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Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set

Page 112

by Smith, Wendy

  Constance is reading a book in the living room when I get home. The house is quiet.

  “Eli sleeping?” I ask as I sit beside her on the couch.

  She nods. “He just went down. If he keeps to his routine of the past week, he’ll be out for a few hours.

  “I have something I need to tell you.”

  She puts down her book and turns toward me. “Should I be worried?”


  “You sound so serious.”

  I take a close look at her. My whole life changed when I met Constance. And it’s all been for the better. “I got a new job.”

  She seems to force a smile. “When? How long will you be away for?”

  “I won’t be. It’s not a hunting job.”

  Her eyes widen. “What will you be doing?”

  “There’s a construction project going on at the cove to add units to the caravan park. It’s just for a few months, but it’s steady, and I won’t have to work nights.”

  Con’s expression softens. “Corey, you don’t have to do that. You love your work.”

  “Not as much as I love you and Eli. It might lead into something more permanent, or I’ll see if I can find something else when it’s finished, but for the moment it means I can come home every night to you.”

  Her eyes mist over.

  “Hey. It’ll be fine. We’ll have a steady income for a while, and I can always go back to pest control. But I think it’s important right now that I’m here.”

  She says nothing, and just wraps her arms around my neck, her head resting against my chest. I always thought if I got a normal job, it’d be a last resort, impinging on the freedom that I had. But that’s the opposite of how I feel right now. This feels like the right thing to do.

  “You won’t have the uncertainty of not knowing when I’ll be here or not. And we’ll get weekends together.”

  “I love you,” she whispers.

  “And I love you. More than anything else in the whole world. I’ll do whatever I have to if it means you and Eli have everything you need. And I have a feeling that what you need most of all right now is me.”

  “Corey.” She sobs on my chest, and for a moment, I just hold her tight and close my eyes. She puts up a brave front, but Constance has been through the wringer. We had some months of peace while she was pregnant, but with all she’s had to deal with in the last couple of years, it’s not surprising that her emotions are now catching up.

  “I thought maybe during the week too, if you want to spend time with your mum and dad, I can drop you off in the morning and pick you up on the way home. Until you’re driving for yourself.”

  She nods. “I’d like that.”

  “We’ll make things better. There’s got to be something better than being sad all the time.”

  She raises her head. “You know I’m happy, right? This is just a thing I need to get through.”

  “We. We’ll get through it together.” I grip her chin and tilt it to me, planting a soft kiss on her lips. “It’s you and me, Con. Besides, we have a wedding to plan.”

  Her brows twitch. “You really want to do that soon?”

  “The sooner the better, as far as I’m concerned. I’d take you to the courthouse and marry you tomorrow if I could, but I want you to have the day you want. I want all our friends and family to celebrate with us.”

  “Me too.”

  I kiss her again, this time using my tongue to explore her mouth. She’s breathless, and I recall her words about Eli’s nap.

  We’ve got enough time.

  “Bedroom. Now.”

  She laughs this gorgeous throaty laugh that does things to my nether regions. “Now?”

  “Let’s go before the baby wakes up. We’re on borrowed time, woman.” I stand, taking her hand in mine and pulling her to her feet. When she doesn’t move for the first few seconds, I scoop her up and into my arms.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Man no hunt. Man need love.”

  Constance shakes her head. “Corey Campbell, you are such a caveman.”

  “Only for you, sweetness. Only for you.”



  I gather all my strength and tap on the door right under the gold sign saying Human Resources. Here goes nothing.

  “Come in.” Heather’s voice rings out.

  I push open the door and take a deep breath as she looks up.

  “Mia.” She smiles. “What can I do for you?”

  “I need to declare a relationship with a student.” I sit in front of her desk.

  Heather meets my gaze. “Okay.”

  “What do I need to do?”

  “I’ll take the details and process it.” She studies me. “Are you alright?”

  “Just nervous. I’m not sure how well this is going to go down.” I lick my lips. “It’s a student in my class.”

  She nods slowly. “I understand. Does Garrett know?”

  I shake my head.

  “He’ll know by the end of the day. Are you okay with that?”

  I shrug. “I can’t help it. I’m not going to hide from him.”

  Her lips twitch. “You shouldn’t have to. I just needed to make sure that you were aware. It can’t be easy with your ex working here.” She smiles. “Now. Let me know the details. Who’s the student?”

  “James Campbell.”

  She types it into the computer, and I take a breath. “If you ever need to talk, you know where I am.”

  I smile. “Thank you, Heather.”

  “Do you want me to update your emergency contact details to James too? They’re still set as Garrett.”

  “Yes, please.”

  She taps on the keyboard. “I’m excited for you. You deserve to be happy.”

  My smile grows to a grin. I can’t help it. And now I can be open about our relationship. “I’m very happy. James is so sweet.”

  “Not like Garrett? He’s a bit of a prickly person.”

  I nod. “Couldn’t be further apart. James gets me in a way Garrett never did, and I’m not made to feel inferior to him.”

  “That’s great. For what it’s worth, I’m glad you declared it. It’s not an ideal situation, but he’s close to graduating, and then you two won’t have to worry about a thing.”

  “What else do I need to do?”

  Heather smiles. “That’s it.”


  “If there are any questions about it, I’ll come and talk to you, but it’s not the first time I’ve dealt with this, and I doubt it’ll be the last.”

  I let out a long breath. “That was easier than I thought it would be.”

  She nods. “It’s really just registering a conflict of interest for you. From here on in, you continue as normal, but his work will be marked by someone else.” She pauses. “And James will be offered counselling.”

  “He will?”

  “He doesn’t have to do it. It’s in place more for the type of situation where you might have a fifty-year-old professor grooming an eighteen-year-old.”

  My mouth falls open of its own volition.

  “But that’s not you. If James is in your class, he’s what, twenty-two or twenty-three? He’s a grown man. And I know you well enough to know that Garrett starting here disturbed you, and you wouldn’t go public if it wasn’t something serious between you and James.”

  I nod. “I really love him.”

  “Good for you. I’m glad to see you happy.”

  As I leave her office, I pull out my phone and shoot off a quick text.

  All done. Relationship declared. Love you xx

  * * *

  James has other lectures today, but I know word has leaked by the time I hit my second class of the afternoon.

  The noise that usually fills the hall is gone, replaced by whispers.

  I ignore them. I have to. And for the first time in a long time, every single eye in the room is on me. I’m used to background chatter, and people tapping away on their k
eyboards. I know they’re not always paying attention, and instead using social media.

  No one has their laptop open.

  It makes a refreshing change. Maybe I should have done this a long time ago.

  Best of all, I haven’t seen Garrett all day. Although, I know at some point there’ll be a confrontation.

  Despite my protests, he’s always been convinced that we’ll get back together. I hope this will be the final nail in that particular coffin for him. Instead of feeling weak and scared, I’m confident and strong. At the end of the day, I’ll go home to James and live my life.

  After class, the room empties pretty quickly, and when I leave, there are little groups of people chatting outside. I guess this kind of announcement doesn’t happen often.

  Making my way to my car, I think about dinner. Drew’s in town, and James is going to meet up with him this afternoon, so I’ll stop at the supermarket and grab something light to cook. And maybe something bubbly to celebrate.

  Today has lifted a huge weight from my shoulders that I’d stopped being conscious of months ago. James was worth it. Being happy is worth it.

  Living my life the way I want? Well, that’s the best feeling in the world.

  My only regret is waiting so long to make the changes in my life that led to my being this content.

  But better late than never.



  Word’s out.

  I know Mia had her appointment this morning, and she sent me a text to say it was done, but I haven’t spoken to her. But a secret that’s no longer a secret soon gets out in the world. I’m not sure how it was spread, but from the whispers and looks I get in my early afternoon lecture, I know our news is public knowledge.

  When I leave the lecture room, Cody’s waiting for me outside.

  “Is there something you have to tell me?” he asks, tapping his foot on the concrete.

  “No, why?”

  “Not even that you’re fucking Mia Scott?”

  I glare at him. “Don’t say that.”

  “Why not? I hear she declared a relationship with you.”

  “Word spreads fast.” I lick my lips. “Then you’d know it’s a bit more than what you were suggesting.”

  A sly grin spreads across his face. “You dirty bastard.”

  “I just said … oh, forget it. It’s not really any of your business.”

  “That woman is fucking hot. Who knew she’d be a cougar? Maybe when you’re finished—”

  I grab him by the collar of his shirt. “What the actual fuck, Cody? Don’t talk about her like that.”

  He shrugs. “If she’ll fuck you, she’ll fuck—”

  My fist slams into his face before I even think about it.

  Not my Mia.

  I know her.

  I love her.

  “What the fuck, dude?” he cries.

  “Don’t you ever talk about her that way. Ever. She’s worth so much more than that.”

  He holds up his hands. “Okay. Okay. I’m sorry.”

  “What the hell is going on?”

  I don’t even have to look to know who that is. The prick who preyed on Mia’s self-esteem for years, the man who thought he could treat her like that and she’d come running back.


  “Nothing. Nothing’s going on.” Cody meets my gaze. “We were just mucking around.”

  “Really? If you’d like to press charges, I’d be happy to be a witness.”

  I turn and lock eyes with the piece of shit who used to be married to Mia. “This has nothing to do with you, Garrett.”

  His eyes flash with anger. “I think it has everything to do with me.”

  “Believe me, you’re not currently occupying my thoughts.”

  “But my wife is.”

  I straighten up. “Soon to be ex. She’s my girlfriend.”

  He snorts.

  “If you ask me, it’s him you should punch,” Cody mutters.

  “He’s not worth it. I’ve got to be elsewhere. I’m meeting my brother.”

  Cody holds up his hands, and for a moment Garrett’s forgotten. “I’m sorry for what I said. I was temporarily blinded by your girlfriend’s hotness.”

  I roll my eyes. “Dude. I know you like her, but if you ever talk about her like that again …”

  “I’d much rather save my friendship with you than be on the receiving end of that right hook again.” He looks at Garrett, standing a couple of metres away. “Your friend over there should know about that. It fucking hurt.”

  Garrett glares at Cody. “If you need a witness …”

  “I don’t need shit from you.”

  I bite down a laugh.

  Garrett straightens himself up. Cody and I are both taller than him, and it gives me so much satisfaction to look down on him.

  “If you change your mind, I’m in the admin building.”

  Cody and I look at each other while he walks away before bursting out laughing. He claps his hand with mine and pulls me into a man-hug.

  “Dude, I’m happy for you. I’m sorry for what I said before.”

  “Just don’t say that shit about her again.”

  He nods. “I won’t. Promise. But you are one lucky son-of-a-bitch.”

  I grin.

  Because I am.

  * * *

  Drew already has a beer on the counter of the bar when I walk in. He grins, holding his hand out and pulling me into a hug. It seems to be a day for it. “I thought you’d be here about fifteen minutes ago.”

  “There was a little distraction.”

  “What was that?”

  “Mia declared our relationship this morning. This afternoon, everyone knows.”

  His eyes widen. “Shit. I’m assuming that’s not good, given what you said about her ex.”

  I nod. “He’s definitely not impressed. So, I’m not staying long.”

  “I’m happy to do whatever you want, little bro. If you guys want to get out of town for the evening, we’ll skip the beer and you can head to my in-laws’ place with me. They said you were welcome to join us.”

  “I’ll see what Mia says, but that sounds like a good idea.”

  “Honestly, they’ve got some chef cooking for us tonight. Make the most of it.”

  I laugh. “I like that plan.”

  He nods. “They certainly know how to spoil their daughter. I’m just along for the ride. Besides, Logan and Amelia would love to see you.”

  I grin. Drew’s kids are so cute. I love spending time with them.

  “Okay. Drink up, and we’ll go and get Mia.”



  When I pull into the driveway, I’m so glad to be home. It might not have taken long for word to spread, but I’m so glad I did it.

  My relationship with James is out in the open, and my heart is full. We don’t have to hide anymore.

  I head toward the house.

  My phone buzzes.

  Don’t worry about dinner. Drew’s in-laws have invited us over. I’ll finish my drink and swing by to pick you up. Hope you had a good day. Love you.

  I grin at the text.

  Sounds great. I bought some things, but we can use them for dinner tomorrow. Love you too.

  I pull out my key and slide it into the door lock. It doesn’t turn. My stomach flips as I push on the handle, and the door swings open.

  It’s not locked.

  The kitchen’s a mess. Every cupboard is open, contents all over the floor. Bits of broken crockery litter the lino.

  Someone’s in my house. At a guess, it’s Garrett, but I can’t take that risk.

  I drop the grocery bags on the floor and pull my phone back out of my bag to call the police.


  I look back up to see Garrett in the doorway to the living room. “What are you doing here?”

  He grits his teeth. “I came to see my wife. The one who declared a relationship with a student today.”

  I nod. My fing
ernails scrape my palms so hard, I’ll be surprised if I don’t see blood later. “That’s right.”

  “When were you going to tell me?”

  “It’s none of your business.” I walk past him into the dining room and drop my bag on a chair.

  “I’m your husband.”

  I turn. “We’re separated, and our divorce is pending. Get out of my house, Garrett.”

  “Our house.”

  “Fine. Get the fuck out of our house, Garrett,” I yell.

  Pain rips through the right side of my head and I stagger back, tripping over my own two feet. I blink. Everything’s a blur, but I can still make out his hand, fisted and raised above me.

  My head hurts. I raise my hand to rub my temple.

  When my vision clears, I fix my gaze on Garrett. He’s standing over me, his arms crossed. “Bastard.”

  “Now you’re not hysterical, perhaps you’d like to explain to me why you’re fucking a student when you’re married to me.”

  Shit. I scan the room for anything I can use to defend myself. How far away is James?

  “We’re separated. We were separated for a long time before—”

  “Enough,” he roars.

  “My relationship is none of your business.”

  “You’re my wife. Of course it’s my business.”

  “We’re getting divorced.”

  He shakes his head. “No, we’re not.”

  “Yes. We are. We were before I fell in love with James, and we are now.” I push myself to my feet.

  “You love him?” He shakes his head. “Unbelievable.”

  “Why? He’s loving and kind. Not nasty and cruel like you are. You just hit me.”

  His face falls. “That was a momentary slip.”

  “You can’t even say you’re sorry.”

  “Mia, I …”

  “No, Garrett. You don’t get to do this again. You don’t get to tell me what to do.” My hands shake with anger and fear.

  “Mia, you need to listen to me.”

  “I don’t need to do anything with you. Get out of my house.”

  He takes a deep breath. “It’s our house.”


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