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Haven 5: Invincible

Page 13

by Gabrielle Evans

  There was a murmur of discussion, a few questions, some more finagling, but they finally came to an agreement. “You’re really good at this.” Aslan kissed the underside of his jaw. “I love you, Torren.” Torren squeezed his lover tighter and kissed the side of his neck.

  “You make me want to be a better person.”

  “What about carrying guns?” Alpha Thatcher called. “This cloak-and-dagger shit is all well and good, but it’s the twenty-first century. The bad guys don’t fight fair, and our Enforcers are dropping like flies.”

  This time it was Elder Cortez who headed the discussion. “I agree we need better weapons, but the goal is to debilitate and capture, not kill.”

  “With all due respect, Elder, they’re not too picky about killing us. ”

  Cortez chuckled and bobbed his head. “Point taken, Ridley. You always were a pain in my ass. What do you propose then?” Ridley jerked a thumb over his shoulder toward his beta. “Blair is a fucking weapons genius. We’ve got some ideas that might just fit what you’re looking for if you’d be willing to consider them.”

  “Any objections?” Cortez asked the other elders. Torren shook his head. He was well onboard with arming the Enforcers with better weapons. “Fine, we’ll talk more tomorrow evening.”

  “Elder Braddock.” Leader Nicholas McCarthy stood and bowed his head respectfully. “We found the wolf, Moonstar, dead a few days ago. The binding spell between her and my brother is broken.” Torren grinned. That was very good news. “And Mikko?”

  “We’ve interrogated the entire staff and are currently working our way through the sentries. So far, I don’t have any information about what Phillip may have done with your brother, but I assure you that I’ll keep digging.”

  It was all Torren could ask. “Thank you, Nicholas.”

  “What about Natalie Halstead?” Layke asked from the other end of the long table.

  As if the moment had been designed by destiny, the back door of the meeting hall banged open as Lynk stormed down the aisle looking mad enough to spit fire. “I’m going to kill that stupid son of a bitch!” Torren saw Kieran flinch and suppressed a grin. “Who would that be?”

  “He’s completely overreacting as usual,” Raith answered as he strolled in through the door behind Lynk. “It’s not a big deal.” Lynk didn’t even acknowledge him. “He drained that bitch of her magic. The result is disgusting. She’s all shriveled up like a dead leaf.”

  “Yes,” Raith drawled with an arched eyebrow at Lynk, “but the good news is that Hollis Becker is free of his curse. I was able to reverse it once I drained the sleazy little harpy. Oh, and ding dong, the witch is dead.”

  “Is that a good thing?” Aslan asked, his eyebrows drawn together in confusion.

  In some ways it did make things much easier, but at what cost to Raith? “Why?”

  “You are not the only Braddock with a bit of magic, brother.” Raith became serious as he marched closer to the podium. “You have a mate who needs you, Torren. I couldn’t let you do it.” The dark, ominous magic he’d felt slithering through Natalie now resided inside his brother. It would slowly poison his soul, and there was no way to take back what he’d done. It wouldn’t kill him, but it could very well change all the things about Raith that Torren admired.

  Only time would tell.

  Still, he understood why the man had done it, and a small, selfish part of him was grateful. “Thank you, Raith. We’ll figure out something.”

  Raith waved his hand in dismissal. “I feel fine, but either way, this is my curse to bear and I chose it willingly.” He clapped his hands together and rubbed eagerly. “Now, who’s ready to party?” There was a little too much bravado in Raith’s tone for Torren’s comfort, but the deed had been done. Maybe there was something in the old archives that could help him. The reckless fool was his brother, and though he insisted he was fine, Torren knew better. He just didn’t know how to help him.

  “Don’t worry,” Aslan whispered. “We’ll find a way to help him.” Resting his chin on the top of his lover’s head, Torren sighed heavily. Yes, they would, but it wouldn’t be easy. Then again, nothing important ever was.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Aslan couldn’t believe how hard his dick was. Watching Torren take charge of the meeting was sexy as hell. What had really done it for him, though, was when Torren had called him up on stage and settled him right in his lap, silently declaring that Aslan belonged to him and he didn’t care who knew it.

  Roaming around the open field, he tried to readjust his aching erection but finally gave up when every touch just made his cock swell more. It seemed that everyone in Haven was scattered about the field, talking in small groups, or just hanging out around the campfire.

  Some of the young ones were wearing costumes, a few roasting marshmallows with the help of their parents.

  Wren was running amok of the new shifter pack in Haven. His squeals of laughter rang out through the night when Xander lifted him up and tossed him into the air before catching him and spinning around in a circle. It was nice to see him having fun and just being a kid.

  Wandering over to the group, Aslan stopped beside two of the smaller members and held his hand out. “I’m Aslan.”

  “Braxton, and this is Keeton.” Braxton nodded toward Wren with a tender smile on his face. “Is he yours?”

  “Not officially, but I’m hoping.” He hadn’t talked to Torren about it, and he knew that they would have to settle things with Wren’s biological family first, but he wanted to be the boy’s father so much it hurt.

  “He’s a cutie,” Keeton said around his laughter when Wren launched himself out of Xander’s arms and practically tackled a huge blond guy standing nearby. “That guy who looks like he just got clobbered over the head is Logan.” Keeton wiggled his fingers, showing off a wedding band on his left hand. “He’s mine.” Braxton pointed toward two men sitting on the ground a few feet from them. “The one shoveling food into his mouth is Jackson, and the grumpy asshole beside him is his mate, Talon. And I guess you already know Boston.”

  “Kitty!” Wren yelled, grabbing Logan’s face and squishing his cheeks together. “I wanna see!”

  Logan held the kid awkwardly in his arms with a look of someone who had no idea what he was doing, and it scared the hell out of him.

  “Yes, show him the kitty!” Keeton called with a snicker. He sauntered over and tickled Wren’s side. “Guess what, little man. We’ve got a whole zoo!”

  Wren’s eyes went wide and lit up with excitement. “Can I see? I wanna see.” He wiggled around in Logan’s arms, squirming to get to Keeton. Once he’d landed where he wanted to be, he wrapped his arms around Keeton’s neck and bounced a little. “Please? Pretty please?”

  “Sure thing.” Keeton looked up at his mate and arched an eyebrow. “Well, get to it. The kid wants to see a kitty.” Logan crossed his arms over his chest. “Not going to happen, angel.”

  “Go on.” Keeton waved a hand toward the trees behind them. “No one wants to see your naked a—rump, but we do want to pet a pretty kitty cat.”

  “You, too,” Braxton demanded of Xander. “Get your butt in those trees and let’s see some tail.” He winked roguishly, and Aslan had to slap a hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter. Oh, he was really going to like having these guys around.

  After another few seconds of arguing, the big shifters finally relented, but they weren’t going down alone. “Talon, Jackson, get over here.”

  Soon they were joined by not only those two, but Boston, Flynn, and Malakai as well. “What’s up?” Boston asked as he wrapped his arm around Malakai’s waist.

  “The little man wants to see some animals.” Keeton batted his long lashes and made kissy faces. “You wouldn’t want to break his little heart, would you?”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Boston spoke as he looked out over the field. “Things are good here, but people are still skittish. I think seeing five Moonlighters would cause a panic.”
Aslan wanted to smack himself in the head. He hadn’t even thought of that. Maybe it was because he knew the rumors and superstitions were untrue. Still, not everyone shared in his way of thinking.

  “I’m sorry,” he offered. “I didn’t realize. I didn’t think.” Fuck, was he ever going to get it right? He could have put so many people in danger, including Wren. “Crap, I didn’t…I…I…” Mewling sounds welled through his lips but he couldn’t stop them as he rocked back and forth.

  “Hey, man, it’s cool.” Keeton touch his shoulder, squeezing it in comfort. “It was my fault, really. I’m so used to it just being us that I didn’t think about it, either. No sweat.”

  “Aslan?” Wren’s sweet voice penetrated his panic, and Aslan looked up, holding his arms out automatically when Wren leapt at him. “Can I see the animals now? I want to pet a giraffe.” The whole group burst into laughter. “Well, I don’t think we have a giraffe, but we’ll find some animals for you to pet tomorrow.” Aslan rubbed their noses together and kissed Wren’s forehead. “I think it’s someone’s bedtime.”

  “Who?” Wren asked innocently. Then his face brightened with understanding before he turned and looked up at the huge alpha. “You have a bedtime, too?”

  “Yes, he does,” Braxton answered without missing a beat. He smacked Xander on the ass and pointed in the direction of the campfire. “Go on, mister. And don’t forget to brush your teeth.” Xander huffed and rolled his eyes before lifting Braxton over his shoulder, swatting his upturned bottom, and marching away. A few of the others left as well, leaving Aslan alone with Keeton until Jory, Kendall, and Galen wandered over to make their own introductions.

  Seeing Kendall reminded him of something, though.

  “When will Wren get his wings?”

  Kendall smiled as he caressed the little pixie’s back. Wren had his head rested on Aslan’s shoulder and was already about half asleep, his breaths becoming slow and even. “I think I got mine around twelve or thirteen, so you have a few years. Besides, you won’t be able to see them except for in the moonlight.”

  A warm, solid weight pressed up against Aslan’s back, and soft lips ghosted up the side of his neck. “He down for the count?”

  “Yeah, he’s worn out.” Poor little Wren was snoring softly against the side of Aslan’s neck. How children could go from hyper to passed-out in seconds flat amazed him.

  “I’m going to go check on Danica,” Kendall said quietly. “Would you like me to take him up to the house? You can pick him up before you leave.”

  Bless Kendall. He never made Aslan feel like he wasn’t capable of taking care of Wren, or that he wouldn’t be able to hold up to the challenge of raising a child. All of his friends were so supportive, and it made him realize that no matter what his past held, he was an incredibly lucky man.

  “Thank you, Kendall,” Torren replied when Aslan didn’t say anything. “We shouldn’t be much longer.”

  “No problem.” Kendall transferred Wren from Aslan’s chest to his own, gave them a little wave, and disappeared. Aslan was pleased to see that Kendall stopped on the way out of the clearing to grab his mate, though. Cassius would keep them safe.

  “You worry too much.” Torren lifted him into his arms so that Aslan had to lock his legs around his mate’s waist or risk falling.

  “Have a little fun tonight, because things are going to get freaking busy after this.”

  He said it lightly, jokingly, but Aslan could feel the tension in Torren’s neck and shoulders. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s almost midnight. Nothing has happened yet, but I feel like we’re being watched.” It was a testament to the trust between them that Torren hadn’t lied or tried to redirect the conversation.

  “Here’s what I don’t get.” Resting his hands on his hips, Galen stared out into the trees that surrounded the grassy area. “I understand that Becker was being controlled or cursed or whatever by Natalie, but that doesn’t answer how he got onto the estate in the first place.”

  “Most likely a cloaking spell of some kind.” Torren followed Galen’s gaze, his eyes narrowed, his senses alert.

  “Aslan, run! Leave now!”

  Jerking in Torren’s arms, Aslan pressed a hand to his temple, trying to force the voice away. “Not now.”

  “Tell Torren to go. Get everyone out. Get somewhere safe. They’re coming. Hurry!”

  Then voices exploded inside his head, making his ears ring and pain throb inside his temples.

  “He lies!”

  “He can’t help you!”

  “Stay with us. We’re the only ones who care about you.”

  “Your mate will leave you. He doesn’t love you.”

  “Let us help you. Let us in.”

  “It’s them.” Aslan gasped as panic threatened to overwhelm him.

  “The witches that came that night. The ones who took Addison. It’s them, Torren. They’re coming. They want the book.” He knew he wasn’t making sense, but he couldn’t corral his frantic thoughts. The voices he’d been hearing for months were those of long-dead witches who had kidnapped his child and murdered him and his mate.

  “Hide, Aslan. Get away and hide.” The voice, while urgent, didn’t frighten him like the others. If anything, it calmed him and gave him courage. “Who are you?” Torren looked at him like he’d lost his mind. “Baby, are you okay? What’s going on? What are you hearing?”

  “Tell my stubborn-ass brother to go already, or I’ll bite him in the balls again.”

  “Your brother bit your balls?” Aslan wrinkled his nose. “Eww.”

  “Not like that,” Torren said absently. “It was the first time he’d shifted. He was just scared. I tried to—” He cut off abruptly and shook his head. “Mikko.”

  * * * *

  Torren couldn’t breathe. He had no idea how Aslan was hearing Mikko. Or maybe he did and was just too afraid to face the truth. Just then was not the time to dwell on it, though. Something was coming.

  He could feel it like a static charge in the air.

  Setting Aslan to his feet, Torren gave him a little shove. “Find as many Enforcers as you can. Start getting people out of here.” He’d expected Aslan to argue with him, so when the little man just nodded and took off across the field, Torren was momentarily stumped on what to do next. Watching his mate go, he had a sense of foreboding that he couldn’t shake. Whatever was coming—it came for Aslan.

  “What do you need from us?” Raith appeared at his side as though he’d teleported there.

  “Tell us what to do,” Lynk added, determination blazing in his dark brown eyes.

  Enforcers were running around the clearing, gathering people up and sending them on their way. Torren didn’t have a clue what story they’d come up with, but it must have been a good one, because so far, no one was panicking.

  “Lynk, go to the main house. If you can’t put a protection spell on the whole thing, gather everyone in one room and lock it up tight. I don’t even want a breeze to get through that barrier. Got it?”

  “I’m on it.” Lynk sprinted across the field, dodging stragglers as his feet flew over the dying grass.

  “Raith, find Nicholas. He’s not strong, but we can use all the help we can get.”

  His brother was gone before he’d even finished speaking.

  “What can we do?” Xander and his pack moved in to surround Torren, though he noticed that the smaller mates were absent. Good men. He’d give anything to have Aslan away from there.

  “I need someone to find Aslan.”

  “He’s by the bonfire,” Boston informed him. “I’ll be back in a blink.”

  “Your mates are safe?”

  “Malakai is takin’ the Trouble Twins to the house.” Flynn chuckled and shook his head. “A more difficult pair I’ve never met. They’ll be fittin’ right in around here.”

  “Okay, we’re here,” Raith panted as he jogged up beside Torren, Nicholas and the vampire’s mate, Jonas, right behind him. “Protection spells?”<
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  “Yes, and hurry.” Then they were off again.

  The calmness of the clearing had dissipated, leaving behind a sense of urgency. “Just be ready,” he said, answering Xander’s earlier query. “I hope you don’t mind getting a little dirty.” He started walking toward the trees, chanting his own protection spells under his breath, when someone yelled his name.

  Spinning around, his heart seized in his chest and the air burst from his lungs in a strangled moan. Boston jogged toward him with Aslan in his arms. Torren’s mate jerked and convulsed, his eyes rolling back in his head as heartbreaking whimpers emanated from him.

  He couldn’t make his legs work, couldn’t see anything past the unbearable sight of his lover in such obvious pain. Before Boston reached him, the bonfire exploded, sending up twenty-foot flames that broke off and rained down, igniting a ring of fire, trapping them in its circle.

  It was happening again. Just like all the times before, they were destined to have their time together cut short.

  “Give us the Relegatis!” A hand fisted in Torren’s hair, jerking his head back on his shoulders so that the rain splattered over his face. “Give it to us or he dies.” The asshole gave him a meaningful look and tilted his head toward Aslan.

  Somewhere in the distance, Torren heard a baby cry. His baby.

  His son. One of the two reasons that Torren lived and breathed. The other reason was kneeling beside him, a steel blade pressed to his throat hard enough to nick the skin and draw blood.

  Rage and fury bubbled in his veins, but these witches were more powerful than him. Without his circle, he was helpless against them.

  His body was locked in place, held immobile by the invisible restraints of his captor’s bewitchment.

  Cutting his eyes to the side, he found Aslan staring back at him with despair written in the lines of his face. His eyes begged, pleaded for Torren to give these men what they wanted. Everything was written there, laid raw for Torren to see. Though the situation was bleak, Aslan still believed in him. He still had faith that Torren would save them.


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