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Playboy Heir

Page 19

by Brandy Munroe

  Suddenly I was woken with a loud banging on my front door. My first assumption: it was Leona and something had happened to Peyton. I threw on my robe and ran to answer.

  As I became more awake, more aware, I stopped. Leona would have called, not drove all the way over here.

  My mind raced. What if it was Brad? What if I was alone with him and he finally lost all control, what would he do to me? What was I supposed to do?

  I heard my cell ringing. I ran to grab it; if it were Leona, she would call. I saw the caller ID; it was Aleksander. If Brad was banging on my door it would be good for someone to know he was there. I answered, out of breath from running to the door, "Aleksander?"

  "Haley, are you okay? I've been outside your door knocking for fifteen minutes. Where are you?"

  It was him banging on my door. He was the one who woke me from my past. I opened the door and pulled him inside. I looked around to see if anyone had seen him.

  "What are you doing here? What if someone is watching the house, they could already have pictures sent to Brad? What were you thinking?" I shouted, half crying.

  "What took you so long to answer the door? I began to panic, thinking something happened to you when you didn't answer," he scolded.

  "I fell asleep. I must have been exhausted, I couldn't wake up. I could hear the pounding but it was like I was still dreaming. What are you doing here?" I demanded, again.

  "We have a date, it's Saturday," he smiled. "Remember, dinner and wine?" he said as he waved the bottle he was holding behind his back.

  "We had a date. I cancelled, remember?" I walked to the door and opened it, indicating it was time for him to leave.

  He walked to the door and closed it. "Did you forget to cook me dinner, sweetheart? No problem, we can order take out," he teased.

  I was frustrated with this cat and mouse routine. "Aleksander, I don't have time or the energy for games. I need you to leave before Brad uses it against me."

  He was not complying with my demands — it was infuriating. He made himself comfortable on the couch and ordered take out to be delivered. Not having any more energy to deal with his attitude, I sat at the opposite end of the couch.

  "Fine. Dinner, no alcohol. You know what happened the last time we drank together."

  "Okay, no alcohol," he agreed, "but you may change your mind and want to celebrate after you read this." He got up to where he dropped his jacket, took out an envelope, and handed it to me.

  Eyebrows raised, I tentatively took the large envelope from his hands. I carefully opened it, unsure of what to expect. As I read it, the tears slowly began to stain the paper.

  "Now, don't cry,” he shushed as the pads of his thumbs gently brushed away my tears. “You're not supposed to cry, you're supposed to be happy.”

  "Is this legal, actually legal? Did you pay him off? I told you not to interfere, I told you he will just keep coming back, he will find a way to get around this." What had he done? Would Brad try to use this as another weapon against me?

  "Haley, slow down. No, I did not pay him off. I wouldn't pay him off. You're right, a guy like Brad will always look for ways to return to the well. I found another way to release his only hold on you. This is a legal document giving you sole custody of Peyton. Unfortunately, this means you will never get any child support from him."

  My sobs turned to uncontrollable laughter. "I never got any before, so why should that matter? I still don't understand how this happened. I don't even have a lawyer."

  I flipped through the pages until I got my answer. The name of the lawyer who contracted the deal. "You're my lawyer? I thought you stopped practicing law?"

  "Practicing yes, but I never gave up my license." His sheepish grin spread across his face like the cat that ate the canary. Which in this case, he did.

  " I don't understand how you got him to agree without paying him off?" I was completely confused. Brad was not this easy to contend with. He would have not done anything unless it benefited him. Of this, I was finally all to aware.

  The takeout arrived. Aleksander put the containers on the coffee table and began to fill his plate and eat, leaving me dumbfounded.

  "You're going to sit there and eat while I'm still waiting for answers?"

  "I'm hungry and you promised me dinner and wine," he reminded me.

  He was right. I suddenly felt like celebrating. He opened the wine as I got us some glasses. When I returned, he had filled a plate for me. “Eat, Haley, you look like you’ve lost some weight because of all the stress you’ve been under. This,” he taped on the papers sitting on the couch between us, “this is my way of apologizing for the any part I played in it.”

  I carefully moved the papers to the side, not wanting anything to spill on them. Those pieces of paper was gold to me and I was not going to let anything happen to them.

  He began to explain how things panned out in between mouthfuls of food.

  "Do you remember that pretty nurse on Peyton's floor?" he questioned.

  I remembered all right. I remembered how he had flirted with that pretty nurse in front of me.

  "Do you remember the monitor in Peyton's room?"

  "To hear if the kids wake up during the night. It's a safety feature; what about it?"

  "Well that pretty little nurse was telling me those monitors has a micro memory chip which records every noise in that room. The chip can only hold a few hours of play. After that it resets itself unless the information might be needed at a later time for the doctor to examine. Then they download the information and replace the chip. I saw Brad in that room with you. I saw how upset you were when he left. I knew he said or did something. When that pretty little nurse got distracted I took the microchip from the monitor and replaced it with the one from my phone. Here take a listen," and he handed me his phone.

  There, on his phone was the entire conversation. The blackmail, the threats, all there.

  "You have to know what I did next was something I swore I would never do in my life, Haley. I called my father and asked for his help to get a judge to take a shortcut, no courts. I assumed because of the seriousness of Peyton’s situation, they would have stored all his information. I was right. I had all the records pulled.”

  I knew all about Aleksander's resolve to never take help from his father. He did this for me, for my son, for my family.

  "After what the judge heard, Brad is lucky he is not in jail along with his sister. I know your heart, Haley. I didn't want you to hate me for being the man that put your son's father in jail. As much as I believe he deserves to be there."

  Overwhelmed with emotions, I sat there staring at the piece of paper that restored peace in my life.

  "I suppose sex on a first date would be inappropriate," Aleksander said.

  "Yes, sex on a first date is off the table." Though right now all I wanted to do was rip his clothes off and fulfill my fantasy. He was wearing his Armani suit, the caramel one, with the mocha shirt and tie. He must have came directly from the judge to bring me this.

  He put his food down and picked up his jacket. Was he leaving?

  He returned, positioned himself on one knee before me and asked, “would this be inappropriate on a first date?" He opened his large masculine hands to reveal the distinctive blue Tiffany box.

  Opening it, he revealed the largest diamond I had ever seen.

  "Shoe Girl, will you marry me?"

  “Oh, Aleksander, yes, yes, a million times yes!"

  "Since it’s no longer a first date and I’m your fiancé, is sex back on the table?" There was that arrogant smirk that had started all of this. Those smoldering chocolate brown eyes that I could melt myself into. All his love, all his sincerity, all his soul penetrated deep within my own.

  "No, with a man like you, sex will never be on the table. You deserve so much better." Those were the same words he had used with me, the night in New York, when we truly gave ourselves to each other. The day I knew I loved this man.

  I looked up into
his smoldering brown eyes. "I have a confession.” My face flushed from the anticipation and the excitement of what I was about to do. “I have had fantasies since the first day I saw you in that alley." I nudged him off his knees by his tie and pushed him onto the couch.

  I began my seduction. "First, I take off your new shoes," I said as I slipped them off and tossed them aside, "then this encumbering tie." Each motion, slow, sensual. "Next it's your shirt, this very shirt, one. Button. At. A. Time." I slid my hands down his thighs, ensuring I grazed the bulge between them. “When I finally get to your socks,” I purred as I pulled them off, “I wake up," I lift myself and began to walk away, laughing.

  Aleksander grabbed my wrist, swinging me around to face him. He stood before me wearing nothing but his pants. "I've had my own fantasies since that day," he confessed.

  "Really," I cooed as I feathered my fingers along his abs, settling on the waistband of his trousers.

  "Really.” He captured my mouth with a slow searing kiss, rendering me brainwashed to his own seduction. “Would you like me to show you?" he tempted.

  I nodded, biting my bottom lip in anticipation.

  "First, I get rid of your belt.” He drops his voice and whispered in my ear, “In my dreams you’re wearing that sexy Chanel jacket." He was using the same slow sensual moves I had used to tantalize him. He took a seat on the couch, leaving me standing directly in front of him with my robe hanging open, revealing my worn comfortable nightshirt. Wait until he got to my granny panties. The thought surfaced a giggle that cause his eyebrows to raise.

  He continued his seduction, "then I slowly get to see what's under this," he slid his hands up my legs, raising my nightshirt to reveal my creamy white thighs. As he slipped the nightshirt over my head, he grinned. “Ah, the proverbial granny panties.”

  He slipped his fingers into the band and wasted no time removing them from my body. He ran his fingers across my opening, thumbing my clit, circling, playing. “So responsive, sweetheart. Your body remembers me.”

  I gasped at his touch. My body burned with need and came almost instantaneously. This was foreign to me. I wanted him to take control. It aroused me to have a man want me to fulfill his fantasy. To him, I wasn’t simply the trophy wife, a prop to show off and brag about. He cherished me. He wanted this to be about me as much as him.

  I was more than willing to let him show me how much I affected him, the way he affected me. I undid his button and unzipped his trousers. His cock sprang forward and developed a life of its own. I took his massive cock in my hands and worked his enormous shaft.

  He leaned into me, his control wavering. "Straddle me, Haley,” he commanded. “Ride me like a mechanical bull."

  I straddled him, taking all of him into my warmth. Together, we rose and fell in sync, pushing, riding, fulfilling his deepest fantasy he had confessed to me.

  "Christ, Haley, I can't get enough of you." Aleksander stealthy maneuvered me onto the couch and hovered above me. He used his legs to gently push my thighs wider. He teased my opening, barely brushing it with the tip of his cock.

  I was wet, hot and ready for him to enter me. I bucked and moaned as he attacked my mouth. Scorching heat radiated off both of us.

  I broke away, sat up and placed my palm across his taut chest. His smoldering brown eyes looked confused.

  "I want all my fantasies fulfilled," I enticed.

  I turned on my stomach and pulled up my knees. I was on all fours dripping from my cum, begging him to fuck me.

  Without hesitation, he whole-heartily obliged, entering me with one long punishing thrust. “Oh god, Aleksander!” I screamed. “Don’t stop.”

  We pushed together, putting him so far inside of me, we were one. I couldn't get enough of him, I begged him to continue. I wanted him to be there longer, even when I knew he had filled me to capacity. He continue to fuck me through my orgasm. Our bodies instinctively reacted like we were one soul.

  We were wild and loud, moaning, panting, screaming and I didn't care who heard us. Hopefully my neighbors would not call about a domestic disturbance. This was the kind that need not be investigated.

  At some point, Aleksander and I were both sated and completely exhausted. He leaned back on the couch and brought me to lay on top of him. I snuggled deep into his chest, enjoying the security I felt in his arms.

  When we were finally able to move, I took Aleksander's hand and led him to my bedroom. Sometime during the early morning hours I was awoken with his erection pressed against my ass.

  He rolled me on my back and positioned himself above me. When we made love, it wasn't heated and raw. It wasn't a long need from wanting like the first time. It wasn't revenge sex, it wasn't makeup sex. It wasn't wanton or illicit, it wasn't just sex. It was slow, sensual, and endearing.

  He was making a promise without saying a word.


  Peyton came running into the bedroom fully dressed in his red, white and blue outfit. He picked it out for the Van de Graaf’s annual Fourth of July picnic. “I’m ready! Can we go now?” he announced, jumping on the bed between Aleksander and I.

  He was smart enough to know today meant hotdogs, cake and ice cream, fun and games and lots of other kids to play with.

  “Slow down, little man,” Aleksander cajoled. “It’s too early yet. How about I get you a proper breakfast so you don't fill up on junk and get a tummy ache today? You don't want to have to leave early now, do you?”

  With those distinct grey eyes he inherited from from me wide and staring, he answered, “course not, Alek.”

  I was pleased Aleksander didn't mind that Peyton saddled him with a new nickname. “How about some pancakes, little man?” He had to stretch over Peyton to kiss me on the forehead. “I got this one,” he winked at Peyton. “We'll call you when breakfast is ready.”

  .I appreciated the extra sleep. It was going to be a busy day. The opening of The Upstairs was tomorrow. I was excited for the public to see the end results to my floating museum. The long hours getting the renovations done on time and on budget had me tired by day's end. Adding to that, I had to be sure Peyton did not feel neglected.

  I was happy I took Aleksander's offer for Peyton and I to move in with him. He proved to me that his love extended to not only me but my son. He showed it in the way he mentored Peyton, spent time with him and never broke a promise.

  My only chagrin was finding myself not getting a full night's sleep. I was not willing to compromise on our lovemaking marathons. Aleksander teasingly suggested the next renovation project should be soundproofing our bedroom.

  I awoke to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and frying bacon. My boys knew I loved bacon with my pancakes. With everything going on, my mornings consisted of toast and coffee. It suited me fine; I had not had much of an appetite lately. Today I was ravenous from the aroma coming from my kitchen. I was remembering the last time the smell of bacon beckoned me so.

  I joined my two boys in the kitchen, each wearing the aprons Annette had made for them. It was her first project at the seniors quilting club. She had integrated very well in the community. I encouraged Uncle Charlie to sell his modest bungalow and move to the seniors complex. It was an easy sell; Uncle Charlie found living next door to the Bristol's unpleasant after the incident with Brad.

  Annette would be arriving soon to stay with Peyton and take him to the picnic. The grand opening was not until tomorrow but Mr. and Mrs. Van de Graaf had not seen any of the changes and I wanted to be there when Richard brought them through.

  On the way, I asked Aleksander to make a stop. There was something I needed to take care of before we arrived at The Boutique.

  Leona greeted us at the door. “Did you think I was going to miss this?” Around the corner arrived Richard, his parents and Evonne. It seemed everyone wanted to see this floating museum that was the talk of the town.

  The Van de Graaf’s were given the grand tour of the ladies boutique by Leona. They loved Richard's idea of turning the old Boardro
om and Beyond stockroom into a appointment only VIP room, like they have in bridal salons.

  When Mrs. Van de Graaf arrived upstairs she began to cry as she hugged me. There were no words to express how impressed and grateful she was for how I beautifully portrayed the history of not just the building, but of the very origins of Van de Graaf.

  It was important to me that the Van de Graaf’s approved. I was teary eyed and blushing from the accolades of my accomplishments.

  Mrs. Van de Graaf pulled away. “Oh dear look at you, you're simply glowing.”

  “You mean beaming, Mom,” Evonne interjected. “Only pregnant women glow.”

  The mile wide grin on Aleksander face let everyone in the room know Mrs. Van de Graaf got it right: I was glowing.

  “How long have you known?” Leona asked, perturbed I did not give her fair warning before the announcement.

  “We stopped at a drugstore on the way here and I peed on a stick in a public restroom,” I shrugged.

  “Looks like we are going to have to move the wedding up. Haley wants to fit into a wedding dress,” Aleksander said, confirming their suspicions.

  I trained Katie to take over for me when I went on my honeymoon, and now maternity leave.

  It didn't take long for Leona to recognize that same fire in Katie’s eyes she saw in mine. Katie was never going to be a designer, it wasn't in her heart.

  Working at The Boutique was where she was happy, where she thrived, and where she put both mine and Leona’s up-sales to shame. I remembered Richard commenting a talent like that you were born with.

  The wedding was to take place the end of August. It was customary for Van de Graaf’s to shut down the last week of August. Kind of a forced vacation for everyone.

  It was another one of Mrs. Van de Graaf’s commitment to the associates. Many of them would never take a vacation. This way they had no choice. The main office always reopened the day after Labor Day. It would be a good time for Aleksander and I to take our honeymoon.

  Together we planned what kind of wedding we wanted. Not what everyone expected, including keeping it from becoming a media circus. I planned on getting it right this time. It was going to be my last.


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