I spent years being controlled, manipulated, being made to feel like I was the weak link in our relationship. And then it took years to gain the courage to get out.

  Even now, I’m trapped.

  Garrett agreed I could live in the house until the divorce was final, but it takes two years to get to that point. There’s no way to speed it up. At the end of it, we’ll sell the place and split the proceeds, and then I’ll be able to leave and live the life I want.

  But Garrett won’t let go.

  On Monday, I not only have to continue to deal with waiting for our divorce, he’ll also be working at the same place as me. I’m not stupid. This is his way of trying to control me still.

  And now there’s the added complication of what happened last night.

  James Campbell has thrown me for a spin.

  I didn’t expect anyone to come to my rescue with my car. When I’d finished my breakdown on the bench, I would have gotten in a taxi, gone home, and probably called the garage to take care of it. I would have returned to the mechanic who has probably been ripping us off for years.

/>   But there’s so much more to James than I expected.

  James genuinely cares.

  He’s sweet and caring. I haven’t dated since leaving Garrett six months ago. The last thing I need is my control freak of an ex making my life difficult before I can completely sever ties. And he would.

  Besides, James is a student.

  That doesn’t stop me being attracted to him.

  He’s the stereotypical tall, dark, and handsome guy. Solidly built, he has mischief in his eyes that are a soul-melting brown. It’d be so easy to drown in those eyes, and it doesn’t help when his emotions are reflected in them.

  My stomach’s still flipping over the kiss.

  I’d thought that reading the opposite sex would be hard when it came to starting again. It’s not like I’ve had that much experience with romance, but James likes me as much as I like him. I knew that before he kissed me.

  And that kiss.

  He was gentle, but it was intense. It was no quick peck. Instead, it was filled with longing. With lust.

  My entire lower body clenches at that thought.

  I can’t act on it, but I can’t stop thinking about it.

  My phone rings loudly, and I jump in surprise. When I pick it up, I smile when I see who it is—Kelly Swanson. We became friends a few years ago through Garrett. Kelly’s husband met Garrett through work, and he was as big a douchebag as my own husband. When she left him, I looked closer at my own life and realised I didn’t like what I saw at all.

  “Hey,” I say.

  “I thought I’d catch up with you before another crazy week started. Want to get dinner somewhere?”


  “Yeah. Nothing too flashy. Maybe we can go to that steakhouse we went to last time? I could do with a big piece of meat.”

  I roll my eyes and laugh. “Trust you. That sounds amazing.”

  “I’ll give them a call and make a booking for six if that works. Do it early so we can both get a good night’s sleep before work tomorrow.”

  “That suits me.”

  * * *

  At five-thirty, the taxi I ordered shows up outside.

  I usually take one to meet Kelly when we go out. Inevitably, we drink a little too much, and I’ve already had enough hassle with my car without having to leave it in town for the night. There’s not usually much parking around the restaurant anyway.

  She’s waiting by the door when I arrive, and beams as I walk up. After throwing her arms around me, she gives me a squeeze before letting go. “Look at you. Is that the happy glow of single life you have going on?”

  I laugh. “Something like that. I’m so glad you called.”

  “It’s been forever. Let’s get inside.” Once we’re seated at the table, she reaches across and squeezes my hand. “You look amazing.”

  The waiter places a bottle of water on the table, and I pour myself a glass.

  “Can we order a bottle of the house sav?” Kelly asks. She looks at me. “You still drink, right?”

  “That sounds great to me. I could do with one or four.”

  She laughs. When the waiter’s gone, she turns back to me again. “So, how is it all going?”

  “Good. I’m biding my time until the divorce and keeping my head down. For the most part.”

  She grins. “So, you’ve met someone?”

  I shrug. “Kind of. But it’s complicated.”

  “It’ll always be complicated when you still have that dickhead in your life.”

  I nod, and I’m not about to argue. She’s right.

  “After twenty years, I can’t wait to get him out of my life. There’s still a year and half to go until that happens. I’m so looking forward to it.”

  Kelly smiles. “I bet. I have some news of my own. I’m going overseas for a bit. Got a job offer in the UK, and my visa sorted out. So, I was thinking we could do tonight, and then catch up next week before I go.”

  “That soon?”

  Her smile grows. “It was just one of those things that popped up. I’m grabbing the opportunities when they come. I think I’ve missed out on so much life.”

  I nod. “I understand. I’ll miss you.”

  “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  We’ve been out twice since my marriage breakup. When I was with Garrett, it was rare for me to have a night out without him. And when I did get one, I’d spend the evening being bombarded by texts asking when I was coming home.

  I’m not sure now why I put up with it for so long. I guess I thought that was love.

  I bet James wouldn’t do that. He’d leave me to have my freedom, and then I’d come home to … shit.

  What am I doing?

  “Mia? Are you okay?”

  I blink a couple of times, just staring at Kelly. My hand’s gone to my lip without me even meaning to. That kiss. That’s what I want. More of that.

  But I shouldn’t want more with James Campbell.

  “Uhh, I’m fine. Just busy right now and a bit tired.” I let out a long breath. “Garrett starts work at the university tomorrow.”

  Her eyes widen. “What?”

  I nod. “Yep. All of Auckland, and by some miracle, the job he finds is at the place I work.”

  “It must be so tiring, dealing with his mental gymnastics. Why on earth does he think that it’s appropriate?”

  Shrugging, I take another sip of my drink. “It’s not like I can do anything about it.”

  “Maybe now you can take up one of those overseas offers you got. I bet anything they’re still keen.”

  I lick my lips. As much as that appeals, I like living in New Zealand. Maybe in a few years’ time I’ll consider a move, but right now I’m not giving up ground because of my ex.

  “I’m here for what’s left of this year and next year to sort out all the legal stuff with Garrett at least. I like my job. I’ll see what happens when the dust settles.”

  She nods. “I can understand that. If you ever need an ear, day or night, I’m here. You know that, right?”

  I smile. “Of course I do. And I appreciate it so much. I’m not sure what I would do without having you to talk to.”

  The wine appears, and we take a look at the menus.

  “Eye fillet, medium rare.” I smile at the waiter.

  He nods.

  “Same.” Kelly laughs. She shifts her gaze to me.

  We spend the rest of the night talking and catching up, but the whole time I’m keenly aware of this buzzing in my body.



  Excitement caused by James.

  * * *

  It’s not late when I get home, but it feels like it. I head straight to the bedroom.

  I pull off my clothes and put on my pyjamas. It’s a cute little shorts-and-tank-top set I treated myself to a while ago. I always wore silky nighties before, even though I hated them. It’s sad how much of yourself you can put aside when you love someone.

  Returning to the living room, I fall onto the couch. I shouldn’t have done this on a Sunday night. I have an early lecture tomorrow morning, and while I’m not drunk, I’m quite tipsy.

  Reaching for the remote, I turn on the television. I’m not sure what the movie is, but it’s got Tom Cruise in it, and he’s running. So much running.

  My mind wanders to the night before and James’s kiss. Kelly would have wanted to go out and celebrate if she knew. James Campbell is so hot.

  So fucking hot.

  I’ve never been attracted to a student, and he should be no different.


  What’s wrong with a little fantasy? Besides, he’s not in my class. Yet.

  I close my eyes. Memories rush forward from the night before. His soft lips, the way they tasted, the feel of his tongue against mine.

  Holding my breath, I slide my hand down the front of my shorts and into my panties. I’m wet—surprisingly so. I never took the time to get to know my own body. Maybe it’s time to change that.

sp; I let out the breath, stroking my clit with my fingers.

  My eyes are still closed, and I’m picturing James. It’s not fair. I’ve been in a cocoon for nearly twenty years, never giving myself a chance to learn about my own sexuality—to grow into it.

  I wish I was fifteen years younger.

  When I first left Garrett, I’d never even thought about there being another man in my life. It was an act of self-preservation.

  James’s dark eyes burned a hole in my soul. They pierced through the facade that I’ve had in place for so many years. Maybe this is a chance to unlock the real Mia, the Mia who should have always been. Maybe this is a part of learning about that Mia.

  I slip my other hand up under my shirt. Cupping my breast, I squeeze my nipple between my thumb and index finger. Involuntarily, my thighs squeeze together, trapping my hand.

  I dip a finger into my pussy. It’s for James. It’s all for James. In this moment, I no longer care about right or wrong. I don’t care that he’s a student and I’m a teacher. I don’t care about the age difference.

  I want him.

  He’s woken something in me.

  And I want to grab hold and enjoy it.

  He’s parting my legs, lowering his head and licking me. He can’t get enough, and neither can I. This is what I’ve always needed—to feel wanted and appreciated.

  I curve my fingers back over my clit and rub. Rolling to my side my gaze falls to the movie I was watching. The actors move and talk on the screen, but all I can think about is finding my own pleasure.

  With James’s help, of course.

  I suck in my bottom lip, trapping it with my teeth. My breath quickens, and I fight the urge to close my eyes again.

  My stomach clenches as the waves roll over me. I buck, letting out a moan. I close my mouth, my eyes widening as I look around. Of course no one can hear me. What if Garrett walked in right now?

  I let out a long breath. My face is blazing. I don’t need to touch it to know my cheeks are pink. From exertion or embarrassment, I don’t know.

  I just masturbated on my couch thinking about a student.

  There’s no way I can ever tell anyone about this.



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