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Playboy Heir

Page 14

by Brandy Munroe

  "Oh god, Aleksander, harder, faster. I want you so badly," she said, the confession bringing a smile to my lips.

  "You can have anything you want," I professed, "just reach out. There are no limits."

  I could not let her know how tight a rein I had been keeping on my emotions since I had first seen her, first imagined her in my bed, in my arms, begging for me to take her. I was plunging inside the depth of her welcoming warmth, so very inviting, a place I had wanted to be from the very beginning.

  There was no denying that she had felt as sexually satisfied as I. I saw over the glazed stare of those beautiful piercing grey eyes that were admiring me this very moment. The tousled hair falling on my pillow, the swollen lips from our love making, and the pulsating throb between her legs gave it away.

  My only fear was, what would tomorrow bring? Could I be her boss and still be her lover? I was not going to worry about that tonight. We could cross that bridge tomorrow after the big reveal.

  Tonight I was going to take her as many times as she would allow. I would take her as if I were never going to have the opportunity again. I now knew the meaning of mind-blowing sex.

  Once we were completed sated and exhausted, my plan was to carry her to my bed where we could finally get some sleep with what was left of the night. Tomorrow was going to be a big day and we really needed to recharge our batteries. I could not remember the last time I looked forward to having someone sleep next to me in my bed.

  I would go to bed fulfilled and content. After what Haley and I had shared, we would find a way to make it work. I could not imagine she would not want the same thing.

  “I need to take a shower, Aleksander.” Her request was barely a whisper. Was she regretting letting go? She suddenly seemed shy and unsure of herself.

  I tilted her chin and forced her to look up at me, her piercing grey eyes glistening with the glow of our lovemaking. I saw in her eyes the uncertainty, the doubt. I couldn’t have her feeling like I took advantage of her.

  That wasn't what this was. Tonight was not the end, it was a beginning. I had to find some way to make her understand this. I had to find a way to make her understand, from here on out, she belonged with me.

  She had to realized I was claiming her, she was mine.

  Chapter 25


  I lost count as to how many times I orgasmed or how many times he had filled me. The time finally came when we were both spent and could not have gone another round.

  He looked disappointed when I told him I needed a shower. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy his scent clinging to my body. I didn't know how to explain that it had been a very long time since I had been that physical with anyone. My body ached. It was a good ache, but I needed the warm spray of the shower to relieve my strained muscles.

  I entered the massive shower that had jets coming out from all angles. There was a ledge filled with shampoos and body washes. There were safety bars on all four sides and a built in seat. I found those accessories very handy because right now I wasn't sure I would be able to stand on my own after the marathon I just performed. It didn't take me long to get the water to the perfect temperature.

  The door opened and a naked Aleksander stepped in. "No point in wasting water." He walked towards me with that sheepish grin that got us in this situation in the first place.

  I did not have the willpower to turn him away.

  He washed and rinsed my hair; it felt nice to have his hand massaging my scalp. He didn't stop with that. He repeated his performance from the tub, starting with my neck, massaging my shoulders and working his way down.

  I found myself facing him, attacking his mouth one more time. He hoisted me onto the shelf, knocking over all the bottles. The safety bar came in handy and it impressed me that the shelf was in the perfect place for what he intended to do with me.

  He was becoming an expert at knowing how to turn me on. He began with fondling the folds of my pussy, teasing and thumbing my clit. He cupped and squeezed my breasts. He nibbled and sucked on my taut nipples and when my breath became quick and shallow, he rammed himself inside me with his massive cock, bucking back and forth.

  I had positioned myself perfectly on the shelf, grasping the support bars to keep me in place, straddling my legs around his waist. It allowed me some leverage to push him inside me all the way. Neither of us was keeping track of how long we lasted or how many times we had thought ourselves spent, but still found the energy for one more time.

  At least this time we were in the shower, there would be no embarrassing mess for the maids in the morning like we left in the bedroom. A bedroom that neither one of us was going to sleep in after what had transpired there.

  Would I take the spare room at this end of the suite, or would he expect me to spend the night in his bed? Would that be wise given that this was the last time we could do this? This should have gotten it out of our system. What if it didn't, what if I did not want to get him out of my system, what then? Would I be willing to give up my future for sex?

  It wasn’t only my future I was risking, it was Peyton’s. As much as I has been growing closer to Aleksander and having real feeling for him, this was simply about sex. Two consenting adults enjoying each other’s company. I would not read any more than that into it.

  Surely Aleksander felt the same.

  After all, he was a playboy.

  Chapter 26


  "I want you in my bed, Haley," he whispered as he wrapped me in a large terry cloth robe. “I want to wake up with you in my arms."

  How was I supposed to refuse him? Was I ever going to be able to refuse him? He carried me to his bed where I laid snuggled in the comfort of his strong arms. It would be so easy to give in to these feelings surfacing.

  "Except for your son and uncle, you never talk about your family. Are you not close to them?" He brushed the hair from my neck and placed a warm kiss in the dip at the base.

  "I don't like to talk about it. It's sad. Not exactly pillow talk." I wasn’t sure how personal I wanted to get with my new boss. This was supposed to be about one night of unbridled sex.

  "It's okay if you don't want to. When you're ready, I'll be willing to listen."

  He had confessed his past with his ex. He opened up to me when I asked. Did he not deserve the same? After a long pause I spoke.

  "My mother passed away after a long battle with cancer when I was twelve. That awful C word that gets whispered like it might be contagious. I was happy for my father when he met Melina a year after Mom's passing. When they married, Melina and her three daughters came to live with us. I got to be a big sister like I had always dreamed."

  " I have two older sisters. You would like them," he assures me.

  "I grew particularly close to Sara, the youngest. I would hear Melina tell my father how great I was with the girls. How helpful it was to have me keep them busy so they could spend some time alone."

  "It sounds like you had a happy family, what happened?"

  "My dream turned into a nightmare." I paused, trying to choke back a sob that threatened to escape. “My father died of a heart attack." I cried a little when I talked about my father.

  Aleksander stroked my hair in a comforting way that allowed me to continue.

  "I was grateful to have a new family to help me through it, until I was sat down after the reading of the will. My stepmother inherited everything then told me she was moving to Florida to live with her sister, who was going to help raise her daughters. At the age of fifteen, I was suppose to be mature enough to understand that since I was not a blood relative, it would be unfair of Melina to saddle her sister with one more burden. My father had not made provisions in his will for such a scenario. It was assumed I would be taken care of, that my college fund would not be used to move my ex-family to Florida."

  "That's why you understood me, you knew how it felt to be betrayed by someone you thought loved you." His whispered breath against my ear soothed me.

p; "There was never any indication that we were anything but a happy family. There were family picnics in the park, weekend camping trips; there was even talk of us taking a trip to visit Melinda's sister in Florida."

  "Your stepsisters were okay with this?" His concern was apparent.

  "My stepsisters were as shocked as I was. They cried as much as I did the day I left. I heard my stepmother say that I was a teenager, and it was better for me to stay with my friends. Melina made it sound like I chose not to go with them. The really cruel part was that I was going to live with Uncle Charlie, fifty miles away. That meant a new school and new friends, making Melina's explanation cruel and untrue. The betrayal was almost unbearable."

  "Did they keep in touch with you, find out how you were?" He continued stroking my hair, my face, my arms, in attempts to console me.

  "Years later, I got a letter from Jen, the oldest, asking if I could find some way to forgive her mother and come for a visit. She said they would all like to see me and explained that Melina's sister was a spinster and wasn't happy about having three children around, even if they were her blood. There was no way Melina could convince her to take me in.

  It turned out Melina felt guilty for abandoning me. I was unaware that once the funeral and other expenses were taken care of, Melina had no other choice but to go live with her sister. All my father's money was depleted from my mother's cancer treatment. The house had to be sold to pay off the second mortgage.

  When her sister made it clear there was no room for me, Melina made sure Uncle Charlie had a place for me. She gave him what little money she could. At least she made sure I did not end up in the state foster care system."

  "I imagine that was little consolation for a grieving teenager." He brushed my hair from my face and kissed my forehead. "Is this the first time you've talked about it with anyone?" he questioned.

  I hesitated, but felt Aleksander’s big strong arms pull me closer into him, cocooning me in comfort.

  "Brad knew my parents died and Uncle Charlie was my only living relative. I did not want to get the Cinderella label at my new school or be pitied. I was so desperate to fit in, I bleached my hair, wore blue contacts and became that cheerleader. The twin, the bookend. Senior year we did the charity calendar. I once heard one of Brad's friends congratulate him on screwing every teenage boy's wet dream." I let out a long sigh. "The worst part was, I didn't care, because I belonged."

  After I finished we lay there for a short time, with him caressing me gently. It was comforting. "You never have to be afraid of not belonging, Haley, not with me."

  How was I going to tell him he was wrong, I didn't belong with him? I couldn't belong with him.

  It was his turn to divulge his dark secrets. He recited his anxiety about going to boarding school after his mother left. He had some humorous anecdotes about his and Richard's antics there. He had some wild stories about the Brentwood five.

  He related how he worked his way through school without his father's money and how he became wealthy.

  I felt slightly bad about thinking of him as a spoiled rich kid earlier that evening. If I was true to myself, I would have to admit I had thought that about him more than once.

  He spoke so sincerely about his sisters and the woman who was his housekeeper and friend during his trying times. He did not elaborate on Ashley or the book; he just said things were handled badly and he should have seen the signs.

  Handled things badly. Was that how he was going to refer to this evening when I let him know that in order for me to keep my sanity, this could not happen again? We got it out of our system and now we needed to be professional and go back to a normal working relationship.

  As normal as it was going to be working for a man who just fucked your brains out.

  We had talked enough for the evening. We needed sleep to deal with what tomorrow was going to throw at us. I hoped Richard did not make an appearance before I had the time to sneak back into my room and get ready for the day.

  We were woken from our sweet slumber by the sound of ringing. It was the landline in Aleksander's bedroom where we moved ourselves to after we wrecked the one I had originally chose. I reached over and answered still half asleep. I feared we overslept. What time was it, were we late?

  I clamoured for the phone and put the receiver to my ear. It was the downstairs operator; she had called every room looking for someone to answer. Apparently, someone named Charlie had been trying to call my cell phone but I was not picking up. The operator put him through.

  By this time Aleksander was fully awake, listening to the one sided conversation going on at the other side of the bed.

  I hung up the phone and turned to him with tear filled eyes. "I need to go. Peyton has a fever and is in the hospital. He has some sort of virus and they don't know how bad it is. I have to go," I repeated as I wrapped myself in the robe that was hanging on the back of door and hurried to my room to dress.

  I stopped and turned to Aleksander, panicked. "I don't drive, how am I supposed to get home?"

  Chapter 27


  I was not far behind her. I emerged from my room with a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. "I’ll get you a driver; you'll be there in no time."

  It didn't take Haley long to shove her few belongings in her bag and head for the door.

  "I want to come with you but I can't, the big reveal is today. I wanted you there with me. You deserve as much credit for this as I do. I know your son has to come first." I kissed her on the forehead, followed her into the elevator and waited with her downstairs until the driver pulled up and she was sitting in the back crying, making her way home.

  My chest tightened. I was not able to be sitting there with her, comforting her. She should not have to take that long drive alone. At the same time, I had a feeling of satisfaction knowing that I could feel that kind of passion again.

  That I could feel that kind of compassion for someone again. She was intelligent, beautiful and gave herself to me unselfishly. She had compassion and loved her son. I saw that in the brief time we spent together. She was a good mother. That was reflected in the way her son behaved. The way he respected his fellow teammates. She was the type of woman I had always hope to find. The kind of woman I knew I could easily fall in love with. The type of woman I was already falling in love with.

  I knew if I went back to bed I would not sleep. I took a long hot shower. I could still smell her on me. Not that I minded, but I needed to concentrate. I would not be able to do that smelling of her. It was bad enough I was worrying about her, to be wanting her at the same time was too much for both of my heads to comprehend.

  Thoroughly cleansed and fully dressed, I made myself some coffee. Richard came walking in like the cat that ate the canary. He still had the stench of the seedy bar on him and the undeniable scent of sex.

  Richard had definitely got his freak on. I knew if Richard scratched that itch his performance in the boardroom was nothing less than spectacular. There was no other way to put it. The man had the best business mind I had ever seen, but not if he was distracted by his needs. His needs well taken care of, I filled him in on Haley's predicament.

  "Do you need me to do anything for you that she was suppose to do?" he offered.

  "No," I assured him. "She was only there for moral support and I really wanted to give her credit for her contribution to the project."

  "No worries then," he slurred. "Let me get a couple hours of sleep, shower and then the two of us are going to take over this conference and revolutionize the shoe world." With that statement he entered his room and I did not see him again until two hours later.

  When Richard emerged from his room, he looked like he had just had a twelve hour sleep.

  "How do you do it?" I asked. "I couldn't even look that refreshed if I spent the entire weekend in bed."

  "When you release that sexual tension, all the stress leaves your body and it doesn't matter if you get one hour or twelve hours — it all feels th
e same," was Richard's answer.

  "You are one of a kind, my friend," I noted as I handed my friend a large black cup of coffee.

  "We got all our networking out of the way yesterday, so let's take a few minutes and have something to eat. I'll order room service and have it sent up," Richard offered.

  After the energy I expelled last night I was in no position to argue; some sustenance sounded good.

  As we scarfed down our food we elaborated of some of the ideas that were displayed yesterday. We both felt we had a great presentation compared to some of the ones we had seen. That was just the basic expansion presentation without the big reveal. Richard was talking but I was too distracted to listen.

  "Give her a call," he said between mouthfuls. "I can see you’re worried."

  I pulled out my cell phone then laid it on the table. "I'm not family, I shouldn't interfere."

  Richard questioning gaze had me worried. I knew I felt different this morning; something had changed. Did Richard suspect it had nothing to do with my big reveal? I hoped my expressions had not given myself away.

  Richard dropped his fork, swallowed his food, and washed it down with a big swig of coffee. He put his elbows on the table and laced his fingers together. After tapping his crossed hands on the table a couple of times, he took a deep breath and bluntly announced, "You fucked her, didn't you?"

  Nothing was said by either of us while I continued to eat my breakfast. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waiting for my friend, my business partner, to lecture me on how unprofessional I had been. How if I needed release I should have done what he did, no strings, no repercussions, no sexual harassment suit.


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