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Encroachment (Coach's Shadow Trilogy #2)

Page 7

by Monica DeSimone

  Is this a joke? Not once in the past eight years has Jerry Reece demanded my presence. Honestly I didn’t even know he knew my name. Typically, I report directly to Mr. Mara, thank you, Mac. So although this is new, it also pisses me off. I do my job and normally no one questions my comings and goings.

  “Jerry, let go of my arm.” My tone has gone glacier and the Ice Queen is soundly in place.

  Letting go of my arm immediately, Jerry mumbles a quick sorry and moves his hand to my lower back. He is not letting me out of this meeting.

  With a dramatic huff out for effect, I follow up with, “Fine Jerry, let’s make this quick. I have arrangements to make for this week’s VIPs and it is going to take most of the day to get the specific requirements they want arranged.”

  Jerry and I are just about to reach the executive corridor when Jackson walks into the facility. He calls my name and trots over to us with a look on his face that shows he is highly displeased with where the general manager has his hand. “Claire, do you think that you and Sash have time to have dinner tonight as a celebration for her first week?” Jackson says.

  Jackson is attempting to, not so subtly, let Jerry know that there is something going on between us. Plus, he is staring Jerry down. And I am beginning to feel uncomfortable with the man’s hand on me. This whole display of testosterone isn’t helping the entire situation. Slowly maneuvering Jerry’s hand off my lower back, I shift closer to Jackson, it’s innate and unconscious. But the move is not unnoticed, at least not by Jackson.

  It’s as though we are two magnets that are drawn to one another. Polar opposites, but instead of repelling, we are drawn to each other. The uneasiness that I have been feeling all morning has now lessened with him standing next to me. The bats that have been in my stomach are no longer flapping away. In their place are tingles and goose bumps. The instant nausea that I got when Jerry touched me has been completely replaced with excitement and chills.

  Jackson’s presence is a balm that soothes my frayed nerves. One that I hadn’t realized I needed until just now, when another man had his hands on me. Jackson is in full on protector mode. All six feet six inches, two hundred and forty-three pounds of him. And he isn’t budging from my side. Which is drawing attention from everyone that is standing within a fifty-foot radius of us. As much as I am enjoying Jackson being attentive of me, I just can’t have him hovering. I know what people are thinking, “The Ice Queen is melting,” which is unacceptable to me. Melting my ass, I have worked too hard to achieve that title and although I hate it, I have earned it and am damn proud of it. These people fear me and that is exactly how I want it. When I say jump that is exactly what they do. God, the power is really nice.

  Unfortunately, our little triad is drawing more attention than just the random player, executive, and the receptionist. We have a good portion of the entire Giants front office in attendance as well. Seeing Derrick and Ben walk into the facility, I cringe. This little party is going to get slightly bigger.

  My very loving and extremely overbearing brother-in-law walks directly over to our little group. Derrick is extremely perceptive and can tell by my demeanor, as well as Jackson’s stance, that this is not a cordial conversation.

  Jerry’s face has become a rosy shade of red, and with his black suit and purple shirt the red face does nothing for his overall look. In fact he looks like an unattractive eggplant. Giving Derrick a once over, Jerry tries his best to dismiss him. Like that is going to work. “Derrick, don’t you have a team meeting?”

  Derrick, who was once considered the Bad Boy of the NFL, surveys the situation and ignores Jerry’s question. Addressing me and me only, he says, “Claire, everything okay? Do I need to kick ass and take names later?” Which effectively lightens my mood.

  “Jesus, Derrick, you would think that Zoey would have tamped that temper down some.” I say to him. “Everything is fine, however I am late for a conference call. Do you think you and Ben could walk me to my office? I need to nail down the details for Zoey’s baby shower.” Looking over at Jerry, I see his face has only gotten redder. Ha, you don’t fuck with a McEvoy. We are the masters at evasion.

  Putting his arm around my shoulder, effectively separating me from both Jerry and Jackson, Derrick swings us both around and walks me toward my office. No questions asked. God, I love this man!


  STANDING IN THE middle of the executive hallway, feeling like an asshole, I look over at Jerry and smirk to myself because the bastard is as red faced as a tomato. I just nod at him and walk away.

  Sonofabitch! I cannot believe that Derrick completely cock blocked me! Not literally but figuratively. Finally getting my nerve up to ask Claire out under the guise of Sasha’s first week was pure genius. Or at least I thought it was. I thought it up on the way in this morning. But seeing Jerry touching her pissed me off and I was barely able to get the words out without hurting the asshole. I went right into protective mode and a simple question turned into a pissing contest.

  Striding down past the locker room, weight room, and a couple equipment offices, I reach my tiny windowless office. As the defensive coordinator, I was offered a larger one, but I like being close to the guys. Me being in this wing allows my players the opportunity to come and go without having to go through the entire facility to get to me. Plus, I like working out with them and showing them that life doesn’t end once you leave the playing field.

  I’m only forty-four years old. Yes, for a player that’s ancient. However, these guys need to realize that life doesn’t end once they retire from playing the game. Not everyone is going to get a gig on ESPN or the NFL Network as a commentator. Those jobs usually go to the offensive players. So I have made it my mission to make sure that these men are prepared for the “after the game” days.

  Finally reaching my office, I walk in and head directly over to my desk, and pick up the phone and dial Claire’s extension.

  “This is Claire.”

  “Hey, it’s me. You never answered my question about dinner tonight?”


  “Who do you think it is, Claire? So? Yes to tonight? It’s an early day for us.”

  Hearing a heaving sigh into the phone I begin to lose hope. “Do you think that’s all that wise?”

  “Hell yes I do! Plus, I want to make sure that Sasha is okay. Jesus, woman, just say yes. Besides, you need a good meal in your belly!”

  “You know that alpha bullshit doesn’t work on me. I hate that high handedness. But for some reason I’m drawn to you. So yes, for me. But it’s up to you to get Sash on board.”

  “Don’t you worry about Sasha being on board. She loves me.” At that Claire snorts, but I push on, “You just be ready at six forty-five. I’ll swing by and get you from your office and then we’ll go together to get Sasha.”

  “You have a deal.”

  “Oh, Claire?”

  “Yes?” Did she say that breathlessly?

  “How were the ladies this morning?”

  “They were great. Dallas and Legs are getting along famously.”

  “Good. Have a good day and I’ll see you at six forty-five.”

  “Bye, Jackson.”

  “Bye, Claire.”

  Hanging up the phone, the only thing going through my mind is first and ten!


  IT TOOK SOME fancy southern talking but I somehow cornered Sasha, without Brad being around, and got her to agree to have dinner with her mother and me.

  After a strong defensive practice—my guys know what I expect of them and after almost two years of working with me, they should—no one got hurt and only walked off the field with the usual aches and pains. After practice, I had a strong workout, because yes, I’m vain and don’t want to let myself go. Looking like Rob Ryan is not an option for me. A quick shower, change into my spare khakis and blue shirt I keep in my office just in case, because again, my vanity surges forward, blue looks good on me and makes my eyes pop—or so I have been told—I hea
d out of my office to grab Claire and walk directly into two solid walls.

  “Where you heading to, Jack?” Comes from Derrick.

  “You’re smiling more than normal today, which is not like you. Especially after what we walked in on this morning,” says Ben.

  Bastards! Don’t they have wives to go home to? “Just heading out. I’m having dinner with two beautiful women tonight. And this morning doesn’t matter. It was nothing”

  “Nothing huh? Right…But okay. And the two women…Anyone we know?” Derrick says, and it is not meant in the nicest way.

  “Fuck off. Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m having dinner with Claire and Sasha.” I say, puffing my chest out like a proud papa.

  Pushing Derrick out of the way, Ben shoves forward and gets in my face. “They have been through enough. Don’t fuck with them, man. She is the reason we have the women that we have and she deserves the best.”

  Losing my composure, which is rare when it comes to my two friends, I say, “What the fuck does that mean? You don’t think I know that she deserves the best? I have watched her struggle for over twenty years. I have loved that woman for years. So back the fuck off, Ben. If Claire doesn’t want me, I’ll let it go. I’ll hate it, but I’ll back off.”

  With that one statement both Derrick and Ben’s eyes light up. “I knew it, man. Zoey is going to piss herself. She kept saying something was there. Has convinced herself that you are Sasha’s father.”

  At the same time, Ben says, “Jesus, Suz was right. I’ll never live it down. You knew each other! Suzie has done her research and keeps hitting walls when it comes to you, electronically speaking. There isn’t anything Suzie can’t do with a computer. That never happens for her and it’s become the thorn in her side. But she knew something was up too.”

  I chuckle at my two friends, which is what they are, and because I have never been able to hold onto my anger very well. Well except for when it comes to Brad. That son of a bitch will have my hate for the rest of my life.

  “Ben, Suzie will never find anything on me.” At his shocked face, I push forward, “As good as your wife is, I’m better.” The look of amazement that my friends are displaying is amusing. “I have a doctorate in Computer Science. I have hacked the best of the best. Suz will never find anything on me that I don’t want her to. And no, Derrick, I’m not Sasha’s father. But I would kill to be.”

  Laughing at my confidence, Ben says, “Please do not tell my wife that. It would be like throwing a bag of cheese balls in front of her that she can’t have. I swear that woman transferred her love of those disgusting things to Ally too. But the gauntlet will have been thrown down and I won’t see her for days, if not weeks.”

  “Deal.” Looking at my friends, I survey their mood. Ben seems to be fine with me pursuing a relationship with Claire. He is an excellent judge of character. Plus the brain that has gotten him to the top of his career is needle sharp. He knows I would never hurt Claire or Sasha.

  Derrick, however, is another story. He has been relatively quiet and although Claire loves and considers Ben, Suzie and Ally family, Derrick has more at stake. “Derrick? You okay with this?”

  Walking away from Ben and me, Derrick strides down the hallway and then back. “You are putting me in one hellava position here, Jack. Claire and Sasha are the only family Zoey has. She told me about what Claire went through when she got pregnant with Sasha. And make no mistake, that kid is just as important to me as her mother is. But Zoey says that the Claire that came out from the other side isn’t the same one that raised her. None of us know what she went through, but whatever it was has left her with some major scars.”

  Walking away again, Derrick pauses at the end of the hall, takes a deep breath, throws his hands up as though he is battling something within himself and walks back. “You hurt her or Sasha, you don’t have to worry about me. Zoey will kill you. And then I will have to get involved. I love these women. They are precious to me and have been for years.” He takes a deep breath and then lets it out. “Something is coming, I can feel it. Protect them. Because if you don’t, God help you. Zoey will kill you and then I’ll bury you.”

  With that said, my friends pat me on my shoulder and walk away.

  Turning back, Derrick shouts from halfway down the hall. “Jack, Claire walks Dallas every night at seven-o-five. She’s funny that way. Her routines are almost ritualistic. They stop and talk to everyone. She isn’t just the glue of my family, she is the same for her entire neighborhood. She helps those that need it without making it look like charity.”

  He turns and starts to walk away again, then stops. Looking back at me, he says, “If this goes sour, I’ll sell your ass down the river to save my own. Zoey is vicious, especially when it comes to Claire.”


  DINNER HASN’T GONE quite the way that I was hoping it would. We are sitting in Claire’s favorite Italian restaurant and although everyone appears to be getting along, and there really hasn’t been a lag in the conversation, it has become slightly awkward as the evening has rolled on. There is a tension between the two women and that puts me smack dab in the middle as the peacekeeper. Which is not a position I am comfortable with. Protector…yes. Comedian…hell yes. Peacekeeper…fuck no!

  Just as the waitress walks over to offer us dessert, Sasha rolls her eyes at something Claire has said, and quite frankly her blatant disrespect towards her mother pisses me off—big time. Peacekeeper be damned. I will not allow this attitude to occur in my presence for one more minute.

  “Sasha, I realize that you are about to turn twenty-two and know the ways of the world. However, if you continue to treat your mother as though she is unable to comprehend the trials and tribulations in which your over privileged ass is going through, I will introduce you to what the world is truly like.” I say as the waitress walks away from our table.

  Claire’s gasp draws my attention and I know that I have crossed the line. But really, I don’t care. The beauty that is currently seated to my left is the most remarkable creature to have walked the earth and I’ll be damned if I allow her to be treated this way. Even if it is by her daughter.

  What truly gets my craw going is that Claire is allowing Sasha to treat her this way. Sasha is pushing her limits and I have seen Claire start to voice her opinion but she always stops herself. Maybe out of guilt, but everyone has their limits, and I have reached mine.

  “Excuse me?” Sasha snaps in my direction. “I like you, Jack, I do, but quite frankly who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that?”

  “Sasha! I did not raise you to speak that way. What has gotten into you?”

  “Get over yourself, Mom. I don’t need or want your opinion. And yes, you did raise me to speak my mind. Don’t pretend that you raised a perfect angel. I’m far from it and we both know it.” Tossing her napkin down, Sasha pushes her chair away from the table. “I’m out…Thanks for dinner, Jack.” Sasha walks out of the restaurant.

  Claire is shell shocked at Sasha’s behavior and I can see her working up the nerve to apologize. “If you apologize I will completely lose my shit right now.” Grabbing Claire’s chin with my hand, I raise her eyes to mine. “You have nothing to apologize for.”

  “Jackson, I have no explanation for her behavior. She has always been such a good girl. Kind, funny, loving. I truly don’t know what has gotten into her. She’s so angry.” With a sigh of defeat, Claire looks away from me.

  Claire’s ashamed of Sasha’s behavior, I can tell, but Jesus, she has nothing to be ashamed of. She raised that kid, on her own, and has done an amazing job. All kids rebel at some point or another.

  Waiting until I can get the waitress’s attention, I give her the universal sign for check please and keep looking at Claire. This woman. The one that I secretly loved at twenty-three, and finding myself here in her presence again amazes me. She is the most generous spirit I have ever encountered. Even after all that she lost all those years ago, she still stands proudly
on her own two feet and pushes forward. And has done so alone.

  Once the check has been delivered, I pull a few bills out of my wallet and place them on top of the check, then grab Claire’s hand and pull her to her feet. “Come on, Legs, let’s blow this Popsicle stand.” Which garners me a rare true Claire laugh. And I would do anything to make her laugh like that every day.

  “Jackson, I’m okay. Really. Sasha gets this way from time to time.”

  “Bullshit. You are anything but okay, but you will be. Now, if I recall, you loved buster bars from Dairy Queen.” I open the door and escort her out of the restaurant. “Now, where the hell is the nearest one?” I mumble into my phone. And thank you, God, I just got another laugh out of the woman to my left. My night has been completely made, even with the mother-daughter drama from earlier.

  Opening the passenger door to my 1967 Chevy truck, Claire slides in and while I close her door and walk around, I catch her quickly slide over and unlock my door.

  As I get in, I look over and realize just how tired she is. It isn’t a “Hi, I’ve had a hard day” tired, it’s more of a “I have been beaten down by life” kind of tired. Her head is tossed back onto the headrest, eyes closed, shoulders slouched and death grip on the old-time seat belt that only goes over her lap instead of the lap-shoulder one.

  Shutting my door, she looks over at me and says, “I’m so tired, Jackson. I’m just so fucking tired.” With a heavy sigh, she turns those amazing green eyes of hers away to look out the window.


  CAN BEING SO tired of fighting the battle of life alone consume you to the point that fighting anymore is futile? That is the only thing that is running through my head as Jackson starts the truck and pulls out of the parking space. I’m just so tired. I’d ask him to just take me home so that I can hide from my life, from a sister I adore but whom has moved forward, from a daughter that is just on the cusp of life and is leaving me behind. But honestly, a Dilly bar sounds good, and who doesn’t love ice cream on a stick wrapped in fudge, peanuts and a hard chocolate shell?


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