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Wolf of her Own

Page 20

by N. J. Walters

  Dismayed, she sat up in bed and buried her face in her hands. She was going to destroy their relationship if she couldn’t find a way to let go of the past once and for all.

  She slid out of bed and pulled her dressing gown closer around her. She’d slept with it on last night. She needed a shower, but first she’d put on coffee.

  The air was cool, and she stopped to turn up the electric heater. Her energy reserves were low because of all the healing her body needed, and she couldn’t regulate her temperature.

  The place looked the same, but she could almost hear the echo of the violence from the night before. The scent of blood and cleaner mingled in the air. She shivered as she stepped around the area where she’d lain bruised and helpless the night before and went straight to the kitchen.

  She dumped the remains of the coffee from last night and rinsed the carafe before refilling it. She did it by rote as she looked out the window, not really seeing the sunny winter morning. She forced herself to concentrate on the task at hand and started a fresh pot of coffee. When that was done, she stood there, not really sure what to do next.

  She heard the whisper of feet on the hardwood before she caught a whiff of Mikhail’s masculine scent. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on the top of her head.

  “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Don’t give up on me,” she whispered. Most men would have already lost patience with her.

  “Never,” came his fierce reply. He turned her around to face him. “You’re mine, and I’m yours. That’s the way it is.”

  The relief that flooded her was almost overwhelming. Tears pricked her eyes, and she dabbed at them. “I don’t know why I’m so emotional this morning.”

  He sighed, snaked his hand around the back of her neck, and tugged her forward until she was resting against him. “I told you no crying,” he reminded her. “It kills me to see you cry.” He rubbed his broad, calloused hand up and down her spine. “It’s no surprise you’re so emotional after last night.”

  “Because of the confrontation with Jacque and Louis.”

  His sigh ruffled her hair. “Because you were attacked, woman.” His voice was rough, but his touch was tender. “Most women would be still in bed, not putting on coffee.”

  “I guess I’m not most women.”

  “No, you’re not,” Mikhail agreed. “You’re special.” He paused and then added, “And you’re mine.” He eased her away from him. “Now go and get a shower while I make breakfast.”

  “You’re sure? I could whip up something fast.”

  He shook his head, and one corner of his mouth tipped up. “Don’t trust me not to burn down your kitchen?”

  He was teasing her, and she loved it. “If you’re sure?”

  His green eyes twinkled with humor. “It won’t be as tasty as anything Gator makes, but I won’t poison you, either.”

  She found herself smiling back at him. “I’m willing to take the risk if you are.”

  His smile disappeared, and she knew he understood she was talking about more than just his cooking. “I’m more than willing.”

  She knew that was true. He’d put his life on the line, fighting to save her. He’d also faced her sons without flinching.

  She went up on her toes and pressed her lips against his. The kiss was warm and tender, the kind that longtime lovers shared. They might not have consummated their relationship, but they’d touched one another both physically and emotionally.

  “I won’t be long,” she promised.

  “Take as much time as you need. I’ll be here.”

  She hurried to the bedroom, gathered the clothes she needed, and headed to the bathroom. The rattle of pans filtered in from the kitchen.

  Mikhail was cooking her breakfast. Elise was smiling when she stepped into the shower.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Mikhail lowered the paint roller and took a step back. “What do you think?” It had been two weeks since the attack on Elise. She was strong and healthy once again, but he couldn’t seem to stop hovering. He knew the rest of the pack was downright amused, but he didn’t care. Elise seemed to enjoy having him around.

  She stood in the center of the room and inspected the walls. “I like it.”

  The room was now a light, warm yellow tone. And if the room was a flower, Elise was its vibrant center. She was barefoot, wearing jeans and one of his T-shirts. There was a smudge of paint on her cheek, but the smile on her face outshone the sun.

  He set the roller back into the tray, walked over to her, and cupped her face in his hands. “You’ve got some paint.” He ran his thumb over the tiny splotch. “Right here.” When it was gone, he lowered his head and kissed her.

  She made a humming sound before she opened her mouth and used her tongue to tease his lips. He growled and thrust his tongue forward, dominating the kiss.

  His cock immediately sprang to life. No surprise there. He’d spent the past two weeks with a perpetual hard-on. After what she’d been through, he’d taken a step back. She was going to have to come to him this time.

  He consoled himself with the knowledge that he couldn’t die from sexual arousal. They’d spent time together alone and with the pack. No one had mentioned their relationship, at least not outright. The only difference from before was that Elise always sat next to him at pack dinners.

  They’d watched movies. He enjoyed cuddling up with her on the couch, even if it was a form of torture as well. To have her that close and not be able to make love to her was pushing the limits of his control, but he held on to the hope she would initiate their physical relationship once again.

  Elise slid her hands up his chest and around his neck. Her body pressed against his. In spite of his intentions to let her lead, he cupped her ass in his hands and pulled her pelvis against his. The heat from her groin pressed against his erection. It didn’t matter there were two layers of denim between them. Mikhail’s cock was in heaven.

  She didn’t wear jeans very often, preferring long skirts. Both had advantages. He loved the way her butt looked in jeans, but he could gain access to her bare skin much more easily in a skirt. Not that he’d been touching much of her bare skin the past couple weeks.

  He squeezed her behind, and she made a sexy moan that set his entire body on fire. His wolf was confused, not understanding why they weren’t mated. The beast wanted to claim her.

  The hell with waiting. Mikhail had reached his limits. He started to lift her feet off the floor when he heard the back door open.

  “We brought lunch,” a male voice called out.

  It was official. He was going to kill his brother-in-law. His sister might be sad for a while, but she’d get over it.

  Elise squirmed, and he knew the moment was shattered. He forced his fingers to release their grip on her ass. Elise’s cheeks were pink, but her eyes were twinkling and she was smiling.

  So maybe he wouldn’t kill Sage. At least not right away.

  Thankfully, it was Rina who poked her head in through the bedroom door. “Oops.” She started to back away, but there really was no point.

  “You might as well come in and take a look,” he told his sister.

  Rina smiled at Elise. “I’ve been dying to see what this color would look like on the walls.” She walked over to Elise and slipped her arm around her. “It’s better than I thought it would be. Light without being too bright, and it’s cozy, too.”

  “I like it,” Elise pronounced. “I’m glad I decided to make a change.” She glanced in his direction and smiled.

  Mikhail turned away and began to clean up the painting supplies. It was either that or face Elise and his sister with a very distinct boner.

  “Leave that,” Elise told him. “Lunch is here.” She turned back to Rina. “It’s so sweet of you to bring us food. You’re staying, right?”

  Rina glanced his way, and he nodded. “Absolutely.” He waited until the women had left the room before taking a deep breath. He pulled the tai
ls of his shirt out to cover his erection and then followed them out.

  Sage was unpacking a thermal bag. He grinned at Mikhail, the bastard. “We’ve got chicken noodle soup, chicken sandwiches, chips, and chocolate chip cookies.”

  “You made soup?” he asked his sister.

  She huffed and put her hands on her hips. “Yes, I made soup. Gator is teaching me.”

  “I’m sure it’s wonderful,” Elise assured her. “It smells amazing.”

  Mikhail stood back and watched with some amusement as Elise directed them all. “Sage, you take up the soup. Mikhail, you know where the dishes are. Rina, you can set out the rest while I put on the coffee.”

  They all fell into their assigned tasks and were soon sitting around the table eating. Mikhail relaxed as he watched Elise chatting with his sister. Contentment filled him. If he could get Elise into bed, he’d be a very happy man. True, he wouldn’t be completely happy until they were mated, but right now, he’d settle for being able to make love with her.

  They were having coffee and cookies when a sharp knock came on the door. “Come in,” Elise called.

  Reece opened the door and ushered Hannah inside. The girl was still reticent around Elise, so it was no surprise when Elise rose and went straight to her, arms wide open. After she hugged Hannah, Elise stepped back. “We’ve eaten lunch, but there’s cookies and coffee,” she offered. “I can make something if you’re hungry.”

  Elise was a nurturer at heart. She was a good mother. Hell, she was an exceptional grandmother as well, but she sure as heck didn’t look like anyone’s idea of a granny.

  He shifted position, grateful to be sitting at the table. His erection showed no signs of dissipating anytime soon.

  “We’re fine,” Reece assured her. He held up a large package. “This came for you. Hannah said you’d want it right away.”

  “My curtains.” Elise took the package from Reece. “That’s so thoughtful of you. Thank you.” She set the bundle on the table and tugged at the tape. “We finished painting this morning. I can’t wait to see what the curtains look like against the new wall color.”

  She pulled out a plastic-wrapped packet and opened it. The bundle of fabric was mostly green, but it had little yellow flowers scattered over it. “Do you think the pattern is too busy?”

  Mikhail shrugged. “Don’t ask me. If you like it, it’s fine.”

  Elise gave a huff and shook out the curtains. “What do you think, Rina?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  Elise bit her bottom lip. “Maybe I should have gone with the mocha color for the walls and the brown curtains with the orange, yellow, and red leaves.”

  Mikhail hated to see her worry about anything, especially something as inconsequential as drapes. “You don’t like it, we’ll repaint,” he told her.


  He stood and went to her side. He took the drape panel from her and tossed it onto her chair. “Really.” He bent down and kissed her. “You decide and let me know if I have to go to town this afternoon for more paint.”

  He glanced at the twins. “I’m going for a run.” He had to get out of here before he did something totally stupid like tossing Elise over his shoulder and carrying her—

  That was a large part of the problem. There was nowhere to carry her. The bedroom was torn apart and they were sleeping on her sofa until it was redone. He didn’t have a home, only a room at his sister’s place.

  “I’ll be back,” he promised Elise. Then he was out the door. Not surprisingly, Sage and Reece followed.

  When he gave Sage a questioning look, his brother-in-law shrugged. “Best to get out of the way when they start talking color and design.” He slapped Mikhail on the back. “Besides, you look like you could use the company.”

  “You seem a little…on edge,” Reece teased.

  Mikhail stripped off his shirt and then gave Reece the finger. Both younger men laughed. Mikhail ignored them and yanked off the rest of his clothes. He embraced his wolf and seconds later, the man was gone and only the beast remained.

  Reece was slower to shift, but soon there was another wolf. He wished Sage could shift, too, but there was no point dwelling on the impossible.

  “Lead on,” Sage told him.

  Mikhail whirled around and disappeared into the trees.


  “You don’t think he’s mad, do you?” Elise asked Rina. She’d have a better gauge of her brother’s moods.

  Rina frowned. “Why would he be mad?”

  Elise held up the curtains against the window, being careful not to let the fabric touch the still tacky paint. “Because as much as I like the yellow on the walls, I think the mocha color and the other drapes would be better. What do you think?” she asked Hannah.

  The younger woman was hovering just inside the doorway. Elise knew she was still upset over her father’s actions. She went to Hannah, wrapped her arm around her shoulders, and hugged her. “Please don’t let Troy come between us.” Elise really liked Hannah and hadn’t spent much time with her since the attack. “He’s not worth it.”

  Hannah straightened her shoulders. “I won’t,” she promised. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Oh, honey, I’ve missed you, too.” She dropped the curtains on the floor and pulled her into her arms. “I never had a daughter, and I consider you the daughter of my heart. You, too,” she told Rina. “But that might be awkward considering my relationship with your brother.”

  Rina laughed and came over to make their hug a group one. “That’s okay. Mikhail treats me more like a daughter most of the time anyway.” Rina stepped back and wrinkled her nose. “And speaking of my brother. It might be none of my business, but he was looking a little tense.”

  Elise glanced away. She was blushing, but there was nothing she could do about that. “I think he might be a little…frustrated. We were just starting to get physically close. Then the attack happened, and Mikhail’s backed off. We kiss and hug, but…” Elise shrugged, not quite sure how to articulate this aspect of their relationship.

  “My poor brother,” Rina muttered.

  Hannah laughed and then slapped her hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry,” she said when she regained control. “It’s really not funny, but it is. Poor Mikhail,” she echoed.

  “It’s not because he doesn’t care. It’s because he does.” Rina stroked her hand over Elise’s arm. “He’s waiting for you to make the next move.”

  Elise had suspected as much, but it was good to have it confirmed. Corrine might be her oldest friend, but they had a different kind of relationship. She couldn’t imagine talking about something like this to her. Maybe that was wrong of her, but the parameters of their relationship had been set by their circumstances years ago.

  Maybe it was time to change them.

  “I should call Corrine and see what she thinks. About the drapes,” Elise added. Then she sighed. “Who am I kidding? I want her opinion about Mikhail, too.”

  Rina reached down and picked up the crumpled drapes. “I think you’re right. About calling Corrine, and about the drapes. I think the mocha color would work better on the walls. These drapes are too—” Rina shook her head. “Fussy. Or maybe busy.”

  “You’re right.” Elise held out her hands for the drapes, but Rina shook her head.

  “Hannah and I will take care of these. You call Corrine.”

  Elise left them and went to the kitchen. She pulled her phone out of the charger and dialed her friend’s number.

  “Elise, is everything okay?” Corrine asked as soon as she answered.

  Elise took a deep breath. “Everything is fine. I need to talk to you. Can you come?”

  “I’ll be right there.” The call ended, and Elise set her phone on the counter. Only a few minutes passed before the back door opened and Corrine stepped inside. They were both older women who looked younger due to their genetics. Personally, Elise thought they both looked better than they had ten years ago. Living without stress had changed

  Elise wasn’t sure what she’d planned to say. “I don’t know what to do?” came out of her mouth.

  Her oldest friend came over to her and hugged her. “I know.” And Corrine did know. More than anyone, she understood what Elise had gone through. “But Mikhail is nothing like Pierre,” Corrine whispered in her ear. “And you are not the woman you were.”

  “I’m sorry.” She was guilty of avoiding her friend these past couple weeks.

  Understanding glowed in Corrine’s eyes. “It’s easier to talk to those who don’t know what you lived through.”

  Elise nodded. “Yes.”

  Corrine brushed a lock of hair out of Elise’s face. “But no one else truly understands.”

  Tears trickled down Elise’s cheeks, but they were good tears. Cleansing.

  “Should we go?” Rina asked. She and Hannah hovered at the end of the hallway with the curtains all packaged up once again.

  Elise swiped at the moisture on her cheeks and shook her head. “I’d like you to stay, if you want.” She liked both women and wanted to build a friendship with them. Elise loved all the women in the pack, but the only close friend she really had was Corrine. She wanted to change that.

  “I have pie,” she offered.

  Hannah smiled, the first genuine one Elise had seen in weeks. “What kind?”

  “Apple, lemon meringue, and blueberry. I found some frozen berries in the refrigerator yesterday.” And she knew how much Mikhail loved pie and had wanted to do something for him.

  Rina set the curtains on the table. “I’ll put on some fresh coffee.”

  “I’ll get the plates,” Hannah offered.

  “I’ll get the pies.” Corrine patted her arm before joining the other women in the kitchen. Some of the weight that had been pressing down on her since the attack dissipated. She didn’t have to live in the past. The only one keeping her there was herself.

  She knew she’d done the other women of the pack a disservice. She was the one who’d set limits on their relationships, not them. That would have to change.


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