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Desired By The Cowboy (Love In Collin's Ranch 2)

Page 15

by Veronica Wilson

  “Race you to the end of the jetty!” Damien shouted as he took off running. Caroline rolled her eyes and walked leisurely after him.

  “I’m not running.” She said flatly. Damien slowed to a stop and waited impatiently for her to catch up.

  “Come on, we’re supposed to be bonding and having fun! Not being moody and walking slowly.” He nudged her gently with his elbow.

  “You know what’s really fun?” Caroline asked with the hushed voice of someone with a secret.

  “What?” Damien’s eyes lit up.

  “Forget it,” she shook her head. “You’d never do it anyway.” Damien frowned.

  “How’d you know if you don’t even tell me what it is?” Caroline shook her head.

  “No, I know you, you’d never do it. You’re too chicken.” Damien turned to face her as he walked backwards.

  “Tell me! I swear to God whatever it is, I’ll do it.” Caroline felt like the bully now, lording over the younger kid in school, daring him to do the unspeakable.

  “Take off your shorts and run down the jetty completely naked.” Damien squinted as he thought about this for a moment. Caroline shook her head. “See, I knew you’d never do it.” Damien turned around to look off the end of the jetty and without saying a word he dropped his board shorts, kicked them off and took off running. Caroline watched in disbelief as he ran straight to the end of the jetty, screamed ‘woohoo’ and then jumped in to the water with a splash. She laughed as she grabbed at his shorts. Giving him one last look as he bobbed in the water beckoning her, she waved at him and took off running in the opposite direction.

  Caroline was sweaty and out of breath by the time she got back to the cabin but between breaths she laughed at the thought of Damien coming home without his shorts. Sure, it was only half a mile and sure, he probably wouldn’t run in to anyone, but still, the thought of humiliating him made her inner child happy. To add insult to injury she went and found a large stick and stuck it in the backyard with his shorts hoisted up like a flag on a flagpole.

  “Let’s see how you like being the one on the receiving end for once.” Caroline headed up the back steps on to the deck. After grabbing herself a glass of ice water to cool off, she set up camp on one of the Adirondack chairs to await Damien’s return.

  It didn’t take as long as Caroline had imagined for Damien to get back from the lake. He must have jumped right out as soon as he saw her start running in hopes of catching her. It was still amusing for Caroline to watch his walk of shame across the back yard though. She couldn’t wipe the grin off her face.

  “You think you’re funny, huh?” He shouted up to the deck as he grabbed his shorts off the stick in the yard. He didn’t sound angry though, something which Caroline found a little puzzling.

  “Oh come on, it was a little bit funny.” Caroline laughed as she took a sip from her glass and set it down beside her chair.

  “You know what’s a little bit funny?” Caroline closed her eyes against the sun and shook her head.

  “No, Damien, what’s a little bit funny?”

  “This.” Suddenly his voice was right overhead and Caroline opened her eyes. There right in front of her face, as hard as could be, was Damien’s cock. Caroline’s mouth fell open.

  “Oh my God! Damien!” Damien laughed and took a step back. “You did not just wave your cock in my face!” Damien shrugged, standing in front of her, still at full mast.

  “Hey, you stole my shorts so I figured you wanted a look.” He laughed as he stood before her for long enough for her to get a second look. Then he walked inside. Caroline reached down for her drink and took another sip, her hands were trembling. She couldn’t believe that she had just seen her stepbrother’s cock!

  Chapter Six

  “So, tell me kids, did you guys have a good time out at the lake today?” Helen looked at Caroline first and then Damien. Caroline smiled.

  “Oh we had a blast, didn’t we Damien?” Damien smirked.

  “Oh yeah, a real blast.” Helen smiled, contented with the fact that they were getting along and oblivious to the sarcasm that dripped off their words.

  “I’m so glad you two are getting along, we were so worried about that, weren’t we Mike?” Mike looked away from the television momentarily and nodded.

  “Yeah, sure.” The man would agree to anything as long as it meant that he could go back to watching his programs.

  “You know, Helen, Caroline and I had so much fun today I was wondering if it would be okay for us to plan something tomorrow as well.” Helen seemed to think about this for a moment and then shrugged.

  “Sure, why not. I told your father today that I wanted to go antiquing in that small mall we passed on the way up here. I don’t suppose that would be something you two would enjoy anyway.” Damien winked at Caroline.

  “Great! I was thinking a hike up one of the local trails. Doesn’t that sound like fun?” Damien gave Caroline a full on smirk this time.

  “Maybe, but I’m sure I could think of something better to do than hiking.”

  That night Caroline lay in bed unable to sleep, only instead of nightmares keeping her awake, now it was the image of Damien’s cock. Just the thought of it sent shivers of anticipation through her body. No matter how hard she tried she could think of nothing else but that thick solid member as he had waved it in her face. Just inches from her mouth. She sat up in bed, eyes open wide. She couldn’t let him seduce her. She was here for one purpose and one purpose only –she was here for vengeance. And she was not going to let him trick her out of that with any of his wiles.

  As she sat in the darkness Caroline tried to plan something for the next day, something worse than forcing him to walk home naked. She wanted something far more embarrassing. The harder she thought, however, the more clueless she was. Had she really used up her best idea on the first try? There had to be something more humiliating than walking home naked.

  Slithering down under the comforter Caroline closed her eyes and tried to think of her next great idea. She had tried teasing him and while it had worked, the outcome had been minimally pleasurable. She had left him naked and forced him to walk home and while the outcome had been somewhat pleasurable (judging from her current thoughts), it had proven to be less than embarrassing for him. No, she had to come up with something really good.

  The following morning, Caroline still had not come up with any new plans to get her vengeance on Damien, but not for lack of trying. She had lay awake for hours trying to think up something, but every time she closed her eyes all she could see was his erection just inches from her face. So instead of coming up with a genius idea, she was waking up with something of a crush on her idiotic stepbrother.

  “So, are you kids headed out to the trails this morning?” Mike asked as he sat down at the breakfast table. Damien nodded as he shoved something in to his book-bag and slung it over his broad muscular shoulder.

  “Hey Caroline! You ready?!” Damien yelled up the stairs just as Caroline was tying up her hiking boots.

  “Coming!” She shouted back down.

  “Boy, it sure is nice to see you two getting along.” Mike said before scooping a pile of cornflakes under his neatly trimmed mustache and in to his waiting mouth.

  “We’ll be back later.” Damien walked to the front door to wait for Caroline.

  “Okay, well have fun and remember to keep an eye out for snakes!” Damien smirked.

  “Oh, we will.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Are we really going hiking?” Caroline asked as she followed Damien up the dirt path that began at the end of the cul-de-sac. Damien laughed.

  “Yes…where else would we be going?” Caroline shrugged.

  “I don’t know, somewhere where you can prank me as hard as I pranked you yesterday?” Damien laughed again.

  “That was pretty good. But yeah, no I just wanted to check out some of the trails up here.” Caroline couldn’t help but think that he had an ulterior motive, but she figured th
at her time was better spent thinking of a way to truly punish Damien for his past misgivings.

  “Urgh, okay but let’s not go that far ok? I really don’t do hiking, I only have these stupid boots because my mom bought them.” Damien chuckled and nodded.

  “Sure. We won’t go too far and we’ll be back before dark.” Caroline looked at him open mouthed.

  “We’d better be back before dark!” Damien laughed again.

  “I’m just kidding! Relax, I know what I’m doing.” And therein lay the problem, while Damien may have known what he was doing, Caroline was quickly getting out of her depth.

  The two had been walking for some two miles when Damien stopped in his tracks.

  “Water break!” They both unzipped their backpacks and pulled out their water. As Caroline was still guzzling hers down she didn’t notice Damien whip something out of his backpack and throw it on to the floor. It was only as she pulled her canteen away from her face that Damien let out a shriek the likes of which Caroline had never heard before, that she knew something was wrong.

  “Shit! Oh my God it’s bitten me!” He kicked at the rubber snake, sending it flying in to the bushes. He then fell to the ground holding his leg, his face one big grimace. “Oh God!” His cries became more panicked as he clutched his leg.

  “What?! What has? What was it?” Caroline dropped her backpack and leaned down over Damien.

  “Oh God it hurts so bad! You have to suck the poison out!” Damien was squeezing his leg so hard that it had turned bright red. Caroline looked at him wide eyed. “Here, suck right here!” He circled his fingers around a small spot on his leg and panicking, Caroline leaned over it. Encircling the area with her lips she began to suck as hard as she could until Damien burst in to laughter. She fell back in to the grass and stared at him.

  “What?” She paused as the joke sank in. “Damien! What the fuck?! I thought you were hurt, like seriously hurt!” He laughed as he lay back in the grass.

  “I’m sorry, but you’re way too easy to prank.” He sighed as his laughter subsided. “I can’t believe you actually sucked my leg, what a weirdo!” Caroline groaned, she would never live this one down.

  “Alright, fine, you got me!” Caroline rolled her eyes.

  “Oh come on, you kind of deserved it for leaving me hanging yesterday…literally.” Caroline rolled on to the grass beside him and lay back.

  “I guess.” She looked up to the canopy of trees above them. “But you deserve it for being such a jerk to me in high school.” Damien went quiet as he pondered this thought.

  “Yeah, I was kind of a dick back then, huh?” Caroline looked up in his direction.

  “Kind of? How about the biggest dick in the history of the universe?” Damien snickered and kicked her gently.

  “Well you should know, you’ve seen it.” Caroline turned her head to the side, hoping that he wouldn’t see the hunger on her face at the mention of his size. All she had been able to think about since she had seen it was his cock. The silence dragged on until Damien finally broke it. “What did you think?” Caroline leaned up on her elbows and looked back at him.

  “About what? Your lame snake prank?” Damien shook his head.

  “No. About my cock.” Caroline went silent. “Or did you need another look?” Damien grinned. Caroline could feel the hunger pangs tearing through her, she wanted nothing more than she wanted his cock at that very moment. Everything inside her told her no, not only that he was still the bully that she once knew, but that he was now her brother by marriage.

  The silence stretched on for a good minute before Damien added:

  “I mean, a look wouldn’t hurt, right? Just to be sure.” Caroline licked her lips as she looked him up and down, taking in every glorious muscular inch of his perfect body. She looked around them to ensure that they were alone and then she shook her head.

  “No, I don’t suppose a look could hurt.” She turned her body to face him. “But just a look.” She watched as he reached down and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants achingly slowly.

  “I’m not taking them off in case you run off with them again.” Damien gave her a crooked smile and Caroline tried to smile back, but her focus was targeted on one thing.

  Damien’s dark blue eyes watched hers as they grew wide. His thick cock snaking out of his pants slowly, tamed only by his hand. When finally he was free, his cock stood at full mast and Caroline couldn’t tear her eyes away. It was even bigger than she remembered it being. It made every inch of her ache. The bulging vein that ran underneath it, the thick shining tip and the sheer length, they all sent such incredible sensations through her body. She instantaneously wanted much more than ‘just a look.’

  “I’m just looking though.” Caroline said as she leaned in closer. She could smell a mixture of dirt and his cologne as she took a deep breath in. Her face was just inches from his cock, just one movement and she could have him in her mouth. Damien wrapped his fingers around his shaft and tugged upwards slowly, his firm length getting closer to Caroline’s face. “Mmm.” She couldn’t stop herself from moaning as she watched him. With every moan she saw his thickness swell.

  “So…is it the best you’ve seen?” Caroline looked him in the eyes before opening her mouth and wrapping it around the very tip of his cock. “Oh fuck!” His voice trembled and his breath shuddered as Caroline slid her lips over his cock head. Her eyes concentrated on his, those big wide blue eyes that watched her every move. “Ahhh…” He watched her sliding her lips down further over his shaft, feeling the wetness of her tongue around him. “Oh God, we shouldn’t be doing this!” Caroline pulled her mouth back, wiping it on the back of her hand.

  “You’re right…” She looked down at his throbbing shaft longingly, feeling the pulsing need between her thighs. “But you do kind of owe me an apology for all those years of bullying.” Caroline licked her lips slowly.

  “Oh? And what would make up for it do you think? I mean what would make up for the whole thing? A really good apology?” Caroline gave him a wicked smile before she kicked off her shorts and panties.

  Chapter Eight

  “Are you asking me to do what I think you’re asking me to do?” Damien’s voice was breathy with want as his eyes focused on her soft mound. Caroline said nothing but tugged off her t-shirt and unhooked her bra, letting both fall to the ground. Damien stared at her, his throbbing cock now aching more than ever. Getting to his knees he crawled over to Caroline, pushing her back gently in to the grass before kicking off his shorts. “Do you want this?” He asked her as he reached over, his hand cupping her perky breast. Caroline nodded lustfully. It was all Damien needed to hear.

  Gently pushing her slender thighs apart, he knelt between her legs. His muscular forearms on either side of her body he lunged forward slowly. The full length of his shaft rubbed against her soft hairy mound and up against her flat belly. The softness of her skin was almost more than he could take against his sensitive tip.

  “Ahh…” Caroline gasped out loudly, making Damien look around nervously to ensure that no one could see them. As he saw that the coast was clear he teased her again, rubbing the length of his shaft against her smooth belly. “Ahh!” She cried out again and this time it was more than Damien could take. Dipping down he found her opening with the tip of his cock and pressed against her gently. He could feel her wetness opening to him, inviting him inside.

  “Oh fuck, we shouldn’t be doing this!” He whispered as he penetrated her gently.

  “Mmm, yes!” Caroline’s hands reached up and grasped each side of his face, forcing him to look at her. To watch her as he penetrated her inch by inch. “Fuck me!” Damien thrust deep, the full length of his shaft sliding inside Caroline’s tight wet pussy.

  “Oh God, you’re so wet!” He pulled back and slid forward again. “So tight!” He slid back, her blue eyes begging him to make her cum. “Mmm, can you cum for me?” He watched as Caroline nodded desperately.

  “Will you cum inside me?” Damien kn
ew that he shouldn’t but knowing that he shouldn’t only made it more appealing. The very thought of it made him want to cum instantaneously. He nodded his head as he pulled back and thrust forward, her perky breasts bouncing underneath him. Caroline parted her legs further and lifting her thighs she pulled her calves up towards her. Damien watched her through the gap between her calves as he pounded her harder. The tightness of her opening even tighter with her legs between them. The wet sucking of her tight hole around him made it so hard to concentrate on anything other than cumming. Damien knew that he wasn’t going to last long.

  “Tell me…” He gasped as he pounded her sweet opening.

  “Tell you what?” She gasped hungrily.

  “That we’re not supposed to be doing this…” His breath was coming so fast with each thrust.

  “Mmm, we’re not supposed to be doing this, Damien!” She gasped as he drilled her harder. “We could get caught and our parents are married. It’s so fucking wrong!”

  “Ahh, yes!” Damien cried out desperately. “But fucking you feels so good!” Caroline smiled up at him. “You’re so fucking perfect!” He cried out loudly this time.

  “But I’m your step-sister Damien, it’s so so wrong! It’s so bad! If we get caught we’re in so much trouble!” As she spoke the words, Caroline’s pussy began to tighten and she could feel a wave of ecstasy coming. “Ahh, I’m going to cum, Damien! Ahh, keep going I’m going to…ahh!” Her thighs trembled as the waves of her orgasm ripped over his throbbing cock. The tightness of her orgasm was all that Damien needed to push him over the edge too. With each ripple of her tight hole, Caroline drew out jet after jet of his sticky cum.


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