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I am Jade

Page 14

by Victoria Danes

  I tried to let the desire in me settle before speaking. “Me too,” I replied with burning cheeks.

  I didn’t like that we had an audience.

  “No. You are new to this. Your beast dominates you now. It isn’t you that wants me but her.” Adrian looked disappointed.

  After a few breaths, he put the towel down and turned off the stove. “Dinner is done. Please eat and make yourself at home. I have to get ready.” He walked out of the kitchen, but I called him back.

  “I could go with you,” I said. “You know, for support.”

  He smiled. “You want to be my date?”

  “I want to be a friend offering assistance.” I corrected.

  “Okay.” He agreed. “I’ll take it.”

  “Great. I’ll be ready in twenty minutes.”

  He nodded as he headed upstairs.

  I wanted to be there for him.

  Surely a meeting with his ex-fiancée and his brother would be a lot, and even though he was a big, tough guy something vulnerable played behind those captivating eyes.

  Victory dance? Not yet, I’ll wait.


  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Let’s dance…or not

  Normally, I always have a dress or two with me. You never know when an occasion will call for it.

  So after I showered, I put my hair in a side braid, added smoky eyeshadow to my eyes, then applied some mascara, blush, and burgundy lipstick. I got dressed in a black, knee-length cocktail dress that hugged my body like a second skin and wore a pair of red stilettos. The neckline of my dress didn’t plunge deep, but it was just enough to win a second glance. I am not a busty beauty, but what I lack on top I make up for in hips and booty.

  Adrian was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, his mouth slightly gaped open.

  “Damn, look at you,” he said running a hand over his jaw. “You look stunning.”

  I blushed. “Thank you.”

  “Maybe I shouldn’t show you off to my brother, he might take you too.”

  I frowned. “That was a bad joke, Kincaid.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  He took my hands and after helping me into my coat, he led me outside into the brisk night.

  We were immediately met by the two tall goons with mountain shoulders, silver hair, and scowling faces.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” one of them asked. I believe his name was Felix.

  I frowned. “To a party. Move.”

  He shook his head. “He can go wherever he’d like, but you must stay.” He demanded.

  “Ummm, no. I’m not a prisoner.”

  “No. You are a wolf princess. Your father told us not to let you out of our sight. We’ve never failed him before and we won’t start now.” The other goon, Paul, explained. “I’m sorry.”

  “Then it looks like you’re going to a party, boys.” I declared.

  “I don’t think––” Felix tried, but I cut him off.

  “If I am a princess then you need to obey me, don’t you?”

  They exchanged glances.

  “Your father obviously has rank.” Paul spoke with less authority in his voice now.

  I groaned impatiently.

  “Lucian, I refuse to be a prisoner, do you hear me? You can’t control my life. I will invite your enemies to dine with me if you don’t stop this.”

  Adrian gave me wide eyes.

  “I cannot,” Lucian answered in my head. “But they will accompany you to wherever you wish to go. That’s the best I can do, Jade.”

  “Fine.” I pouted. “Let’s go, Lurch.” I commanded Felix.

  He frowned but moved aside and followed the other werewolf to a black Mercedes that was parked behind Adrian’s car.

  “Damn.” Adrian stated. “Your father doesn’t play.”

  I rolled my eyes. “No, I guess he doesn’t.” I got into the car.

  Goodbye, freedom.


  Adrian’s mom lived five miles away in a three story mansion with two balconies on either side overlooking a lake. The long driveway was aligned with trees dressed in blue and silver lights.

  Waiting by the front door were two men dressed in blue and silver vests.

  “What does your mom do?” I asked as we pulled up to the front and Adrian put the car in park.

  “She’s a best-selling author.”

  “Really? Anything I might have read?” I asked.

  He actually blushed. “She writes erotica.”

  “Oh.” My own cheeks turned red. “Well, good for her!”

  He laughed. “Yeah. I guess it is. Shall we?”

  “We shall.” I smiled.

  Inside, the house was dimly lit with ceiling lights and candles.

  We entered into a hallway where our coats were taken. It was the first time I took note of how handsome Adrian looked in a dark gray, tight-fitting button up shirt tucked into black pants. His hair was styled in a tasteful coiff, and his scruff looked more groomed. I wanted to touch it but resisted.

  His smile widened when he saw that I was looking at him.

  I blushed.

  “Nice to know I have your attention tonight.” He winked.

  “You look handsome. I’m not going to deny that.”

  “Thank you, Jade.”

  A young man dressed like the others came toward us with a happy smile. “Good evening.” He greeted.

  We were then ushered toward a grand room to the left. Our tail refused to give up their coats. They followed closely behind but kept a respectable distance. I’d never get used to being guarded this way.

  The large party room was artfully decorated with blue and silver ribbon and helium balloons.

  A beautiful chandelier hung above the dancing guests. Along the bare, neutral colored walls, long tables were stocked with fruits, veggies, and everything in between.

  Music played all around us at a decent volume, but I could not spot the DJ or band.

  As we glided further into the room, a blonde woman wearing an electric blue gown with an intimidating neckline, gray eyes, and a red-lipped smile came toward us with open arms.

  “Adrian.” She hugged him, and he lowered his head so that she may kiss his cheek. “I’m so happy you came.”

  He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “Happy birthday, Mom.”

  “Thank you.” She turned her eyes to me. “Who is this?”

  “This is Jade Sinclair.” He introduced me and put his hand on the small of my back. “Jade, this is my mom Isabel Kincaid. Aka Isis Kane.”

  I gave her my hand. She took it. She was nervous. Uneasy.

  “Wow.” She grinned. “You are absolutely exquisite.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you, Mrs. Kincaid.” I greeted. “Happy birthday.”

  She nodded. “Thank you, Jade. I’m so glad Adrian brought a date, and what a woman you are, indeed.” She examined me from head to toe. “Bravo!”

  “Mom.” Adrian cautioned. “She’s a friend. That’s all.”

  “Maybe she is – for now.” She winked.

  I wanted to laugh. She was bold.

  “Have you seen your brother, yet?” she asked.

  Adrian went rigid. “No. I’m not sure I want to.”

  She frowned. “Adrian, this has to stop.”


  “You’re brothers.”


  “Enough, Adrian,” she said, firmly. Her tone was no joke. “My boys will make up. This has been going on for far too long.”

  Adrian remained quiet.

  “Fix it.” She demanded. “Today.”

  With gritted teeth, Adrian nodded.

  She walked away.

  He grabbed a glass of wine from a floating tray, downed it and then pulled me toward the bar.

  “Something stronger than wine.” He ordered.

  The bartender nodded and handed him an amber-colored drink with no ice.

  “For you, miss?”
  “Wine is fine, thank you.”

  He handed me a glass of red wine. I took it and sipped slowly.

  “Mom doesn’t play either, eh Kincaid?” I mused, but he didn’t smile at my effort. “She’s right you know.”

  His hard eyes bore into mine.

  “Come on, Adrian. You know she’s right. You guys are brothers. You shouldn’t allow this to determine your relationship for the rest of your lives. You need to forgive him and move on.”

  He didn’t say anything for a moment. After emptying his glass he wiped his mouth and asked for another. He downed that and took my hand. “Let’s dance.”

  Before I could respond he pulled me onto the dance floor and we swayed to a jazzy tune.

  His eyes avoided mine, but his grip was tight around my back and in my hand.

  “Adrian, are you okay?” I asked.

  He smiled. “I want to be, Jade. I do. I want to get over it because it’s consuming me.”

  “I wish I can help but you have to find it in yourself to let it go and resume your relationship with your brother.”

  He nodded but then shook his head and touched his forehead to mine.

  His voice was low as he spoke. “It’s not just the situation with my brother that consumes me.”

  I took a deep breath but didn’t ask the obvious question.

  “There is a fire in me, Jade, that can’t be contained. It’s you. You don’t know how long I have waited for you. It’s everything about you from your full lips, to the caramel color of your eyes, the touch of your hand, the feel of your body so close…”

  My breaths increased.

  “I know they’re not my feelings, but…” He squeezed my hand and whispered in my ear,” I want you, Jade.”

  The song finished, but I think we stopped moving long ago.

  “Adrian.” I began.

  “I know.” He mumbled and walked back over to the bar.

  After a few breaths, I followed.

  What could I say?

  As I approached with my thoughts a rambling mess, a man touched Adrian’s shoulder and he turned with a scowl.

  “Hey. I’m glad you’re here.” The guy smiled and the gesture was too familiar. I assumed it was his brother.

  “Jade, this is my brother Zach.” Adrian introduced.

  “Nice to meet you.” I nodded. “I can give you some privacy.” I wanted to walk away but Adrian grabbed my arm and held me in place.

  “Can we talk?” Zach asked, noting Adrian’s firm hand on my wrist.

  “We are talking,” Adrian answered.

  “Alone, maybe?” His brother’s tone was patient.

  “We can talk here, Zach, because the truth is I’m having a hard time keeping myself calm enough not to hit you right now.” Adrian professed.

  “Fair enough, I guess.”

  A beautiful woman with auburn hair stopped at Zach’s side and took his hand.

  “Hello, Adrian.” She greeted.

  I had a nagging suspicion this was the woman responsible for these brothers bickering.

  “Hi, Grace.”

  Suspicion confirmed. Oh boy.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Wounded pup

  The lovely Grace Edwards had a beautiful pregnancy glow on her round face. Her high cheeks were stained pink as she eyed me with chocolate-brown eyes.

  Adrian introduced us, but she didn’t extend her hand, and I didn’t offer mine.

  “How are you, Adrian?” she asked in an angelic voice.

  “I’m good.” His gaze fell to her expanding belly, and she rubbed it instinctively.

  “Pregnancy agrees with you.” He admitted. “You look beautiful.”

  Her eyes sparkled and she smiled. “I don’t feel it, but thank you. I just can’t wait to meet him.”

  “A boy?” Adrian asked.

  Grace and Zach both nodded.

  Adrian swallowed hard and then shook his head. “I can’t do this.” He rejected and stalked off.

  “Adrian, please.” She cried after him.

  He stopped but didn’t turn around.

  “This wasn’t how it was supposed to be.” She stated tearfully.

  He turned and his eyes were dark. “How was it supposed to be, Grace?”

  “We didn’t want this, Adrian.” Zach confessed. “It just happened. We can’t control these things.”

  “That excuse might help you sleep at night, but it does nothing for me.” Adrian spat.

  “It was just fate, Adrian.” Grace acknowledged.

  “You believe that?” Adrian asked.

  She nodded. “I do.”

  He smiled but it wasn’t friendly. “That’s bullshit.” He contradicted.

  “Adrian…” Zach was really trying to communicate with his brother.

  “I have nothing more to say to you.” Adrian neared his brother and gritted his teeth. “You’re lucky I don’t break your jaw again.”

  “If it will give you peace, do it.” Zach urged him.

  Isabel came rushing forward.

  This would end badly.

  “Adrian, we should go.” I told him.

  “Why can’t you be civil?” Isabel asked.

  “You always took his side.” Adrian argued. “Why? Why can’t you for once agree that he fucked me?”

  “Adrian…” She attempted.

  “Forget it.” He rejected. “This is me being civil.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me away with him. We stormed away from the party toward the back of the house. My entourage followed, but I turned around and stopped short of placing my hands on Paul’s chest.

  “I think we need a minute, guy,” I said.

  “My name is Paul.” He frowned.

  “Okay, Paul. Give us a minute or I will be forced to cause you pain, and I’m really trying to be a lady tonight.”

  He opened his mouth to dispute, but Felix cautioned him. “Let them, Paul.” He ordered. “Give them their moment.”

  I nodded a thank you and followed Adrian down the dark corridor.

  He was leaning against the wall near the balcony doors. When I got close enough, he wrapped me in his arms and pinned me between his body and the wall.

  With urgency, his mouth came down hard on mine. He claimed my tongue with ease and coaxed my body to melt into his.

  His hands explored me – every inch of me. They moved from my waist up to my breasts where he snagged the fabric so his fingers could touch me. After a few moments of soft kneading, he took one in his mouth.

  “Adrian…” I panted.

  But he didn’t stop, and I wasn’t sure I wanted him to.

  The caution inside me was drowned out by the rising pleasure of his mouth on my body.

  The wolf inside me howled and panted. She wanted it. Wanted him. I wanted him.

  I knotted my hands in his hair as his mouth came up to devour my lips. His hand trailed down to my thigh and caressed it. Then it slid closer and closer to my core until finally reaching its destination. He toyed with me briefly before entering the untouched territory. I gasped. His mouth hadn’t left mine. He licked my lips and then bit at them gently.

  Expert fingers worked magical circles inside me. He groaned against my mouth. My wolf and I whimpered for more of his attention.

  I tore his shirt open and ran my hands up and down his perfectly smooth chest.

  “Touch me, Jade,” he whispered.

  My hands reached for his pants. I unzipped them and let his straining muscle free. I groped it and squeezed it tightly in my palm. Adrian threw his head back and made a noise in his throat like a growl. My hands slid up and down against the smooth shaft while my hips pushed forward.

  He tore off the silky thong I wore and tossed it aside. Then lifted me up against the wall. My heart beat a million miles a minute as my legs wrapped around his waist of their own accord.

  I felt the tip of him tease me. I pulled him closer and anticipated the moment. But he stopped and grunted something.

  “No.” I cried and
pulled him by the collar of his shirt. “Don’t…”

  “I can’t, Jade,” he said in a thick whisper.

  He put me down.

  I leaned against the wall for support because my legs had been weakened by his welcomed assault.

  “I can’t do this to you. It would be for the wrong reasons and I’ve made too many mistakes this year.”

  With that, he pulled away, buttoned his pants, and left me there to quiver.

  After a breath or…maybe six, I gathered my pride and ruined undergarments off the floor and followed him.

  My wolf hated me for refusing to bury ourselves deep inside her and feeling the warmth she had to offer. The feel of her hands on my body caused my spine to tingle. It took every ounce of control I had not toplunge myself into her. But I just can’t. I can’t make another bad decision. I was cautioned to stay away from her – I can’t risk it. He threatened my family. Even though my brother and I are at odds if something happened to him or his little growing family I’d never forgive myself. I needed a distraction. I leaped off the balcony and darted toward the forest.


  Chapter Thirty


  The night was frigid, but the sky was breathtaking and clear. The crescent moon painted the dark woods with a silver ribbon of light.

  There was no sign of Adrian but something or someone moved in the darkness, and before I could react, large hands wrapped around my throat and pinned me against the brick wall. The hands were ice cold and razor sharp nails scratched the surface of my neck.

  A woman with large crimson eyes, red hair, and a pale face snarled in my face. Two fangs glistened in her mouth.

  I gasped and tried to break free, but the woman’s strength was fierce. She squeezed tighter around my throat. One of her nails penetrated through the skin and inched into the side of my neck.

  I kicked my feet and tried to break her hold on me, but the harder I struggled, the more force she applied.

  “Stop struggling or I will rip you apart.” She hissed. Her crimson eyes grew wide with rage.

  A male came up behind the hissing woman. He was tall and slender with the same color eyes and black hair tied in a ponytail at the nape of his neck and translucent skin.


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