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Begin Again (Saint Lakes #5): A M/M Fantasy Romance about Shifters and Vampires

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by April Kelley

  Ladon would just have to suffer through how annoying those two were going to be together. Plus, something was up with his little brother and Ramsey needed to know what it was anyway, so win-win all the way around as far as he was concerned.

  He passed Jenny Bonner and her wife, Carmen. "Hello, ladies."


  "Has the situation with Mr. Lowry improved?"

  Jenny shuddered, and her lips curled up.

  Ramsey wanted to laugh and barely managed to keep a straight face. "I see that it hasn't."

  "Nope. We still see his naked, wrinkled ass first thing every morning."

  "I'll talk to him later today."

  "Thank you, Alpha." She shook her head. "Never thought naked gardening was a thing and Mr. Lowry should not be the one to popularize it."

  Ramsey chuckled. "I'll make sure he doesn't start a trend." He patted her on the back as he passed and made a mental note to see George Lowry after he finished his meal.

  As soon as he sat down in the booth, Sage came over to him with a glass of ice water and lemon in it. "Did she say naked gardening?"

  "Yes. Apparently, it's Mr. Lowry’s favorite past time."

  Sage made a face much like Jenny had moments before. "That's just...the man's losing his mind."

  Yeah, that's what Ramsey was afraid of actually. George was a very old shifter. Ramsey didn't know how old but shifters lived to be pretty old without age wearing the body down right away. Some shifters lived longer than others too. Dragon shifters lived hundreds of years without aging very much sometimes. Ramsey didn’t know how long water monsters lived because there weren’t very many in existence, so he’d never met another one.

  "He may be ready for a roommate."

  Sage nodded, understanding that Ramsey meant George needed a caregiver. "Are you seeing clan members right now, or is this a legitimate lunch?"

  "You can send anyone over who needs to speak with me." Leaving himself open to discussion in the most public place in Saint Lakes was a habit Ramsey had maintained for several years. It tended to curb everyone coming at him all at once during clan meetings.

  Ramsey picked up his drink and took a sip from the side of the cup, ignoring the straw.

  It didn't take long for Josh Pyke to slide into the booth opposite him. Considering Ramsey just saw Josh last night, and their meeting hadn’t gone well, Ramsey was a bit surprised.

  Josh eyed Ramsey with caution as if he expected an attack. Likely, Josh didn’t know what reaction to get. Maybe he thought Ramsey would have harsh words for upsetting his sister.

  Ramsey just smiled and decided to make small talk, pretending last night never happened. Josh would either talk about it or not. Either way, Ramsey would learn if Kristin was a priority to Josh, just by letting Josh lead the conversation. “How are things on the farm?”


  “How’s your father?”

  “He’s why I’m here actually.” Josh looked behind him as if fearful of someone entering the cafe. When he turned around, he leaned forward, nearly whispering every word he said. "I have a problem, Alpha."

  "I'll help however I can."

  Right before Josh covered his face with his hands, Ramsey saw the anguish there. "I don't know what to do." His hands muffled his voice, and it sounded like Josh spoke through a tunnel only without the echo.

  Ramsey sipped his water again and waited him out. When it didn't appear that Josh would speak again, Ramsey cleared his throat. "Tell me, Josh."

  "My father's found a cougar shifter for me to mate with."

  "What do you mean? Like your dad arranged it." Shifters have never arranged matings as far as Ramsey knew, not at any point in history, so Ramsey was confused.

  "Exactly." Josh took his hands away. "She's not my true mate, Alpha."

  "If you don't want to mate with the girl then don't."

  "It's not that simple. Not for me. Dad...he believes species shouldn't intermingle. Mom and his mating were arranged, so he sees nothing wrong with doing the same thing to me."

  "Your parents weren't true mates. I remember when your mother left town. It was a shock because I thought they were." Normally a true mated pair, once bonded, couldn’t separate without some serious mental stress to both of them.

  "Yeah. Dad's parents were just as prejudice against interspecies mating. Mom and Dad were miserable, and I don't want that for myself." Josh's shoulders slumped. "I've tried to reason with Dad, and he's not hearing me. You probably guessed that Kristin is my mate. I've backed off bonding with her to give him time to come around. He's gonna fuck up my life if I don't do something now, though."

  "He can't make you mate with anyone. No one can. That's not how it works in this clan."

  Josh nodded. "I don’t have a problem standing up to my father. I just don’t want to lose the relationship. I’m all he has left since Marshall never comes home anymore.” Ramsey had his doubts about Josh’s ability to stand up to his father, but he kept his mouth shut about his concerns, and waited to see what Josh needed from him. “Kristin is pissed. Like really pissed. I want to mate with her. I know Dad will disown me but that’s a better alternative to being miserable my whole life."

  "Tim won’t like you mating with Kristin simply because she’s a Somerset.”

  “Yeah. I know. I don’t understand what he has against your family but whatever.” Josh waved his hand in the air dismissing the reason entirely.

  Ramsey just smiled, not commenting. It was in the past as far as Ramsey was concerned, but then he wasn’t the one with puncture wounds in his arm.

  “So you’re choosing Kristin?" It was a shitty question and probably seemed unnecessary to Josh after their conversation, but Ramsey had to be sure, especially if Josh really did have to give up one relationship to have the other.

  "Yes. Even Fate wants me to be with her. Dad denying me goes against the gods."

  “How would you like me to help?”

  “I’m hoping you would talk to Kristin for me.”

  "I can try, but I won't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do. I'm not that kind of Alpha."

  Josh nodded. "I know."

  Sage dropped off his food and eyed Josh with curiosity. He knew enough not to say anything, though. "What can I get you, Josh? The usual?"

  "No, thanks. Just came in to talk with the Alpha."

  Sage nodded and smiled. "Flag me down if you change your mind." Sage left them.

  Ramsey picked up his burger and took a bite. When he finished chewing, he said, "I'll talk to her."

  "Thank you, Alpha."

  "I can't promise anything."

  The problem with having everyone together at one time was the crowded house which grew extremely loud most of the time. That's why it didn't surprise Ramsey to hear Shawn shriek with laughter or Gabriel growl as he chased him around the kitchen's center island.

  Shawn braced to run but squared off with Gabriel all at the same time. Neither said anything, but both eyed each other.

  "Have either one of you seen Kristin today or is she still at my cabin?"

  "Living room." Shawn watched Gabriel, which was a smart move. The second Shawn gave Gabriel an opening he'd pounce.

  Ramsey left them to whatever game they were playing and headed through the kitchen and dining room to the living room just beyond.

  Ladon sat on the couch with Jules curled up on his lap sleeping like a little cat. Kristin sat on the other end with her feet tucked up under Ladon's leg and a blanket wrapped around her entire body.

  They watched some old sitcom on television about a middle-class family with kids and an ordinary life. Ramsey vaguely remembered the show when it first aired but he hadn't seen it since. The star of the show was a down to earth comedian that made every day seem funny somehow.

  Ramsey bent down and kissed Jules on the top of his head as he passed and patted Ladon on the shoulder. "Is he okay?"

  "He's fine. Just napping. You don't have to worry about Jules. He's got his hea
d right where Hacen and Thomas are concerned."

  Jules sighed and popped his eyes open. "They have to come to me with an open mind, or they can both piss off. I'm not compromising, Ramsey."

  "You getting sick?" Of all his siblings, Ramsey worried about Jules the most. When Jules first came to them, he was so fragile emotionally and physically weakened from being Nicolono Stavros' prisoner that Ramsey thought any improvement seemed impossible.

  Ladon was just as protective of Jules but then Ladon would be an Alpha when he shifted. Ramsey could already feel his strength. Ladon's Alpha nature would make it impossible for him to ignore someone as passive as Jules. The fact that Ladon protected Jules meant he'd be a good leader and it also meant Ramsey could let his instinct to protect Jules go because Ladon was capable.

  Ramsey would have to talk to Garridan about Ladon before his first shift. They'd need to figure out how to utilize Ladon's strength so he'd serve the clan in the best possible way.

  Jules’ voice cut through Ramsey's thoughts. “I'm just tired from being on my feet all morning. Garridan had a ton of new furniture at the store and I had to move it around, so the space flowed better. Fyi...never ask Garridan his opinion on interior design. I guarantee he doesn't have one nor does he care. At all."

  Ramsey chuckled. "Yeah, I could have guessed that." Ramsey looked at Kristin. "Want to go with me on a little errand?"

  "Not really but I can tell you weren't asking anyway." Kristin threw off the blankets and stood up. "I was so warm too."

  She left the blanket wadded up on the middle couch cushion, so Ladon picked it up and put it over Jules and himself before settling in again. Ladon caught his gaze and lifted his eyebrows. "What?"

  "Nothing. I was just thinking about your first shift. It's coming soon. When it does, you and I have a few things to talk about." Ramsey could already see Ladon had grown a few inches in just a couple months. He was nearly as big as Ramsey already.

  "Like what?"

  "We'll talk about it another day."

  "You brought it up. Just tell me now."

  Ramsey gave him a hard stare which was all it took to school Ladon on his disrespectful tone.

  "Sorry, Alpha."

  Ramsey patted him on the shoulder again and followed Kristin out of the room.

  "So what's up?" They weren't even out of the dining room before Kristin asked that question.

  "We'll talk on the way. Why’d you leave my cabin?”

  “Just got bored. Wanted to stop thinking about…you know…him. You know how it is around here. Always chaos of mass proportions, but it’s a welcome distraction right now.”

  Living all together like they were might not always be comfortable, but it was never dull. Ramsey couldn’t wait for the shit with Stavros to be over so they could all go back to their own homes and he was sure they all agreed with him. Still, the family stuck together no matter what or how much they annoyed each other. If keeping them all in one place did nothing else, he hoped it cultivated that lesson.

  "Where are we going?"

  "To tell Old Man Lowry to stop naked gardening."

  "Are you fucking serious?" She spun around, her long dark hair fanning out as she did.


  "Oh gods, I hope he's not doing it when we get there."

  "You and me both."

  Kristin laughed. Her laugh had always been infectious, so Ramsey followed suit.

  "What's so funny?" Shawn asked when they made it to the kitchen. It seemed Gabriel had caught him and the game was over for those two because Gabriel wrapped his arms around Shawn, holding him from behind.

  "Naked gardening." Kristin managed to get out.

  "That's not a thing, right. I mean, it sounds dangerous. Like what if you're going along hoeing a row of tomatoes, but your dick gets in the way. Hoes have sharp edges. There could be blood and body parts missing in the dirt." Shawn looked serious which just made Kristin laugh even more.

  "I'll let you know if Mr. Lowry has safer gardening practices."

  "Mr. Lowry?" Shawn hadn't been in town long enough to meet the whole clan, and Mr. Lowry was getting up there in years, so he sometimes didn't come to clan meetings.

  "Wolf shifter. Very old, crazy man." Ramsey filled him in as he herded Kristin to the door.

  "Take pictures."

  Kristin snorted and held her thumb up to Shawn as if she honestly planned to come back with photographic evidence.

  Ramsey just shook his head. No way would he let her entertain Shawn's propensity for mischief.

  Ramsey waited for Kristin to get her coat on before shuffling her out the door.

  Ramsey opened his truck door for her and waited for her to get in before shutting the door and getting in on the driver’s side. "So, am I in trouble or something?"

  "No." He backed out of the driveway and started down the road before speaking again. "Talked to your mate today."

  The only thing Ramsey heard for the longest time was the sound of the car engine and the shifting of the automatic transmission from one gear to the next.

  He looked over at her, and he could see the way her lips thinned out and her hands fisted.

  She clearly wasn't going to say anything, so Ramsey decided to just lay it all on out there. "He says his father is making him marry some cougar shifter. Apparently, Tim Pyke doesn't believe in species mingling, not even different types of shifters. It's news to me, but it makes sense given Josh's mom leaving. Anyway, Josh doesn't want that, so he asked me to talk to you. He wants to bond."

  “Josh Pyke is a fucking asshole, who can go to hell." She stared out the window. Ramsey could hear her breathing out numbers, whispering them backward from ten to one, twice before she gave up and pounded on the dashboard with her fist, growling with each pound. She must have done in a good dozen times before she calmed down enough for Ramsey to speak.

  "I don't want to care."

  Ramsey shook his head. "But you do, and that’s something to think about."

  If there was anyone who could stay unmated even while living in the same town as their mate, it was her. She'd also be the first one to cave if she thought it was the right thing to do.

  "So he's losing his family if he mates with me?"

  "Sounds like it. He’ll lose living a content life if he doesn’t, and he knows that."

  “He told you that?”

  “Yeah. Pretty much.”

  Kristin’s narrowed her eyes and looked out the side window again. She tapped her fingers on the door. “Will you do me a favor?”

  “You know I will.”

  “Would you call a meeting with him and his father?"

  He wasn’t surprised that she’d go with the direct approach. It was a bold move and would force Josh to face his problems with his father head-on. Ramsey needed to talk to Tim about arranging other people’s matings. It didn’t matter that Josh was Tim’s son. No one told another person who to be with, not in the Saint Lakes Clan.

  Chapter Three

  Ramsey walked into the office to find Kristin already there. She sat behind the desk, with her head in her hands as if it were too heavy for her neck. He took to the couch and waited, fighting the urge to go to her.

  Her anger would get worse if Ramsey didn't play the next few minutes exactly right. The stench of it was unmistakable and permeated the air even outside the office door. Ramsey’s water monster went crazy at the unperceived threat, and it was everything he had in him to stem his aggression and need to protect.

  "When will Josh be here?" Kristin kept her head down the entire time, her long dark hair flowing around her face like a curtain, concealing her expression.

  "Any time now."

  "Is Garridan coming to the meeting?"

  Ramsey smiled. Even Kristin who liked to stew in her anger longer than was probably healthy wanted the parental guidance Garridan provided.

  "Would you like him here?"

  "Yeah. Or mom."

  Ramsey stood and headed for the door. "I'll be right

  "If Josh comes in here while you’re gone, I'm gonna kick his ass out."

  Ramsey wasn't sure if she was talking about Josh or Tim, but either way, it prompted him to hurry the hell up. He didn't have to go far because Sage came through the kitchen door at the same time Ramsey came out of the office. He smiled at Ramsey by way of greeting.

  "Would you let Garridan know I need him in the office?"

  "Sure." Sage’s expression went blank as if he were concentrating on something. Ramsey knew he was talking with Garridan through their bonding link. "He's on the way. He's at the store so it might take a few minutes."

  "Would you mind hunting down Mom for me then?"

  Sage's eyebrows drew together in curiosity, but he knew better than to ask. Ramsey wouldn't have told him anyway. As far as he was concerned the issue wasn't a clan matter but a personal problem Kristin was having with her mate. The only clan issue was Tim arranging matings.

  Ramsey knew a lot of personal things about his clan members. They came to him, expecting him to solve their issues, just as Josh had. Sometimes Ramsey could fix it, but more often than not he was just a silent listen while they talked through their own problems. The latter would be the case for Josh and Kristin. Ramsey would just be there for her and to make sure Tim stayed level-headed.

  Ramsey walked back into the office a second later. Kristin stood when he entered. She looked as if she was about ready to kill someone. Instead of killing Ramsey, Kristin walked right up to him and threw her arms around his waist.

  Ramsey rubbed her back and tried to give her as much comfort as he could.

  "He was so against bonding. I avoided him as much as I could. I left him alone just like he asked and now he's doing this to me. Tell me I shouldn't be as mad about the whole situation as I am."

  "You have a right to feel the way you do, Kristin."

  Ramsey could smell both cougar shifters when they entered the house almost immediately and apparently so could Kristin because she pulled away and stood just behind the desk chair as if she were a sentry waiting for her king to take his throne. In reality, she was waiting for Ramsey to sit down behind the desk because that gave her some semblance of protection against their guests.


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