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My Body-His Marcello

Page 4

by Blakely Bennett

  He abruptly flipped me onto my stomach, leaned over to the drawer by the bed and found the bottle of oil. Pulling me backward by my waist, he pushed my head toward the bed, leaving my ass up in the air. Breathing me in, he kissed and bit his way along my neck and back, causing me to moan as the chills rained down my body. I blessedly stopped thinking as my juices dripped from my pussy over my mound.

  He clutched the globes of my ass and kneaded them open and closed. I heard and felt Luke pour oil and spit on my anus, causing me to tighten my buttocks. I quickly regretted having induced him into changing our sweet lovemaking into a session of hard, raw sex.

  “Luke?” I moaned, longing to say, “Stop please.”

  “Too late, love.” I heard the smile in his voice. “You’ll enjoy this, too.”

  He spread my ass cheeks and, at his agonizingly slow leisure, forced the head of his penis into my anus until it pushed past the point of pain into extreme pleasure.

  He seized my wrists in his powerful hands and held them tightly at my sides as he used them for leverage to piston in and out of me. So possessed and taken was I that I had to remember to breathe. The feeling of his cock sliding deeply in and out of my ass left me overwhelmed.

  “Oh my god, oh my god,” I murmured over and over. The intensity of his full penetration had me shaking.

  Shifting my arms to the middle of my back he clasped both my wrists in his right hand and leaned farther over me. He slipped his left hand under my body and matched the pace of his cock pounding into me with the movement of his fingers on my clit.

  I had not believed I could actually cum from such an intense fury of stimulation. Luke knew me better than I knew myself. Slowing the thrusting of his phallus, he mirrored the pace with wide circles around my clit.

  “I don’t think I can take it ...” I breathed out, trying to maintain control. How wrong could I be? “Oh god, oh god, oh Luke, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop!” Bliss snowed down all around me and I left my body, my life, myself. I don’t know if I passed out from the magnitude of my orgasm or had an out-of-body experience, but when I came back, I heard Luke roaring into me. I felt his warm cum fill me and we both collapsed. His heart beat wildly against my back and I could feel his breath on my neck.

  We lay there, attached, not saying a word in the bliss of his making. No man ever brought me to these heights of passion. Prior to being seduced and captured by him, I’d had no idea what sex could really be. He’d opened not only my heart but a new, perverse sexual desire.

  He got up to use the bathroom and on his return spooned me to him. No longer thinking about Marcello or what would befall me tomorrow, I drifted into a sweet sleep wrapped in the security of Luke’s arms.


  I don’t know how long I slept but when Janice shook me awake, the sun poured through the blinds.

  “Jane, wake up. You need to eat some breakfast before we start,” she said as she jostled my shoulder.

  I sat up in bed and said, “Start?” I rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the light.

  Janice was dressed in white shorts and a tank top, her hair pulled back in a ponytail and face devoid of makeup. Her look was less intimidating than the night before.

  “Yes, Jane, Marcello is here.”

  “Shit,” I groaned. “Why am I having to do this again, the day after my wedding?”

  “Just so you know … he hates cursing. Do yourself a favor and don’t swear in front of him.”

  “What are you thinking, hooking up with him? Really Janice, he’s dangerous. Can’t you feel it?”

  “What’s left for me? I can’t go back to an ordinary life. Can you imagine me trying to date a normal man?”

  “Marcello can’t be the only choice. There must be other men out there. Ask Luke if he knows of anyone else, because Marcello will never love you. He will use you up and spit you out.”

  “I don’t want him to love me, Jane. I just want him to use my body and give me a place to live. I’ll be working in his restaurant. I’ll make friends and have a life. Not necessarily the one I would choose for myself if I had other choices but like I said, there’s nothing else left for me.”

  “Stay with us for a while. There has to be another way. Please. I know I don’t really know you well but I feel like you’re a kindred spirit. Don’t do this to yourself.”

  “There isn’t and anyway it’s too late. I’ve pledged myself to him.”

  “Pledged yourself? So what? Take it back.”

  “It’s not like that, Jane. I signed a contract and I’ve given myself fully to him. He can use me as he wants.”

  “What about a safe word? A way out?”

  “He has no use for safe words, Jane. He’s a different breed than Luke.”

  “Janice, run away. Get Luke to do something. Please don’t do this to yourself.”

  Looking back on that conversation I wonder if I was also pleading with myself. I felt as if my situation was far better than hers, but was it really? That day proved, mere minutes later, just how wrong I could be.

  “Remember, no cursing. He likes nothing better than to have an excuse to escalate the discipline. We better get going or they’ll be mad. We don’t need that now, do we?”

  I went to the bathroom and freshened up. It didn’t take me long to get ready. Whatever would happen to me would take place at our house, where my lack of attire was a given.

  Following Janice into the kitchen, I avoided eye contact with Marcello. “Eggs and toast?” Luke asked. His big smile warmed me.

  “Yes, please, I’m starved,” I said, smiling back as I came toward him. “Janice, would you like some, too?” I asked.

  “She doesn’t require anything,” Marcello said.

  I spun around to face him and glared as he stared back at me. His eyes told me that he had every intention of teaching me some respect. His glower brought an all-over blush to my body, and goose bumps were rising on my arms. I loathed that I had no control over my responses. I hated that a man who repulsed me could compel my body to double-cross me.

  “Come here,” Luke said, drawing my attention away from Marcello.

  He lifted me into a big hug and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Sitting me down on a towel covering the counter, he said, “Good morning, my wife.” He handed me a plate full of scrambled eggs and toast with strawberry jam. “Eat up, love. The morning could be long.”

  “Why are we doing this again?” I let slip out before I thought better of it.

  “Are you questioning me, Jane?” Luke’s eyes narrowed. The force of his will was almost palpable.

  I shrank back. “No, no, of course not, Luke. Thanks for the breakfast,” I said with an apologetic smile. I wondered when I would learn not to poke the beast.

  Luke wandered off with Marcello and I could hear Marcello saying, “You treat her too well, Luke. Have you learned nothing from me?” I couldn’t hear Luke’s response as they had already made their way out back.

  “He wants you, you know. More than he even wants me.”

  I faced Janice, feeling so sad for her. I wanted to rescue her, to mother her, even though she had to be close to my age of thirty-five. “Have you eaten anything?”

  “It’s up to Marcello when I eat. No worries, Jane. I’m not hungry.”

  “What are they going to do to me?” I said, looking down at the half-eaten toast, too worried to eat another bite.

  “Whatever they want, of course.”

  “Do you know what they have planned?”

  “Yes, but I can’t say. I have no intention of triggering Marcello’s rage. It’s bad enough as it is. Listen very carefully when he gives you his rules and Jane, seriously, follow them. Remember he’s no Luke and there are no second chances with him.”

  “But Luke wouldn’t allow him to truly hurt me. Shouldn’t I be flying off on my honeymoon instead of letting a lunatic use my body? Who the hell am I?”

  “I ask myself that every day ...”

  I left the plate
on the counter and Janice led me through the back doors. All traces of the wedding had been swept away. Gone were all the tables, the dance floor, the bar and the plethora of gifts. As we faltered toward the beach, I saw that the large white tent that Luke rented in case of inclement weather still stood. It could have accommodated everything the back of the house held for the reception.

  “For what’s about to happen, forgive me,” Janice said.

  “What does that mean?” I said. Fear gripped me and I found it hard to fill my lungs. I knew in that moment that eating was the last thing I should’ve done.

  “Shhhhh. They can hear us now,” she whispered.

  We entered the tent. Right in the center where the polls crossed, two ropes hung down, each ending in a strap. They looked like a set. I could see that I was going to be the main attraction.

  Dread had coated me in a fine sheen of perspiration. It didn’t help that the day was unusually warm and humid.

  With a radiant warm smile Luke enfolded me in his arms and said, “I love you, Jane, but this is a reminder that you should always be reverent toward my friends.”

  I paced to the center of the tent and held my arms above my head. The sooner I could get this punishment over with, the better.

  Marcello strode to where I stood and loomed over me menacingly. Gripping my face with harsh fingers, he said, “You must stay silent. Do you understand me? We do not want to draw a crowd.”

  With some difficulty I shook my head in assent, as he was still holding fast to my face. He leaned down and whispered into my ear, “Make no mistake. I will have you for myself eventually. This is just a preview of what you’ll get with me. And Jane,” he forced me to face him, penetrating my entire being with his stare, “you think you’ve found what you need in Luke. Make no mistake, you have not.”

  I trembled with fear and desire but my anger grew as tears spilled down my cheeks in front of the man I despised. I was doing this for Luke, I reminded myself.

  I lowered my arms so Marcello could fasten each wrist with a leather cuff that attached to the rope by a D-ring. Janice pulled one rope taut and Marcello pulled the other, lifting me onto my toes. My arms were so extended I felt my joints stretching.

  “Janice … it’s time. And remember, if the discipline isn’t up to my standards you will both suffer my wrath.”

  Janice showed me the whip. It was different from any in the collection that Luke kept in his office. The strands of braided leather hung about eighteen inches long. There looked to be about ten to twelve of them affixed to a wooden handle. She tied a blindfold over my eyes, and I was relieved to be deprived of my sight. I could hear her flip-flops on the wooden floor that lined the bottom of the tent. I could also hear the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

  I was aroused by the thought of Janice administering the whip … until the first strike. She started on my ass. The braids of leather were long enough that they wrapped all the way around my side. The intensity of the sting took me by surprise, and I no longer liked Janice at all. My legs began to shake from the strain of being strung up so high.

  “Fuuuuu ...” I groaned. I had almost cursed and then struggled to swallow the sound.

  Marcello brutally snatched me by the hair and said, “You will pay for that. If you were mine I’d use a gag and let you scream without sound to your heart’s content.” Still pulling my head back by my hair he said, “Janice, continue, and remember, up to my standards.” He roughly released me.

  By the third strike on my ass my anger soared through me. I loathed Marcello with every fiber of my being, and I was determined that he not see me cry again. Janice steadily worked her way down my ass, to right above my knees. The sting and burn of that whip lingered longer than anything Luke had used on me. I struggled to keep my breathing steady as she worked her way back up my thighs, crisscrossing over my sore buttocks again, all the way up my back to right under my neck.

  All I could hear was the whoop of the whip repeatedly abusing me, my soft cries and Janice’s labored breathing. I couldn’t be sure—but I assumed—that Luke and Marcello still remained in the tent. My discipline was for their benefit, after all. Marcello’s wounded ego must be placated, I thought, viciously. The man was a monster.

  By the second pass over my ass and down to my legs, the excruciating pain increased the abject rage and hatred coursing through me. I found uncommon strength in that anger. I remained quiet from that point on. I would not let Marcello win.

  The last stroke of the whip landed just above my tail bone.


  I heard Luke’s heated command, bringing me back around.

  I had no strength in my arms and since only my toes reached the floor, I felt the muscles in my shoulders wrenching. Luke cupped his hands under my armpits and around my chest, avoiding my back but taking the weight off my shoulders. After Janice lowered me to the floor, Luke removed the blindfold.

  “Wait,” I said.

  Jerking my head away, I threw up breakfast. Luke held back my hair and gently rubbed my shoulder, avoiding my back.

  “I would carry you but I think it would hurt you worse than walking.”

  “Luke, we are not done here,” Marcello commanded.

  “We are beyond done, Marc. Please take Janice and go.”

  Luke held me by my upper arms, helping me stagger across the wooden floor of the tent. Once we got to the sand I could feel each and every mark on my body.

  “Oh Luke, this hurts too much,” I groaned out through the pain, grateful that Marcello couldn’t hear me.

  “Janey, I should have intervened earlier but you were no longer crying out and I thought ... Stop, love,” he added softly.

  Pivoting me around to face him, he carefully draped me over his shoulder. He held me under my buttocks, which hurt like hell, but not as much as stumbling on the beach or trying to navigate the stairs.

  He carried me quickly through the sand, up the steps and into the house. He gingerly lowered me onto the bed on my side.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said.

  I lay there thinking about how far my life had veered away from my fantasies of falling in love to the ideal ivory wedding and honeymoon in the Bahamas sipping piña coladas embellished with umbrellas and fruit. I needed to weep but the idea of making even minute movements kept me straining to keep my emotions in check. I wanted to be mad at Luke but at that moment all my anger was centered on Marcello. I had never thought of myself as vengeful but on that day I fantasized about kidnapping him, binding him in rope and abusing him at my whim. Never before had I considered striking another person for pleasure but the idea of whipping the crap out of Marcello brought a smile to my face.

  “After all this you’re smiling? You’re incredible Jane.” He laid a towel out next to me.

  I rolled onto my stomach and said, “Umpf.”

  “You okay?”

  “The nipple piercings. They’re sore. But again, Luke, you give me way more credit than I deserve. You caught me fantasizing about torturing Marcello—my attempt to distract myself from the sobs threatening to overtake me.”

  “Love, I’m so truly sorry. I swear I’ll never put you in that set of circumstances again.”

  “Why doesn’t that make me feel any better? ‘That set of circumstances’? So you will never string me up in the middle of a tent and let Janice whip me? Somehow that doesn’t comfort me at all.” I was no longer smiling.

  “Take this,” he said, handing me a glass of water and a pill.

  I pushed my body up on my elbow so I could swallow and said, “What was that?”

  “It’s a painkiller. It will help you sleep. I have more if you need them over the next few days.”

  He lightly trailed an ice cube over the welts on my backside.

  “Ow!” I yelped.

  “Should I stop?”

  “No, go on. It’s cold but it helps,” I said, my voice muffled by my pillow.

  “Jane, Marcello and I have shared man
y things over the years and I cannot, will not, promise you that you won’t see him again. What I will promise you is that I won’t make that decision lightly and I’ll make sure you’re safe.” He continued his application of the ice.

  “You mean like today? I don’t think so.”

  “It’s not up to you as you more than well know.”

  “It’s always up to me, as I can choose to leave at any time. You would do well to remember that. It works both ways.”

  “I don’t care for the tone of this conversation but will give you the benefit of the doubt, given today’s events. However, make no mistake, Jane: I’m the one in charge here.”

  “A wise dictator takes care of the ones he loves. Otherwise they side with the revolution. History has proved that time and again.”

  “So you think I need a history lesson? You’re pushing it. I suggest you change the subject.”

  “Fine,” I said, my voice harsh. “Do something for me then?”


  “Save Janice from that psycho man you call your friend. Do you know he gets to decide when she eats?”

  “Yes, I do know that. Do you know she agreed to everything?”

  “Yes, but she only did it in response to our wedding. She’s still very much in love with you and can’t imagine a life without you. There has to be other men who are more like you that you could introduce her to.”

  “Janey, as I told you before, I cannot interfere in this matter. It’s between her and Marc.”

  “You mean you won’t. Isn’t that what you’re saying? You won’t help her. Obviously you must have loved her once. She’s all over your Web pages, more pictures than anyone else. You had a large blown up photo of her on your wall and pictures of her in your photo album.”

  “Yes, I loved her, but I’m no longer responsible for her.”

  “He will use her and abuse her. You must know that. I can see why you loved her but she won’t be that person anymore after he’s done with her. Can’t you see? Won’t you see?”

  “She’s not like you, Jane. Far was never far enough for her. She will get far enough with Marc. She knows what she’s doing. She has been loaned to him in the past. There are no surprises there for her. Even if I were able to ‘save’ her, she would have to want to be saved, and I’d never consider taking her back.”


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