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Blue Moon Dragon

Page 13

by Shelley Munro

  It was the woman. Somehow, she’d given him substance.

  * * * * *

  Shards of early morning light sneaked through the moth holes in the green velvet curtains. One hit Jess in the face and she gave a sleepy murmur of protest. Time to rise and shine. Screwing her eyes tightly shut, she pushed up to a sitting position and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. Raising her arms above her head, Jess stretched leisurely then stood.

  Her eyes flew open and she glanced down at her naked body in consternation. Fragments of an explicit dream flooded her mind and a flush swept the length of her body.

  Oh boy. That had been a doozey of a dream if she’d climbed so far into it she’d stripped off her pajamas. A faint whiff of arousal came from her body. The heat in her face intensified before she shrugged and laughed. That was her kind of dream. Bring it on tonight.

  Jess washed rapidly in the chilly en suite a previous owner had installed, practically jumping in and out of the shower. Between her legs she was tender, as if she truly had been vigorously loved. Way peculiar. She obviously needed to break her sexual drought the second the opportunity presented itself.

  She swiped a towel over her body and padded back to her bedroom. After retrieving clothes from a heavy mahogany dresser, she pulled on underwear, worn jeans, a Loch Ness monster T-shirt and a woolen sweater. Once her bare feet were clothed in socks, she made her way to the kitchen.

  A glance out the window confirmed the day was sunny and brisk. Gardening this morning and wallpapering in the parlor this afternoon. After dinner, she’d clear the library of dust and cobwebs and decide which books she’d keep for her guests’ amusement.

  * * * * *

  Brandon watched the woman for most of the day, content to lie beneath a gooseberry bush during the morning, enjoying the heat of the sun in his wolf form. When she returned indoors, he shifted and slipped through the closed door, albeit painfully, to tiptoe after her.

  After hours of studying her at work, he was filled with admiration. She worked hard without appearing to tire. The woman was large and solid compared to the females of his time. A wide smile bloomed. But not overweight as he knew from his intimate explorations last night. She was much taller, almost as tall as he, a fact Brandon liked since he wouldn’t suffer from a crick in his neck when he kissed her.

  Not that it mattered when a couple was horizontal, but he enjoyed variety when it came to sex. Indoors. Outdoors. Standing. Sitting. Reclining. Yes, variety was good.

  His thoughts shifted to his new status. Although his body was less transparent, the woman didn’t appear to notice or sense his presence. The curse wasn’t broken but maybe a trifle bent? He hoped so. It was when they’d made love that the changes in his transparency and ease of communication had occurred.

  Brandon stood and wandered across to where the woman squatted, removing books from his bookcase and stacking them neatly in boxes after cleaning them with enough vigor to send dust motes dancing through the air. His nose wrinkled when dust billowed in his face. It wouldn’t do to sneeze and scare the woman.

  He wished he knew her name. A quick search of paperwork had only yielded an envelope bearing the name J. Whittlebury, which didn’t tell him much. Tonight. Ah tonight, he’d ask before he thrust into her tight pussy and he’d come with her name on his lips.

  Brandon shuddered, his cock reacting to his licentious thoughts. He glanced out the window at the rapidly approaching dusk. Already the shrubs were mere shadows against the darkening sky.

  The woman paused to rotate her shoulders and pressed her hands to the small of her back. She checked the timepiece on her wrist before continuing to remove the last of the books from the shelves.

  Brandon stepped closer and blew a stream of air over the tender skin of her neck. To his disappointment, she didn’t react. But all was not lost. Her scent enveloped him—a mixture of green leaves from her work in the garden and a hint of citrus from the soap she used to cleanse her body. Delectable.

  In another test, he tugged on an errant curl. She jerked her head, pulling her hair from between his fingers. Grinning, he did it again. This time she slapped at her head as if an insect troubled her. Her hand went right through his wrist and sent a jolt of desire coursing straight to his balls. The air whistled through his teeth. God’s teeth, that was unexpected.

  He swept his hand over the placket of his breeches, his touch intensifying the burning arousal that assailed him. Brandon longed to take her in his arms and kiss her thoroughly. The need to strip off the ugly boy clothes she wore and bare her silken limbs was almost too much for him. His hands fisted at his sides and he swore.

  Bloody curse. Brandon stalked away from the woman and away from temptation. Gut instinct told him he needed to wait.

  “Who’s there?”

  Brandon halted immediately, turning slowly to watch the woman. She was staring directly at him.

  “I don’t believe in ghosts so stop your stupid tricks. Come out and show yourself. Now! Before I call the police.” Her voice remained steady but Brandon caught the faint tremor of her hands.

  Hell, he hadn’t meant to frighten her. At least she hadn’t screamed. Elsa had screamed when his friends had taken her against her will. He had laughed until he’d realized it wasn’t a game and she truly didn’t want sex. It had been too late to stop them breaking her nose and strangling her to death. Dammit, he wished he’d tried harder. For Elsa’s sake.

  “Please leave.”

  Brandon cleared his throat, uncertainty making him hesitate. “I wish I could leave.”

  She frowned and strode around the corner of the huge mahogany desk. The woman marched straight through him without pause, hurrying from the library.

  When he could finally breathe through the storm of sensation that held him in thrall, Brandon went after her, his cock still pulsing insistently against his breeches. Hell, the woman packed a sensual punch. He couldn’t wait to have her again. Brandon hoped he hadn’t frightened her too much.

  Jess checked all the windows and doors before her pulse rate settled back to normal. Everything was shut tight. Yet she could have sworn she’d heard footsteps. Sighing, she returned to the library to finish packing up the last of the books from the shelves before she prepped the room for a coat of paint. She walked across the dusty Oriental carpet and decided to move the desk and roll up the carpet. The mahogany desk appeared solid. Jess hoped she could shift it on her own. She cleared a path and grabbed the end that housed a set of drawers. To her surprise it slid across the carpet and onto the wooden floor with ease.

  Jess frowned once the desk was in its new position. It was almost as if someone had taken the other end and pushed. Shoving aside her fanciful thoughts, she rolled up the carpet and stowed it against the wall that consisted solely of bookshelves. A glance at her watch told her it was time for bed even though she hadn’t achieved as much as she’d hoped.

  The stairs leading to her room seemed steeper tonight. A yawn cracked Jess’s mouth wide open as she slipped into the en suite. After shucking her clothes, she stepped beneath the temperamental shower, so tired she didn’t care if the water ran hot or cold. All she wanted was to rid her body of the worst of the dust and crawl into the four-poster bed. And dreams. Yeah, she could do with one or two of those.

  A mere ten minutes later she slipped beneath the covers, not bothering to don her pajamas. There was no point if she were going to strip off in the middle of the night. Her eyes fluttered closed and she slept.

  The dream crept up on her slowly. A touch of fingers trailed across her cheekbone. A kiss on the forehead. A nibble on the side of her neck.

  “Hello, sweetheart.” His husky voice twisted her insides with yearning. No one had ever called her this way with need throbbing through their words.

  Jess smiled. “Hello. I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Brandon,” he said, punctuating his name with a lingering kiss on her mouth. His tongue delved between her lips, sweeping her away on the same sensu
al journey she’d made the previous night. He stroked her tongue with his and explored the recesses of her mouth. A moan of pure delight rumbled deep in her throat. Finally, he lifted his head, cupping her face in his hands and staring deep into her eyes. “What is your name?”

  “Jess,” she whispered, mesmerized by his gray eyes so light they were almost silver. The heat in those silver eyes made her pulse race with expectation. Soon she would feel the slide of his body against hers, the brush of skin against skin. Eager to touch, she reached up to trace her fingers across his lean cheek, enjoying the friction of rough stubble.

  “Jess. I want to love you again.” He cocked his head as if waiting for her assent, a lock of black hair falling over his forehead.

  Smiling, she smoothed the hair away, stilling at the intent expression in his eyes. She lifted the covers and Brandon slipped beneath. His skin was cold, a shiver running down her spine when he pulled her against his large frame.

  “You need warming.”

  “Yes,” he said, “I do.” His hands slid across her shoulders and down her arms until they rested above her elbows. He brushed a line of butterfly kisses across her collarbone and lower until his mouth reached the swells of her breasts. “You are beautiful.”

  And in her dream she felt like a gorgeous swan instead of the tomboy who liked to build things and work with her hands.

  Brandon licked down her cleavage as far as he could, palming her breasts in his hands before laving her nipples with the wet rasp of his tongue. Jess sighed her pleasure as his mouth branded her flesh. Her nipples beaded to tight points and she wished he’d take her into his mouth as he had the previous evening. The thought had no sooner formed than his lips fastened around her nipple.

  He drew strongly, sending tendrils of pleasure shooting straight to her clit. Immediately it wasn’t enough.

  “Brandon, stop.”

  His head jerked up. A dark brow arched. “Stop?”

  “I need to touch. I want to see you, explore your body like you explored me last night.”

  A grin twitched his lips followed by a flash of white teeth. He rolled onto his back, placed his hands behind his head and smiled up at her. “Have at me.”

  Jess melted to a puddle inside, excited by the opportunity to play the seductress. She pulled the covers off his body, feeling the same anticipation she experienced opening presents on Christmas morning. The muscles of his stomach flexed while she looked her fill. Her gaze traveled upward across broad shoulders and an almost hairless chest, across the dark strands of hair, messy and tangled and long enough to brush his collarbone.

  Without haste, she reached out to test his flesh with her fingers. He was still cold to the touch, but that was a temporary thing. By the time she finished they’d both burn.

  She stroked her fingers across a pectoral muscle and he flinched as if he expected something bad to happen. He relaxed quickly, giving her a sexy grin that made her toes curl with lust, her pussy moisten for his possession. Talk about a killer grin.

  Jess bent her head and raked her tongue across his flat, masculine nipple. Back and forth she licked, his taste reminding her of the outdoors with hints of spicy green. Her breast brushed his chest when she explored further, testing his flesh, nibbling and licking.

  “Kiss me,” he ordered.

  Jess lifted her head to peer at him. “Hey, I’m running the show here, buster. You said I could.”

  A rough growl vibrated in his chest but he removed his hands, silver eyes blazing with heat as he stared up at her. “I did.”

  Jess grinned. “Well then. Let me do my worst.”

  Brandon snorted in the way that only a male can, putting loads of expression into the sound. Jess took it to mean he would only take so much taunting. She continued to move down his body, taking her own sweet time, licking his flesh, stroking. His cock swelled against her thigh but she pretended to ignore his erection despite his low, rumbling growls. Tickling his hard abs elicited another canine-like growl. Her fingers moved lower but bypassed his groin to fondle his strong thighs. Jess wedged his thighs apart with her knee and moved into the space she’d made. His legs were long and strong, his feet large—an indicator of cock size, so her girlfriends said. Jess measured visually and silently conceded. They weren’t wrong.

  “How long will you torture me?”

  “Anyone would think you’re complaining,” Jess tossed back with a smirk. “This is my dream. I can make up the rules as I go.”

  “Humph. At least let me touch you.”

  “Don’t think so, but I will move things along. Just for you,” she added with a wink in his direction.

  “Humph,” Brandon snorted again. “That sly wink of yours cancelled everything you said.”

  “Turn over onto your stomach.”

  Another low growl sounded. Jess merely grinned and waited for his compliance. With a loud sigh he did and she continued her explorations of his feet. She massaged them lightly until he relaxed. His soles were tough and callused as if he walked barefoot often. She cupped his ankle in one hand and stroked his lightly furred calf. Slowly, she worked her way back up his body, hands gliding and kneading his buttocks.

  Lotion. She needed lotion. Jess paused to lean over and open the set of drawers beside her bed. Straining slightly, she plucked a bottle of vanilla lotion from the drawer before sliding it shut again. She flicked the lid open and squeezed a generous dollop into her left palm before setting the bottle aside.

  “What are you doing?”

  “A surprise. Do you like surprises?”

  “No,” he said, his husky voice blunt.

  “You know for a dream lover you’re not very cooperative.” Just my luck. I can’t even get things right in my dreams.

  “I’m cooperating.”

  “Humph,” Jess snorted. She knew some men were threatened by the fact she was so capable. Things like being able to maintain a vehicle and basic carpentry skills meant she was self-reliant. All the men she’d met and dated had acted okay with her independence at first, but cracks soon appeared when she could outdo them in some of the traditional male roles.

  Her last boyfriend had told her all she lacked was a penis. His crude suggestion that she purchase a dildo and do everything herself had been the final straw in their relationship.

  Shaking herself mentally, Jess warmed the lotion in her hands, savoring the light scent of vanilla that filled the air. She spread it across his broad shoulders with a gliding motion, varying the pressure while enjoying the sensation of silky skin and the underlying muscles. Slowly, she worked her thumbs down either side of his spine then paused to straddle his legs without placing any weight on him.

  She squeezed more lotion on her hands and concentrated on his tight buttocks. With vigorous kneading strokes she manipulated his flesh, his soft groan telling her he was enjoying the torture. Good because so was she. The faint tang of arousal combined with vanilla. Her breasts were pulled tight, a pleasant ache building in her body.

  Jess pulled on his butt cheeks, drawing the soft flesh backward and forward, manipulating his genital area without directly touching. Drawing an unsteady breath, she continued with her sensual torture until she heard a growl.

  A grin formed, replaced by a yelp. Brandon moved without warning, turning onto his back, his silver eyes glittering up at her.

  Jess glanced at his groin. His cock jutted out, the head swollen and ready for action. She moved again, leaning over him. With a lustful sigh, she took him into her mouth without any further preliminaries. Glancing up at his lean face, she saw he watched her, his eyes so full of heat it was a wonder she didn’t burn and smolder.

  She smoothed her tongue across the tiny slit at the end, collecting a drop of fluid before sucking greedily and licking. Jess made lots of appreciative noise, some mumbled nonsense, but he seemed to enjoy her ministrations as she moved her hands up and down his shaft.

  Brandon tensed, a gruff growl vibrating through his body. He threaded his fingers through her
hair, lightly massaging her scalp at the same time. His large frame shook but she continued to lick and lave his sensitive tip. Without warning, he climaxed and semen shot into her mouth. Jess swallowed, the nutty taste bursting upon her taste buds. She slowed her licking and sucking, allowing him to guide her by the pressure of his fingers tangled in her hair until he stilled. After a final swipe of her tongue she let his semi-erect cock fall from her mouth.

  “Ah, woman.” Brandon reached down and hauled her up his body, making the whole move effortless. He covered Jess, pinning her to the mattress and slammed his mouth down on hers. Raw need filled Jess as she sank into the kiss. Desire stabbed through her pussy and she realized how Brandon filled the gap in her life. She had family and friends who loved her, a new home and business, the pleasure of doing something she enjoyed. A dream lover who wasn’t afraid to let her be herself.

  “Please,” she whispered against her lips. “I need you inside me.”

  Brandon lowered his head to tease one nipple with his lips. He tweaked the other with his fingers, dragging a moan from deep in her throat. Her nipple popped from his mouth, wet and taut from his attentions. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I need you again, and I’m going to thrust inside you hard.”

  Jess shivered.

  “I’m going to go so deep you’ll feel me clear to your toes.”

  Jess’s pussy clenched with longing.

  “Yes, sweetheart. You’ll get even wetter for me than you are now.” His hand snaked down between her thighs and teased her labia. His talented fingers stroked down her cleft and skimmed her clit with a light touch. “Even wetter than this, sweetheart.”

  She was so wet the slide of his fingers produced a squelch. Jess should have felt embarrassed but instead she moaned, the warmth of his fingers searing her swollen flesh. “Are you just gonna talk about it?”

  “Don’t you like my sex talk?” he asked with an air of innocence while his busy fingers strummed across her nub.


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