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Trucker (The Good Guys #1)

Page 6

by Jamie Schlosser

  “I know you did. And I broke that rule, but I’m not sorry. I couldn’t just leave her there,” I said as I looked him in the eye.

  ‘No hitchhikers’ had been one of the first rules he made, and at the time that had been a given. Picking up a random person off the side of the road had never been something I thought I’d do.

  I knew Hank still saw me as a kid and he was just looking out for me. But I couldn’t be sorry about this. If I hadn’t been at the right place at the right time… I didn’t even want to think of where Angel could be right now. Her eyes darted back and forth between Hank and me while a silent communication passed between us. I could see he understood what I meant. Then I saw the wheels turning in his head and a slow smile spread across his face.

  Ah, shit. He could tell I had feelings for her.

  “Alright then,” he said, still grinning like an idiot. “I’ll see you on Monday, Travis. It was great to meet you, Angel.”

  On that note, Hank walked back to his office while whistling a random tune, and I realized Colton was still hanging around. He’d been pretending to fiddle with a carburetor while eavesdropping.

  Nosy prick.

  “So, I guess that means you’re coming with us to The Brick House tonight?” he asked Angel.

  “The what?” She looked confused.

  “Dinner, dancing, drinks…” Colton explained.

  “Oh, well, I’m not old enough to drink.” She nervously toyed with the end of her braid. “Is it a bar?”

  “It’s a family restaurant,” he informed her. “And it also happens to be a bar. They don’t usually let people under the age of twenty-one in after nine, but if you come before then, they won’t kick you out.”

  “I don’t want to be party pooper. Maybe you guys should go without me. Plus, I don’t really have anything to wear…” She looked at me for help. People had a hard time saying no to Colton. The guy was so damn friendly, not to mention persistent. “And I don’t dance,” she added.

  “Hey, that’s perfect actually.” He gave me a pointed look. “Because Travis doesn’t dance either.”

  “Can I think about it?” she replied.

  “Nope,” he said and walked away while yelling over his shoulder. “See you tonight!”

  I laughed and grabbed our bags. “I’ll show you to my place. It’s not far.”

  I led her out of the open garage and took a left down Main Street.

  Illinois weather was always unpredictable and inconsistent, especially when the seasons changed. The whole month of June could alternate between hot and humid one day to rainy and cold the next. Today, however, was perfect, with clear blue skies and temps in the mid-eighties.

  We passed an empty storefront that had been unoccupied for two years, since the salon didn’t work out. I gave Angel a brief history lesson about the different businesses that didn’t last.

  Just on the other side of the vacant windows, there was a building that used to be somewhat of a warehouse. Someone bought it and turned it into four two-bedroom apartment units. One of them was mine.

  “Wow.” Angel laughed when we came to a stop at my door. “You said it wasn’t far, but I didn’t think you meant a block.” She looked back down the street, noticing how close I lived to the shop.

  “It’s convenient, to say the least,” I said as I turned the key in the lock and motioned for her go in ahead of me.

  Once we got inside I showed her the galley kitchen and the small dining area off to the right.

  As if seeing it for the very first time, I looked around and realized she might not be very impressed. I’d never been self-conscious about my place before, but I knew it wasn’t extravagant.

  The man who remodeled the place did a great job, but didn’t use fancy materials. The kitchen had white appliances, oak colored cabinets, and gray laminate counter tops. Throughout the entire apartment, the floor was a peel-and-stick vinyl that resembled wood flooring and the walls were painted a basic off-white.

  Frowning, I looked at the eating space, which was just an old card table and three chairs.

  In true Angel fashion, she pointed out the obvious. “What happened to the fourth chair?”

  I chuckled. “There wasn’t one. We bought the set from a yard sale down the street when we moved in. That was three years ago.” I self-consciously raked my hand through my hair, realizing I’d left my hat back at the shop when Colton knocked it off. “I guess it’s probably time for an upgrade.”

  “Don’t be silly!” Angel exclaimed. “It gives the space character.”

  She turned around and took in the living room, which was literally two steps away. My apartment had an open floor plan, but the space was small.

  “The living room,” I said pointlessly as I made a sweeping motion with my arm.

  Colton and I spent a decent amount of money on the beige microfiber living room set. An armchair sat adjacent to a large couch that lined the back wall of the living room. The coffee table sat on top of a large white shag rug and our 46” flat screen TV was mounted to the wall opposite the couch.

  “It’s really nice.” She turned in a full circle and smiled.

  I could tell she was being honest. She really did think it was nice. I guess I could add ‘low-maintenance’ to the growing list of things I already liked about her.

  “Thanks. Colt and I like it.”

  “You know what I’d really love?” She looked up at me with those big eyes. “A shower.”

  Angel then proceeded to explain her unfortunate attempt at bathing in the restroom at the truck stop. By the time she finished the story I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. I flopped down on the couch and she sat next to me.

  “That’s why you looked like a drowned rat when you came out.” I sucked in a breath, trying to get my laughter under control.

  “You saw me?” Angel gasped. “You were there?”

  Although she glared at me, the corners of her lips twitched. I thought it was cute she was pretending to be offended. She knew that shit was hilarious.

  I nodded. “Yeah, I recognized you. That’s why I pulled over.”

  Her eyes softened and her voice came out quietly. “I’m really glad you did.”

  “So am I. If I hadn’t, you could be sopping wet on a bathroom floor somewhere,” I teased.

  She shuddered and shook her head. “I’ll never do that again.”

  “You won’t have to, even when we go on trips. The truck stop we were at was small and outdated but most of them have showers now, especially the big chain stores,” I told her. “Some of them are really nice and truckers usually get free shower coupons when we buy fuel. It can get a little expensive for other people, though. Sometimes six to twelve dollars per shower…”

  I trailed off because my attention was drawn to her mouth. She was biting her lower lip and looking at me like she wanted to say something. Or do something.

  Fascinated, I watched all the thoughts play out across her features. I could clearly see her contemplating her next move. She was so transparent. I could get lost in all her different expressions.

  Taking me by surprise, Angel lunged forward and hugged me around the neck.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, but she didn’t let go.

  I knew what she meant. This wasn’t a simple thank you for the trip we were going to take or the hot shower she was going to get. She was grateful for everything.

  At first glance, someone could assume Angel was spoiled rotten. That she’d lived a life of privilege. But they’d be wrong. She was one of the most sincere, humble people I’d ever met.

  She was sitting on her knees next to me on the couch and her arms were still wrapped around me as I returned the embrace. I felt her breasts press up against me and they rubbed up and down slightly with each breath she took.

  I thought about how easy it would be to hook my hand under her thigh and bring her leg around my waist so she was straddling me. And I wanted that. Wanted her legs wrapped around me.

bsp; My skin tingled everywhere she touched me and I wondered if she felt it, too.

  She pulled back until our faces were so close I could feel her breath against my cheek. Her eyes were wide and searching as she looked at me, and I could tell she didn’t know what to do next.

  But I knew.

  I slowly brought my lips to hers and gave her a gentle kiss.

  Keeping my eyes open, I watched her reaction. Her eyes lids dropped and she softly returned the chaste action, her lips automatically responding to mine.

  Then I did what I’d wanted to do since the first time I saw her. I drew her pouty bottom lip into my mouth and bit down a little. Angel gasped and I released it. But I wasn’t done yet. And the look in her eyes said she wasn’t either.

  This time when we kissed, she parted her lips and I slipped my tongue inside her mouth.

  When her soft tongue met mine, the kiss turned heated. Her hands left my neck to thread her fingers through my hair. Our mouths melded together as we desperately nipped and stroked each other in perfect rhythm. She sucked my tongue into her mouth and I groaned.

  Bringing my hands to her waist, I dragged her onto my lap, placing her thighs on either side of mine. My hands slid down from her waist to grip her hips, while my mouth traveled to her neck. I gently sucked the place under her ear and she whimpered.

  Sexiest fucking sound I’d ever heard.

  Returning my lips to hers, I didn’t hold back. I sucked her bottom lip into my mouth. Hard.

  Whether it was intentional or not, her hips bucked forward over mine and I hissed when her hot center rubbed over my throbbing, hard-as-hell cock.

  We both went completely still, panting into each other’s mouths. Her fingers were tangled in my hair and my hands still gripped her hips.

  I think we both realized at the same time we needed to slow down.

  The kiss had been so unexpectedly explosive, and the attraction was intense—so far beyond anything I’d ever experienced before. I think we were both surprised by the impact of the moment because the look of shock on her face mirrored mine.

  The hammering in my chest was so loud, I was sure she could hear it.

  Who knew a kiss could be so powerful?


  I was completely out of control.

  My mind told me one thing—Don’t dry-hump him on the couch, Angel—and then I did the exact opposite.

  Travis’s hands left my hips and came up to cradle my face but he didn’t kiss me again.

  He gently ran the tip of his nose down the slope of mine.

  Such a simple gesture.

  It was sweet and intimate and it made butterflies erupt in my stomach. It was, hands down, the most romantic thing anyone had ever done.

  “You better go take that shower,” he whispered against my lips. “Feel free to use as much hot water as you want.” He released my face and leaned back. “Because I’ll definitely need a cold shower after this.”

  I giggled. Well, I attempted to giggle but I was so wound up from the sexual tension it came out sounding more like a squawk.

  After awkwardly climbing off his lap, Travis showed me to the bathroom and got me a towel from the hall closet.

  The bathroom was small, but surprisingly clean for a bachelor pad.

  Feeling giddy, I stepped into the stand-up shower. I took my time getting clean, enjoying the hot spray and making the effort to shave. If we were going out tonight, I would probably wear a dress—the only dress I had in my backpack. I almost hadn’t packed it, thinking I wouldn’t have a reason to wear it. Now I was really glad I did.

  I changed back into my leggings and a clean tank top, realizing I needed to do laundry soon.

  After coming out of the bathroom, Travis finished the tour of the apartment.

  Leading me down a small hallway, he pointed to Colton’s door before showing me to his room, which had one of the most comfortable beds I’d ever seen. A fluffy, dark blue comforter was spread neatly over the mattress and several white pillows were piled at the head of the bed.

  “You can have the bed and I’ll take the couch,” he said.

  “Seriously?” I leveled him with a look and raised my eyebrows. “We spent last night on your tiny sleeper bed. This bed is huge.” I pointed to the king size monstrosity that took up most of the room. “There’s no reason why we can’t share. I’m not making you sleep on a couch for the next three weeks.”

  He looked torn and roughly ran a hand through his hair. “We can see how it goes.”

  I held my hands up. “I promise not to accost you while you’re sleep. We can even put up a pillow wall between us,” I suggested.

  “It’s not you I’m worried about,” he grumbled quietly. “Hey, do you need a hair dryer?” he asked, effectively changing the subject. “Girls like those, right? Colton’s girlfriend left one here if you want to use it.”

  “Seriously? Yes!” I practically screeched, and Travis winced from how loud it was. We both laughed and I shrugged sheepishly. “My hair can be really hard to manage if I don’t dry it straight.” I waved my hand towards the wide, natural waves.

  Not knowing what else to do with it, I’d haphazardly thrown my hair back into a braid after the shower. But now, the rogue strands were barely contained, giving me a bit of finger-in-light-socket look.

  Travis told me the dryer was under the bathroom sink, and said he’d be in the kitchen trying to figure out if they had any food. Apparently, Colton wasn’t much of a grocery shopper.

  While I was drying my hair, my mind wandered to what happened on the couch earlier. Just thinking about it made me throb between my thighs and I could feel a slickness beneath my damp panties.

  I looked at my reflection as I ran the brush through my hair, which was now sleek and free of my usual messy waves. My cheeks were flushed and my lips were still a bit swollen from the make-out session.

  Tilting my head to the side, I ran the tips of my fingers over the spot on my neck where Travis’s mouth had latched on. There was no mark left behind, no evidence of where his lips had been. But I could still feel it.

  Actually, I felt hot and tingly all over. Even my fingertips buzzed with excitement. All I could think about was how much I wanted to do it again, but I wasn’t sure jumping on the guy was the best idea. Travis had looked just as taken aback by the encounter as I felt.

  After I was done in the bathroom, Travis decided to take his turn in the shower.

  I was in his bedroom sorting through my dirty laundry when I heard yelling. Or what I thought was yelling. At first I was alarmed, then I realized what the sound was.

  Is that singing?

  Travis wasn’t kidding about singing in the shower. Or how bad it was.

  It was terrible. Like a stampede of pissed-off elephants kind of terrible.

  Holding a hand to my stomach, I doubled over from laughing so hard. His voice carried loudly above the sound of the running water, totally off-key. It was so bad I couldn’t even make out what song he was singing.

  Or attempting to sing.

  It was pure, uninhibited hollering.

  As I listened—because I had no choice to do otherwise—I made out a couple of words. At some point, he shouted ‘highway’ and ‘drive’, but it still didn’t clue me in on the song.

  I was still wiping tears from the corners of my eyes when Travis came out and my laughter died in my throat.

  He was wearing a towel. Only a towel.

  Drops of water still trailed down his chest and stomach. One drop was caught on his right nipple and my face grew hot at the thought of licking it off.

  His face was clean-shaven now. Not only did it make him look younger, but it made his dimples pop more when he smiled.

  And he was probably smiling because he caught me checking him out.

  I realized I was staring but I couldn’t stop. Travis slowly walked towards me until I could feel the heat coming off of his body. He brought his finger up to my face and for a second I thought he was going to kiss

  When he pushed up on my chin, I realized he wasn’t going to kiss me—he was closing my jaw for me because I was just gaping at him. I hadn’t even realized my mouth was open.

  I was one step away from drooling. Awesome.

  Totally embarrassed, I glanced up to see him smirking at me and all I could do was shrug.

  Terrible singing forgotten, I shuffled around him so he could get to his room to put some clothes on.

  The rest of the afternoon was fairly uneventful. Travis and I watched some bad reality shows and after showing me what little food they had, he said we would need to go grocery shopping tomorrow. The contents of their fridge was seriously lacking. There was an old pizza box, a jar of pickles, bottled water, and beer. That was it.

  I didn’t put on makeup often because I’d never been very skilled at it. The mascara wand and I had a tumultuous history and I valued my eyesight.

  Tonight, however, was sort of a special occasion. I hadn’t been out with friends in forever. Distracted by funeral arrangements and grief, I’d even missed my senior prom.

  Travis and Colton were new friends, but they were just about the best friends I had right now.

  Sad? Yeah, sort of. But I was too excited to care.

  Being very careful not to poke myself in the eye during the process, I applied foundation, blush, eyeliner and mascara, then finished off my look with some pink lip gloss.

  Next I put on my sundress, which had a retro-style feel to it. It was navy blue with tiny white polka-dots and had a halter top that tied around my neck. The fabric was lightweight cotton and it was perfect for warmer days.

  The flowy skirt fell to mid-thigh and I completed my summer look with white sequined flip-flops. My only other option were my Converse sneakers and I knew they wouldn’t look right with a dress.

  When I glanced in the mirror, I was pleased to notice my breasts look fuller from the shape of the sweetheart neckline. I even had some cleavage going on.

  I wasn’t a fashion guru, but I was satisfied with my look. Simple. Pretty.

  After running the brush through my hair one more time, I came out of the bathroom and found Travis watching a baseball game on TV in the living room. His eyes flitted up to me and his jaw went slack.


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