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Protector's Curse

Page 22

by Keith Walsh

  Vibration still rung through Magnus’s arms as his axe was parried effectively. He tried to resist the motion but Captain Markus’ skill surpassed his and his axe along with the parrying sword completed its arc and ended trapped against one of his legs. Magnus knew that with his axe pinned like this the Captain’s most likely follow-up attack would be a heat-butt and with not a second to spare he managed to lower his head just enough so that the incoming attack smashed against his forehead instead of his nose.

  A fully plated helm driven into the forehead with force was still enough to subdue the big man and he stepped back, shaking his head. This provided enough time and opportunity for Captain Markus to launch a new attack. His sword slashed with expert precision across Magnus’ chest and although he felt it bite deeply he instantly realised the opened wound would not be fatal – yet. That will need attention, thought Magnus as he brought his axe up in time to block another attack.

  His mind raced. He already knew he did not possess the skill to defeat the Captain but if he threw down his axe would his surrender be accepted? Or would he be killed on the spot? Two more swings came fast and deadly but he managed to block both. He could feel his breathing quicken and beads of sweat started to form on his forehead. Damn, but you are out of shape, he thought. How much longer can you delay the inevitable?


  Durok ducked just in time to avoid a right cross from Jack and lashed his own left hook into the man’s exposed gut. The contact solid, he heard a rush of air expel from Jack’s mouth and the Manson brother bowled over. His brother Paul didn’t hesitate to send a vicious kick to the blacksmith’s chin but Durok caught it with his right arm and still holding Paul’s boot he stood abruptly, forcing the leg further into the air before kicking the other out from under his young assailant. Paul was sent flying and landed hard but he had managed to half-turn his body and so avoided having the wind knocked out of him. With both brothers temporarily out of his way Durok noted Matt trying to retrieve his dagger and he made straight for him.

  Captain Markus could see the big man he fought with was tired and as he parried an attempted axe blow with ease he sent a plated boot to the man’s abdomen, which forced him back. In that moment he caught movement to his right and saw Durok attempting to go past him. Oh no, you will not get behind me, he thought, unaware Durok intended to stop Matt rearming himself and stabbing his sword into the blacksmith’s right leg.

  Durok never saw the attack coming, his focus entirely on the oldest Manson brother. As the blade slid home he cried out and fell instantly to his knees. He looked at his thigh and could see that blood stained his leggings and flowed freely from a deep cut there. Whatever had caused the injury no longer remained and Durok looked to his right just in time to see a man dressed in full plate receive an axe to the chest.

  Magnus had taken his opportunity to attack when he saw the Captain’s attention switch momentarily to Durok. His axe sent out a loud clanging sound as it hit the shining chest plate and caused a significant dent before being deflected. The power behind the swing caused him to be thrown off balance, but although the blow had caused the Captain to stumble he recovered quickly and Magnus received a brutal slash to his axe arm. He dropped the weapon instantly and cursed as pain flooded through him. He quickly regained his footing and straightened, holding his bloodied arm, only to be sent flying by a shoulder barge from the Captain.


  From his lying position, Dallious – his breathing finally recovered – ever so carefully hooked the toes of his left foot around the back of Samuel’s right heel. The young Watchman had toyed with him several times while standing guard, pressing his sword uncomfortably into Dallious’ neck, threatening to kill him and Dallious had swallowed hard each time. The reaction was natural and he had no control over it. Now, the time had finally come. Samuel, distracted by what was happening with his brothers, had taken his eyes off him.

  With lightning speed Dallious swatted the blade away from his neck while simultaneously lashing his right boot into the side of Samuel’s right knee. This, combined with the fact his left foot still hooked around the heel of the right leg, caused the young Watchman to fall to the ground hard. In the moment that followed Dallious’ hand snaked out, recovered the sword he had dropped earlier and he rose smoothly just in time to see Samuel trying to do the same.

  He rushed the recovering Watchman, lashing his boot into the young man’s exposed ribs, sending him spinning onto his back. Then he stabbed his blade into his victim’s sword arm, plunging it deep. The young Watchman screamed, instantly grabbing hold of the wound as Dallious withdrew his weapon. Samuel lay on his back rolling gently back and forth, cradling his arm. With his head resting against the earth, he cried in pain.

  “You fucking bastard,” came a shout and Dallious turned to see the, unbeknown to him, Jake, the first Watchmen who he had stabbed in the leg shuffling on his side toward his downed brother Samuel. Confident that neither of them were any longer a threat he turned to make way for his third meeting with Captain Markus just in time to see Magnus being sent flying by the Captain’s shoulder barge. Immediately Dallious broke into a run.

  Magnus spotted it and threw himself to his knees in front of Captain Markus, pretending to beg for his life. Captain Markus was taken aback by the action and he stared at the kneeling figure in front of him. “It is not my intention to kill an unarmed man,” he said, casting his arms open in a non-threatening manner and gesturing for the big man to rise. Magnus ignored him – he could see Dallious through the Captain’s plated legs and saw him leap through the air with both feet aimed at the Captain’s back. He quickly placed his hands at the man’s greaves and braced.

  Dallious’ dropkick landed with perfect accuracy, and between the force it impacted and Magnus’ bracing of the greaves, Captain Markus was sent spinning head over heels to land with a crash behind the already rising Magnus, who had intended to help Dallious up but saw the man was already on his feet. “Well judged,” said Dallious, nodding and making to step past Magnus, anxious to get to the vulnerable Captain. “And you too,” replied Magnus moving aside, his expression of a man impressed.

  Dallious caught Captain Markus trying to rise and placed a boot on his chest pushing him back to the ground. He slid the tip of his sword under the chinstrap of the Captain’s helm and pushing it against his neck he was surprised not to feel a mail coif. “Stay where you are Captain,” said Dallious, pressing his blade a little harder into the downed man’s neck. “I have no wish to kill you.” Captain Markus raised his hands in a surrendering fashion then lay still, offering no response.

  During everything that was happening, Matt had managed to retrieve his dagger and he made for the injured blacksmith. Magnus saw him making his way towards the kneeling and defenceless Durok, but as he was no longer armed he decided to take a different course of action then direct confrontation. He moved quickly to Jack, the Manson brother who was still bowled over holding his stomach, struggling to recover from Durok’s body shot, and Magnus drove his knee up into the young man’s face. Jack jerked upright from the blow and then received another right hook to his cheek and he collapsed, out cold.

  Next Magnus moved to Paul and pulling the youngest of the Manson brothers to his feet he easily overpowered him and held his neck in a tight grip from behind. The move caused pain in Magnus’ injured right arm, but he applied most of the pressure with his left and so could bear it. In a loud and clear voice he called out, “Drop the knife Matt,” applying a little more pressure to Paul’s neck as he did. The young man winched and made a choking sound.

  Matt stopped in his tracks and his eyes shifted between Durok and the big man holding his brother. Magnus could tell he was tempted to go for the blacksmith anyway. “You wouldn’t dare,” said Matt at last, licking his lips and glaring, his dagger still pointed menacingly at Durok. “Oh, believe me, I would,” retorted Magnus, maintaining his strangle hold and causing Paul to splutter and redden. He clawed uselessly at the arm that
gripped him. “Please Matt…” Paul managed to choke out as Magnus eased off a little. Matt cast a look of disgust at his brother before angrily tossing his blade aside. “Fucking weaklings the lot of ye!” he said, looking around, his accusation as much for the onlooking crowd as for his brothers and the Watch.

  Once Durok saw Matt throw his weapon down he breathed a sigh of relief, eased himself to his side and started to nurse his wounded leg. Lucy had been momentarily distracted by Beth who had come to the door to investigate the disturbance, but now she saw her injured husband and ran towards him. Beth leant against the doorframe of the tavern and looked at Grott, tears flowing freely. She felt a wave of dizziness wash over her, and too weak to go to the fallen tavern keeper she clutched at the frame and eased herself into a sitting position.

  Dallious spotted her and felt aggrieved at not being able to leave his position to go and comfort her. Everything had happened so quickly. He had no idea what came over him and as he drank in the scene around him he felt disgusted with himself. How could he have let his emotions overrun him so? He considered Grott’s death was his fault and glancing at the man’s body he felt a wave of guilt wash over him.

  Durok hugged his wife and she fretted over him, kissing him feverishly and checking on his leg before going back to hugging him again. Magnus had Matt kneel with his hands behind his back before dragging Paul to where his axe lay and making the lad pick it up. Once he had done so, Magnus hauled him to where his brother knelt before partly releasing him, taking the axe from him and then standing guard over the two.

  Several of the Watchmen who had been knocked unconscious were rousing themselves and others who had been injured received attention from some of the crowd who seemed both relieved and more confident now that the battle had ended. There was no sign of Shaper or of the baker Dennis. “Feel free to remove your helm and sit up Captain,” said Dallious, easing his sword slightly from the man’s throat. “But do it carefully,” he added as soon as the Captain started to move.

  Captain Markus slowed his actions, easing himself into a sitting position. He gently removed his gauntlets before undoing his chinstrap and pulling free his helm. Blood soaked his greying moustache, and his nose looked bent out of shape but it no longer bled. Ignoring Dallious and the sword held so closely to his neck for a moment, he scanned the area around him. He could see that all of his men were injured in one way or another and some would require more time to heal than others, but as he had observed earlier all were still alive. The only death he could be sure of was the tavern keeper.

  “Who killed that man?” asked Captain Markus, looking at Dallious and then nodding at Grott. Dallious followed the Captains line of sight before switching to Magnus expectantly. He hadn’t seen who killed Grott but could hazard a guess as to the culprit. “This piece of shit here,” said Magnus poking his axe at Matt, overhearing the question. Matt moved his head away from the weapon, casting a look of contempt at Magnus before spitting.

  “He attacked us,” said Matt, now using the very words he had berated his brother for earlier. Captain Markus stared at him before speaking. “I find it interesting,” he said, “that this so-called criminal…” he pointed to Dallious. “And his companions,” he waved his hand over at Magnus and Durok, “have refrained from killing a single one of my men or anyone else for that matter and yet the alleged victims,” he pointed at Matt and his brothers now, “of last night’s crime, have.”

  Dallious laughed sarcastically and all eyes were drawn to him. “I don’t know what you have been told Captain,” he said, his laughter subsiding. “But I can assure you that those men…” he nodded towards the Mason brothers, his eyes glancing over each of them. “They were not the victims. The girl Beth and I were the true victims.”

  “I see,” said Captain Markus.

  “And I have to say,” continued Dallious, ignoring the Captain’s response. “Had I held myself in better esteem and not been quite so drunk, I fear you would have come here today to arrest me for killing four men instead of under the false pretences that have brought you.”

  “That’s a bold statement,” said Captain Markus. “May I stand please?” Dallious nodded and stepped back a little to allow the Captain up but kept him at swordpoint. “Thank you,” said Markus standing now and visibly the happier for it despite a weapon still being pointed at him. “You have no need for that,” he said nodding at the blade. Dallious eyed the man, searching for any signs of trickery and finally satisfied there was none he lowered his sword. “Again my thanks,” said Captain Markus with a bow of his head.

  Dallious responded with one of his own. “The tavern keeper…” said Captain Markus, nodding towards the corpse. “Grott,” replied Dallious, following the lead. “Ah yes, forgive me – his name had escaped me.” Dallious nodded.

  Speaking up, the Captain addressed the brother guarded by Magnus. “Matt Manson, by the power granted me by the King and as Captain of the Town Watch of Tinnisvale, I hereby place you under arrest for the murder of the man Grott. You shall remain in the Watch prison until such time as a fair trial can be arranged for you.”

  “Wha… what?” said Matt, disbelief in his eyes. “You cannot be serious, I acted in self-defence!”

  “That is for a jury of your peers to decide.”

  “Then I demand to be tried in the crown court!” Matt demanded.

  “You shall be tried here,” the Captain declared.

  “But I’ll never get a fair trial in this town.”

  “We reap what we sow Mr Manson, we reap what we sow.”

  Matt was furious, his face reddened. “This is unbelievable, you may as well just hang me here!” he said. The Captain paused and then answered him coolly. “That can be arranged, if you so wish?” Matt sniggered. “No of course I don’t wish it, you idiot!”

  “Very well, a trial it is then,” responded Captain Markus, ignoring the insult. “My sword, if you please,” he continued, holding his hand out towards Dallious. Magnus, Durok and Lucy looked on unsure but Dallious didn’t hesitate in handing the Captain’s sword back to him. His experience and his instincts told him this was a man he could trust and he had learned long ago to trust both implicitly. Besides, his instincts also told him to be ready and he was.

  No sooner had Captain Markus received his sword and sheathed it he tenderly rubbed at his nose, feeling that it was out of place. “Could someone do me the honour?” he asked, his hand pointing at his broken nose. “A time ago perhaps I could of helped,” said Dallious, holding his arms apart – his one good hand and one stump clear to see. Captain Markus looked at him, pursed his lips and nodded his head, sympathy in his eyes.

  “I can reset it,” said Magnus. “But there is the small problem of who will stand guard over this one,” he added, shoving Matt in the back with his knee, his axe resting against the man’s neck. Matt didn’t appreciate the nudge and glared up at the big man. “Ah yes,” said Captain Markus, a barely noticeable grin appearing on his face at what had transpired. He looked around and spotting the Watchman who stood aside earlier he pointed at the man, “You there,” he said. The Watchman stepped forward, still cradling his arm injured by the thrown dagger but in otherwise good health.

  “Pick up your sword and come shackle this man,” continued Captain Markus, having moved to stand above the Manson brother now. Magnus stood firm as the Captain approached although his thoughts tried to persuade him to do otherwise.

  The Watchman obeyed and within a few moments Matt was shackled. He had attempted, very briefly, to resist but the axe against his throat stopped him from any real aggression. “You’ll pay for this,” he said, spitting at Captain Markus’ feet. The Captain just smiled at him then turned his attention to Magnus. “Your weapon… please,” he said, holding his hand out towards the big man.

  Magnus hesitated for a moment, staring at the man’s open hand before glancing at Dallious, who nodded and tipped his head towards the Captain. Recognising the gesture Magnus finally decided to obey and hand
ed over his axe. “Thank you,” said Captain Markus, gently accepting the weapon before tossing it aside some feet away. “And now my nose, if you please.”

  Magnus stepped forward and placed his big hands on each side of the Captain’s nose. “This will hurt,” he said, before applying any pressure. “Just do as you mu—”

  Magnus snapped the disfigured cartilage back into place and Captain Markus let out a cry as blood once again flowed freely from his nose, but he knew the procedure had been successful and felt some relief despite the pain. Tears streamed from his eyes and he wiped them away, letting out a sigh as he did so. “What a mess,” he said out loud but not meaning too.

  Magnus stepped back a little and took in the scene around him.

  Mark Manson was tending to his younger brother Jack, whom Magnus had knocked out a little while ago. Paul, although himself unshackled, knelt next to his brother Matt talking quietly to him. It was as if the seriousness of the whole situation had finally sunk in and the young man looked like he just wanted to go home. Jake and Samuel sat back-to-back looking over at their brothers. Jake had a freshly bandaged leg and Samuel was clasping his arm, blood seeping through his fingers. Three Watchmen sat on the ground being tended to by members of the crowd, and one other stood next to Magnus guarding Matt and Paul.

  Lucy had ripped part of her dress into strips and bandaged Durok’s damaged leg. He just sat there letting his wife do what she could for him. Dallious had moved to Beth and now had her standing upright again. Her eyes remained fixed on the still body of Grott. There was still no sign of Shaper. Various weapons and shields littered the ground about them.

  What a mess indeed, thought Magnus.

  Chapter 19

  Dennis’ heart beat wildly. He couldn’t believe the cripple Dallious had attacked a Captain of the Watch, not to mention looking like he could actually win. No sooner had that realisation hit him he decided to head for the barracks and inform the other members of the Watch. At speed he approached the barracks. There you are, he thought, staring towards the iron gates.


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