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I am Jade

Page 5

by Victoria Danes

  The smell of fresh coffee, eggs, and bacon woke me just as the sun spilled into my room through the blinds. My stomach growled and after a quick yawn and a stretch, I got out of bed, headed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face, pulled my hair into a messy bun and then followed the delicious scent of food into the kitchen. Stephan was standing in front of the stove with his bare back to me. He loved to cook and sing and dance and everything in between.

  “Good morning, Duchess.” He greeted me with a kiss, then put the plates of food on the table and gestured for me to sit.

  I did.

  The scrambled eggs were mouthwatering. I could taste a few spices in them and a small amount of mozzarella cheese. The bacon was crisp and perfectly cooked. I took quite a few big bites before even looking up at Stephan. When I did, he grinned at me. “Hungry again?” he asked taking a mouthful of eggs.

  I nodded. “Very.”

  “I thought since you’re eating meat now, why not bacon?”

  I nodded with a mouthful. “I like bacon.”

  He smiled. “Good. So, what did you do last night?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “I went to see Officer Kincaid. Actually, I wanted to see Faust, but he wasn’t in.”

  Stephan gave me curious eyes. “You saw Kincaid?”

  “Yes, and it turns out he is just as creepy as I imagined.” I put down my fork after realizing that my plate was empty, yet I was still hungry.

  “More?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Please.”

  He stood up, grabbed my plate and added more food to it. I didn’t want to tell him about what I was going to become during the next full moon. Somehow, I hoped I wouldn’t be affected.

  “What’s on your agenda today?” he asked setting down the plate in front of me and putting his own in the sink.

  “I have to meet Faust at some point, and then I am going to be at the office until two.” A sharp pain stabbed me in the gut at the thought of two o’clock approaching.

  Seth’s mom had arranged for a vigil.

  “Back to business, huh?” Stephan asked with curious eyes.

  “Always.” I lowered my eyes from his and stared into my coffee cup. I needed a refill if I was going to make it through the day.

  As if reading my mind, Stephan walked to the table with the coffee pot in his hand and poured me some. I savored the rich, dark liquid before asking him my next question. “What are you doing today?”

  “Brandon and I are going to see a band that wants to perform at the club next weekend. I’ll be back before two,” he said kissing the top of my head.

  Brandon Flemming was the bar manager at Stephan’s club.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  I looked up at him and nodded.

  “Why did you feel the need to see him? The cop, I mean?” There was a hardness to his eyes that made them look foreign on that beautiful face.

  “Are we jealous?” I teased.

  He ran a hand through his tousled blond hair and then crossed his arms over his naked chest. He seemed bigger than he was last week. His shoulders were wider. His pecs were bigger. His arms were more defined and his abs were tighter.

  “Not even a little bit,” he answered with half a smile.

  “I don’t know. I was curious. I wanted to know why he stayed with me in the hospital.”

  “And did you find out?”

  My cheeks felt warm. I didn’t like to lie. Especially not to Stephan. He knew everything about me. “Not really.”

  His eyes narrowed.

  “Maybe you should just ask him.”

  “Maybe.” I shrugged and got up from the table. “I have to get a shower and go.” I walked over to him and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you later.”

  After a quick shower, I ran the blow dryer through my coarse hair and then added mascara to my eyes and a nude lipstick to my lips. I wanted to hide behind makeup today but didn’t want to overdo it.

  I dressed in a dark blue sweater dress with black pantyhose and tan knee-high boots with a small heel.

  My cell phone rang as I was putting on my beige peacoat. “Hello, this is Jade,” I answered.

  A heavily accented woman on the other end spoke. “Hello, my name is Bianca Lupescu. I am calling you back from the Brasov police department.”

  I stopped buttoning my coat and held my breath. “Thank you so much for calling me back,” I finally said.

  “Of course. What can I do for you, Miss?”


  “Okay, Jade. How can I help?”

  I took a shaky breath. “My fiancé was at the Dracula castle a week ago…”

  “The missing American.”

  “Yes.” I nodded even though she couldn’t see me.

  “There is not much I can tell you, Jade. He was here, and he had to ask for permission before going on the expedition, and as far as I know he was denied.”

  That got my attention. “So he wasn’t on the mountain?”

  “I cannot tell you that for sure. But if he was, it was illegal.”

  “I was told a guide went with him.” I inquired.

  I heard some ruffling of papers before she answered, “I am unaware of anyone.”

  “Really?” The disappointment in my voice was thick. This was a dead end.

  “As far as I know he was alone when he sought permission from the mayor’s office and without an escort, it is very difficult for a tourist to navigate.”

  “But you have searched the woods?” I asked.

  “Yes, and we have found nothing.”

  My stomach knotted. “So, who called and said that they fell off that trail to their deaths?” Confusion swept into my clouded mind.

  She sighed. “I can do some more investigating for you, but I am sure no one made such a phone call from my department. Apparently, he made some friends here in a nearby village and when he didn’t return they came to me. It is all over the news here. Missing American in the Transylvania Mountains. Perhaps one of them called.”

  “Just how big are these mountains exactly?”

  “They stretch across the country.”

  “So he could have gone missing anywhere in Transylvania?”

  “I’m not sure if you are asking me or yourself that question.”

  “Both…maybe,” I answered.

  She sighed again. “Let me do some more detective work, Jade. I will get back to you within a few days.”

  “Okay. I really appreciate your help.”

  “No problem. Talk to you soon,” she said and hung up.

  I swiped through my phone until I got to Stephan’s number and hit the green button. It rang four times and then went to voicemail. Shit.

  I hung up without leaving a message. He would call me back. I was sure.

  I finished buttoning my coat and headed out to the office.


  My office is in a three story, brown brick building downtown. I am on the first floor. Above me on the second floor is a realtor and the third floor houses a staffing agency.

  To the right of my building is a tattoo shop and on the other side is a small bakery, which creates an aroma of pastries and pudding in the air.

  My stomach growled, but I ignored it.

  The bell above the office door jingled as I stepped inside.

  Celeste looked up from her computer screen.

  Celeste Edwards came looking for a job last year when I placed an ad in the paper looking for someone to take over the paperwork and phone calls while I was busy serving clients. I don’t like distractions when I am tit-deep in an investigation. I liked her energy and her honest smile. She was organized, incredibly well-spoken, polite, and professional. Her computer and typing skills were a bonus.

  My office is two rooms with beige walls and blue industrial carpet. Celeste keeps it tidy and always has coffee brewing on a small table near the large window overlooking the street.

  A few fake plants are placed in corners to conceal cords and

  I have certificates and degrees framed on the wall and a few other pictures of nature. Woods. Waterfalls. Valleys.

  “I’m so glad you’re back, boss,” she said. “I came to see you, but the first time they wouldn’t let me in and the second time you were sleeping, and I didn’t want to wake you.” She stood up, walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

  She smelled of cherry blossoms. But beneath that, I could smell her. Her essence. The salt of her skin. The blood in her veins. I held my breath and retracted from her grasp.

  She eyed me with soft eyes and took a step back. “I’m sorry.” She apologized. “I know you don’t like to be touched.”

  “No, it’s not that, Celeste.” I argued as I removed my jacket, scarf, and purse. “Some things are still tender.” I lied.

  She nodded, her curly brown hair falling around her face. It was a natural curl just below her shoulders that she embraced rather than try and tame.

  “I’m so sorry, Jade,” she said. Her eyes were tainted with pity that I didn’t want. “For everything that you are going through.”

  “I’m okay, Celeste,” I said, quickly.

  “Are you?”

  “I will be.”

  She sighed. “Okay. But I’m here if you need me.”

  I put my jacket on the coat hanger along with my purse and scarf and then went for the mail sitting in a black wire basket on Celeste’s desk. She followed me and took a seat in front of the computer again.

  I went through the mail: a few advertisements, an electric bill, and a coupon booklet for pizza.

  “Anything else?” I asked putting the mail back.

  “A few reporters called to see if you would agree to an interview about what happened and all that, but I told them you aren’t interested. They keep calling though. Detective Faust called and said he’s on his way.

  I didn’t have time to answer. The door opened and the bell jingled. Our gazes turned in unison toward it. Faust was standing there in a blue winter jacket with a face red from the cold.

  “Good morning,” he said after a quick breath.

  “Morning.” I walked toward him and took the coffees he was holding in one hand. “For me, right?” I asked.

  He smiled and vague dimples surfaced. “Of course.”

  I looked at Celeste. She checked something on her organizer and then looked back at me. “Your next client is scheduled for eight.”

  It was seven forty-five.

  “I’m sorry, Jade…” Faust said clutching his cup. “I know you have other things going on.”

  “It’s all right. I do have a client coming, but this is important.”

  I escorted him to the back room where I do my work.

  “Have a seat and fill me in, Faust.” I gestured to the chair across from me. “Anymore girls?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “Just the three.”

  “What about Cross? What happened to him?” I quizzed.

  “Someone broke his neck. I’m assuming to keep him from talking.”

  “So what now?” I sipped the coffee he brought. White chocolate mocha. My taste buds did backflips.

  He ran a hand through his freshly cut hair. “Well…”

  I could tell something was on his mind. “What?”

  “I don’t know what to say to these families anymore. They want answers and I want to give them that, but I have nothing.” His tone revealed his frustration.

  “And?” I prompted. I could sense there was something else he wanted to add.

  “And…they asked if you’d be willing to meet with them and…do a “reading”.” He put his fingers up to make air quotes around the last word.

  Of course they would ask. “I’m not a medium, Faust.”

  He shook his head. “I know. I agreed to ask you though.”

  I stood up and started pacing.

  “Jade, I have to give them something.”

  He was right, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to expose myself to that much emotion. All those families hurting and crying. Could I handle that much pain all at once? I would have to be on guard the entire time. Besides, when I looked into Cross’s mind something or someone cast me out.

  “Tomorrow,” I said.

  “Are you sure?”

  “No, but you’re right. You have to give them something.” I agreed. “Tell them I will meet with them tomorrow morning.”

  Faust stood up and wanted to reach for my hand but stopped. “Thank you, Jade. Really. Thank you.”

  I nodded. “Sure thing.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said then I walked him out.

  Chapter Eleven

  Madam Stella

  My eight o’clock appointment was Andrew Parker. He offered me a nice sum of money to follow his young wife and put to rest his nagging suspicion of her infidelity. I agreed but told him I couldn’t start until next week. Too much on my plate right now. We shook hands and parted ways. After seeing him out, I returned to my office and my cell rang. It was Madam Stella.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Jade, can you meet with me?” she asked.



  “I suppose.”

  “I have some news for you.” She informed me.

  “I’ll be there.” I offered and hung up.

  I walked out of my office and told Celeste I was heading out.

  We would catch up later at the vigil.


  Madam Stella’s place is in an alleyway off Alexander Road. About three miles from my office.

  The building is old and threatening to crumble, but Madam Stella has refused to leave it.

  I walked with heaviness on my shoulders and my head ducked between them. I didn’t want to see the world around me today. Didn’t want to feel the breeze as it swirled around my hair and made me shiver.

  When I reached for the metal doorknob of Madam Stella’s place, I felt a hand over mine. I flinched away from the intensity, but I knew who it was before my eyes found his.

  Green eyes stared into mine as if he could drink my soul with that one gaze. Seth used to look at me like that.

  The memory hurt my heart.

  I took a step back and scowled at him. I opened my mouth to curse, but Madam Stella was suddenly in the doorway. Her white dress falling to her ankles, and her withered hands touching my shoulder.

  “Do not be so hasty, my temperamental Jade.” She smiled with thin pink lips and eased me inside. Her hair was the color of the snow outside and the braid she kept it in reached just above her hips.

  Inside, it was too warm for my liking, and the smell of incense was thick.

  Madam Stella had very old paintings on her crimson walls. Paintings of Vald Tepes and other important Romanian figures and places.

  “I have called you both here, sweet Jade.”

  “Why?” My tone was hostile.

  Adrian was behind me. His presence was like a heatwave that catches your breath and holds it long after nightfall.

  Madam Stella pressed me into a chair gently. “You need to help him, Jade.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The curse

  “May you not breathe again until I kiss you free…”

  That’s what Madam Stella read out of one of her spell books and then set it down on the table beside me along with a small cup of extra black coffee. She is a fortune teller who reads coffee cups instead of crystal balls. However, I never let her tell me my fortune. I am not one that needs or wants to know.

  Her talent is unique, and I am always mesmerized by how it works.

  The person seeking their fortune needs to drink the coffee with their train of thought on the answers they seek. When they are finished, she places the empty cup upside down and when she picks it back up, the streaks left behind tell a story – she reads it like a book.

  I wasn’t interested in drinking anymore coffee today.

  “He is in love with you, Jade.”

  “Ha! F
unny.” I forced a sour chuckle and pushed the cup away.

  “Jade.” She picked up the cup as she paced. “It is not a laughing matter. He has his own demons to battle without taking punishments that are not his to serve.”

  I turned my gaze to Adrian.

  Yes, he was intimidating in size, very imposing and strong. He wasn’t in his police uniform today. He was wearing a black leather jacket over a white sweater, blue jeans, and white sneakers.

  There was something swimming behind those eyes – besides the beast I already knew about. It was something soft and tender and…aching.

  Adrian Kincaid didn’t look like a man who ached or felt much of anything besides anger.

  “The night of your accident Adrian fought a battle with Seth over your soul. Adrian was not completely victorious,” Madam Stella said gently. “I need you to drink it, Jade. Perhaps I can see what happened.”

  Angrily, I snagged the cup, downed the liquid with my thought on Seth and then slammed it down on the table.

  “I know Adrian wasn’t victorious because I watched it happen,” I responded.

  Adrian’s thick brows shot up in surprise. “You know?” he asked in a sour tone.

  “Yeah, so?” I quipped.

  He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head.

  “That night you were so close to death that Seth would have won if Adrian hadn’t intervened, Jade.” Madam Stella revealed.

  “No one asked him to intervene!” I fumed.

  “Perhaps not, but the feelings he harbors are true. Don’t you care to right this?” Madam Stella asked.

  “Nope,” I answered, curtly.

  “Jade,” Madam Stella said my name quietly. Patiently. “How can you deny him a chance to be rid of a love he doesn’t wish to feel?”

  “Because it’s ridiculous. I didn’t ask for his help. This is his fault,” I said, truthfully.

  Adrian made a noise in his throat. “I felt you die but wanted to keep you alive. He felt you die and wanted to just keep you.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare—” I hissed.

  “Stop it! Both of you.” Madam Stella’s voice cut like thunder. Her black eyes could have swallowed you.

  “Madam Stella, why am I here for this?” I asked with bitterness in my voice.


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