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Page 6

by Desconhecido

  The Duke felt pain and sorrow twist like a knife into his heart, a pain worse than what the wizard inflicted upon him. “You will sign the will—all of your goods over to me next time I visit, your lordship, or die,” he sneered.

  Mason knew, if he met and fought each of the duke’s sons singly, he’d win, but together, a power of three, he was uncertain. He would have opportunities to pick them off, one by one, but not here in this castle filled with fighting men, he decided as he twirled a knife around his body.

  In a black cloud of smoke Mason disappeared, but not before Simon saw him.

  Simon rushed to his grandfather’s side and sank onto the bed beside him. “What in the hell was that? Tell me, Grandfather!”

  The duke shook his head wearily, opened his mouth to speak, but not a sound could he make. Simon gently lifted him higher in the bed. “Can you tell me what happened?”

  * * * *

  Chills swept through Simon when his grandfather pointed to his throat and shook his head. Gently stroking hair back from his grandfather’s forehead, Simon knew then he couldn’t speak. Whatever that thing was that he’d caught but a fleeting glimpse, had done this to him. Simon could feel the evil still lurking in the room. Leaning over, he kissed his grandfather’s cheek. “Rest. I’m sending Dora in to stay with you the rest of the night.”

  Simon caught the slight smile on his grandfather’s face as he rose from the bed and stalked from the room. He took the steps swiftly down to the kitchen, calling out, “Dora! Dora, I need you.”

  Dora, second housekeeper in command, rushed from the kitchen. “Yes, my lord, what is it?”

  Pausing in front of her, he took her old, gnarled hands in his. “Something has happened to my grandfather. I want you to stay with him, and stay awake and watch over him, for as long as you can. I’ll return in a few hours with Max and Jake to relieve you.”

  “Yes, m’lord, I shall be happy to sit with his lordship.”

  “Thank you.” Simon sighed and tried to form an excuse to tell the woman—other than the truth—which could frighten her. “I believe he may have had some sort of fit, and can no longer move or talk. I’ll be back shortly.”

  He strode into the great hall, satisfied that Dora would watch over his grandfather. Just as he called out, “Jake, Max! Where in the hell are you two?” Jake appeared from the kitchens, gnawing on a turkey leg.

  “We need to talk,” Simon said. “Where’s Max?”

  Max entered the great hall then, towing a petite, curvy woman with gold-rimmed spectacles on her small nose. Ah, so this is Max’s mate. Knowing who the woman was, Simon couldn’t reach Jake in time to warn him of the fact, somehow guessing Jake would poke fun, believing the young woman to be a harlot to entertain them this night.

  “So, you’ve brought us a new delight to share for our evening romp,” Jake said, grinning broadly. “How thoughtful, Max!” he said boisterously.

  Max released the woman, stalked over to Jake, and delivered a blow to his jaw that felled him. Jake stared up from the floor in confusion, shock, then fury, Simon noted wryly, the turkey leg still clutched in his hand. Damn. It seemed he’d have to intervene in order to keep one of them from killing the other, so he rushed over and grabbed Max’s arm, sending him a silent warning with one long, dark look.

  Slowly, Jake sat up and threw the turkey leg across the hall before turning on his brother. “What in the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Never put Carrie in the same position as your doxies, never!” Max bellowed.

  “Just having a bit of fun is all,” Jake said sullenly as he rose to his feet, still rubbing his jaw. “And how would I know that she’s the one?”

  Never forget, brother, in the past, you were more than happy to participate in a mutual dalliance. Simon decided it wise not to mention the fact aloud, however.

  “Introduce us to your mate,” Simon said, deciding it wise to wait until later, when the three brothers could be alone to discuss the awful happenings of this night regarding their grandfather.

  Max straightened up and placed a secure arm around Carrie’s waist. “This is Carrie Sweeney. Meet my brothers, Simon and Jake.”

  Chapter Five

  Awe and trepidation flowed through Carrie as she looked upon Max’s brothers. They were all large and intimidating, and utterly handsome, sinfully so. They all held an astonishingly male, earthy aura about them that made her feel small, feminine, and weak. This was an unusual experience for Carrie to have since she was used to men, being surrounded by them at home—males older and much larger than she was.

  She also noted they wore charming smiles on their lips and she felt heat seep up to the very roots of her hair.

  Simon, the largest of the three, dressed in a broadcloth shirt and serviceable work pants, bowed and swallowed up her small hand in his rough one. He placed a kiss on the top of her hand then murmured, “A pleasure, Miss Carrie.”

  Jake, dressed in a white silk shirt with billowy sleeves, tan pants that fit his build to perfection, and a blinding gold stock-style necktie, stepped up then as soon as Simon released her hand and recaptured it. Carrie grimaced when she saw the bruise that had formed on his jaw from Max’s fist.

  Squeezing her hand lightly, Jake leaned forward and daringly brushed her cheek with his lips. “Enchanting, you are, Miss Carrie, and much too good for my brother, in my opinion.” He heard Max’s warning growl, released her then and stepped back.

  “I’m happy to meet all of you,” she whispered. Gazing around her, she looked at the massive hall, decorated sparsely but well, and smiled at Max. “This is a castle.”

  Max grinned. “You knew I lived in one.”

  “Yes, I did, but…well…I’ve never before been in one.”

  “Would you like me to take you on a tour?” he asked.

  She smiled back and grabbed his hand. “Yes, please.”

  Max looked at his brothers. “We’ll partake supper in my rooms, so don’t wait for us.

  Jake grinned. “You know, why don’t I come along then on the tour. I could give Carrie a completely different perspec…”

  “Hell…no,” Max growled. He grabbed Carrie’s arm and scurried away with her down one hallway, the loud guffaws from his brothers following in his wake.

  As soon as Max turned down another long hallway, he paused, twirled Carrie into his arms and pressed her back against the castle wall.

  * * * *

  Carrie gasped then giggled when Max’s bewhiskered chin brushed her collarbone as he kissed the pulse behind her ear. “Max, stop!” she said, pressing against his shoulders. He moved back and his eyes glittered with lust, his attention fully on her. “You promised me a tour, remember?”

  “Thank you for the reminder.” He pulled her swiftly down another long hallway and took a turn, starting up a long winding set of stone steps.

  She laughed. “Where are you taking me?”

  “To the most important view in this castle,” he announced. “My rooms.” Max paused in front of an enormous sturdy wooden door and opened it. He pulled Carrie inside, slammed the door, and locked it. Leaning back against it, his eyes sparkling with laughter and, dare she think it, a look of utter possessiveness. For her.

  Carrie wanted him every bit as much as he wanted her, she guessed. She gave him a dimpled smile as she folded her arms across her breasts and peered around the room. Splashes of golds and reds filled the cavernous room, bringing intimate warmth to it. The colors suited Max, she decided, and her as well. Carrie shivered at the sight of his bed centered against one curving wall covered in lush red and gold satin; Max’s room seemed to occupy one turret in the castle. Plush fur and patterned rugs covered the stone floor. Against another wall was an enormous stone fireplace, with a fire burning merrily in the hearth.

  Right before the fire was a table set for two with fine white linens, silver goblets, and china dishes. There were two silver-colored dishes with covers; Carrie saw steam escaping from them.

  Max sauntered ov
er to the table, efficiently poured them each a glass of wine, returned to her, and passed her a goblet. He raised his up and murmured seductively, “To many such delightful evenings as this.”

  She raised her glass, smiled and sipped from the cup. This wine was unlike anything she’d ever tasted. The King’s Tavern’s wine couldn’t compare. She closed her eyes, sighed appreciatively at the fruity taste and swallowed down the sip. “This wine is wonderful.”

  “Finish up then, for we’ve an entire meal to consume as well.”

  “I’m not all that hungry,” she whispered.

  “I am,” he announced, his eyes flashing with potent passion.

  Heat seeped into her cheeks. She clutched the goblet and backed away from him.

  His small smile widened as he set his own goblet down on the mantle, folded his arms behind his back, and sauntered toward her. He wore a rakish look that unsettled yet thrilled her, with his sensuous lips wide and smiling, his eyes sparkling with bedevilment and one lock of golden hair having fallen forward on his forehead, she knew she’d give into his amorous advances, and likely lay down with him. She couldn’t deny her attraction for this man, and somehow, mysterious as he seemed, she felt safe with him. He wanted to marry her. She took a quick gulp of the wine then set her own cup down on the table beside the bed.

  She frowned then as she thought about the one brother’s words. Hadn’t he said that Max should introduce them to his mate? How strange a term to use for marriage, she mused, growing uneasy again.

  Her eyes widened as his saunter turned into a stride and hitching up her skirts, she shrieked and scrambled across the bed, putting distance between them. Max leaned against a bedpost and quirked an eyebrow. “You aren’t afraid of me, are you?”

  Narrowing her eyes on him and tilting her head to one side, she said, “It depends on what you’re planning on doing.”

  He dropped his arms and headed around the end of the bed. “Everything. I want to give you utter pleasure, Carrie. Pleasure unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. Mate with…marry me, Carrie.”

  “Eventually,” she said with a nod. “But you promised to court me.”

  She knew she would give into him this night, for it’s what she wanted too. He’d affectively broken down all of the barriers she’d built between them. And now realized none of those barriers mattered, for she knew she’d give into him—as easily as he wished. He would dance a bit to her wishes, first. But then doubts entered her mind. What if he only wanted to bed her and didn’t want to marry her? After all, she was only a poor maid, with no title or dowry to bring to a marriage.

  He sighed. “Is it truly all that important to you? Can’t I do so afterwards?”


  “Court you, after we make love.”

  She saw the expression on his face of utter sincerity and made up her mind to trust him. God would surely damn him and her brothers would kill him if he wasn’t sincere and married her before her family and God.

  Bracing herself against the wall beside the bed, she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. “Yes,” she finally whispered. Keeping her eyes tightly shut she gasped when she felt his soft lips brush hers. Her heart raced when she felt him slip an arm around her waist, dragging her up against him. The male scent of him, a combination of leather, tobacco, and whiskey, made her dizzy

  “Open your eyes so you can see the love in mine,” he demanded.

  She obeyed and tears filled her eyes as she stared into his melting blue ones. Soon her spectacles were smudged from her tears and he smiled and eased them from her nose, setting them on the nearby bureau. He returned to her, lifted her in his arms, walked around the bed, and settled into a large chaise chair situated near the hearth. Holding her sideways, his arms around her, he settled his chin on the top of her pale hair and sighed.

  Carrie couldn’t recall when she’d ever felt so safe…and dare she say it…so loved.

  Max set her forward a bit, leaned down, and nuzzled the side of her neck, then the pulse behind her ear and she gasped. Then she groaned at the shivery sensations in her spine when he nipped at her shoulder, through her blouse.

  His fingers slid down her back and cool air swept across her back and shoulders. Carrie was stunned that he’d managed to unbutton her blouse so quickly as he eased her out of her bodice, slid her arms out of the sleeves, and tossed the garment to the floor. Seconds later, he removed her camisole, and then her corset with practiced ease.

  He took her shoulders and turned her a bit so she faced him. His gaze slowly and appreciatively took in her face, neck, shoulders, and her breasts, where they lingered the longest. Carrie instinctively raised her hands to cover her breasts but he held her wrists at her sides and shook his head.

  “You are incredible, Carrie. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  She gulped. “Are you saying you’ve seen many women…unclothed,” she said, sounding prim and proper, which was ridiculous, she decided.

  Frowning, he said, “Yes, I have, too many. But I was searching for…well…it’s not important any longer.”

  “Should we—move to the bed?” she said daringly.

  He turned her around so her back was to him. Lifting each of her limbs, he placed one over each of his thighs. Carrie sat rigidly, staring wide-eyed at the fire, wondering what he planned.

  “Lean back, against me, and lay your head upon my shoulder.”

  That sounded lovely, safe, and she felt so tired it took no convincing whatsoever as she sank against him with her head on his shoulder. Closing her eyes, sleepiness unlike any she’d ever felt settled over her body as the warmth from the fire licked across her torso. A slight brushing sensation across her breasts prompted her to open her eyes and looking down she found his big hands on her, his fingers caressing her nipples.

  She groaned as he plucked her nipples simultaneously and a low ache settled between her legs. She tried lifting one leg from his knee, intent upon rubbing her thighs together to give herself release from the dull, low ache but his hands moved down to her thighs and held them in position.

  “Don’t move, don’t shift your legs. Just stay as still for as long as you can.”

  She went rigid and started to turn to him but he placed his hands on her head, on either side, and said, “I won’t harm you. I only want to give you pleasure. I want to love you, and you will allow me this, Carrie. I will soon be your husband, and your master, as you will be my wife and love for all time. And as my wife, you must consent to my every wish.”

  If any other man had been so demanding, Carrie knew she would have screamed at the top of her lungs and kicked him in the shins before making her escape. But from Max, the commanding words sounded right. She would allow him to make love to her, to master her, for she knew he would bring her nothing but exquisite pleasure. Already, just sitting in his arms, she felt more passion than she ever believed possible between a man and woman.

  She gave a slight nod then leaned back against him once more. Carrie felt his breathing hitch, then he released a deep sigh. He resumed his touching, and plucking her nipples until the sensations between her legs left her feeling hot and achy and wonderful. She squirmed a bit on his lap and he took his hands from her nipples and eased her to stand between his legs. With his hands on her waist, he turned her to face him, his eyes burning over her body as he settled back in the chair and clutched the arms.

  “Remove your skirts, stockings, and shoes, sweetheart.”

  Carrie obeyed for she couldn’t do anything else as she met his mesmerizing gaze. Somehow, for the first time ever, she felt powerful standing before him. Even with her myopic vision, she could see how her body affected him, from the rigid settling of his body on the chair, to the tight jaw and narrowed eyes and lips. He appeared to be holding himself back, she decided as she undid the buttons on the side of her skirt and it slid to the floor, followed quickly by her underskirt and finally, the last vestige of her modesty, her bloomers. Reaching up to
one thigh to remove her white cotton stockings she paused when he spoke.

  “Leave them on, but remove the shoes.”

  Looking at him with what she knew was a quizzical expression she eased off her sensible low- heeled shoes. She couldn’t meet his eyes and again her cheeks heated up at the thought of him staring so intently at her naked body. Carrie was self-conscious about her plump bottom, and she kept her front side to him the entire time. Her breasts were also large and melon-shaped but they jutted out nicely and she knew men appreciated them for she’d seen them looking at them at the King’s Tavern.

  Finished undressing, she stood before him, so close she could reach out and touch him. Clenching her hands at her stomach, her legs tightly together, she met the potent, heated look on his face. His face, with the fire illuminating it, made it appear craggy, harsher somehow. He seemed to have sprouted more of a beard, she noted. How strange! Glancing down at his hands, she frowned when she saw him still clutching the armrests. His hands were large, tanned, and mostly hairless, now appeared to be covered in a fine growth of hair. Perhaps, in daylight, she hadn’t noticed because of the light, and the fine growth of hair was also pale—the same color as his hair. But now, with the glimmering firelight the hair seemed more dense.

  Lifting her gaze to his hair she gasped and one hand covered her mouth in surprise.

  He scowled and rose from the chair. “What’s wrong?”

  She backed away from him and pointed at his head. “Your hair, why, it seems to have grown in the last few minutes!”

  * * * *

  Max groaned inwardly as he realized something was happening to him. Slowly, he turned to face the mirror hanging over the hearth and groaned aloud this time when he saw his hair had indeed grown inches longer, touching his shoulders now. While he’d had the slight shadow of a beard, it had thickened. Lifting his hands, he noted more hair on them as well, and his fingernails had grown longer with sharp, pointed tips. Then he knew the legends he’d heard from his grandfather were true; that once he met his true mate he would begin to shift a bit into his wolf form until they completed their first mating, though he wouldn’t completely shift.


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