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In Bear's Bed

Page 1

by Carol Lynne

  A Total-e-bound Publication

  Campus Cravings: In Bear’s Bed

  ISBN #978-1-906328-75-7

  ©Copyright Carol Lynne 2008

  Cover Art by Lyn Taylor ©Copyright December 2007

  Edited by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

  Total-e-bound books

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

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  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork

  Published in 2007 by Total-e-bound eBooks 1 The Corner, Faldingworth Road

  , Spridlington, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2DE, UK.


  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-Burning.

  Campus Cravings


  Carol Lynne


  For all the readers who have begged for Bear’s book. This one is for you.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Coke: The Coca-Cola Company

  Chapter One

  “Hey, Bobby, have you seen Coach Billings?” Liam asked, sticking his head into the weight room. There were a couple of players working out, with Rudy right in the centre, laughing and telling off-colour jokes. From the looks of the sweaty towels draped over every machine, Liam thought maybe Rudy had better things to do. Rudy gave a fluttery wave, but Liam chose to ignore the worst trainer who’d ever lived.

  “I think he’s in the equipment room,” Bobby replied.

  Before Liam could turn around, Rudy piped up behind him. “How’s life in Fairy Land?”

  Rolling his eyes, Liam continued down the hall to find Aaron. “Hey, Coach?” Liam knocked on the equipment room door and waited for a response.

  “Come on in,” Aaron Billings yelled through the closed door.

  Stepping inside the small room, Liam looked around. “Everything set for practice later?”

  Aaron put down his clipboard and turned to face Liam. “I guess, although Rudy did a piss poor job of checking this stuff in last season.”

  “Don’t get me started on Rudy. He just asked how life is in Fairy Land.” Liam shook his head. Damn he hated that homophobe.

  “Sounds like Rudy needs another session with Charlie Salinger. I’ll talk to Charlie about it, or maybe you could ask him to call me when you get back to the dorm?”

  Liam shrugged. “Sure.”

  “So, what’s up?” Aaron asked.

  “I was just over at the football offices looking for Julian. Someone told me he was out of town, and I wondered if you knew when he’d be back?”

  A concerned look crossed Aaron’s face. “He’s in California on a personal matter, but he and Koby should be driving back sometime this weekend. Why? Is something wrong?” Aaron looked down at Liam’s leg.

  Having injured his hamstring last season, Julian was the trainer who’d gotten Liam playing again. It was too bad Julian worked for the football team instead of the soccer team. Julian said he didn’t mind working with Liam, so he’d taken advantage of the offer when he needed it.

  “No,” Liam admitted. “I wanted to go over a few exercises with him before he gets too busy with the football players. No big deal. I’ll catch him when he gets back.”

  “Okay.” Aaron looked at Liam for a few seconds. “So how are things going at BK House?”

  “Good. It’s just been me and Charlie so far, but more of the guys should be moving in over the weekend.” Liam ran his hands through his shaggy black hair. “I hate to admit it, but I’ll be glad when the dorm fills up. Charlie’s nice, but I miss having people my own age to talk to.”

  Aaron’s head tilted a little to the side. “What about Rocco and Koby? I thought they were becoming friends.”

  “Oh they are.” Liam was quick to correct his error. “They’ve both been busy over the summer, and I’ve had way too much free time on my hands. I’m sure it’ll change once school starts up again.”

  “Would you like to go out to dinner with me and Demitri later? Nothing fancy. We thought we’d swing by McGilley’s. It’s steak night which means most of the gang will be there as well.”

  Liam wanted to go, but he didn’t want to leave Charlie at the house by himself. “I’ll have to call Charlie. He’s been making dinner for the two of us lately.”

  “Invite him along. Hell, it’s a pub, the more the merrier. Remember though, you may be twenty-one, but you’re still in training.” Aaron gave Liam a wink.

  “I don’t drink. I’ve never seen the point. I use my money for the finer things in life…like food,” Liam said laughing.

  “Okay, well, call Charlie. If you want a ride, I’ll be leaving around five-thirty.”

  “Sounds good. Thanks, Coach.”

  Charlie was free for dinner, so Liam opted to ride the bus with him. Liam was looking out the window as the bus slowly moved through town. “Too bad one of us doesn’t have a car,” he said without thinking.

  Laughing, Charlie slapped Liam’s thigh. “If I could find a seeing-eye-dog that could drive then I’d buy me one.”

  Liam was mortified at what he’d said. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking about…well, you know.”

  “The fact that I’m blind?” Charlie asked. A smile lit up his face. “Good.”

  Feeling a little better, Liam went back to looking out the window. Ten minutes later, the bus pulled up to their stop. Charlie didn’t even have to be prompted. He seemed to automatically know where he was. Liam was amazed by Charlie’s abilities every time they were together.

  Liam shook his head as he exited the bus. He was pretty pathetic, a young guy with no real friends. He’d thought Bear was his friend, but that was before he’d pulled back and virtually cut off all ties the previous spring. Liam still didn’t understand what he’d done to offend Bear.

  The whole thing had hurt a lot more than he’d let on to anyone. He didn’t make a habit of crushing on straight guys, but the longer he was around Bear, the more feelings he developed. Maybe Bear had picked up on his feelings? Could that be the reason he’d stopped talking to him?

  “Ready?” Charlie asked, disrupting Liam’s thoughts.

  Glancing at Charlie, Liam was surprised to find they were in front of McGilley’s. “How do you do that? I wasn’t even paying attention. Hell, we could’ve walked right by and I wouldn’t have known.”

  Shrugging, Charlie led the way to the door. “I’ve been here several times, and I’d know the smell of steak and beer anywhere.” Charlie opened the door before turning back and smiling at Liam.

  He thought Charlie had the prettiest eyes. They weren’t really green, but they weren’t brown either. Liam took a whiff as they entered the pub, smelled like any other bar to him. He immediately spotted a large table surrounded by people he knew. Aaron stood up and waved. Nodding his head, Liam helped steer Charlie around the packed pub to the

  “Hey, guys,” Charlie said with a smile.

  Everyone at the table greeted them as they both found empty chairs. His was at the end of the table, and Demitri instructed Charlie to the other available seat.

  Tony Bianchi stood and gestured to the good-looking man sitting next to him. “I’d like to introduce the two of you to my friend and newest vice-President, Jace Rawlings. Jace, this is Liam O’Brien and Charlie Salinger.”

  Too far away to shake, Liam spoke instead. “It’s nice to meet you, Jace.”

  “Likewise,” Jace said.

  Liam watched Charlie as his gaze appeared to land right on Jace. “Good to meet you. I’m new in town as well,” Charlie said.

  “Really? Where did you move here from?” Jace asked, trying to strike up a conversation. Liam could tell Jace had no idea that Charlie was blind, and it appeared no one at the table was going to offer the information.

  “New York City. I got a call from Demitri asking if I’d be interested in heading up a Diversity Tolerance Program for the college. I’m also the director of students at BK House.”

  Jace nodded and turned towards Tony. “That’s the program you were telling me about earlier.”

  “Yeah,” Tony said. “Charlie’s been here over the summer giving training seminars to faculty and staff at the university.”

  “Sounds like a great program. It’s good to meet you, Charlie.”

  “Thanks,” Charlie said as a waitress came to get their drink orders.

  Despite Rocco being there, the longer Liam sat around the table, the more awkward he felt. He realised he didn’t have anything in common with this group as a whole. Sure, he’d talked to Aaron for a while about soccer and Rocco about the upcoming school year, but other than that he just sat and listened. It must be nice to have friends like this, guys who you could just hang out with.

  Maybe this year would be different. Living in BK House, he’d be surrounded by gay guys like him. He hoped he’d be able to open up enough to get to know people. Being an only child, Liam was used to being by himself. He knew he was too private for his own good, but when you don’t share yourself it’s harder for someone to hurt you.

  “You guys want a ride back to the house?” Aaron asked, shaking Liam from his depressing thoughts.

  “Sure,” Charlie answered for both of them.

  Getting out his wallet, Liam put a ten on the table. It was his last bit of money for a while, but he didn’t want the others at the table to know. He’d made the excuse earlier he wasn’t hungry when he’d ordered fries instead of the steak special.

  Sitting in the back of Aaron’s jeep, Liam nodded his head as the rest of the people in the vehicle made conversation. As soon as they arrived back at BK House, Liam excused himself and went to his room. Picking up the phone, he looked at the clock. His mom should be getting ready for her part-time job so he should be okay.


  “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hey, baby. I was just thinking about you.”

  Liam smiled. “Nothing new there. You’re always thinking about me.” Stretching out on the bed, he knew he had to keep the call short, but it had been a week since he’d last spoken to his mom.

  “And I always will,” she chuckled. “How’re you getting along in your new dorm?”

  “Good. It’s only me and the director for now, but there’s supposed to be a bunch moving in this weekend.”

  “Baby, I’m sorry I couldn’t afford to get you a room to yourself.”

  “Don’t say that, Mom. I know how hard you work to keep me in school. I’m hoping the scholarship I got to live here will help you out a little. At least that’s one less fee.” Liam picked at the patchwork quilt his mom had made for him. When she had found the time was anyone’s guess but his mom had always sacrificed for him.

  “Did you get your grades from your summer classes?”

  Liam smiled. His mom was always quick to change the subject when it came to money. “Yeah. I got A’s.”

  “I’m very proud of you, Liam. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Yeah. I know.” Liam looked at the clock again. “I’d better let you get to work. I love you.”

  “Love you, too, baby. Call me next week if you have the time.”

  “I will. Bye.”


  Liam hung up the phone and put his hands behind his head. Looking over at the empty bed, he wondered if his new roommate would think he was a momma’s boy. He smiled, because he didn’t really think he cared if his roommate didn’t understand his relationship with his mom. It had always been the two of them and no matter what, he knew he’d always be able to count on his mom.

  “And I don’t care if you make fun of me,” Liam said to the empty bed.

  Chapter Two

  Hiding in his room, Liam continued to flip through the pages of a magazine he’d found downstairs. The hall was noisy with guys and their families moving stuff in. He knew he should probably go out and ask if anyone needed help but the relative quiet of his room felt like a haven.

  A loud knock at his door startled him. “Come in,” he called, bracing himself for the person he’d be sleeping beside for the next year.

  The door opened and a giant of a man walked inside. “Hi, Liam.”

  “Bear?” Liam swung his legs over the side of the bed and stared.

  “Is it okay to come in?” Bear asked, looking uncertain.

  “Sure.” Liam gestured him in. “What’s going on?” He prayed he sounded more in control than he was. Bear? Bear had come to see him?

  Before he could say anything more, Bear turned around and headed back out the door. Liam started to call out to him, but was stopped when his visitor returned with two suitcases in hand. “My dad is unloading the car. I’ll be right back.”

  “Wait!” Liam yelled before Bear could disappear again. “What’s going on?”

  Looking at the floor, Bear shrugged. “I’m moving in, unless you’d rather have a different roommate?”

  Liam felt like his eyes were about to bug out of his head. “You’re moving into BK? Why?”

  Finally looking up, Bear met Liam’s eyes. “Why do you think?”

  Shit, this was happening too fast. Liam’s head spun. “Are you gay?”

  Bear nodded.

  “Wow,” Liam said. “Okay…sorry…I didn’t see that coming.”

  “So is it okay if I room with you? I figured since we were already friends…”

  “Yeah,” Liam said, shaking his head. “You can stay.”

  “Thanks. I’ll go get the rest of my stuff.”

  Jumping up from the bed, Liam quickly put his shoes on. “I’ll help.” He followed Bear down the stairs, still finding it hard to believe the six-foot-four-inch All-American football player was gay. Wow, double wow.

  Bear walked towards a brown sedan and stopped to talk to an older man that Liam took to be his dad. He turned and motioned Liam over. “I want you to meet my father.”

  Liam plastered on a smile and walked over to the pair. Bear put a hand on Liam’s shoulder. “Dad, I’d like you to meet my friend and roommate, Liam O’Brien. Liam, this is my dad, Benjamin Tucker.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Tucker,” Liam said shaking the big man’s hand.

  “Pleased to meet you as well,” replied Benjamin. “Bear talked about you over the summer. It’s nice to be able to put a face with the name.”

  Shocked, Liam glanced over at Bear. He’d been talked about? Liam wondered what Bear had said. As far as he knew they hadn’t even been friends by the time the school year ended.

  Stacking a couple of small boxes, Liam was all set to carry them upstairs when a hand on his shoulder stopped him. “Are you sure that’s not too heavy? Why don’t you carry one and come back for the other?” Bear questioned.

  Liam rolled his eyes. “I may be a hell of a lot smaller than you, but I can still carry a couple of boxes up one flight of stairs.”

  Bear immediately released
his hold on Liam’s shoulder. “Sorry.”

  Taking a deep breath, Liam finally allowed himself to look into Bear’s eyes. The intense look staring back at him shocked Liam even further. “It’s okay.” He gave Bear a half smile before turning back towards the dorm.

  As he set the boxes beside Bear’s bed, he shook his head. “He’s gay?” he whispered to himself. He was still unable to believe it. All those months fantasising about his friend and protector had shamed him. Now, he wondered if Bear had felt the connection between them.

  Getting back to the dorm after a quick dinner at the Shake Shack with Bear and his dad, Liam felt drained. The attraction he felt every time he was around the big man grew stronger by the second.

  Charlie had given one of the available rooms downstairs to Mr. Tucker for the night, and he and Bear were still down there. Liam looked around the small room, stacked with boxes and suitcases. How did Bear expect all this stuff to fit in here?

  Grabbing his towel off the back of the closet door, Liam headed down the hall to the showers. As he pushed open the door, he heard two people talking. He was standing just inside the door when he heard Bear’s name mentioned.

  “I can’t believe Nate Tucker would have the balls to come out. I mean, seriously, this could ruin any possible chance he’d have of going pro. It just doesn’t make sense to me.”

  The voice died off as Liam rounded the corner. Although the showers were open, there was a chest-high wall of tile separating each stall and two heads turned to look straight at Liam. Recognising two members of the lacrosse team, Liam took a deep breath. Continuing down the row until he reached the last shower stall, Liam turned on the water acting like he hadn’t heard a thing.

  He felt like shit for not defending Bear, but the guys hadn’t really said anything bad, just true. The lacrosse guys continued talking but changed the subject. Breathing a sigh of relief, Liam quickly washed up and got the hell out of there.

  Once back in the room, he finished drying off and slipped into a pair of cut-off sweats. Sprawling out on his bed, he thought about calling his mom again. Big baby, he said to himself. The door opening halted any thought of his mother as Bear walked into the room.


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